Power and Progress: Dragoncat's Homebrew Alkenstar Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Dragoncat

A campaign of exploration, cold wars and political intrigue, with Alkenstar caught in the middle.

Current Date: Fireday, 11th of Arodus, 4710 AR

Automatic Bonus Progression info

Map of Alkenstar City



Archpaladin Zousha

Oppian Nevilindor
Radiant Oath Archpaladin Zousha

(5,542 posts)
Gorm Greathammer
Daerokh Arrandur

Male Dwarf LG Ranger 3 | AC 15, T 12, FF 13 | 32/32 hp | Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5;| Init +2 | Percep +9 | CMD 17
(290 posts)

C B 380

C B 380

(10 posts)
Amin Jalento
Jase Everluck

Human Swashbuckler (Musketeer) 3 | HP 25/25 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15| F +2 R +6 W +1 | Init +5 | Perception +6 | CMB +5 CMD 18
(217 posts)



GM Who Must Be Feared & Obeyed (Or At Least Bribed With Cookies)
(3,954 posts)



female fetchling oracle of bones 2 | HP 21/27; THP 0/0; N/L 0/0 | AC 13 (17) FF 10 (14) TAC 13 | F +4, R +3, W +2 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Init +3 | Per +2 (+2 surp/inv/inc) | Defenses: Resis C/E 5; +2 saves vs swarms/mind effect; Shadow Blending 50% conceal in dim light | Curse: only aklo in combat | Revelations: Armor of Bones 1/2hr per day | Spells: Lvl 1 6/6
(121 posts)


Tsadok Goldtooth
Tuco 'The Tailor' Rizer

M Half-Orc Tatter / Mirror 3 - HP 22/22 - AC 15 - TAC 13 - FF 12 - CMD 14 - Init +3 - Fort +4 - Ref +5 - Will +5 - Perc +10 (+8 Smells) - Scent, Darkvision 60 - Omen 0/2 - ASF 5% - Communed - Kit 9/10
(251 posts)


Daji the Fox
GM Nine-Tuiles

Among the Gods
(1,026 posts)
Dinvaya Lanalei
Joie Patronne

Female Half-Elf LN Strangler 3 | AC 15, T 12, FF 13 | 28/28 hp | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +4;| Init +4 | Percep +6 | CMD 17
(245 posts)

Previous Players