GM_Grandlounge |
No level up yet. Also, I have a huge job application I have to have ready for Monday so I won't be posting until Tuesday. Thanks for the patience.
After that, we should be ready to start the next leg.
Von-Dai Cress |
Final Purchase List:
Cloak of Resistance +1 - 1000 gp
Ring of sustenance - 2500 gp
Adding spiked pit to my spellbook - 465
Adding clairaudience/clairvoyance to my spellbook - 465
Adding cat's grace to my spellbook - 190
Adding shatter to my spellbook - 190
Adding darkvision to my spellbook - 190
That's all my 5000 gp.
Von-Dai Cress |
I have +12 Knowledge (geography) - please describe it to the group.
Zeltyieli Alikathesu |
As per the original, upgraded armour to +1 and grabbed a belt of dex +2.
GM_Grandlounge |
Hey all. I am heading to the mountain for the weekend I will have a big post moving you to the next section Monday. Have a good weekend all.
Zeltyieli Alikathesu |
I'll be off for the holidays, everyone - not back (by which I mean, back online -- it's not travel, it's a toddler) 'til Monday (sorry, meant to send a pre-warning, I usually do).
Also: Happy holidays everyone!
GM_Grandlounge |
Nor worries. We always have a slow week this week. Happy Holidays all.
GM_Grandlounge |
Hey all,
I will have a big post tomorrow the perception check set something in motion.
GM_Grandlounge |
I have a job interview tomorrow. I will have a post up after that. Apologies for the slow week.
GM_Grandlounge |
You are applying hardness incorrectly. Each hit on the column does 3d6 which is then filtered against the 14 points of hardness (each 3d6 is an instance of damage as described by the hardness rules). That means neither the 7 nor 11 would get through the hardness. I only continued to attack with the whip because I knew the odds of you getting a high roll on 3d6 above the hardness was unlikely. If we're doing it some other way, then I will reconsider.
If you did the calculation and you came to 14 hardness and made your decision based on that I think you miss calculated.
Here is what I got.
Weapon Whip:
Generously I let it be Light hafted weapon (Hardness 5 HP 2)
Each +1 of enhancement bonus adds 2 to the hardness of armor, a weapon, or a shield, and +10 to the item’s hit points (Hardness 7 HP 12). Realistically it should start hardness 2 HP 1 five to take.
Therefore the damage is 3d6 -7 + 3d6 -7 or 3d6+3d6-14.
I also did not roll it for the first attack of the fight because I forgot and I don't penalize players for my mistakes.
If you made the decision based on you calculating 14 hardness that's a player error but as I already allowed recons for that round so you can retcon your whole round previous round.
I would recommend that:
If your character thought the magic whip was strong enough to take the first attack, which I think you are suggesting, then he can have learned it is not and don't take the second attack.
Or you can retcon any other way you like.
I hope this is an amicable solution.
GM_Grandlounge |
NP. Let's leave it as is as it is not broken yet and Von might even be nice enough to mend it for you tomorrow if you ask.
Von-Dai Cress |
That requires Make Whole since it's a magic weapon, and I don't have that spell. On the other hand, it is a 2nd-level Cleric Spell, so Zelti could prepare it.
GM_Grandlounge |
That is true. Good catch Von. It will slow your pursuit but you can fix the weapons. What is the likelihood that Paizo will though these creatures and rust monsters at you?
Von-Dai Cress |
Probably pretty high, but Rust Monsters aren't immune to magic, so I can deal damage to them.
Von-Dai Cress |
Plus side, it's also immune to rust monsters if we fight those, since it's not metal.
GM_Grandlounge |
There is a metal whip called the stinging whip. It's an odd religious object but you can pick one up the next time you can all go shoping.
Zeltyieli Alikathesu |
About as hard to find as an adamantine bladed scarf, I'm thinking.
Though, given that the scarf has many blades, I wonder if I could get a mixed-metal one to get past multiple DRs.
GM_Grandlounge |
Also, sorry, I know these are some of the most hated low-level monsters. Next is 5 swarms.
Von-Dai Cress |
Yeah, but I can do something about swarms.
Zeltyieli Alikathesu |
I have a dim memory of carrying something the party asked me to carry - but think I might have lost it when I updated my sheet.
Does 'tyieli have anything important? A shard or a stone or something?
Von-Dai Cress |
I believe you have the ioun stone that goes into the Shard of Lust. I'll check today.
EDIT: You do have the ioun stone - pink and green sphere for +2 Charisma. You slotted it into your Wayfinder.
Zeltyieli Alikathesu |
Thanks. I was trying to find that and failing.
Zeltyieli Alikathesu |
GL - Did I ever ask about the possibility of going Mystery Cultist?
'Tyieli worships an Empyreal Lord - but the barrier of "having a spritual awakening" with a "power outsider" is the sort of barrier that I can't just pick the right feats to get at (but at the same time, I kind of do still need to pick the right feats and skills to get there).
...and looking back, I see I didn't, which is probably why 'tyeili doesn't have his L5 feat. ;)
Zeltyieli Alikathesu |
Celestial Obedience it is. ;)
Zeltyieli Alikathesu |
I'll be away for the long weekend, which for us Canucks, begins today. See everyone Monday.
Zeltyieli Alikathesu |
Ok, folks. I'm going to be heading out of town for the next two weeks to a place where I have no wifi and the towers are spotty -- all that to say, my access to the interwebs will be sketchy at best from tomorrow (Saturday the 31) until the Monday the 16th.
I imagine I'll pop in a bit at night when possible, but, don't count on me over the period. Feel free to bot as necessary. 'tyeli will mostly ooh and aaah at cool stuff, and try to prevent the party from dying with his magic. ;)
Von-Dai Cress |
Really? Double nat 1's? REALLY?
Have fun, Zeltyieli!
Marcus Stanic |
One time at a PFS game we had a player roll three sequential ones on saving throws. It was a save against baleful polymorph. He failed the fort save, failed his re-roll, and then failed the will save. He even had good saves, so he didn't even need particularly good rolls.
Von-Dai Cress |
I will be traveling beginning tomorrow through Tuesday, and have only my phone. Please bot me if necessary.
Zeltyieli Alikathesu |
No worries Daniel. Hopefully it went well -- I found my own reaction was worse to the first than the second.
GM_Grandlounge |
Yep. I let player take it whenever they would do so in person and according to the rules. I leave it to the players to police not exploiting when I post the dcs.
GM_Grandlounge |
If your post is the exact same as any previous post it will not post. it can happen we short posts.