Ripples in the Lake: A Seattle Adventure in the Sixth World (Inactive)

Game Master Evgeni Genadiev

[Cheat Sheet]

[Map of Magic Shop]
[Map of Vashon Island Shop]

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As the bells strike midnight on January 1, 2076, something lingers in the air in Seattle. Outlasting the familiar smell of fireworks, weaving past the scent of the pure white snow turning to dark gray muck the moment it touches the tarmac. Tangible despite even the infamous Tacoma Aroma, all who listen, no, feel the heartbeat of Seattle, its beat, feel a rhythm clear through even the thickest of New Year's highs.


The end of The Great Dragon Civil War was the Christmas present nobody dared hope for. Last year's Proposition 23, the legislation bringing the Ork Underground as fully fledged, if still suspect, neighbourhood of Seattle, bringing in the lowest crime and highest tax revenues recorded since Crash 2.0. On the other hand, the impending Corporate Revision, the word lingering on every sarariman and corp-drone, yet hiding in the darkest corner of their mouth in fear of bringing in the Corporate Court's attention.

The feeling of the drug of choice kicks in as you raise your glass to a new year. Another year you may not have thrived, but you survived. As a firework explodes in a dragon's head above you, the shadows recede for a brief moment, only to envelop you back.

Happy New Year, Omae. Make it a good one.

Captain Placeholder:

Hey there, chummers. Your (hopeful) GM for this game is a PbP gamer veteran and a PbP GM grasshopper. Some of you (or most, as I suspect) may know me by my other handle on these forums, The Lion Cleric, or TLC. I've ran some games IRL, a couple of them quite successful, and I've been playing tabletop RPG's since 2013. And I've lately noticed how much I love the Oxford comma, and adding brackets (even in places where brackets shouldn't be).

My personal preference is Roleplaying always trumps Roll-playing, unconditionally. Even though I adore the mechanical parts of Shadowrun.

The Three Rules:

- Friction OoC is completely unacceptable. Friction IC is potentially amazing.

- I have a warm spot in my heart for players who help others understand the mechanics of the game, triply so when they do so with understanding of the other player's concept.

- Be reasonable. Whatever you think that means. That means it. That look that you've undoubtedly seen GM's give a player on your table (maybe even you, at some point) when they bring that technically legal half-drow-half-orc-half-drow-again-and-half-mutant-for-good-measure? I don't want to give that look over the internet. Again, be reasonable.

Regarding the Setting:

I've been a fan, putting it mildly, of Shadowrun ever since one fateful night I happened to stumble upon an artefact bearing the name of 'Shadowrun: Dragonfall', and thirty odd hours (and one short nap in between) later, I told myself, How the hell did this setting escape my notice for so long?!

A troll with a minigun and an Native American shaman, taking cover behind a NYPD police car. Hackers delving into a web so deep and intricate, that at some point it has a life on its own, both alien and unknown to us, despite being our creation. Dragons and fae creatures as CEOs and COOs of companies wealthier than the richest of countries...

...This is Shadowrun.

Four years later, it remains my favourite setting by a long shot, and I've jumped at every scarce opportunity to play it. I've read a lot about it, and I'm looking forward to bringing the shadows to your home as well.

Inspiration would be the Shadowrun Returns video game, Bright - which is officially unofficially known as Shadowrun 2020 in my RPG area. The Harry Dresden books, urban fantasy and cyberpunk, they all are a good fit.

Regarding the game:

Ripples in the Lake is set in Seattle, 2076. I've long had plans to start a Shadowrun campaign, and I've had ideas, but I've never had the time, energy, but mostly, belief in myself that I could pull it off. But another recruitment seems to have fallen through, and I just can't bear some of my chummers' faces (even if I can't technically see them) when that happens. The Sixth World is grim, but we still like it too much!

My commitment and promise, for the moment, is for a small adventure, which would be self-contained. The general tone I go for is the Brown Business Suit (or to the less Shadowrun-wary, realistic, but not to the point where you're never paranoid enough). General estimation would be it might last for around half a year, maybe 7-8 months. I'm aiming to start the normal way Shadowrun does, with some milk ru... simple jobs, that may or may not be interconnected, in front, behind, or somewhere around the scenes. And after, well. There may be more, depending on all of us.

And finally. I love characters with rich and interesting backstories. I fragging love characters with rich and interesting backstories which I can explore upon for emotional impact, both good and bad. But what I love the most is characters who want to interact with the world around them, and are shaped by it.

To New Players, or those who feel intimidated by the system:

Hey there! I hope you read the second spoiler above, and I'd love to welcome you to Shadowrun! We'll throw a party.

Shadowrun is what happens when D&D meets Cyberpunk 2077 - a dystopian setting where dragons rule corporations, elves stare down arrogantly as they step into black BMWs, mages' colleges have exorbitant fees and goblinoids are racially discriminated against and their plight is merchandised into music and trideo.

The mechanics can be somewhat intimidating (partly why I love them), and the setting has its quirks, mainly being a lot more lethal than D&D. If you don't have the books, I recommend the wiki for the basics, and for the rest, there's the books.

If you're still reading this and want to join, I'd be more than happy to help you mechanically build your concept, and explain the basics.

Character Creation:

Firstly - It's dangerous to go alone in the Character Creation - Take this.

Chummer helps CC immensely. Like, I've only created one character without it, and that guy didn't use the cyberware, magic, matrix, commlink, or vehicle sections.

Secondly, to those experienced:

- Standard Runner. Use Sum to 10. I find it an excellent compromise between Karma and Priority.
- Availability is 12, up to Alphaware cyberware.
- I'm not inherently opposed to Restricted Gear and other somesuchs, but check Rule #3.
- Metavariants are allowed. Shapeshifters and Metasapients are heavily discouraged, but if you feel you can pull it off, PM me!
- No Initiation at character creation, and any Foci you buy are bonded with the 25 Karma you get at the end.
- Lastly, remember that licenses and SINs exist. Not saying get them. But, you know.

And also - the way I run things there'll be opportunities for everyone to shine, so don't worry if you're the rigger with the yerzed out van or the ex-Horizon ex-weather girl with the golden voice. Just remember to have a plan B.

So, I am absolutely certain, that despite all my efforts, you still have plenty of questions, and I'm ready to answer the first one. Recruitment will be open until January 23rd. Posting requirements are 1/day and 1/weekend.

All the other ones, feel free to ask in here. And of course, remember:

"Watch your back, shoot straight, conserve ammo, and never, EVER cut a deal with a dragon."

interesting. I used to play a lot of 4th edition. A friend told me 5th is pretty good, too, but he lives too far away to actually play with me.
the problem with SR used to be that you do 5 hours of tactical planning and 20 min of executing it. Sometimes it goes totally wrong. How does this translate into PbP?



Have a face concept working, human who's worked as the bag-man and talker for a well-known Johnson and Fixer, but who took the fall for a runner team who caught some lead.

Now the runners' kin put a bounty on his head, hes got a serious axe to grind with his recent employer, and had to start almost from scratch in a newish area.

Other ideas abound, but that's the one I was working on this am.

Over on the other thread I said something about not going for anything too complicated, but I'm actually now thinking about a (street) shaman. I've got a few ideas I need to knock into shape, and to reread the magic rules, and get my head round the character generation.

I'll also mention that I'm away at a convention from the 21st to 27th, but should have some sort of web access.

I've never played a game of Shadowrun before, but I'm interested in the system.

What's the Sum to 10 system of CharGen?

Hi all! I'm happy to see interest so quickly!

Now, for the answers:


Ellioti wrote:
the problem with SR used to be that you do 5 hours of tactical planning and 20 min of executing it. Sometimes it goes totally wrong. How does this translate into PbP?

I feel you on this one, I really do. A lot of RPG players are usually paranoid, and Shadowrunners even moreso. Here's the four main things that I feel may answer your question:

- In PbP you can discuss OoC alongside making the plan, and posting flavourful interaction. That way, you're still RPing and coming up with ideas.
- I dislike railroading, but I love me some secret rolls, and I may roll to give some players relevant ideas and things they notice, should I feel you're stuck. The rigger/mechanic with a background as a municipality worker can remember that the rubbish bins of a place are rarely scanned, the former wagemage will know there's bound to be a watcher spirit in *insert location here* at Wuxing, Inc, etc.
- There really isn't a perfect way to approach a place, generally. Play to yours and your team's strengths, both in picking a job and doing it, and I (as the person playing your Fixers), will aim to give you a suitable job.
- Winging it is often more fun to both me and you than meticulously planning every detail. Not saying you go without a plan, but sometimes sheer balls may twist the odds in your favour.

A team with social bent will have a lot better time stealthily extracting an asset than they will clearing a gang hideout for a new MCT warehouse location, and it's vice versa with the team with the four orks and the minotaur. Unless she's really polished her horns, since waxing her legs requires industrial-grade glue.


psionichamster wrote:
Have a face concept working, human who's worked as the bag-man and talker for a well-known Johnson and Fixer, but who took the fall for a runner team who caught some lead.

Sounds great to me! A well-rounded face is something every team needs at a certain point. And I do love statting out bounty hunters.

Andy Brown:

Andy Brown wrote:

Over on the other thread I said something about not going for anything too complicated, but I'm actually now thinking about a (street) shaman. I've got a few ideas I need to knock into shape, and to reread the magic rules, and get my head round the character generation.

I'll also mention that I'm away at a convention from the 21st to 27th, but should have some sort of web access.

Good luck with the books! If there's anything you need me to check for you, ask, and I'll probably get back to you in a day. Probably my favourite part of the Street Shamans is the totem, even if it's not technically required. Are you thinking one in particular?

And no worries about the convention, as long as the backstory and some idea about the stats/role of the character's present, I'll be happy.


Dragoncat wrote:

I've never played a game of Shadowrun before, but I'm interested in the system.

What's the Sum to 10 system of CharGen?

Hey there! Glad it's caught your interest!

There's three main ways to generate a starting character in Shadowrun 5e: Karma (the longest and most methodical one), Priority (the quickest one), and Sum to X (where X is usually 10, expanding on the priority system).

Described in more detail in the Run Faster rulebook.

Basically Shadowrun 5e CharGen (if we ignore Karma, since I don't want to write a novel on that), has 5 facets:

- Metatype and Special (race, and special attributes like Magic and Edge/Luck)
- Attributes (Strength, Agility, etc)
- Skills (drivin', shootin', talkin', walkin')
- Magic/Resonance (you can either be a "caster" or a "monk", in d20 terms, or a mixture of both. Ignore Resonance)
- Nuyen (Dosh. Money. Dolla bills. Quid. If you like having nice things like a fast car, a good gun, or a nervous system replacement at the start, you need to put your starting points in this)

All of those cost points, the more points the better. A to E, 4 to 0. You spend your 10 points between those, and voila - you're one backstory away from being a shadowrunner. If you pick A in Magic, but E in money - you're a hobo wizard. If you put E in Attributes, but A in Nuyen - you're someone who rebuilt their initial frail body to become a supermetahuman.

If you're interested, you can PM me for ideas/suggestions!

Totem is one of the things I'm trying to decide on (leaning toward cat, rat or raven)

Liberty's Edge

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Yes...count me in!!!

Thinking I might as well jump in with both feet and build a decker.


Fair warning, Dragoncat, I've been reading and playing Shadowrun for quite a while, and I still haven't really mastered decking. That's just me, though.

There are plenty of nice cheat sheets for actions and skills out there, but you'll have to do some digging and reading for sure.

Liberty's Edge

Might go for a physical adapt...perhaps a gun adapt...not sure but I will start playing around and get something in asap!!!

And, thanks for running a game Captain (Lion)!!

Hey, no probs.

I've taken part in many SR games on these forums, felt like I gotta give back to the community, as well. And y'all deserve it.

@Dragoncat - I hate to dissuade new players from picking up things. On YouTube, there's Complex Action's channel, which explains things in bite-sized chunks for 5e, including Decking.

I managed to get my head around Decking, too, so it can't be that difficult. Deckers are insanely useful when you use them right, and there's nobody else better at running preparation. That being said, you should also attempt to be useful when with the team and in a possible firefight, and, deckers are indeed one of the more difficult roles to play, so beware.

That, and I did mention I've had thoughts about 5e, so I'll try and streamline things as much as possible.

Dark Archive

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"LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLadies and gentlemen, boys and girls and children of all ages. Please direct your attention to the CENTER RING where some serious Shadowrunnin' is about to take place."

Hoi there all you chummers! Wraith here to tag'n'bag an' tank'n'spank with the best of 'em!

There's been a lot of talk about roles, so I'll toss mine in. Wraith fills a lot of roles rather than specializing in one. Need something theif'd? Done. Need someone above-average in a firefight? Done. Need a back-up face? Done. Need something climbed? Done. Need something climbed and then need to Face past the secretary and then need a safe cracked and then need to shoot past the guards? Fragging DONE.

To all you newbies: Shadowrun is all about atmosphere. It's not about smooth and easy mechanics, amirite? I mean, if we wanted quick char gen and gameplay without the need to roll TWO fistfulls of d6's, then we'd all play Interface Zero 2.0, out now by Savage Worlds!

...*awkward silence*...

Where was I? Oh! Right! Atmosphere. So, yeah, I've found that this site has the BEST compilation of shadowspeak that I've ever found. Read it when ya get a chance 'cause I don't wanna suggest that we Ace of Spades the Bithead with Cement Poisoning and have your monocle popping going "I say, wut's all this 'bithead' and 'chummer' nonsense. by jove!"

@DragonCat. Go ahead and make a decker. The best way to learn a system is to grab an angle and attack it. Maybe you won't know the most about Combat-cyber or Resisting Drain when you cast a spell, but just give the book a decent read and use Chummer to make your character and you'll be fine. =)

Also! A word on backstories. Sometimes they don't mean much. We've all whipped up a character, said they were an adventureous man in his mid-thirties who was the smith's apprentice from Flowermill and is now offering to start a rebellion.

But. I can say without hubris that I have been called a passable writer of stories, and I consider Wraith's backstory to be my Magnum Opus. And she's more fun because of it.
Also also, for that reason, if I'm picked, you can probably count on getting a message from a certain Lord Borak the Despoiler and knowing EXACTLY how scared you should be. (Also, we'll probably meet a guy named 'Derrick' and then I'll lose my collective drek and won't that be a fun day! =D)

Character ideas are coming together (if I could just stop changing my mind about skills & spells) - I'll just need a bit of help with his contacts, I think.


Re: contacts:

Best bet is a Fixer at Connection 3-4, Loyalty 3. That's how you get work, and someone who probably wont sell you out for minimal cost.

Next up, any specialty gear dealer you'd like. Cars, Drones, Foci/Spells, Guns&Ammo, Drugs, it helps if you know a guy who you can work with.

Then, round out the list.

Law Enforcement is nice if you want to know the opposing side.

Gangs are nice if you're in their turf, or expect to work with or against them.

Anything Corp specific can be useful, as can general Shadowrunner specializations like Mages, Coyotes, Smugglers, or Negotiators...especially if your other contacts are unable or unwilling to procure equipment for you.

Ah! I knew I missed something!

Regarding the fixer - you'll get a free one at the start, and the same one, to boot. Part of that is because I feel the fixer is a very important part of the game, and everyone WILL always have one, part because I want to see the detail and thought you put in the other ones, and part because I'm bound to lose track of all the different fixers at some point.

Let's say you all have a Conn 4, Loyalty 3 fixer at the start, and leave it at that for the minute - I'll get back with more information once we start. Obviously, after the game starts, you'll be able to make your own way around it, even meet new fixers/employers and so on, but that smooths things out at the start, and prevents people for having a contact that's just burning in their pocket for 99% of the time.

Don't say I never gave you anything.

Liberty's Edge

Ok, here is my first kick at the can. Hope it is close to being


B 3, A 5, R 4/6, S 3, W 3, L 4, I 4, C 5, ESS 5.8, EDG 1, M 5
Condition Monitor (P/S): 10 / 10
Armor: 9
Limits: Physical 5, Mental 5, Social 7
Physical Initiative: 8/10+3D6
Active Skills: Close Combat Group 5, Etiquette (Professional +2, Street +2) 4, First Aid 3, Gymnastics 5, Hardware 4, Locksmith 4, Perception 4, Pilot Ground Craft 2, Pistols 7 (8), Sneaking 3, Tracking 3
Knowledge Skills: Ares Corporation 2, Elven Enclaves 3, Fashion 2
Languages: English 6, Or'Zet 3, Sperethiel N
Metatype Abilities: Enhanced Senses: Low-Light Vision
Qualities: Adept, Allergy, Common (Mild): Milk, Ambidexterous, Aptitude: Pistols, Brand Loyalty: Ruger Super Warhawk, Code of Honor: The Code of Wuxia (8dicepool vs. 4), Quick Healer
Adept Powers: Combat Sense (1), Enhanced Accuracy: Pistols, Improved Ability (1): Pistols, Improved Reflexes (2), Improved Sense: Thermographic Vision, Nimble Fingers, Rapid Draw, Sustenance
. . Smartlink
. . Armor Clothing
. . Certified Credstick, Standard w/ 2,250¥
. . Double Barrel Gentleman's Club w/ (1 month) Red Light District Safehouse
. . Dufflebag
. . Lined Coat
. . Lockpick Set
. . Maglock Passkey (4)
. . Mindy Dobson w/ Fake SIN (3)
. . Sony Emperor
. . Ruger Super Warhawk [Heavy Pistol, Acc 8, DV 9P, AP -6, SS, 6 (cy)] w/ (100x) APDS, Smartgun System, Internal, Speed Loader
. . Ruger Super Warhawk [Heavy Pistol, Acc 8, DV 9P, AP -6, SS, 6 (cy)] w/ (100x) APDS, Smartgun System, Internal, Speed Loader
. . Streetline Special [Hold-out, Acc 5, DV 6P, AP –, SA, 6 (c)] w/ (30x) Regular Ammo, Spare Clips
. . Knife [Blade, Acc 5, DV 4P, AP -1]
Fixer (Connection 3, Loyalty 3)
Mr. Johnson (Connection 2, Loyalty 2)
Sprawl Ganger (Connection 2, Loyalty 3)

I am definitely interested in this! I’ve never actually played the tabletop game but I am interested in the setting and have been looking for a game to join. I’ll think of a basic character concept and try to figure out the character creation later.

Hopefully you remember Mina. :)

I may have to redo her for different build specs, but her background is in the profile.

Same questions however for what derailed the last campaign she was in. How are you going to handle :

1) How much time does Mina need to put in on programming to work up an autosoft of her own? There's no rules for making programs or autosofts, even though the book says they can?

2) Mods to a vehicle include 'costs for installation by a mechanic'.
2a) How much can Mina save by doing her own installations/modifications? I'm assuming it's some percentage of the price for the mod? 10-25% seems reasonable?

2b) How much can she earn on down time doing mods for other people?

3) I'm assuming the base cost/time for an autosoft or program covers as many copies of that program/soft as needed (IE: you can copy the program as much as you want).

4) How do you intend to handle certain jobs (Such as Rigger) are vastly more expensive than others (since Riggers generally end up getting their expensive toys smashed to bits all the time)?

Dotting for interest - never played Shadowrun before, but have circled its peripherals over my many years of gaming.

Taken with the notion of playing an Oni (Ork metavariant) Street Samurai who uses the street handle of Ōtsuchi.

Will need a decent amount of setting hand-holding for his background - am digging into some of background materials and sourcebooks as we speak.

do you want backgrounds here (in a spoiler?) or elsewhere?

You had me at shadowrun chummer. I will adjust to the creation guide given.

Alright, Profile adjusted.

BC has hit rock bottom, a promising career in the augmented fighter league down the drain before it could begin, accounts drained, girlfriend left, only friend left in the world is his childhood friend and would be manager Charles. Neither are sure how they fell for a scam of this magnitude, and in the end it doesn't even matter. Now is the time to roll up sleeves and get down to work trying to make a name for oneself. Something other than Bobby Connolly,

I know, minuscule background, but I think it leaves a lot of room to flesh out the character as we go.

Oh dear, more chummers, and more questions! I love it!

@Daniel Stewart - Stats look solid, and I don't think I've seen an ambidextrous build in a while! Can you tell me more about the Code of Honour? That sounds interesting, I don't think I've seen Wuxia in the books, but I'm not against making your own code of honour, as long as it makes sense, and is flavourful and debilitating (for you) enough.

@Kobolum - Well, I'd be very happy to introduce you to Shadowrun! If you've played the computer game - you know a fair amount about the world 'feel' and general concept. And, again, don't worry about the crunch that much at the start - start with a character that makes sense, and we can iron out the kinks later.

@Overflight - It sure has been a while. I think, what, almost three and a half years?

Speaking (roughly) from experience here - I don't see a particular issue with making your own autosofts. However, that'd be rather time consuming (thinking, programming, drinking soykaf, then debugging), and there's bound to be kinks and stuff that can't be fixed until you reach the field. If that's something you want to pursue, I'd be fine with it as a concept, but it'll take some Extended Tests. I'll run some numbers, and get back to you when it reaches there.

Similarly with the other parts of the 'crafting' bits. I'd guess, with a good enough check, I'd let you apply the 'Used Vehicle' discount. As for the time spent working on other people - that's the Day Job Disadvantage. I'd be against the 40/week one. The 20/week one sounds pretty decent, and there might be extra rolls at the end of the month for more money - and maybe some fatigue from working too much.

About riggers - If you reclaim the important bits, and manage to make checks (notice the trend here?), you might be able to save a lot of those costs. As for the extra cash, there's always Karma for cash, and talking with your fellow chummers about how you do things, but - Rule #3.

@Black Dow - Sure! And once again, welcome to the Shadows!

An oni street sam isn't an uncommon idea. There's plenty of ideas to go around. A street tuff from The Ork Underground in Seattle would be fitting - it's a legal place now, and bouncers and debt collectors might be seeing some downsizing. To flip the coin - a heir of a Renraku family with connections with the Red Samurai (Basically one of the elitest elite special forces on the planet, very Samurai-esque, which means very racists against non-humans) Or even a Japanese American ex-cop? The opportunities are endless. Which I admit may be a little terrifying.

@Andy Brown - Here's fine. You don't have to make an alias if you don't feel like it, but I wouldn't hold it against you either.

@Bullet Catcher - Happy to oblige. That looks solid (literally, judging by the name) Backstory's a good start as well, but maybe expand on it a bit? What was the deal? Do you have enemies? Do you feel like you want to get back at the people who set you up?

I have always enjoyed a good night in the shadows. I've also been put off by the lack of subtlety the game expects, which has gotten worse as time goes on.

Also, I've fallen off the face, as it were, and haven't even really seen 5th Ed, yet.

As a way of setting expectations, do you see a lot of direct conflict as being expected, or as a weakness in approach?


I've got a bunch of chummers in my hip pocket, complete with backstories, but knowing which type is best suited for the game you intend is a pretty big deal for helping everybody enjoy the game.

Human Mage - ALMOST graduate of TAMMU (extraction interruption, 'natch)
Elven Cat Shaman - Fled the Tir because, well, both Shaman and CAT. Gonna do what I want, not what you want.
human combat cyborg - From desert wars to corporate espionage to burned
Sioux Rigger - truly loyal, but blamed for the loss of a Sioux spec ops unit

etc. I have nothing to work from, obviously.

Hey there, hustonj!

Good to see more interest in the game.

Way I feel about the direct conflict - I am not running the game in the most paranoid, darkest shadows possible, so I think there'll be a way for the team to run in any way they feel like it. Just, you know, if it makes sense.

A team of wired-up trolls and orks can pull of some heavy duty muscling around, and there's plenty of places where that can work. Barrens, between state borders, and anywhere where control isn't all that tight - you'll be able to smash and grab with the best of them. Though, you probably won't be able to pull off the cover story of five university students on a night out.

On the other hand, a team of five capable infiltrators would operate well in a city, but you might struggle a bit more in ganger territory, and have issues wrangling a wendigo or clearing out a massive devil rat nest in the sewers.

There's a place in the shadows for any sort of shadowrunners, and you'd be ablee to pick missions that suit you better. Complications may happen, but I'm not going to make a team of cybered up sams and adepts infiltrate a fancy party. There's a lot of ways to skin a cat, and both you and your fixers know it.

And for the last question - I'm planning to tell a story set in Seattle, and that's that. There's plot to be uncovered, but there'll be options on which approach to take, and there's not a better one.

@GM GP: Cool. Been digging more into this very rich tapestry :) - current idea is he is a Oni (Ork) who was recruited by the opportunistic (and more meta-friendly) Triads/Wuxing Inc. Like the idea of having potential crime or corp links/past (especially given the setting).

Just spitballing ideas at the moment - before I really sink my chops into the character generation. Input from those more familiar with the Shadows is most welcome (as is any joint backgrounds etc).

Believe the Wuxia Code of Honor is published (was looking at it myself yesterday evening) - can't offhand remember the source (as I looked at a bunch of Shadowrun stuff last night).

Crux of the Code - Restriction: May not harm the innocent. May never accept bribes or misuse authority. May not serve the corrupt.

Liberty's Edge

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Restriction: May not harm the innocent. May never accept bribes or misuse authority. May not serve the corrupt.

A legendary Chinese adventurer of ancient days was called Youxia (literally, “wandering force”), a masterless warrior who travelled the countryside, righting wrongs and fighting injustice with a particular hatred for corruption and the loss of nobility of those who held office.
A martial hero’s life was one to bring retribution to the ignoble, to remove oppressive lords (as opposed to just lords, who were to be honoured and possibly be brought in as government officials), and to use their strength to protect those unable to protect themselves. Many of today’s Wuxia take for themselves a name of one of the 108 Stars of Destiny from the classical book Shui Hu Zhuan. These figures were former demons who were reborn as mortal heroes, fighting for justice. This gives rise to names such as “Nine Tattooed Dragons,” “Sacred Handed Scholar,” or “Smiling Tiger,” but some choose to create a new name for themselves rather than embrace one of history. Regardless of the name chosen, they all fight against errant authority in the name of justice.

I am interested, I have a former Sioux Orc Sam that is built and ready, I haven't played a adept in the last 2 additions but I love them. I don't think I have the head space for decking/Magic with two young kids.

I would love to play, I have an Orc ready to kick in doors, if we want to go for a more quiet approach I can put together an adept for that as well.

@Black Dow - Everything sounds right - I'm happy you're diving into the Shadowrun lore, but be careful, it goes deep. Triads are indeed more meta-friendly than the Yaks, and they, too, have tendrils burrowing in Seattle - especially around the docks. Wuxing especially often hire shadowrunners to pick up objects that have been seized by the authorities from one of their ships. This may include magical goods, rare animals, or even people.

@Everyone - You're free to collaborate with all other applicants to iron out a backstory together, in fact, that's an excellent idea!

@Daniel Stewart - Oh, I do like that code, I like it quite a lot. In fact, a piece of lore in the story might be interesting to you. A couple of (in-game) years ago, Knight Errant 'booted' Lone Star out of Seattle. Seattle's been ran for a long time by the current Mayor, Kenneth Brackhaven, a very rich, very corrupt and very racist man with ties to Ares.

Maybe you've worked with Lone Star during his previous term, and saw/did something you regret, so you took upon the code of Wuxia? Consider this a suggestion, but that was the first thing I thought of when I read the code's crux.

@MrStr4ng3 - Hey there! I completely understand the headspace issues with all that - I'm half hoping at least one of the Astral and Matrix will remain unfilled at the end, so I'd be able to gloss over them. (I'll be able to run both, guys, don't worry!)

About what to play - your fixer (as played by me), will undoubtedly be well aware of your personal skills, and as such would try and offer you jobs that are at least touching your areas of expertise - so play the character you like the best, and you can get best under the skin of.


Mechanics, Pretty Much:
== Personal Data ==
Street Name:
Name: Horatio Atticus
Movement: 10/20 (2m/hit)
Swim: 4 (1m/hit)
Karma: 6
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Composure: 11
Judge Intentions: 9
Lift/Carry: 6 (45 kg/30 kg)
Memory: 10
Nuyen: 5,139¥

== Priorities ==
Metatype: E,0
Attributes: A,4
Special: E,0
Skills: A,4
Resources: C,2

== Attributes ==
BOD: 3
AGI: 5
REA: 4
STR: 3
CHA: 6
INT: 3
LOG: 3
WIL: 5
EDG: 3

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence: 5.34
Initiative: 7 +1d6
Rigger Initiative: 7 +1d6
Astral Initiative:
Matrix AR: 7 +1d6
Matrix Cold: 3 + DP +3d6
Matrix Hot: 3 + DP +4d6
Physical Damage Track: 10
Stun Damage Track: 11

== Limits ==
Physical: 5
Mental: 5
Audio Enhancement [+2] (Only for Perception (Hearing))
Medkit [+3] (Only for First Aid and Medicine)
Medkit [+6] (Only for First Aid and Medicine)
Vision Enhancement [+3] (Only for Perception (Visual))
Social: 10
Mortimer of London: Ulysses Coat [+1] (Must be visible)
Vashon Island: Sleeping Tiger [+1] (Must be visible)
Astral: 10

== Active Skills ==
Computer Base: 0 Pool: 4
Con (Fast Talk) Base: 6 Pool: 12 (14)
Disguise Base: 6 Pool: 9
Escape Artist Base: 0 Pool: 6
Etiquette (Corporate) Base: 6 Pool: 12 (14)
Forgery Base: 0 Pool: 4
Gymnastics Base: 2 Pool: 7
Impersonation Base: 4 Pool: 10
Intimidation (Interrogation) Base: 3 Pool: 9 (11)
Leadership (Rally) Base: 2 Pool: 8 (10)
Locksmith Base: 0 Pool: 6
Navigation Base: 2 Pool: 6
Negotiation (Bargaining) Base: 6 Pool: 12 (14)
Palming Base: 6 Pool: 11
Perception (Visual) Base: 6 Pool: 9 (11)
Pilot Ground Craft Base: 0 Pool: 5
Pistols (Semi-Automatics) Base: 6 Pool: 11 (13)
Running Base: 2 Pool: 5
Sneaking Base: 6 Pool: 11
Survival Base: 2 Pool: 7
Swimming Base: 2 Pool: 5
Throwing Weapons Base: 0 Pool: 6
Tracking Base: 2 Pool: 5

== Knowledge Skills ==
English Native
Japanese Base: 4 Pool: 8
Korean Base: 2 Pool: 6
Or'zet Base: 2 Pool: 6
Russian Base: 4 Pool: 8
Area Knowledge: Seattle Base: 1 Pool: 4
Fashion Base: 2 Pool: 5
Runner Hangouts Base: 1 Pool: 4
Shadow Community Base: 2 Pool: 5

== Contacts ==
‘Dirty’ Martin, Aztlaner exile ork male; Black Marketeer (3, 2)
Doc Smith, Seattle native elf male; Fixer (4, 3) [Free from GM]
Hotshot, Denver based human female; Smuggler (2, 5)
Monica Styles, jet-setting human female; Infobroker (4, 2)

== Qualities ==
Low Pain Tolerance
Photographic Memory
Sense of Direction
Speed Reading
Too Pretty To Hit
Wanted (Runner Team's Family from Back East)

== Lifestyle ==
(Low) 1 Month
+ Grid Subscription (Public Grid)

== Cyberware/Bioware ==
Sleep Regulator
Tailored Pheromones Rating 2

== Armor ==
Armor Jacket (Heavy Synthleather bike racer style) 12
+ AR Fashion
+ Nonconductivity 6
Helmet (Black close-faced motorcycle style) +2
+ Biomonitor
+ Gas Mask
Mortimer of London: Ulysses Coat 10/+3
+ Concealability
+ Custom Fit (Stack)
Vashon Island: Sleeping Tiger (Dark grey, singlebreasted) 13
+ Custom Fit
+ Newest Model
+ Ruthenium Polymer Coating 3
+ Biomonitor
+ Holster
+ Lockpick Set

== Weapons ==
Colt Agent Special (James Bond Special)
+ Personalized Grip
+ Silencer/Suppressor
+ Smartgun System, Internal
+ Spare Clip
Pool: 11 (13) Accuracy: 5 (8) DV: 8P AP: - RC: 2
Colt America L36 (Street Wear Style)
+ Concealed Quick-Draw Holster
+ Flashlight, Standard
+ Long Barrel
+ Personalized Grip
+ Smartgun System, Internal
+ Spare Clip
+ Spare Clip
Pool: 11 (13) Accuracy: 7 (11) DV: 7P AP: - RC: 2
Defiance EX Shocker (Legal Carry Time)
Pool: 11 Accuracy: 4 DV: 9S(e) AP: -5 RC: 2
Knife (Survival Kit)
Pool: 4 Accuracy: 5 DV: 4P AP: -1 RC: 2
Savalette Guardian (Real Work Pistol)
+ Personalized Grip
+ Smartgun System, Internal
+ Spare Clip
Pool: 11 (13) Accuracy: 5 (8) DV: 8P AP: -1 RC: 3
Unarmed Attack
Pool: 4 Accuracy: 5 DV: 3S AP: - RC: 2

== Commlink ==
Hermes Ikon (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 5, FWL: 5)
+ Commlink Functionality [Camera, Micro, Chip Player, Credstick Reader, Earbuds, GPS Guidance System, Micro Trid-Projector, Music Player, RFID Tag Scanner, Shock- and Water-Resistant Case, Touchscreen Display]
Meta Link (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 1, FWL: 1)
+ Commlink Functionality [Camera, Micro, Chip Player, Credstick Reader, Earbuds, GPS Guidance System, Micro Trid-Projector, Music Player, RFID Tag Scanner, Shock- and Water-Resistant Case, Touchscreen Display]
+ 2x MetaLink burners
== Gear: Equipped ==
Ammo: APDS (Heavy Pistols) ×30
Ammo: Explosive Rounds (Light Pistols) ×50
Ammo: Explosive Rounds (Heavy Pistols) ×50
Ammo: Gel Rounds (Heavy Pistols) ×20
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Light Pistols) ×30
Ammo: Taser Dart (Tasers) ×10

Bug Scanner Rating 6
Camera, Micro Rating 1
Certified Credstick, Silver
Certified Credstick, Standard ×5
Contacts Rating 3
+ Image Link
+ Flare Compensation
+ Vision Magnification
Datachip ×10
Earbuds Rating 3
+ Select Sound Filter Rating 1
+ Audio Enhancement Rating 2
Fake SIN (Jeremy Watson) Rating 4
+ Fake License (Concealed Carry Permit) Rating 4
+ Fake License (Private Investigator License) Rating 4
+ Fake License (Driver's License) Rating 4
Gas Mask
Glasses Rating 4
+ Vision Enhancement Rating 3
+ Thermographic Vision

  • Cram ×6
  • Jazz ×4
  • Long Haul
  • Novacoke ×10
  • Sober Time

    Medkit Rating 3
    Medkit Rating 6
    Restraint, Metal
    Restraint, Plastic ×10
    Slap Patch, Stim Patch Rating 6 ×2
    Slap Patch, Trauma Patch

    Standard Rope (100m)
    Standard Tags ×10
    Stealth Tags ×10
    Survival Kit
    + Lighter
    + Compass
    + Matches
    + Lightweight Thermal Blanket
    + Several Days' Worth of Ration Bars
    + Water Purification Unit
    Tag Eraser

    == Vehicles ==
    Suzuki Mirage (Racing Bike)
    + Sensor Array Rating 2

    Description: Horatio is a well-kept human man of 32, standing 177 cm tall and massing 72kg. He typically wears very well maintained business clothes in the latest fashion, and always has at least one concealed weapon on him at all times. He speaks with a firm, confident baritone, and fluently switches between languages as the need arises. He lapses into English when stressed, though.

  • I need a really good street name for my Face. Minimal 'ware, typically dresses quite well, uses pistols when the drek hits the fan.

    As to backstory: nuts and bolts, needs lots of details.

    He worked his way up as a runner on the east coast, from errand boy and messenger to infiltrator, face, and finally as Mr. Johnson proxy. That last job is what led him to being Wanted, though. He brokered a deal with a team based out of NYC, which led to them getting geeked, captured, and/or incapacitated. Horatio acted in good faith, however, but the opposing teams' surviving family and friends don't see it like that.

    When they came a'calling, he knew they figured him for the ACTUAL Mr. Johnson, who most likely DID set the team up (and Horatio in the process). He ske-daddled outta town, just about two steps ahead of their Bounty Hunters, and burned his SIN as well as most of the nuyen he'd saved up so far. Ending up in Seattle was pretty much a given, seeing as how it's such a haven for shadow-work.

    He's spent the last month or two settling down, doing a few side gigs here and there, and trying to get the lay of the land, before he can score big and grab some coin once more. More used to luxury hotel suites and Mr. Johnson comp-ed meals, going back to SoyDogs and a fleabag motel to crash in, while driving an off-the-shelf Mirage is a serious step down in status.

    OK then,

    Alex 'Glass' Scott:

    Alex was born in Renton, to Human parents. The family lived in the North of the district, close to Redmond, and both of his parents worked menial jobs as and when they could.
    Growing up was hard on Alex and his older brother Chris; both boys getting into fights thanks to Alex's noticable eyes and ears and Chris protecting him. Things could have been even worse when Alex started to develop the ability to move things around with magic, and to direct the same power into his attackers, if Chris hadn't gone out of his way to convince everybody that his brother was normal, and any tales of magic were just more attempts to cause trouble.
    As Alex got older he began to explore various parts of north Renton and south Redmond, collecting various mechanical and organic items he found interesting; he also began to develop the ability to not be where trouble was, or to fade into the background in a way that left people unable to describe him any better than "some Elf kid". This earned him the nickname of "glass" because "he's there, you just look right through him", as one of his few friends once said.
    When Alex was 16, Chris set up a small pawn-broking business, which Alex found useful for selling off some of the more useful things he found, sometimes after a bit of repair. Through Chris's business Alex also made contact with some direct buyers of the things he was scavenging, both mechanical bits and organics useful to magical practitioners; all of these he would trade for things he wanted for his own use.
    By the time he was 18, Alex had moved to a squat in the south of Redmond, and had developed more magical abilities, gaining the notice of a Rat mentor spirit that seemed to help him move through the Barrens without attracting too much attention.

    Now 20, Alex still visits Chris, sometimes with things to sell, sometimes just to stay in touch with the family. His magical abilities have made him occasionally useful to other inhabitants of the Redmond/Renton border, and his aility to find useful plants and mechanical bits & pieces keeps him afloat.

    Just recently he's been looking at making more use of his abilities to improve his living conditions - there's only so much dirt you can live with...


    == Personal Data ==
    Name: Alex Scott Alias: Glass
    Elf, Male
    Movement: 8/16 (2m/hit)
    Swim: 3 (1m/hit)
    160 lb (72,6 Kg), 6'2" (188 cm) Composure: 12
    Street Cred: 0 Judge Intentions: 9
    Notoriety: 1 Lift/Carry: 4 (30 kg/20 kg)
    Public Awareness: 0 Memory: 7
    Karma: 0 Nuyen: 465¥
    Age: 20 Skin: dirty
    Eyes: brown Hair: brown
    Primary Arm: Right

    == Priorities ==
    Metatype: C,2
    Attributes: C,2
    Special: A,4
    Skills: C,2
    Resources: E,0

    == Attributes ==
    BOD: 2 CHA: 6
    AGI: 4 INT: 3
    REA: 3 LOG: 1
    STR: 2 WIL: 6
    EDG: 4 MAG: 6

    == Derived Attributes
    Essence: 6.00 Initiative: 6 +1d6
    Physical Damage Track: 9 Rigger Initiative: 6 +1d6
    Stun Damage Track: 11 Astral Initiative: 6 +3d6
    Physical: 3 Matrix AR: 6 +1d6
    Mental: 4 Matrix Cold: 4 +3d6
    Social: 8 Matrix Hot: 4 +4d6
    Astral: 8

    == Active Skills ==
    Alchemy Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 8
    Animal Handling Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 7
    Archery (Crossbow) Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 5 (7)
    Artificing Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 7
    Assensing Base: 5 + Karma: 0 = 5 Pool: 8
    Astral Combat Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 8
    Banishing (Spirits of Air) Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 7 (9)
    Blades Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 6
    Clubs Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 6
    Counterspelling Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 7
    Disenchanting Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 7
    First Aid Base: 3 + Karma: 0 = 3 Pool: 4
    Gymnastics Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 5
    Negotiation (Bargaining) Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 7 (9)
    Perception Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 5
    Pilot Ground Craft Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 4
    Sneaking (Urban) Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 7 (9)
    Spellcasting Base: 5 + Karma: 0 = 5 Pool: 11
    Survival (Urban) Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 8 (10)
    Tracking (Urban) Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 4 (6)
    Unarmed Combat Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 6

    == Knowledge Skills ==
    Area Knowledge: Seattle Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 5
    Biology Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 3
    Engineering (Mechanical) Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 3 (5)
    Popular Music Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 4

    == Qualities ==
    Low-Light Vision
    Mentor Spirit (Rat)
    Spirit Bane (Water)

    == Tradition ==
    Shamanic, Resist Drain with 12

    == Spells ==
    Analyze Magic DV: F-3
    Armor DV: F-2
    Armor (Alchemical) DV: F-2
    Bugs DV: F-3
    Clout DV: F-3
    Detox DV: F-6
    Heal DV: F-4
    Ignite DV: F-1
    Improved Invisibility (Alchemical)DV: F-1
    Magic Fingers DV: F-2
    Powerbolt DV: F-3
    Stunbolt DV: F-3

    == Lifestyle ==
    Squat (Squatter) 6 Months
    + Grid Subscription (Public Grid) [+50¥]

    == Armor ==
    Armor Clothing 6
    Clothing 0

    == Weapons ==
    Knife (Survival Kit)
    Pool: 6 Accuracy: 5 DV: 3P AP: -1 RC: 2
    Light Crossbow
    Pool: 5 Accuracy: 7 DV: 5P AP: -1 RC: 2
    Unarmed Attack
    Pool: 6 Accuracy: 3 DV: 2S AP: - RC: 2

    == Commlink ==
    Meta Link (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 1, FWL: 1)
    + Commlink Functionality [Camera, Micro, Chip Player, Credstick Reader, Earbuds, GPS Guidance System, Micro Trid-Projector, Music Player, RFID Tag Scanner, Shock- and Water-Resistant Case, Touchscreen Display]

    == Gear: Equipped ==
    Backpack (Good)
    Binoculars, Optical
    + Vision Magnification
    Bolt: Standard (Crossbows) ×40
    Canteen, One Liter
    Certified Credstick, Silver ×5
    + Nuyen (¥) ×200
    Fake SIN (sin) Rating 1
    + Fake License (Driver's License) Rating 1
    + Fake License (Mage License) Rating 1
    Goggles Rating 3
    + Low Light
    Hand Tool (Good) (Multi-tool)
    Light Stick ×5
    Magical Lodge Materials (Shamanic) Rating 3
    Reagents, per dram (Shamanic) ×10
    Roll of Duct Tape ×2
    Survival Kit
    + Lighter
    + Compass
    + Matches
    + Lightweight Thermal Blanket
    + Several Days' Worth of Ration Bars
    + Water Purification Unit
    Tool Belt (Good)
    Tool Kit (Automotive Mechanic)

    == Concept ==
    Street Shaman/scavenger

    == Contacts ==
    (Smuggler), (Connection: 5, Loyalty: 2)

    (Street Vendor), (Connection: 3, Loyalty: 1)

    (Fixer), (Connection: 4, Loyalty: 3)

    Chris Scott (Pawn Broker), Renton (Connection: 3, Loyalty: 4)

    psionichamster - Johny-come-Lately; Johny Carson; Neutron; Doctor; Ken; Jealousy; Distraction; No One; etc. Lots of options.

    Liberty's Edge

    I like the idea...will have to do some research. Also, as my character speaks Or-Zet, she might have a connection to any orc character. Also with a background in Lone Star, she might connect that way as well.

    @GM - All that sounds fine, GM. Previous GM just basically shut everything down, accused me of power gaming, and said 'tough luck play something else'. :)

    I'll tweak her if need be, but she was pretty much book stock as is. Can she start with autosofts she's already worked on (based on her skill level)?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    @psionichamster - that looks solid, and a good face is never useless. As for the alias - the world's your oyster, can't give you a hand there!

    @Andy Brown - a Renton Rat Shaman! An absolute classic, and a lovely combo. I do love me some slummers.

    @Daniel Stewart - that sounds good. Or-zet might've been a language she picked up while working the orkish neighbourhoods, and may or may not come in handy (it may. It definitely may.) Feel free to look up things on the Shadowrun wiki, as well as the rulebooks!

    @Overflight - I'm versed enough in the system to be able to handle 'some' degree of powergaming, and I've played enough with you to trust you. Only things I'll say is you have to be careful with the crafting shadowrunners, not to accidentally end up making an excellent wageslave, since you'd need a reason to run the shadows, and some spare time in which to run, after all. And, well. I do hope Overflight wants to do more things/interact with the world rather than sit in her garage and tinker.

    I'll have to say no to the autosofts at start, sorry. Think of it as maybe losing your gear, or software becoming obsolete as time goes on, I am generally against pre-crafting in all games I play, be they Shadowrun or Pathfinder.

    @Everyone: I realised I should've said that a bit earlier, and I apologise. What I'd ask for is a small story, showing the character in the world. Could be a memory of a run, could be interacting with previous, or even current shadowrunners in a bar, or even snarling at Knight Errant from across the street.

    Doesn't have to be a novel, of course, but enough to get a feel for who you are, rather than what statblock you are.

    And thank you all for your interest, I have a lot more interest in this game than I hoped for!

    @GMCP: Duly noted on getting lost down the deep rabbit hole that is the setting :) Hoping to have some crunch and flavour up for your persual shortly.

    @Daniel: Am open to a link between our characters - particularly as I may well run with the Wuxia Honor Path also - perhaps a hook there?

    @gm I'll get you a story and more background info up in a bit.

    @Gm here is my Orc Sam Stats, I have the start of a fiction I'll post later tonight.

    Former Wild Cat, assumed dead, new to Seattle and the Shadows.

    This was enough to push me across the bridge. I stopped at my FLGS and picked up the 5th Ed core book. Only version I was missing anyway. Chummer shows way too much in the way of difference for me to feel safe with any of my older version mechanic assumptions. Now to see how fast I can absorb the core changes to get my head better wrapped around character creation decisions.

    I'm planning to build the TAMMU student. Figure he'll have his BS in Magical Science and had completed (but not received) his MS in Magical Theory (Magical Design Theory?) at the point he was extracted. Gotta understand more about how the skills interact and what each does before I can intelligently set values from his formal education.


    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    If anyone is having difficulties with choices or number crunching, I am happy to provide assistance or guidance. SR5 chargen is probably the single most complicated part of the system, and there are a lot of fiddly little bits.

    PM or right here, however you'd like, no problem.

    I’ll try to put my character together Friday night. Been busy with school.

    @psionichamster: May well take you up on that :)

    @GMCP: Immersion is ongoing... as I'm reading more into the system my ideas are morphing. Am now considering going Rigger for my Oni - a former courier/wheelman/transporter who was made a patsy by the local Yak. Ended up doing time - now out and has a gear to grind against those who set him up... Know they'll be some prices to pay as a ex-crim SINner, but all adds to the flavour :)

    Current working name is: Torippuhanmā (Trip Hammer)

    Will likely focus on vehicles over drones etc, but am open to advice/pointers from fellow chummers who've seen it all and ran with 'em too!

    Don't know about 5th, yet, but an earlier version had security riggers. They jacked into compound/building security systems. Cameras, alarms, elevators, weapon defense systems COULD all be on that system instead of the .atrix rig a decker would connect to.

    The important bit, though, is to find a way to keep your character engaged. If the wheel man is waiting outside, that could be your only contribution for MONTHS in a PBP game. That would suck.

    Hello hello again, chummers.

    @psionichamster - Great idea, and thanks for that. I agree on the Chargen being the hardest part of SR5, possibly with the exception of dabbling in deep technomancer-y shenanigans, and I dislike deep technomancer-y shenanigans.

    @Dragoncat - no worries, school is more important! Like I said, the story's more important to me than the mechanics. If need be, I'll help people finish the character in Discussion.

    @Black Dow & hustonj I wasn't joking when I said Shadowrun's my favourite setting, period. Enjoy your trip into Wonderland! True, there is such a thing as a security rigger - it's called a spider. Most things are on the same Matrix, but different hosts, nowadays, since a big feature of the new Matrix is its security.

    Good point on the wheel man. I've never been much of a fan of the 'man in the chair', or 'man behind the wheel' characters for Shadowrun, though I do understand their appeal. Even if you are in the car, a simple, expendable fly-drone would allow you to run recon, spy the reinforcements, or even fly in the mouth of a bad guy in the middle of a monologue.

    An ex-Criminal, ex-Yak sounds like a man who you don't want to meet in a dark alleyway!

    @GM Captain Placeholder

    Here is a little snippet.


    Pigeon watched his APC roll across the badlands down the optic scope of his long gun, it felt odd for him to watch the fireteams ride pulling away, it might be the only ride on a thousand klicks, but Rook had a feeling and Riiks hunches, along with the heuristic hardware that powered them, had saved them all before. Thinking of Rook his hand reached up to the self-spooling 15m cable running from his com jack to the squad hub. Sgt, Dodo had insisted on quiet ops and had his head in his dark hood, probably checking one of those physical maps he was always carrying, he looked over to rook in the squad net he could see the flashing AR of whatever he was doing. The sat up-link looked wrong it was not pointed at MOTHER, the Wild Cat’s distinct Satellite, he looks at where it is pointing and wonders. As if he read Pigeon’s mind Rook says “ZO, it is linked to ZO, the only trunk line I know is secure.” he doesn’t say any more. Pigeon follows the line to the last remaining member of the team, Jackdaw curled in her Mylar sac while she was piloting the APC away.
    The team had lost their Lute, why they sent a guy that green on a operation this dark didn’t make any good sense but, the brass makes a-lot of questionable calls. They had clears the research station, why the Tír elves has a research station out here didn’t make any sense, but that question was way above the pay-grade of the Grunts in the field.
    Pigeon turns back looking to spot the trail of dust looking for the APC as he spots it the world goes white.
    ::Leaving grid guide coverage area, full autopilot ends in 30 seconds::
    Stagger shakes out of his revelry, ’Why did I tell that Fixer my street name was Stagger it took 4 years in the Cats to get rid of that name, he hated it. He was about to go into the Barrens, Rook set him up in Seattle after they all “Died” in that Orbital kinetic shot that obliterated the APC, it was time to get started with his new life as a Shadowrunner.


    Sunday Morning, 7 am. No respectable person would be up at this hour. Not that any respectable person would be in this part of Redmond at any time.
    Glass approached his morning's target carefully. Last night there had been a small skirmish between two minor gangs; he'd watched it from the safe side of a broken window. With a bit of luck there'd still be some pieces to pick up.
    Looking through the same window, he scanned the street for movement; nothing. Maybe the gangs were having a lie in after a late night. Up the street was a broken fence, with the back wheel of a bike still poking through. Glass had hoped the sudden overfly of copters had scared the gangers deeper into the barrens without picking up all the pieces, but he'd been too busy keeping his head down to get a good look at the remaining gear when it happened.
    A quick scurry across the street and through the fence took him out of sight of any casual traffic, and he began to examine the mangled wheels and bent metal; the bike had hit the fence hard and there was a lot of blood. Crouching, he spotted something in a piece of wood.
    Troll teeth? he thought. Might be useful for somebody.
    He swung his pack to the ground and placed the teeth in one of the smaller pockets. As he was opening the pack for some tools his commlink beeped.
    "Hey, Chris." Glass greeted his brother. "Up early."
    "Up late." came the reply. "A friend of yours came into the shop last night. Said he'd have something you might be interested in on Tuesday, and can you get any more of the stuff you got last month? Do I want to know?"
    Glass thought of the teeth he'd picked up. "Probably not. Hey, you still get that guy coming in that's building his own bike?"
    "Sometimes, yeah. Think he's finished now though."
    "Think he'd be interested in a couple of nearly-new ceramic brake discs?" Glass pulled a wrench out of his pack and began working on the front wheel hub.
    "I'll ask him when he comes in. Catch you later, bro'."

    Pulling the brake discs off took longer than Glass would have liked; he was just beginning to examine the rest of the bike for salvageable parts when he heard a noise behind him.
    "Hey man, what ya doing to our bike?" The voice belonged to the older of two kids wearing gang colours; about 16, but already trouble.
    "Your bike?" Glass asked as he turned. "Looks like nobody's, lying here."
    "It's on our turf, drek-head, so it's ours."
    Glass looked round for another way out of the yard; the only options appeared to be through the building, or through the kids, who had now pulled bike chains out of pockets.
    "Yeah, well, you can have it." Glass replied.
    "And whatever else ya got."
    "Not happening, Chummer." Glass mentally reached inside himself for the power lurking there and threw a bolt of force at the older of the two kids, then turned and ran for where the fence met the building. The younger ganger turned to look at his stunned friend, then gave chase.
    Glass hit the wall at a run and parkoured his way over the fence with two more steps. Rolling as he hit the ground he turned and sprinted along the side of the building as he heard scrabbling on the wooden fence.
    Glass slowed as he approached the next corner, and casually turned down a street leading toward Renton; just another citizen out for a Sunday morning stroll.

    Yeah, I can't play a decker or spider. Too many of the assumptions about the system are so obviously wrong to anyone with a good IT background. Industrial Control Systems are almost never on the same physical network as the IT stuff, for example. The risk is just too high NOW. Defensive systems would NEVER be on the same network, though cameras might have dual feeds that are designed NOT to physically allow response traffic from the second network. That sort of thing.

    Performed my daily minimum game updates. Time to read and learn about all the new stuff Chummer showed me . . ..

    @GM - No problem on the starting stuff. I need to go over her again and see what I've got to redo equip wise for the autosofts.

    Is the background for her about what you were looking for? And yes, she prefers doing more than tinkering in the garage (although she does love that too). While working for the corps, she was a field asset as much as a lab asset. That made her valuable, since that's a hard combo to find.

    Agghhh! One of the games I’m running needs replacement character so I haven’t been able to keep up with this thread.

    Anyway, my idea for a character is an old retired soldier with a wife dead and in the ground and a son getting ready to throw himself into a military profession. Seeing that his son doesn’t have the luck that he does decides to take on runner work to try and get as much money as he can before he passes so it will go to his son.

    Or I could play as the son, using all the money that his father earned to pick up where he left off.

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