Ripples in the Lake: A Seattle Adventure in the Sixth World
Game Master
Evgeni Genadiev
[Cheat Sheet]
[Map of Magic Shop]
[Map of Vashon Island Shop]
Alex "Glass" Scott
Male Elf Physical Damage 0/9. Stun Damage 5/11. Edge 3/4 | Armor 9 | Limits: Physical 3, Mental 4, Social 8, Astral 8 | Initiative 6 + 1d6; Astral Initiative 6 +3d6 | Perception: 6 (Low Light)
Male Hobgoblin [Ork] Combat Rigger | Condition Phy 0/11, Stun 0/10 | Armour 10 [11] | Limits Physical 9 Mental 5 Social 4 Astral 6 | Perception 5 (+1 Audio), (Low Light) |Init 10 (+1d6) Cold-Sim Init 7 (+2d6) Hot-Sim Init 7 (+3d6) | Edge 1/1
Female Human Decker | Condition Phy 0/9, Stun 0/11 | Limits: Physical 3 Mental 8 Social 5 Astral 8 | Armour 0 | Init 10+1d6 (Meatspace) 11+5d6 (Matrix, hot) | Perception 8d6
Harry "Blacksap" Wuxiao
Male Human Street Samurai | Condition Phy 2/12, Stun 0/10 | Limits: Physical 7 Mental 5 Social 3 Astral 5 | Armour 14 | Init 11+2d6 (Wired) | Perception 9d6 + 2 Visual +2 Visual (Wireless)