Power and Progress: Dragoncat's Homebrew Alkenstar Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Dragoncat

A campaign of exploration, cold wars and political intrigue, with Alkenstar caught in the middle.

Current Date: Fireday, 11th of Arodus, 4710 AR

Automatic Bonus Progression info

Map of Alkenstar City



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This is rad. Won't have a proper computer until later on but thanks!

Grats to those that made it in! you are sure to have fun!

Congrats to everyone that made it in-- wait, including me? Excellent!

To everyone else: I hope you find good games because y'all seem cool as hell.

Congrats, hope you all have a great game!


Ah well. Thanks for the inspiration, Dragoncat, and good luck to you and your players. I'll just mosey on, now. :)

Enjoy yourselves, all, and kick some wasteland mutant heinie for us too.

Congrats to everyone! :D

Good luck and have fun!

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