Shieldmarshal Lucas Greystone: A Garundi shieldmarshal in charge of the investigation into the Smokeside Scribe Slasher.
Mattis Verne: A researcher and scribe who focuses on magical artifacts and phenomena. He lives in Smokeside with his deaf white long-haired cat Chloe.
Zarine: Faithe's friend. A caffeine fiend.
Bahadur Jayakhumar: A Vudrani merchant and friend of Daerokh's.
Lieutenant Maya Venard: A Nexian lieutenant and Joie's boss.
Emoric Brom: A Garundi blacksmith who forged the Slasher's murder weapon. The weapon was stolen from his shop.
Coroner Rissom: The chief medical examiner of Steamhaven's morgue. A nearsighted old man.