GM Bret’s Outpost II Solstice Scar D Tier 5-6 (Inactive)

Game Master BretI

Solstice Scar D Maps

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Please dot and delete with the character you will be playing.

Some of your group were involved in the events in the Tusk Mountains, others have joined along the way to the Fangwood Forest.

Today Ambrus Valsin announced “We will be assigning teams tonight! Please introduce yourselves to your teammates and share what you know of the situation! It is likely that not everyone on your team were there for Nigel’s latest blunder.

As the laughter dies down, he states “Be ready to move as a group tomorrow morning. Our destination is the Fangwood!

Campfires are already lit and food is being served as people get their assignments.

Please only share information about what happened in Parts 1-4 of Solstice Scar. Do not share anything from the Forest.

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Human (Tien) Monk (Unchained) 10 | HP 94/94| AC 30 T 23 FF 27 | CMB +15, CMD 38 | F +9 R +10 Will +10 (+2 Vs enchantment spells and effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +18, SM: +15 | Speed 60ft | Stunning Fist: 10/10 | Ki Pool: 10/12 | Active conditions: Mage Armour, Shadow Splinter, Barkskin

A young man with a shaved head enters. The light gleams off his scalp and off the monk's spade he holds in his right hand. Various other weapons are secreted around his flowing outfit. He moves with a grace showing his superior control over his body.

Silver Crusade

M Half-Elf Paladin (holy guide) of Iomedae 4/ Slayer (vanguard) 3 HP 46/46 | AC 23 (FF 20 Touch 14) CMD 22 | Init +5| Saves Fort +11 Reflex +10, Will +9 (+2 v enchantments)| Per +15, SenMot +8 Spd 30' Effects Active: none | Lay on Hands 5/6 | Smite Evil 2/2 | Channel Pos 3/3 | Aura courage (10 ft.) | Immune sleep, disease, fear | Spells: Lvl 1 (Hero's Defiance); Detect Evil (at will) |

A young, thin, yet fit looking half-elf enters. He has wild brown wavy hair that covers his pointed ears, and a close kept beard and mustache. He wears weather beaten and rough-spun clothes that cover shiny light armor beneath it and he carries a light shield emblazoned with a long sword; which stands out due to it's fine polish, compared to more natural look of the rest of his attire. He wears a long sword and dagger at his hip, and a second longsword across his back. His look is very serious.

Greetings, I'm Carrick, a guide and Iomedaen, I'm at your service.

He tells his new teammates.

Where you amongst the collected group that battled White Dragons? Evil has been around every corner on this journey, I expected it will continue in that way.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Human Male Shaman-6 (Spirit: Heaven; Wandering Spirit: Lore) | HP 47+11 | AC 20 / 10 T / 20 FF | CMD 14 | Fort +6, Reflex +4, Will +11 | Init +6 | Perception +16; Familiar Bonus: +3 sight-based Perception checks in shadows/darkness | Hexes: Slumber (Will DC18), Heaven's Leap, Evil Eye (Will DC18); Wandering Hex: Arcane Enlightenment | Stardust 6/6 | Monstrous Insight 6/6 | Speed 30 ft. | Conditions: Barkskin, BlessFalse Life, Heightened Awareness

A thin man of average height and build saunters over to the campfire, a snowy owl perched on his shoulder. "Aye, white dragons and more." From beneath his tousled black hair, his midnight blue eyes sparkle like starlight, and he exudes an aura of dreamy otherworldliness.

"Well met, friends. My name's Skye, shaman of the Lyrune-Quah." The owl takes flight, her feathers reflecting the stars that would be visible in the night sky, despite the early hour. "That's Sova, my companion and spirit animal."

He unfurls a thin woolen bedroll and sits down cross-legged, adjusting his mithral breastplate for comfort and laying his long spear across his lap. Then he draws a tube-like pipe from his robes and a skin from his handy haversack. He fills the pipe with some water from the skin and pulls a pouch from another deep pocket of his robes, tamping it deftly into the pipe with a practiced hand. He fires it up and takes a deep pull, eyes closed. A few moments later, he releases a long, slow breath, a smoke ring rising above his head, then settling upon his brow. "Shoanti No. 7, my personal blend. I've got a little garden outside the Dark Archive." He offers the pipe to Kitajo and to Carrick.

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Human (Tien) Monk (Unchained) 10 | HP 94/94| AC 30 T 23 FF 27 | CMB +15, CMD 38 | F +9 R +10 Will +10 (+2 Vs enchantment spells and effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +18, SM: +15 | Speed 60ft | Stunning Fist: 10/10 | Ki Pool: 10/12 | Active conditions: Mage Armour, Shadow Splinter, Barkskin

Kitajo waves off the proffered pipe. No thank you. Please excuse me, it is time for my physical practice.

The monk moves off a small way to an area roughly 10 feet square clear of people and objects. He begins slowly moving through a series of movements. He repeats the sequence several times, each time increasing the speed and tempo until he is moving at a breakneck speed. His fists and feet blur as he punches, jumps and kicks in multiple directions. He takes a moment to think then retrieves his monk's spade and performs a different set of movements in the same manner while wielding the weapon. Sweat beads on his shaved head and runs down his face and neck.

After an hour he returns, takes a swig from a water skin and reaches into his pack. With a practiced air he begins to read the book that he has retrieved from within his possessions. He looks up Cultivation of the body and the mind are equally important, do you not think?

Dark Archive

CG Human Male Shaman-6 (Spirit: Heaven; Wandering Spirit: Lore) | HP 47+11 | AC 20 / 10 T / 20 FF | CMD 14 | Fort +6, Reflex +4, Will +11 | Init +6 | Perception +16; Familiar Bonus: +3 sight-based Perception checks in shadows/darkness | Hexes: Slumber (Will DC18), Heaven's Leap, Evil Eye (Will DC18); Wandering Hex: Arcane Enlightenment | Stardust 6/6 | Monstrous Insight 6/6 | Speed 30 ft. | Conditions: Barkskin, BlessFalse Life, Heightened Awareness

"Absolutely, dude." Skye stretches out, lying back and gazing up into the heavens through heavy-lidded eyes. "That's what I'm doing."

He drums his long, slender fingers on his mat, keeping infinite time with the Song of Spheres.

CG Female Snowy Owl Tiny magical beast | HP 23/23 | AC 18 / 15 T / 15 FF | CMD 13 | Fort +2, Reflex +5, Will +7; improved evasion | Init +3 | Perception +14; low-light vision | Speed 10 ft., fly 70 ft. (average) | Conditions: None

Sova glides overhead, keeping watch.


Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
M Half-Elf Paladin (holy guide) of Iomedae 4/ Slayer (vanguard) 3 HP 46/46 | AC 23 (FF 20 Touch 14) CMD 22 | Init +5| Saves Fort +11 Reflex +10, Will +9 (+2 v enchantments)| Per +15, SenMot +8 Spd 30' Effects Active: none | Lay on Hands 5/6 | Smite Evil 2/2 | Channel Pos 3/3 | Aura courage (10 ft.) | Immune sleep, disease, fear | Spells: Lvl 1 (Hero's Defiance); Detect Evil (at will) |

Carrick takes the offered pipe, I've never tried one of these before.

He takes a tentative small drag and tries to hold it, but ends up coughing and choking and loosing his breath very quickly. Handing the pipe back.

When he finally collects himself... Well that was interesting.

Grand Lodge

Wheel of Monsters! || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺


The long journey south from the slopes of the Tusk Mountains to the edge of Fangwood took several weeks, during which many of the Twinhorns and Pathfinders exchanged ancestral stories and tales of daring adventures to pass the time on the relatively uneventful trek. By the time the Fangwood rises ahead in the brisk morning air, both groups are eager to confront whatever lies ahead.

Medda addresses the crowd gathered before her. “South of here lies a battlefield where the paladin Ivvora risked her life in a daring ploy to help her battalion defeat an undead horde. For her selflessness, Ivvora earned a token of Vildeis’s favor: the dagger she used to deal a terrible blow to Eshimka! For all the crusaders’ heroism, I can sense an undead taint lingered here, and that stretch of the Fangwood has expanded in the centuries since to absorb it. It is now our turn to earn Vildeis’s blessing, risking ourselves to end this threat so that in turn we might slay Eshimka once and for all.

“The terrain favors small groups over larger formations, so we shall divide into smaller groups to navigate the forest and identify the corruption’s heart. May Ivvora’s example guide us to victory!” With that, Medda and her phantom Anok turn and enter the Fangwood, followed by Pathfinder and Twinhorn teams that fan out behind her.

GMs, you may begin Part 5.

Sovereign Court

Female Human Rogue 05/Wizard 02 HP 48/48 AC 24 T 24 FF 19 Cmb +4 Cmd 18 F +2 R +9 W +7 Perc +11 In +10

"Hello everyone! I'm Vanya... and I've been here before... I think" says a tanned half taldan woman wearing a red bandana and a matching leather outfit, carrying herself with confident, almost feline, grace.

Grand Lodge

male Gillman Rog 6 HP 46 | AC 20; Touch 14; FF 16 | F +7; R +11; W +4 | CMB+5; CMD 20 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Stealth: +12 rogue 5

"I am not familiar with the area" Says a gillman dressed in armor and a backpack. He carries a short sword at his waist.

Brambles grow wild throughout the edge of the wood where a thick canopy of trees begins to filter out sunlight, turning day into night. The overgrown plant life forbids easy access deeper into the forest and fills the air with the sickly-sweet smell of decay.

It is a skill check to get through the brambles.

Each character must attempt a check.
Anyone with Wild Empathy may attempt that check, it is slightly easier.
Otherwise use one of Acrobatics, Climb, Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature), or Survival.

Those who fail the above checks will need to make either a Reflex save or a slightly more difficult Fortitude save.

Difficult of skill checks, do not look until after you have made the attempt:
Wild Empathy DC 20
Other skills DC 24

Sovereign Court

Female Human Rogue 05/Wizard 02 HP 48/48 AC 24 T 24 FF 19 Cmb +4 Cmd 18 F +2 R +9 W +7 Perc +11 In +10

Acrobatics check: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18

Vanya attempts to jump over the brambles...

Dark Archive

CG Human Male Shaman-6 (Spirit: Heaven; Wandering Spirit: Lore) | HP 47+11 | AC 20 / 10 T / 20 FF | CMD 14 | Fort +6, Reflex +4, Will +11 | Init +6 | Perception +16; Familiar Bonus: +3 sight-based Perception checks in shadows/darkness | Hexes: Slumber (Will DC18), Heaven's Leap, Evil Eye (Will DC18); Wandering Hex: Arcane Enlightenment | Stardust 6/6 | Monstrous Insight 6/6 | Speed 30 ft. | Conditions: Barkskin, BlessFalse Life, Heightened Awareness

Survival: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Fortitude Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Skye attempts to find a safe path through the hostile forest. It's not easy.

Silver Crusade

M Half-Elf Paladin (holy guide) of Iomedae 4/ Slayer (vanguard) 3 HP 46/46 | AC 23 (FF 20 Touch 14) CMD 22 | Init +5| Saves Fort +11 Reflex +10, Will +9 (+2 v enchantments)| Per +15, SenMot +8 Spd 30' Effects Active: none | Lay on Hands 5/6 | Smite Evil 2/2 | Channel Pos 3/3 | Aura courage (10 ft.) | Immune sleep, disease, fear | Spells: Lvl 1 (Hero's Defiance); Detect Evil (at will) |

Handle Animal: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Reflex: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Carrick has some difficulties with the brambles. But his quick reflexes keep him out of real trouble.

Vanya, I need a save from you. Looks like you will want to use Reflex.

Skye manages to get through the brambles, but it is fortunate he is so healthy. Others would have likely succumbed to the stench of the plants.

Carrick gives it a try, managing to get through by dodging most of the worst hazards.

I should have requested this earlier, please place yourselves on Slide 2.

Grand Lodge

male Gillman Rog 6 HP 46 | AC 20; Touch 14; FF 16 | F +7; R +11; W +4 | CMB+5; CMD 20 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Stealth: +12 rogue 5

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20

Reflex: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

Darrioos tries to move through the thorns.

Sovereign Court

Female Human Rogue 05/Wizard 02 HP 48/48 AC 24 T 24 FF 19 Cmb +4 Cmd 18 F +2 R +9 W +7 Perc +11 In +10

Reflex save: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

Despite failing to jump over the brambles Vanya manages to avoid the worst of their sting...

Or at least I hope so. Vanya also has evasion, if pertinent

Darrioos barely clears the brambles with his leap. Vanya doesn’t quite clear all of them herself, but fortunately falls gracefully and lands with style.

So far everyone has managed to make it through the hazard without ill effects.

Still waiting for Kitajo and Mun.

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Human (Tien) Monk (Unchained) 10 | HP 94/94| AC 30 T 23 FF 27 | CMB +15, CMD 38 | F +9 R +10 Will +10 (+2 Vs enchantment spells and effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +18, SM: +15 | Speed 60ft | Stunning Fist: 10/10 | Ki Pool: 10/12 | Active conditions: Mage Armour, Shadow Splinter, Barkskin

Kitajo tries to move through the brush with his lithe agility.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16

Reflex Save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Although Kitajo tries to clear the brambles, like Vanya he isn’t quite able to do it. Fortunately he is also able to twist out of the way.

I haven’t heard from Mun, but we will be moving ahead and hope he or a replacement come in soon.


Sorry for the delay, lots happening today.

The forest floor is blanketed with eerie dark flowers that paint the otherwise lightless woods with their purple incandescence. Disorienting paths cut through the trees, forward-facing paths seem to lead back to where they started, and retracing one's steps leads to unfamiliar terrain. Glowing eyes glare hungrily from within the impenetrable thickets where the vines slowly curl around anyone who gets too close.

Each character may attempt a Perception or Survival check. How many succeed will determine how far away the beasts are at the start of combat.

The thick canopy of the forest keeps any outside light from passing through, but the glowing flowers provide dim light throughout the area.

The local plant life seems to have a mind of its own and responds to intruders with displeasure. Any creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of the thickets must succeed at a Reflex save or become entangled. Entangled creatures can attempt to break free as a move action, succeeding with an Escape Artist check or Strength check. Alternatively, a creature can free itself by dealing enough slashing damage to the plants.

You could damage the plants with effects that specifically harm plants, do negative energy damage, or do fire damage.

Dark Archive

CG Human Male Shaman-6 (Spirit: Heaven; Wandering Spirit: Lore) | HP 47+11 | AC 20 / 10 T / 20 FF | CMD 14 | Fort +6, Reflex +4, Will +11 | Init +6 | Perception +16; Familiar Bonus: +3 sight-based Perception checks in shadows/darkness | Hexes: Slumber (Will DC18), Heaven's Leap, Evil Eye (Will DC18); Wandering Hex: Arcane Enlightenment | Stardust 6/6 | Monstrous Insight 6/6 | Speed 30 ft. | Conditions: Barkskin, BlessFalse Life, Heightened Awareness

Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34

Skye peers into the thickets, darkened by the dense canopy and the shadows cast by the luminescent deep purple flowers.

CG Female Snowy Owl Tiny magical beast | HP 23/23 | AC 18 / 15 T / 15 FF | CMD 13 | Fort +2, Reflex +5, Will +7; improved evasion | Init +3 | Perception +14; low-light vision | Speed 10 ft., fly 70 ft. (average) | Conditions: None

Low-Light Vision, Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27
Clutching Skye's shoulder with her talons, Sova ruffles her feathers, rotates her neck, and peers with an owl's great round eyes into the dense forest.

Silver Crusade

M Half-Elf Paladin (holy guide) of Iomedae 4/ Slayer (vanguard) 3 HP 46/46 | AC 23 (FF 20 Touch 14) CMD 22 | Init +5| Saves Fort +11 Reflex +10, Will +9 (+2 v enchantments)| Per +15, SenMot +8 Spd 30' Effects Active: none | Lay on Hands 5/6 | Smite Evil 2/2 | Channel Pos 3/3 | Aura courage (10 ft.) | Immune sleep, disease, fear | Spells: Lvl 1 (Hero's Defiance); Detect Evil (at will) |

Are those eyes over there? Carrick studies the thicket trying to make out what might be in there.

Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (1) + 14 = 15

But all the greenish hues just fade together.

Grand Lodge

male Gillman Rog 6 HP 46 | AC 20; Touch 14; FF 16 | F +7; R +11; W +4 | CMB+5; CMD 20 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Stealth: +12 rogue 5

Darrioos looks around the area.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

Silver Crusade

Male CN Elven Oracle 8 | HP: 39/43 | AC: 23 22 (16 15 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMD: 19 18 (18 Fl) | F: +5 +4, R: +10 +8, W: +7 +6 | Init: +8 +7 | Perc: +14 +13, SM +6 +5 | Speed 30 ft | Active conditions: prayer, haste


Mun looks surprised to see such a familiar setting, and then even more surprised when he sees a familiar face. "Kitajo! I... remember this place, but not you from it. Is this some trick of Shaine's weird time warble that we experienced in Jormurdun?"


Handle Animal: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Climb, Selune: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Reflex, Selune: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Mun clears the brambles easily, but has to help Selune who somewhat struggles with them.

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Perception, Selune: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Mun and Selune make it through the brambles without incident.

Still need checks from Kitajo and Vanya.

Still missing Carrick’s avatar on Slide 2

Sovereign Court

Female Human Rogue 05/Wizard 02 HP 48/48 AC 24 T 24 FF 19 Cmb +4 Cmd 18 F +2 R +9 W +7 Perc +11 In +10

Perception check: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

"Well... I'm pretty sure those plants should NOT behave THAT way..."

Silver Crusade

M Half-Elf Paladin (holy guide) of Iomedae 4/ Slayer (vanguard) 3 HP 46/46 | AC 23 (FF 20 Touch 14) CMD 22 | Init +5| Saves Fort +11 Reflex +10, Will +9 (+2 v enchantments)| Per +15, SenMot +8 Spd 30' Effects Active: none | Lay on Hands 5/6 | Smite Evil 2/2 | Channel Pos 3/3 | Aura courage (10 ft.) | Immune sleep, disease, fear | Spells: Lvl 1 (Hero's Defiance); Detect Evil (at will) |

Oops sorry on there now

Moved you forward into the forest, keeping the same basic formation.

Several of you spot the creatures long before they can sneak up on you.

It is a Knowledge: Arcana to identify these large creatures.

There are two large, spike covered vaguely reptilian creatures ahead with dagger sharp teeth and glowing purple eyes. Some of the strange, purple flowers you have seen throughout this section of forest are also growing from their bodies.


Carrick: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Darrioos: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Kitajo: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Mun: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Skye: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Vanya: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Red: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Green: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

Missed one!
Selûne: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Bolded may act.

Round 1:



Silver Crusade

Male CN Elven Oracle 8 | HP: 39/43 | AC: 23 22 (16 15 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMD: 19 18 (18 Fl) | F: +5 +4, R: +10 +8, W: +7 +6 | Init: +8 +7 | Perc: +14 +13, SM +6 +5 | Speed 30 ft | Active conditions: prayer, haste

Before we begin


Mun typically keeps mage armor up on Selune and ant haul up on himself, both cast from wands. Here are the UMD rolls for those to start; please let me know when they need to be refreshed.

Use Magic Device DC 20, mage armor: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (8) + 16 = 24
Use Magic Device DC 20, ant haul: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (20) + 16 = 36

Back to present

Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Mun doesn't look like he has any idea what these flowery lizards could be... but who could? Mixing plant with animal is some strange magic indeed. I will definitely have to look these creatures up in the Grand Lodge when we return. Still, he focuses on the task at hand, calling out to his patron. "Ashava, your blessing on us all!"


Standard: cast bless

Bless wrote:

Bless fills your allies with courage. Each ally gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.

Bless counters and dispels bane.

Mun calls out to Ashava for a blessing on the group.

Bolded may act.

Round 1:
Bless active, +1 morale attack, +1 morale on saves vs. fear effects



Dark Archive

CG Human Male Shaman-6 (Spirit: Heaven; Wandering Spirit: Lore) | HP 47+11 | AC 20 / 10 T / 20 FF | CMD 14 | Fort +6, Reflex +4, Will +11 | Init +6 | Perception +16; Familiar Bonus: +3 sight-based Perception checks in shadows/darkness | Hexes: Slumber (Will DC18), Heaven's Leap, Evil Eye (Will DC18); Wandering Hex: Arcane Enlightenment | Stardust 6/6 | Monstrous Insight 6/6 | Speed 30 ft. | Conditions: Barkskin, BlessFalse Life, Heightened Awareness

Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
(Priority: Immunities, Special Attacks, Resistances, Special Defenses)
Skye looses a low whistle. "Whoah! Those things are _______! I seem to recall something about them, namely ________."

Skye looses a low whistle. "Whoah! Those things are hodogs! Normally they have red eyes and no flowers growing on them."

N Large magical beast

10’ reach
Didn’t know anything except the basics.

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Human (Tien) Monk (Unchained) 10 | HP 94/94| AC 30 T 23 FF 27 | CMB +15, CMD 38 | F +9 R +10 Will +10 (+2 Vs enchantment spells and effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +18, SM: +15 | Speed 60ft | Stunning Fist: 10/10 | Ki Pool: 10/12 | Active conditions: Mage Armour, Shadow Splinter, Barkskin

I made a perception check yesterday. Looks like it got eaten :(

Kitajo advances on the beasts, but is careful to not outdistance his allies.

Kitajo advances towards the monsters, careful to not become lizard bait.

Bolded may act.

Round 1:
Bless active, +1 morale attack, +1 morale on saves vs. fear effects


Grand Lodge

male Gillman Rog 6 HP 46 | AC 20; Touch 14; FF 16 | F +7; R +11; W +4 | CMB+5; CMD 20 | Speed 30 ft | Init +4 | Perc +9 | Stealth: +12 rogue 5

Knowledge arcana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Darrioos moves up behind the monk and casts magic missile at the closest one.

mm: 3d4 + 3 ⇒ (1, 3, 4) + 3 = 11

Darrioos knows hodags are too stupid to know when they are dead (Ferocity) and that on a charge they can toss an opponent,

Toss (Ex) A hodag charging 20 feet or more that damages a foe with an attack can throw its foe with a special combat maneuver check. The opponent must be corporeal and at least one size category smaller than the hodag. If the combat maneuver check succeeds, the hodag's opponent is thrown 10 feet through the air in a direction chosen by the hodag and falls prone. The hodag can only toss its opponent in a straight line. If an obstacle prevents the creature's movement, both the creature tossed and the object struck take 1d6 points of damage, and the creature falls prone in the space adjacent to the obstacle. A hodag can also toss an opponent 10 feet up into the air. The victim lands in the same square it started in, falls prone, and takes 1d6 points of damage.

On the other hand, Magic Missile seems to work just fine against them!

Green charges Kitajo!
Bite, Charge: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 11 + 2 = 28
damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Toss: 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 13 + 2 = 24
It bites into him and then tries to fling him into the swamp, but Kitajo is able to wiggle out of the teeth before the hodag can toss him!

Bolded may act.

Round 1:
Bless active, +1 morale attack, +1 morale on saves vs. fear effects

Kitajo 10 damage
Green charged

Red 11 damage

Silver Crusade

M Half-Elf Paladin (holy guide) of Iomedae 4/ Slayer (vanguard) 3 HP 46/46 | AC 23 (FF 20 Touch 14) CMD 22 | Init +5| Saves Fort +11 Reflex +10, Will +9 (+2 v enchantments)| Per +15, SenMot +8 Spd 30' Effects Active: none | Lay on Hands 5/6 | Smite Evil 2/2 | Channel Pos 3/3 | Aura courage (10 ft.) | Immune sleep, disease, fear | Spells: Lvl 1 (Hero's Defiance); Detect Evil (at will) |

Carrick moves passed his fellow Pathfinders anticipating an attack by the second hodag; drawing his blade as he goes.

Double move in yellow

Carrick moves up, ready for action!

Bolded may act.

Round 1:
Bless active, +1 morale attack, +1 morale on saves vs. fear effects

Kitajo 10 damage
Green charged
Red 11 damage

Sovereign Court

Female Human Rogue 05/Wizard 02 HP 48/48 AC 24 T 24 FF 19 Cmb +4 Cmd 18 F +2 R +9 W +7 Perc +11 In +10

Vanya moves towards the rustling leaves and then suddenly... disappears!

Move and then cast vanish

Vanya moves and disappears.

Red moves slightly forward and then attacks Carrick with everything it has! It seems the undergrowth doesn’t impede their movement like it would for you.

bite: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

claw: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17
damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

claw: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

tail slap: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Wow! That is a lot of attacks! Fortunately only the tail hit!

Bolded may act.

Round 1:
Bless active, +1 morale attack, +1 morale on saves vs. fear effects

Green charged
Carrick 6 damage
Red 11 damage

Round 2:

Kitajo 10 damage

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Human (Tien) Monk (Unchained) 10 | HP 94/94| AC 30 T 23 FF 27 | CMB +15, CMD 38 | F +9 R +10 Will +10 (+2 Vs enchantment spells and effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +18, SM: +15 | Speed 60ft | Stunning Fist: 10/10 | Ki Pool: 10/12 | Active conditions: Mage Armour, Shadow Splinter, Barkskin

Kitajo steps into range with the green enemy and launches a punch in an attempt to stun the creature. Assuming I cannot flurry because I need to spend 10 feet of movement, difficult terrain?

Punch: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29 Damage: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Stunning fist on green. If it hits DC16 Fort save or be stunned for 1 round.

Yes, it is difficult terrain. Did you want to do an Acrobatics check to avoid the Attack of Opportunity?

Liberty's Edge

Male LN Human (Tien) Monk (Unchained) 10 | HP 94/94| AC 30 T 23 FF 27 | CMB +15, CMD 38 | F +9 R +10 Will +10 (+2 Vs enchantment spells and effects) | Init: +2 | Perc: +18, SM: +15 | Speed 60ft | Stunning Fist: 10/10 | Ki Pool: 10/12 | Active conditions: Mage Armour, Shadow Splinter, Barkskin

Yes Please

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24

Although Kitajo attempts to confound the hodag with his acrobatic maneuvers, the creature barely manages to track him. It snap at him with a bite!

bite: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Fortunately for Kitajo the bite misses.

Kitajo’s punch lands solidly!
Fort: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
The creature appears to be stunned!

Bolded may act.

Round 1:
Bless active, +1 morale attack, +1 morale on saves vs. fear effects

Green 14 damage charged, stunned
Carrick 6 damage
Red 11 damage

Round 2:


Kitajo 10 damage

Silver Crusade

Male CN Elven Oracle 8 | HP: 39/43 | AC: 23 22 (16 15 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMD: 19 18 (18 Fl) | F: +5 +4, R: +10 +8, W: +7 +6 | Init: +8 +7 | Perc: +14 +13, SM +6 +5 | Speed 30 ft | Active conditions: prayer, haste

Mun glances briefly down at Selune. "Stay with me now," he commands as he begins to move forward, summoning additional strength for both he and the bear. "And stay in front; don't let them get to me!" He gestures vaguely at the creatures ahead of them.


Free: Handle Animal (heel) DC 10, link: 1 + 6 + 4 = 11
Move: 20', drawing longspear
Standard: cast bull's strength on self and Selune with Improved Spell Sharing (2.5 minutes duration each)
Free: Handle Animal (defend) DC 10, link: 1 + 6 + 4 = 11

Bull's Strength wrote:

The subject becomes stronger. The spell grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, adding the usual benefits to melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, and other uses of the Strength modifier.

Female N Primal Companion Bear | HP: 43/68 | AC: 27 21 (15 13 Tch, 23 18 Fl) | CMD: 27 25 (23 22 Fl) | F: +11 +9, R: +12 +9, W: +5 +3 | Init: +3 | Perc: +7, SM +1| Speed 40 ft | Active conditions: see spoiler

Selune dutifully follows Mun's orders, following him and positioning herself in a defensive stance in front of the elf; she wavers back and forth as she rises on her hind feet, jaws snapping at anything that approaches.


Delay until after Mun
Move: 30'
Standard: readied attack vs any hodog that enters a threatened area

Bite, readied attack, bull's strength, bless: 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 8 + 2 + 1 = 13
Damage, B/P/S, bull's strength: 1d6 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 2 = 11

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