DM Brainiac's Tyrant's Grasp (COMPLETE!)
Game Master
Battle Maps on Google Slides
Loot Spreadsheet
Current Date: 19 Gozran, 4719 AR
Game Concluded
That's what happens when you make a deal with the devil. ;P
RETIRED - ascended to godhood.
In this case it was a nihilistic god, but I agree with you ;P
Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9 I HP 64/76 I AC 23 [T 14 FF 20] I Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7(9) I Init +2 I Percep +1 I Conditions:
Ah well, you know what they say about nihilism: it's not just a river in Osirion ;-)
Female NG Changeling (Annis-born / Molthunian) Slayer 10 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 22 (13 Tch,19 Fl) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28| F: +11, R: +11, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +19, SM: +12, Darkvision 60ft | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None.
That. Hurt.
And check. That means Elká only has 2 damage right now and that should be alright. I hope. Right, DM? Okay, let's carry on.
Giving Elka and Ulrich a chance to offer input before moving on.
When the time comes there are two doors in the courtyard, one locked and one unlocked. Let me know which one you want to go to first.
Male Human Necromancer 18 | HP 112/112 (0 temp)| AC10T10FF10 | Ft +14 Rf +12 Wi +22 | Init +4 | Perc +17 l CMD 18 l Share Essence 11/11 l Lifesense 18/18 l Current Effects:
Oh. Well you guys can tell how often I play characters that use metamagic...
Game Concluded
I imagine the key Prince Upstart gave us unlocks the locked one. Let's check the unlocked door first.
No worries, Ulrich. I've only had one character use meta-magic and that's via a rod just like this one.
Male Human Necromancer 18 | HP 112/112 (0 temp)| AC10T10FF10 | Ft +14 Rf +12 Wi +22 | Init +4 | Perc +17 l CMD 18 l Share Essence 11/11 l Lifesense 18/18 l Current Effects:
If you ever want to use my rod *snickers* you have only to ask.
Game Concluded
*Looks at Allie with wide eyes*
Did Ulrich just steal our schtick?
You wait your turn young man. We'll get to you yet. ;P
And with the subject of the most recent PMs between Allie and Gabbi, Ulrich's comment above is so much funnier. Let's just say that the availability of 'toys' was brought up. XD
RETIRED - ascended to godhood.
Hey, if you don't want it Ulrich Allie will be happy to give it a safe, warm home! :P
Game Concluded
*hangs head*
I just can't take you anywhere.
Ok, since we're going there ...
I don't think the descriptive word you're looking for is 'warm'. ;P
RETIRED - ascended to godhood.
Care to enlighten sister dearest? :)
Game Concluded
Hmmm... words that come to mind:
Clammy (at times)
Dirty (at times)
We were talking about Allie's hands, right?
;) ;)
Female NG Changeling (Annis-born / Molthunian) Slayer 10 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 22 (13 Tch,19 Fl) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28| F: +11, R: +11, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +19, SM: +12, Darkvision 60ft | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None.
Here's one for future use: tumescent.
RETIRED - ascended to godhood.
Game Concluded
Elká Syrellè wrote: Here's one for future use: tumescent. I didn't know hands did that.
Crunch indeed. Cross posted with Gabby.
Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9 I HP 64/76 I AC 23 [T 14 FF 20] I Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7(9) I Init +2 I Percep +1 I Conditions:
Does anyone want to take the Outflank teamwork feat at some point? Bonus to hit while flanking plus an AoO whenever someone scores a crit...
I might even take the Improved Critical feat.
Game Concluded
I lurv Outflank. :)
It wouldn't do Gabbi any good, though, sorry.
Female NG Changeling (Annis-born / Molthunian) Slayer 10 | HP: 85/85 | AC: 22 (13 Tch,19 Fl) | CMB: +15, CMD: 28| F: +11, R: +11, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +19, SM: +12, Darkvision 60ft | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None.
If Elká ever has a free feat slot, sure, but I want to pick up stuff like Iron Will, Greater Fortitude, Power Attack and Improved Natural Attack in the coming few levels. Depending on how big a thing traps will be, I might also pick up Skill Focus Perception.
.. so, yeah :x
RETIRED - ascended to godhood.
I'm happy to but I need to decide exactly what I am - combat or magic. I'm looking at Bonded Mind with Gabbi at 3 and then probably CWI at 5. I could get outflank at 7 before that cool Grapple/Dirty Trick feat at 9? Anything that helps me land combat manoeuvres is helpful, but I wouldn't be much good as a crit fisher. I can hold them still for Ellie to smash though! ;)
Waiting on resolution to the current Allie/Ellie scene and for somebody to climb the ladder.
Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9 I HP 64/76 I AC 23 [T 14 FF 20] I Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7(9) I Init +2 I Percep +1 I Conditions:
Sorry, real life/sleep intervened. Posting now :-)
EDIT: Ellie will climb the ladder, once she's got her breath back.
RETIRED - ascended to godhood.
I assume its because there's no shops in the Boneyard and we're going to end at a fairly high level that we keep finding all this really good loot!
You assume correctly. You won't have a real chance to shop until some time after the second book!
Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9 I HP 64/76 I AC 23 [T 14 FF 20] I Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7(9) I Init +2 I Percep +1 I Conditions:
Fair enough, but I gotta admit finding all this amazing loot is frankly terrifying. A 2nd level character with a mithral breastplate and adamantine weapon is either in the greatest Monty Haul campaign ever or in for a world of pain beyond imagination.
RETIRED - ascended to godhood.
Well so far:
Mithril Breastplate,
Alchemical Silver Sword,
Adamantine Flail,
+2 Dex Ioun Stone,
Extend Rod
Feathstep Slippers
We're not doing badly!
Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9 I HP 64/76 I AC 23 [T 14 FF 20] I Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7(9) I Init +2 I Percep +1 I Conditions:
Don't forget the masterwork shield! :-)
RETIRED - ascended to godhood.
Once we hit the end of the book I'll go through and total the loot properly - until then, we just carry what we're good at right? :)
Game Concluded
Map is up on slide 3. I will make it slide 1 tomorrow, can't do it on my iPad.
The esobok has 1HP left, if Gabby or Ulrich can whack it before it acts again.
Game Concluded
I've edited my post so Gabbi attacks with her crossbow, but true to form, she missed.
Raise your hand if you're surprised.
*looks around - doesn't see any hands*
Yeah, I didn't think so. :)
Male Nosoi Psychopomp HP 19/19 | AC 17 T 15 FF 14 | Ft +2 Rf +6 Wi +4 | Init +3 | Perc +9 l CMD 15 l Speak w/Dead 3/3 l Hide 1/1 l Sound 1/1 l Current Effects:
Sorry if that was too metagamy. I'm okay with removing my action if it's too much.
RETIRED - ascended to godhood.
It's almost like people don't want Allie to heal their wounds with vampire blood... :P
About to go to sleep, will resume posting in 4-5 hours.
Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9 I HP 64/76 I AC 23 [T 14 FF 20] I Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7(9) I Init +2 I Percep +1 I Conditions:
Too late now, but was going to say that Ellie could do with some protective magic like Protection from Evil to boost her saves before the fight. Her Will save is a definite Achilles heel.
The only buff that might affect her is a bless from Alessandra.
Male Human Necromancer 18 | HP 112/112 (0 temp)| AC10T10FF10 | Ft +14 Rf +12 Wi +22 | Init +4 | Perc +17 l CMD 18 l Share Essence 11/11 l Lifesense 18/18 l Current Effects:
I don't have PfE
You may prefer PfC (chaos) for fey
Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9 I HP 64/76 I AC 23 [T 14 FF 20] I Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7(9) I Init +2 I Percep +1 I Conditions:
Might be worth scribing some PfE/PfC scrolls. They could save Ellie's life, and by extension other more squishy types. 12.5 gp well spent.
Ellie, you can use your action this round to attempt another will save to break the hold person spell.
Female Human Fighter (Lore Warden) 9 I HP 64/76 I AC 23 [T 14 FF 20] I Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +7(9) I Init +2 I Percep +1 I Conditions:
Thanks - Iron Will feat FTW!
RETIRED - ascended to godhood.
I'll have bless going before combat starts.
I can pick up PfE next level I think - probably will too! Needed to get IH first though since Gabbi being our only healer wouldn't have worked out well!
Male Human Necromancer 18 | HP 112/112 (0 temp)| AC10T10FF10 | Ft +14 Rf +12 Wi +22 | Init +4 | Perc +17 l CMD 18 l Share Essence 11/11 l Lifesense 18/18 l Current Effects:
Ellie, I can't scribe a scroll for a spell that I don't have. Next level I'll see if I can pick up PfE or something similar, but I do get access to 2nd level spells, so I want to focus on those.
And if you want continuous spells cast on you, it wouldn't hurt for you to pitch in the coin for it as well.
RETIRED - ascended to godhood.
Like I said, I can cover PfE - you'll be better getting all the arcane specific goodness!
Game Concluded
I could take it at next level as well, although I was considering taking 'Lend Judgement' to share her judgement goodness with her sister.
Game Concluded
I looked again at 'Lend Judgement' and it's not as good as I thought. The recipient loses the benefit if I change judgements.
PfE would probably be a better choice for her. She's the one that's already going to be hanging back where Allie will be wanting to get stuck in right away rather than hang around and buff people.
Watcha'll think?