GM Bret’s Outpost II Solstice Scar D Tier 5-6 (Inactive)

Game Master BretI

Solstice Scar D Maps

Outpost II
Solstice Scar D Tier 5-6


Tier 5-6 Aid Tokens

Allied Offensive:
Effect: A Pathfinder agent strikes a creature at the same time as the PC, increasing the damage dealt by one attack by 2d8 points. In addition, after the attack, anyone attacking the target is considered to be flanking it until the beginning of the attacker's next turn.
To Boost: Succeed at an attack roll against an AC 20.
Boosted Effect: +1d8 points of damage.

Burst of Healing:
Effect: A Pathfinder agent heals all of the PCs of 3d6 points of damage.
To Boost: Expend one use of channel positive energy or cast one spell with the healing descriptor with a spell level greater than or equal to 3. A PC must cast this spell, not simply activate a wand or scroll.
Boosted Effect: +2d6 points of damage healed.

Timely Inspiration:
Effect: A Pathfinder agent provides the effects of a bard's inspire courage bardic performance for 3 rounds, giving a competence bonus of +2.
To Boost: Expend 3 rounds of bardic performance or similar ability.
Boosted Effect: Increase the competence bonus by 1.

Provide Knowledge (Must Be Boosted):
To Boost: Succeed at a Knowledge or Spellcraft check of your choice, the result of the check (Easy, Average or Hard) should be noted on the Aid Token.
Boosted Effect: Gain the benefits of a Knowledge skill check or Spellcraft skill check used to identify a magical item; the type and difficulty (Easy, Average or Hard) depend on the table granting the benefit.

Provide Spellcasting (Must Be Boosted):
To Boost: Cast one of the following spells and note your PC's name and caster level on the Aid Token: lesser restoration, neutralize poison, remove curse, or remove disease. Only these spells may be granted. Expending resources that produce the effects of these spells, such as a paladin's mercy class feature, may also grant these benefits.
Boosted Effect: Gain the benefits of a beneficial spell cast by an ally as listed on the Aid Token.