Ripples in the Lake: A Seattle Adventure in the Sixth World (Inactive)

Game Master Evgeni Genadiev

[Cheat Sheet]

[Map of Magic Shop]
[Map of Vashon Island Shop]

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Okay, I think I get the bit about the additional attributes, and limits. Seems like this version needs a lot more skill ranks, but looking at the advancement costs, having much is going to need a lot of karma to fuel it. Either that or characters advance at a glacial pace.

Nothing especially wrong with that, really, just an interesting prospective change.


Yeah, its probably best to max out your preferred skills at chargen. Skill Points from your priority selection are much more efficient, and a specialization costs 1 Point rather than 7 Karma.

SR5 characters tend to start the game at professional skill levels, and grow wider in advancement rather than taller. At least, until you get lots and lots of Karma and freetime.

I love Shadowrun, but one of the things that always bothered me was how different Creation was from advancement.

If you do not Min<>Max at creation you a worse 50 karma down the line.

We're breaking into the second page, everyone! Consider me flattered.

Now, for the daily GMCP Q&A!

@Stagger IC story seems okay so far, enough to pique my interest. Now, from what I know, orbital strikes are pretty much a last resort option, and they're pretty good at what they do. I'd imagine that the strike was going towards the facility, rather than the APC, since that's like hunting rabbits with an A-10. Which makes it even more interesting...

Now I'm itching to learn more about his backstory, but there's still a week and a day to go. Mechanics seem good, too.

@Andy Brown - that's exactly the sort of IC snippet I was expecting, bravo, sir. No problems there, only think I can spot is the fact that I like speech bolded in-character, but I noticed you do that in your games, you probably just skipped it in copying the story. No issue there.

@hustonj - Tell me about it, the only decker I've ever played was an adept. That being said, the Matrix does come to life at some level, and it's something I like as an idea, but the mechanics get crazy. Enjoy that chummering!

@Kobolum - Best of luck with finding a replacement player! Both concepts sound solid, and I do have a soft spot in my heart for characters with attachments - that allows for some excellent story hooks. I'm looking forward to see what you cook!

@Advancement and power levels - Yup. The way Shadowrun works is that even a prime runner can get geeked by a prepared (or lucky) street thug. I see this as more of a feature than a bug, though. As for the advancement, while it isn't as obvious as it is in Pathfinder, for instance, a Prime decker or samurai is definitely worth at the minimum one and a half professional level ones. And a team of experienced, well prepared and coordinated prime runners, oh boy. That's the stuff of legends.

As for min-maxing, that's another touchy subject. Planning accounts for a lot more than pure mechanics, and in Shadowrun you'll rarely run across an empty field at other characters. Unless that's what you specialise in, and manage to pull it off - in which case they're on your turf. But all-in-all, the difference between the most optimised and the capable isn't all as massive as it would be in other systems, and it's a matter of a good or a bad roll.

GM Captain Placeholder wrote:
@Andy Brown - that's exactly the sort of IC snippet I was expecting, bravo, sir. No problems there, only think I can spot is the fact that I like speech bolded in-character, but I noticed you do that in your games, you probably just skipped it in copying the story. No issue there.

Thanks. Yeah, totally forgot about bolding speech when I copied the text in (got the italics for thoughts, because I use them when writing)

Making a couple of minor adjustments to the mechanics (skill tweaks) so it all hangs together, but I think I'm pretty much ready to go.

GM Captain Placeholder wrote:

I'd imagine that the strike was going towards the facility, rather than the APC, since that's like hunting rabbits with an A-10. Which makes it even more interesting...

Now I'm itching to learn more about his backstory, but there's still a week and a day to go. Mechanics seem good, too.

My thought was that an orbital strike capable of leveling a facility is going to register everywhere, where one designed to destroy a APC will not.

Is there something specific you would like to know about the back story, in this case I was avoiding answering questions that Stagger did not know the answer to. The content of the Tír facility was more valuable then a Wild Cat fire team, which is not cheap.

There are two other members of the team left, (The rigger died from feedback from the strike) Rook might know what was in the facility, and he knows where and how to find Stagger.


Re: orbital strikes.

Thor Shots are very very big news. If the Corporate Court does not authorize (or receive a damn good reason for it) they are likely to level a lot of sanctions and fines against the corp responsible.

Doubly so if they lost control and let some terrorists or runners pull one off.

Loki Shots are smaller (by an order of magnitude or more) and less likely to get the CC side eye. There are plenty of non-space-based "big boom" weapons that could take out an APC, so that gives you a lot of artistic leeway there. Heck, a cheap drone with a single-shot AVM missile or even a kamikaze style drone would work just fine.

@GM: working on fiction, just trying to finalize some details and get it written up nicely.

The good roll/bad roll dynamic seems to be much better controlled with the # of hits and limit mechanics (compared to the open ended die roll total), but glitches and critical glitches increase the impact of a BAD roll beyond what it used to be.

It used to be possible for a street-level character with basically no real training to pull that roll of 74 out of nowhere when he needed it. Limits prevent that HARD. Edge softens it a little.

In today's world, that one APC might be targeted by a single armed drone, or, heavens forbid, an AC-130 gunship. The missiles on the drone will eliminate an APC really well. A gunship will destroy it so thoroughly that the mine won't miss the ore used to make the frame anymore.

In this setting, the gunship is likely to be a drone, too, though. Could be directly rigged, but gunships tend to be big, slow targets for the nimble, rigged fighters.

Expanded Background:
Ok, extended background. Best friend is a minor deckhead, kind of why he didn't see it coming. BC is keeping the both of them afloat as best he can, and still feels loyalty to his only boyhood chum to have stuck with him. As to enemies, none that he knows of, he is just a kid from the Nog thrust into a city he doesn't know much about. He has been in a few fights lately, the Skraacha are trying to recruit him into the bloodsports, got caught in the middle of a rumble between the Ladies and the Prowlers, has built a reputation for himself as a tough fighter. As to getting back at those who fleeced him and his mate, not much to do their. His buddy got fooled by a netcon promising BC a shot at fame and fortune in the augmented sports leagues... kind of a send us the money to set this all up and buy your own ticket in kind of deal, they spent all their savings and ended up stranded in Seattle. BC has more or less started dating a simsense pornstar, minor talent not much higher than the amateur variant, but the two of them are at least affectionate... though he is pretty sure he just fulfills some weird kink she has.

Story time with BC:
Never fails, out at a bar to try and drown my ails and some fluthered dosser think he can throw shapes. Then after he done his bit an had a knock at it, his mates all try pile on to save face an none of them can sound out the bits. Now this slag just chimes in like she my ringer, shouting at them boyos, they a weak bit of toss an they couldn't whip me in a fair one... not that they could have me beat even if I were a bit knackered and locked hard at the time. So there I am, four gangers lashing me like the rain, and I just have to crack on without killing them. Eventually they realize they would have it easier bringing down the city walls with a bent spoon, and I put them down for a nap one after another. Well, that got Elaina right, and she been my mot since. Managed to pull some eyes on my skills too, now I got this offer and I'm going to give it the lash and see where it takes me.

All right, I’ve come up with a name, background, and personality for my character. I’d appreciate any feedback.

Masia “Crooked” Clearstone

Masia was born to a family of mid-level corporate employees who's only great aspiration in life was to keep their heads low and survive.

Masia wanted more to life than just to survive, he wanted to thrive and decided to join the military. Decades upon decades of legitimate clean work as a soldier have gotten him nowhere. The best things that ever happened to him are his marriage and his kids.

Now he is a retired old man. His wife taken by drugs that he didn’t realize she was taking, one son dead due to the foolish ambition and pride that he himself had as a child and another showing the same. He has decided to leave something before his own death so that his other son might survive.

His son is the only thing that is keeping him alive but he knows his time is coming so he feels a need to pass on as much to him as possible, whether it’s advice or saved wealth.

Masias is basically a parent spoiling their child rotten, never punishing them, giving them everything they want, etcetera. The only real difference is he’s got a late start.

If someone beat and robbed his son he would hunt them down and beat them to bloody hell if not outright kill them. If he was forced to give up money that he planned to settle for his son he would do it with every intention of getting it back by stealing it or murdering the person he had to give it to. That being said he also wouldn’t give up a penny without a fight unless he feels that it’s a good investment. He’d break your hand before letting you keep that penny you found on the ground.

Hey there, everyone.

Quick update: - I'll most likely not be able to respond to the thread in any meaningful way over the weekend, as I'll be helping a friend move.

@hustonj and psionichamster - you both make a lot of sense, as I've not pondered on the WAR! side of the Shadowrun world all that much.

@Stagger - actually, the questions were more towards who he is, how he ended up being a Wild Cat, and possibly some connections with Seattle or even people back in the Tir. There's a lot of people connected with Tir, so that automatically makes it more researchable for me.

@Bullet Catcher - classic street toughery, with hints of the late 70's and 80's, and the feeling of being a tough guy in a world that's getting a bit more murky for himself to fully feel like the king of the streets. Excellent concept, and I dig the fact that BC looks like a fairly uncomplicated guy in an overly complicated world. It's still a liiiitle on the short side for me, but I've played with you before, and I know you can compensate for it IC.

@Kobolum - I do love concepts like that, imperfect people in an imperfect world, with things to keep them sane. That being said, it's a little light to my tastes - where was he militaring for, did he have any connections? Was he away during the times his household was falling apart, or did that happen in front of him, and was too blinded by staring in himself to notice. Are there any other people who he has in his life? Old ex-army buddies, someone who he grew up with, or even a neighbour from a completely different walk of life, who just happens to do his laundry at the same time at the laundromat in the building's basement?

Dark Archive

GM Captain Placeholder wrote:

Hey there, everyone.

Quick update: - I'll most likely not be able to respond to the thread in any meaningful way over the weekend, as I'll be helping a friend move.

...move bodies?? ^_^

Alanna "Wraith" Whiteangel wrote:
GM Captain Placeholder wrote:

Hey there, everyone.

Quick update: - I'll most likely not be able to respond to the thread in any meaningful way over the weekend, as I'll be helping a friend move.

...move bodies?? ^_^

Hey, we're just cleaning house, okay? No need to tell noone. Cricket bats are there for cricket only.

Sounds good boss. I tend to run into that issue with some characters. You have an idea who they are, but it is hard to give that life when you aren't actually reacting to a scene or such.

So I can imagine Mega-corporations having private militaries and armies and such but I’m thinking more like just a regular national army. I’m sure there’s been some sort of geopolitical change in North America in the world of Shadowrun but I don’t really know enough about Shadowrun to know what that is. So whatever national army someone raised in Seattle would be in.

As for connections... well anybody who would still be alive from a career of soldiering with him would certainly be it, but when I said that he’s old I meant old. Human over sixty old. Anyone he could have a meaningful connection with outside of his family is as old as he is or dead. An elf could survive that long, so I guess there’s potential there.

As far as family falling apart, I think it’s a little bit of both. I imagine that while he was a soldier he was inattentive to his family, so by the time he retired his home life was well out of his control. Which is why he spoils his son, because his son is the last family he has and he knows it’s his fault. He left his wife with the responsibility of raising two kids and didn’t offer anything other than a stable income. That, plus the fact that the income came with the knowledge that one well-placed bullet could take it away would be a very stressful situation for anyone.

@GM I see what you're looking for. I am working something up. I'll try and get it written down tonight or tomorrow.


All the Megas have security forces, basically standing armies of some number. Some have more, others less. Ares, Aztechnology, and Sader-Krupp are known for their military strength, but that's not saying much when you compare all the big 10.

As far as Nation-States goes:

Seattle is part of the UCAS, the United Canadian American States, the result of a weird set of military actions and treaties in the beginning of the 21st Century.

To the south is Tir Taingire, formerly Portland, an Elf state. They're ruled by a Council of Princes and have a weird, complicated political system.

To the east is the land of the Pueblo Corporate Council, the ruling conglomerate of the Native American Nations. They are a wide ranging state which also has partial control of Denver, and much of the former Midwestern USA.

To the north, past the PCC lands, you're back into UCAS territory.

Further south, California Free State is an independent nation, formerly ruled by the USA, then the UCAS (until they seceded) and for a brief time by Imperial Japan.

South of that is Aztlan, home of Aztechnology.

To the east is the CAS, the Confederated American States, formerly most of the USA's Deep,South, excluding Texas, which has become another independent country.

As a something soldier, you'd most likely be of the UCAS or possibly NAN, although there's nothing preventing a former Aztlaner or something even more exotic from kicking around the Emerald City post "retirement".

Off the top of my head: Seattle is part of the UCAS, United Canadian and American States. It is mostly the NE section of North America, with the SE section belonging to the new confederacy. Denver is a European-nation hold-out city. California is grossly Japanese. Most of the rest of North America is controlled by the Native American Nations, though the elves have a stronghold to call their own.

Google provided this quick find which pretty quickly matched my memory above.

Edit: And that's what I get for coming nack and answering a couple of hours later without refreshing the page first. <sigh>

Shadowrun! This is exciting. I hope I can get the time to work on a character in the next few days.

World Map - Shadowrun, 2060

Not a ton of changes for 2075, other than Denver now being controlled by a dragon.

Here we are (apart from rolling starting cash)


Story Time:
"This is not a call I wanted to ever make, Jon. I know it was probably just business, but that's a dirty way to do biz. We both know those kids pulled the job okay. Maybe not as quiet as you'd prefer, or as clean, but they got away with the goods and the Star wasn't on their tale. So, this little scene struck me as bit...uncalled for."

Horatio flicked an ARO into view, the image in black and white nightvision and wideangle fisheyed. Obviously, the POV of a drone's sensors or minicam security device.

Three men stood outside a dark van, lights off and engine running. The one in the middle gestured as another vehicle approached, and his larger companions moved to the rear of the vehicle and retrieved a sizeable box with a thick padlock securing it. Placing the box in front of the be-suited guy with the slicked back hair, the muscle took up the positions at his shoulders again.

The approaching vehicle pulled up, lights clicking off as the dented up Americar came to a stop. All four doors opened, disgorging two men, an elf woman, and an ork. The man from the driver's seat reached back into the car, retrieving a dark cloth bag while his passengers stood near their doors. Everyone's face seemed tense, with the guy in a suit breaking the ice with a smile and the offer of a handshake. As the mood lightened, the image paused as Horatio touched a virtual icon.

"Funny, thought I was the contact point for this team. Not that I would have minded handing off the job, so long as I still got paid, but any seasoned group who knew their drek would've bailed right here and now. Greens like these runners, they didn't know better. I'm guessing you figured on that when you set the job up, though, Jon. Not sure why, or who footed the bill, or what the end game was, but hey...I can wait a bit to find out."

The image started up, with the driver handing over the cloth bag before Mr. Smiling Suit knelt down and unlocked the padlock on the case. The team's eyes went down to the payout box as he opened the lid, completely missing the barrels raising up from under the muscle's longcoats. Distracted, they didn't know what hit them as both men opened up with AK's on full auto, cutting all four of them in the span of seconds. The image paused again at a gesture.

"Now this part, this was cold. I'm guessing your fake me had a beef with this elf chick, or something, because you need a reason for this kind of evil."

The scene resumed as the man in the suit moved to the passenger side of the car, drawing a pistol from under his coat and racking the slide. Aiming down, he fired three times before pausing, then carefully fired twice more. Apparently satisfied, he replaced the pistol and turned back to the van. His men already lifting the case back into the van, he stooped to grab the fallen cloth bag before entering the passenger's side door and sitting down. The image fades to black as Horatio's voice resumes on the call.

"So, I suppose you know the rest. The squad that came to hit me managed to trip my perimeter alarm, and my 'distraction package' at the door gave me enough time to make my way out. I thought we had a good thing going, but that's what I get for making friends, I suppose. Thanks for the reinforcement lesson, and I guess thanks for the free security system analysis. Don't worry, we'll settle up sooner or later. Ta-ta, for now, Jon."

Horatio closed the call, unsure if the Fixer on the other end really listened to the whole thing or just left him on auto-respond. He didn't care, one way or the other. He leaned back into the synthleather seat on the mag-lev, glancing out to watch the countryside whip by at over 200kph, before dropping the burner 'link on the floor and smashing it with his heel. He checked the balance on his credstick, suppressing a sigh at it's diminished status, before pulling out his new Hermes 'link and placing another call.

"Hotshot, hey, how ya doin'? New 'link, new name, guess you can call me Nomad for now. Got a need for a ride, and I'm gonna be in your parts in about 18 hours or so. Can we meet? Okay, great, see you there."

Closing off his calls, Horatio thumbed through his new SIN and details, memorizing the parts he'd need, before scanning his contacts to see who might be available in Seattle. Work done for the moment, he took a minute to mentally divorce himself from New York, from the name Bingo, and from Wallace Robinson. He was now Jeremy Watson, to those who needed a real name, or Nomad to those who didn't. And he was free.

Starting ¥: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 2) = 9*60=¥540 (+5k from CharGen)

Ok, here is my alias with background attached. If anyone wants to work our backgrounds together I am down for that!!!

(waves to R0B0)

Here's WIP profile for Black Dow's Ork [Hobgoblin] Rigger. Still chipping away at the crunch whilst taking notes on the flavour and flow of his story.

@Descending Sunset: Notice you were active with Lone Star in the Puyallup Barrens. That's where a younger Daniel Teng (the young hob who would become "Road Rage") operated out from. He was a bike courier in his teens (father was a logistics corp wage-slave) - long story short he was hung out to dry by organised crime (Yak/Triad/still working on who exactly) when an illegal shipment went missing. He got framed and did time. Kicker was young Daniel was quiet the klepto just not from the crime gang...

Plan to tell the pre-prison story and then bring thing up to date. Wonder if her drugs enforcement ops saw her come into contact with young Daniel? Just a thought as we share a common stomping ground (plan to have Road-Rage still have junkyard contact in Puyallup).

@GMCP: Went with a Hob over an Oni as it fitted his nom-du-guerre somewhat better. Having a lot of fun with his build and background (profile is WIP so there's a ton of notes to self, reminders and mental spitballs thrown throughout). Once its polished I'd say have a gander lol.

Is there anything on the prison systems of the 2070's? I'm foreseeing Road-Rage as spending a drek load of his sentence in solitary (due to the Poor Self Control (Vindictive) race trait/quality. Which is fine as it means he likely avoided having to take a gang affiliation and as he was a teen he didn't have any augmentations ripped out of him.

Now he's out, he's effectively unemployable as an ex-con, but has sourced his ill-gotten gains and readied himself for a reckoning with those who framed him (the aforementioned crime group).

Contacts will include his parole officer, the owner of a junkyard and also an older ex-con (a forger) who was his cell-mate early on in his prison term.

Above's just a snapshot of the story and flavour. Regardless having a blast :)

EDIT/UPDATE: Just nailed down that the Kenran-kai are the Yak clan charged with enforcing Puyallup. It'll likely be them Road-Rage is planning a reckoning against (or at least one of the higher ranking Kumi-in)... :)

Well, this is not where I started in my head, but it is related. Somehow I doubt there's much chance for an earlier connection with any of the other characters listed so far.

And he's stuck walking a very fine line to stay in the shadows.

Liu Guotin:

Liu Ling was an Awakened Biochemist, working for Wuxing. Her specialty, and Chinese ethnicity, ensured her a life of luxury within Wuxing, as long as she continued producing new research papers and products. For several years, Wuxing had her working at Texas A&M on a joint research project. One of the assigned technicians was Pedro Flores, and the two of them ended up having an affair. Guotin was a consequence of that affair.

As a Chinese half-breed, Guotin had a much tougher time within Wuxing than his mother. Even so, he never planned or expected to do or be anything other than a Wuxing employee for his life. He had inherited his mother's magical talents, but he had no interest in modern science. Training as Wujen made perfect sense. Guotin asked for permission to study at Texas A&M mostly as an attempt to see if he could find his father, though he never admitted that as he made the request. Being only half-Chinese, obviously fully loyal, and the only family he really knew being deep inside Wuxing property, the reviewing management team saw little risk of Guotin fleeing, and so allowed his request.

The detail no one expected was a botched extraction. For whatever reason, after roughly two decades, Pedro Flores sponsored an extraction for Liu LIng. It might have taken him that long to save enough NuYen. Who knows? The thing is, the team botched the run. They got Ling to the extraction vehicle, but Wuxing considered her loss more damaging than the Runners thought they would, and the vehicle was hit with multiple rockets. There were no survivors. Worse yet, one of Guotin's childhood friends was working in Wuxing Security by this point, and he sent Guotin proof of what physically happened. So Guotin learned that Wuxing killed his mother, with no evidence of hesitation of doubt. Suddenly Wuxing no longer had his only known family deep inside their property, and his loyalty was shot. Guotin started looking for a way out.

His negotiated payment involved basically handing over access to his SIN account, so that every NuYen could be siphoned away during the extraction, in order to avoid warning bells before and loss of access after. His extraction went much smoother, since it started by him going home with a girl, and then through a tunnel to the waiting vehicle. He kept his head down, and has no real knowledge of how they crossed NAN territory to get him to Seattle.

They gave him a basic fake SIN, and walked away, unhappy with how little he actually had to pay them, but confident they got basically everything he had. Leaving him enough to have a few days to establish himself.

Since then, he's been doing what he can to make his way, living primarily within the small Chinese community, surrounded by Triad. They know more of him than he does of them, but they respect his knowledge and power as WuJen, as long as he continues to heal their people when they demand.

Need to finish gear (almost nothing to do there, really), get starting cash, handle, and contacts. But I think I have the background and a good feel for who he is, now.


4 A Magic
3 B Attributes
3 B Skills
0 E Human
0 E Resources

Yep. He's got almost nothing to his name!

I think I'm going to have to withdraw from this, unfortunately. I've got a lot on my plate right now.

Dark Archive

Hey internet, I've got a quick question.

Does anyone know how "stacking" works?

I'm specifically looking at Mortimer of London wear. The Summit Suit is Armor 8, has the 1 for the Social Tests/Limit, and -2 Concealability.

Then the Argentum Coat is Armor 12/+4, 1 to the same Social things, and -3 Conceal.

The question is: Why would ANYONE bother buying the Suit? The Suit plus the coat is (8+4)12 armor. The coat along is 12 armor. The coat alone has the same(or better) bonuses.

I'm thinking that do the Social bonuses also stack? (Like, coat plus suit is increase Social Limit by 2, +2 dice to Social tests?) It's the only thing that makes sense. I don't buy the whole "You look weird in just the coat" because the suit is $2500. That's real money for literally no candy. That's just what I think but I'm not that bright. ^_^

What do you guys think?

(Also, how are you guys making the "nuyen" symbol? =)


Nuyen is ascii code Alt+0165. Most mobile keyboards also include in the # sections.

Re: stacking.

Yes, social buffs of different types (increased limit, bonus dice, etc) stack. In your case, you'd get base armor from the suit, then the add-on effect of the long coat of +4 armor. The best concealablity is what matters, within reason.

(If you have a built in holster, for example, that clothing's item would apply in most cases.)

As to why, low Str characters cant add on much in the way of armor without running into encumbrance issues, but may want the particular bonuses associated with that item.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

@Road Rage - It is more than a little possible that her team hit a number of Yak drug dens in the days before the city axed their contract. Probably a lot of payback if they ever found out who she was...and she does speak Or-Zet, so you never know...she most likely also did her training in the Barrens before she joined the FRT, so she might have known him from that time as well....

Alanna "Wraith" Whiteangel wrote:

Hey internet, I've got a quick question.

The question is: Why would ANYONE bother buying the Suit?

What do you guys think?

Because when you are already AT the fancy party you were trying to infiltrate (for whatever reason), you won't be wearing the coat anymore. It will have been checked.

Because when it is summer, the coat creates problems, as people, especially the well-to-do people who would be wearing Mortimer's, are going to automatically assume you are nefarious.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Alright, my chummers, you've all been terribly busy during the weekend. I love it!

@Bullet Catcher - no probs, I get it. I've done the virtual equivalent of crumpling a backstory all too often!

@Kobolum (and helpers!) - That's pretty much the gist of it, yeah. Ares might have a standing army within reach of Seattle that's bigger than the UCAS army settled in Seattle, so there's that. And the guys seem to have nailed down most of the possibilities!

@Stagger - Great! Looking forward to seeing it!

@R0B0GEISHA - Hey there! Welcome! Pull a chair, a chummer and start crafting! There's still some days left until I close the thread to further interest. Looking forward to what you think of!

@Alex 'Glass' Scot - That looks great, nothing more I can add to it!

@psionichamster - Well done, chummer, well done. That's one solid IC story. Mechanics are great, too, so you're now in the finals!

@Descending Sunset - Nicely done, too. I love me an honest ex-cop pushed into the shadows. Makes for a decent change and a voice of reason (and morals) to parties that may, on occasion, be bereft of both. Also, the Telestrian link gives me a very particular GM smile... Thank you for that!

@Road-Rage - First of all - that character sheet formatting is catching my eye somethin' awful. That's probably the best format I've seen for a Shadowrun character sheet on these forums, I confess, bravo. Looking forward to the backstory, and I do notice you've definitely done your research on the setting and the system, which makes me pretty happy. And you've made a connection with another applicant, so that's making it even better (and harder for me) to pick when it comes to it. Keep doing what you're doing!

@hustonj - That's a very well thought of backstory, with plenty of drama, action and betrayal! The Triads as well, and a healer under their wing, oh my! Well done. The finalisation of the character sheet I can wait for, the story and character, however, seem solid.

@Dragoncat - sorry to hear that. I hope the system didn't give you a shock, but I can absolutely understand if it did. Best of luck in your other games and in the future!

@Wraith - Hey, Wraith, internet here. What psionichamster said is true, however. If the suit AND the coat are Custom Fitted to you, you halve the bonus of the coat for the purposes of maximum Body you can have before taking penalties. So someone with body of 2 can have both the suit and the coat on, without taking them, whereas if you pop the Mortimer coat on top of an Armor jacket, you styleless prole, you'd get -2 on Agi and Rea. That, and you can hardly fit in a social environment that requires you to be well dressed. The suit's main purpose is to be fashionable, and secondarily, for bullet protection in a boardroom/cabaret. The coat protects on the streets, since you don't wear your coat inside.

Though, Tony Geezer was flying a football or a Union Jack jersey under his Mortimer longcoat, since that's how he rolled. Appearances can sometimes be worth the price. I think Mortimer make female models too, nowadays, so that's good.

@Descending Sunset, again - Glad to see applicants playing nice together! Yaks will most likely not like you to a considerable margin, no. Though, I'd wager the training was most likely in Puyallup, rather than the Barrens, since people usually train for the Barrens, and when the law goes there, it goes in in big, unfriendly APC and starts with minigun warning shots into the crowds.

Well, there is enough interest we could probably start a second table... not that I am volunteering for that job. Have enough on my plate right now.

Better roll the starting cash (OK, multiplying results doesn't work)
squatter: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 6) = 8 * 40 = 320

And can I assume that the Magic Lodge materials have been used to set up a lodge in Alex's Squat?

2d6 ⇒ (4, 5) = 9 360¥

@BC - That's true, but I did mention it was my first foray into PbP GMing. That's a rather deep end to jump in.

@Glass - I assume so. As in, I'll re-read the rules on Magic Lodges and come back to you! There might be a Rat Lodge somewhere in the area, too, one you could probably be try and get included during runs.

@GMCP: Cheers for the profile kudos - something I try and some flavour fun with in my games. Spent more time than I'd care to admit messing around with the formatting and layout of profiles.

Am enjoying the process and system immensely. As I mentioned from the off - being a long time gamer I was more than aware of Shadowrun but only ever around the peripheries (and never actually playing any incarnations of the game). Love what I see, and am trying not to go down too many rabbit holes (the sourcebooks and setting are immensely detailed and multilevelled with both system crunch and setting flavour :)

RE: Road-Rage... Indeed backstory to come (plenty of notes and ideas floating around) - am also trying these (as much as possible) into Qualities (both +/-) as I've always been an advocate of building characters who are story driven rather than stat driven. Got a ways to go before I nail down the finished version but I'm getting there!

@Descending Sunset: That would make sense - young Danyal (Road-Rage) was doing smuggling runs for the Ork Creeps gang and at some point fell afoul of the Yak. It would have been potentially part of this operation where he got swept up and dropped into the prison system. From there a short sentence became a longer one due to his volatile Hob nature. Being put into solitary essentially saved his life... but allowed him to simmer and plan a reckoning of sorts against the Yak. I don't see you being directly involved in his arrest (although you could have been aware) - notice you have a Sprawl Gang Contact - I'm potentially going to take an Orc Gang Contact - one of the aforementioned Creeps from RR's days as a smuggle-courier. Again cross-over potential there? Like the notion of her own journey of revenge. If we're lucky enough to be selected a mutual vengeance partnership could be on the cards (funded by the shadow running of course).

Of course now I kind of want to run a second table where the two teams effect each other's team and once in a while run with or against each other.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

@Road-Rage: That sounds like a great hook. As probably one of the few Lone Star FRT who speaks Or-Zet she might have questioned him when he tried the 'No speak English' route of messing with the police.
Having a ganger contact between us is also good...I can just see the 'reunion'.."Say, didn't I bust you a few years ago for trafficking?" lol

Still here. I don't think I need anything for Takigami at this time, as her sheet was built by the core rules, which work for the sum to 10 obviously. :P Let me know if I need anything else. I may need to tweak the software/hardware slightly if chosen, but given how busy I am, until I'm chosen I'd rather hold off on that if possible. Thanks.

Chummer's got a tab for Martial Arts, but no data? Anything special I should want to assign to a Tai Chi practitioner? Or is generic unarmed sufficient?

Think I've got him finished up at this point.

Pocket Money for Low Lifestyle: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 5) = 15

Hunh. No text output from Chummer? Bummer. I created an alias, which sits empty since I haven't copied things over from Chummer. He's really not got much in the way of possessions. Not even the stuff to set up a lodge. Right now he can't afford the end of the month when rent comes due.

Specifically avoided any direct connection to the Triad working with Wuxing. Seemed suicidal to make that connection.

How would you like the character presented?

hustonj wrote:
Hunh. No text output from Chummer?

It's under Print. When you get to the preview there's a dropdown for the format. You can then copy the text output from the dialog.


Growing up in the Sioux was oxymoronic, the plan was to go back to the old ways, but no one knew what the old ways where, Hotah, the boy who would one day be Stagger, grew up in a small lakota band, they roved the planes and Hotah and the other youths would spend their time riding their cycles, stealing cattle or gas from the big corp roving ranches, it was after one daring raid, where the ozuye had stolen fuel from a caravan on the move, out of the night can three VTOL craft and the band thought that the Corp was striking back. However the airships all bore the 8 pointed circle of the Sioux Nation.

Technically the Sioux Defense Force (SDF) requires 4 years of service from all citizens, however this is impossible to enforce in the roving bands for 2 reasons, the bands are almost impossible to keep track of and the bands would be hard pressed to survive losing their youth in their prime. But the SDF does watch and in some cases the recruit especially daring ozuye. Band ozuye members make up less than 5% of the SDF but close to 30% of the Wildcats. Hotah who was by then called Stagger applied for Wildcats as soon as he could.

Answers, answers.

@BC - The world could always use more Shadowrunners! But I understand, no worries.

@Overflight - Sorry! I realised I must've skipped you over accidentally when you asked last time, despite me trying to answer everything. Sad GM is sad. Backstory seems solid, but I wouldn't mind a small IC snippet - nothing major, just to showcase some quirks and the way she interacts with people around her and the world. Alternatively, one thing that popped up when I was taking a look at the character sheet was the Code of Honour - it was a bit vague.

What does a child/innocent constitute as? How would she react to a snot-nosed barely teenaged ork flailing around a battered Uzi? A crazed old lady next door shrieking at you, potentially botching your extraction? I'll try and build the character to some degree in chummer, just to have it on hand, too.

@hustonj - I'm afraid I don't know that much about Martial Arts to be able to recommend something for Tai Chi, with the exception of one very relevant thing - Neijia, which is based on Tai Chi's inner control to be able to damage spirits with the power of will. You are, however, a mage, so I don't think it'd be as relevant to you as it would be to someone else. And yeah, printing with Chummer allows you to get a block of text going so you can post it and format it to your liking afterwards.

@Everyone - I'll pop together a list of all the applicants so far in a couple of hours, since there's about 48 hours left. I'll make my final decision on Friday, 25th of January.

Andy Brown wrote:
hustonj wrote:
Hunh. No text output from Chummer?
It's under Print. When you get to the preview there's a dropdown for the format. You can then copy the text output from the dialog.


Expand the standard print preview and cut'n'paste.

Sometimes I'm thicker than others.

Are you still looking for an in-character story before our submission is accepted??

Descending Sunset wrote:

Are you still looking for an in-character story before our submission is accepted??

That's what I get for not communicating properly. I should've mentioned the IC story on my initial post, but, unfortunately, I didn't.

My initial idea was to get something to help you (and myself, too!) picture the character in an interaction - but that happens when IC interactions happen better than when you write it on your own.

Since it's getting too late now, and I know and have played Shadowrun with some of you before, you don't have to submit IC story.

Thus, the backstory and the overall mechanical concept are enough for a submission. IF you feel like writing more, that'll be greatly appreciated, but definitely don't go too overboard - it won't be fair towards those with less time on their hands, or other commitments.

Consider this lesson learned from the GM - don't add requirements after the initial post. Sorry for the confusion, and I'll be extra careful.

I've added the general roles, too, but - it's Shadowrun, don't read too much into it. And, without further ado!

Submissions So Far, by order of appearance (-ish):

Alex "Glass" Scott - Rat Shaman, by Andy Brown.
Alanna "Wraith" Whiteangel - Street Sam, by Atlas2112.
Horatio "Nomad" Atticus - Face, by psionichamster.
Janie "Descending Sunset" Carr - Gun Adept, by Daniel Stewart.
Takigami 'Overflight' Mina - Decker/Rigger, by mdt.
Bobby "Bullet Catcher" Connolly - Melee Adept, by Havocprince.
Danyal "Road-Rage" Ganzorig - Combat Rigger, by Black Dow.
"Stagger" - Street Sam, by MrStr4ng3.
Masia “Crooked” Clearstone - Street Sam (I believe?), by Kobolum.
Liu "Szechuan" Guotin" - Wujen Mage, by hustonj

Additional Interest, by order of appearance (-ish)

R0B0GEISHA - currently keeping me in suspense.
Newbonomicon - showed interest.

I believe that's all y'all, but if I missed someone, you have my permission to post in ALL CAPS to remind me.

And, damn, there's more of you than I thought... picking is going to be harder than I thought. That being said, I see 10 solid submissions, and there is bound to be a photofinish. And I'm not just saying that to be polite and nice!

Any questions, shoot my way, and I'll try and respond in the morning!

Simple short story:

All of the below speech is in Mandarin.

"Szechuan? I have a team inbound to you . They should be there in 12 minutes. I need the Dwarf operational tonight." Even as the demands are rolling off her tongue, he hears the disdain she has for the handle he's hiding behind.

"I understand. If this is the dwarf I think you mean, there's not much of him left. Healing him at all is very difficult. I will do what I can, regardless." She disconnected before he could finish his last sentence. He got up and spread the plastic sheeting out, again, across the walkway to his big table, the table itself, and the couch that sits on the path between the door and table. When the team arrives, the door is open, and the young man is standing near the table.

As they walk inside, he repeats instructions they've heard before. "Stay on the plastic, please. I've been instructed to heal the dwarf first." His stomach rolls as they put the limp form on the table. he shifts perception, and sees how very little of this dwarf is natural. He closes his eyes and looks down for a moment, centering himself, focusing on the magic and not on the problem. When he looks up, his eyes open but are glowing a pale blue and sparking. He focuses his energy, touches the dwarf and feels the dwarf's body shift, relaxing ever so slightly as it finds temporary relief from some of the pain. He stands there, holding the energy flow in place until it dissipates normally. The dwarf is alive, and will remain that way, but he will probably need to spend the next several weeks in a hospital. He looks up at the others. "He'll live, as much as anyone that modified can. Who's next?"


Once he has cleaned up after the Triad, Guotin heads for the park. The overcast, gray day, stained buildings and deserted vehicles provide an almost horrific scene, but the bench looks out from a small hill, across some struggling trees, and towards a small drainage creek, running nearly clear. Even in such a place, the world finds a way to continue. He sits on the bench, contemplating the creek, and then the entire water cycle, reminding himself of how little the world itself wastes.

hustonj's character and a small scene of the character interacting in his new reality.

Hi, I'm quite new Shadowrun as RPG, but I love the setting.
This is a sniper-focused Street Samurai that I made as sort of a training character, and I'd like to take him for a ride since the campaign he was made for never took off. I'll re-download Chummer check that it's up to specs.

EDIT: Hello Anika, nice to see you again. I didn't notice it was you.

Descending Sunset wrote:

@Road-Rage: That sounds like a great hook. As probably one of the few Lone Star FRT who speaks Or-Zet she might have questioned him when he tried the 'No speak English' route of messing with the police.

Having a ganger contact between us is also good...I can just see the 'reunion'.."Say, didn't I bust you a few years ago for trafficking?" lol

Am thinking maybe a member of the Creeps smuggling network - likely a lowly ganger with ties to Bot'Kham? Gives a few potential hooks for down the line as well (if picked).

Suggested name: Vyatt Guhlka

"Vyatt" would have been someone who recruited Danyel into the smuggling business. The lure of ¥ and the Ork Underground flavour would have been mana from heaven to my young, disillusioned thrillseeker.

Need to nail down the key components of my backstory - how the Yak came into his crosshairs, details of his arrest and prison time etc.

Hello, hello, everyone! Just a reminder, the thread will be closed to further interest in 24 hours, so please, if you're interested, let me know now!

Quick Update:

@Szechuan - looks good! I like the part about how the world is a closed system (I never looked at the Wujen with any particular scrutiny). Solid IC post!

@Blacksap - Hey there! Been a while. Good to see you too, and Blacksap was an interesting character to play alongside, welcome to the competition! I like it when there's intercharacter friction.

@Road-Rage - Keep at it, you two! I love the level you seem to have put in your research.

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