the world tapestry adventures

Game Master Scott Crandall 754

this is an episodic adventure where the party is part of a pirate crew and travels the world in search of plunder and fame. At this point the captain is a nonplayer character unless one of the party wants the job.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I am new to game mastering and am looking to get experience running by running through either an adventure Path or a few modules. I currently have up to adventure Path 12 except for the first two parts of kingmaker and six different modules I could run including the price of immortality trilogy. The primary reason I wanted to start with pre-made material is there are still a few things that I don't understand mainly how challenge rating actually works so it's difficult for me to build balanced encounters and I have a bad habit of giving the party too much money. After I run a few pre-made adventures I might start doing my own thing as I grow more familiar and easy to running a game. If anyone is interested at all please drop me a line of course to do any of the pre-made adventures we need a group of four players.

Scott Crandall 754 wrote:
I am new to game mastering and am looking to get experience running by running through either an adventure Path or a few modules. I currently have up to adventure Path 12 except for the first two parts of kingmaker and six different modules I could run including the price of immortality trilogy. The primary reason I wanted to start with pre-made material is there are still a few things that I don't understand mainly how challenge rating actually works so it's difficult for me to build balanced encounters and I have a bad habit of giving the party too much money. After I run a few pre-made adventures I might start doing my own thing as I grow more familiar and easy to running a game. If anyone is interested at all please drop me a line of course to do any of the pre-made adventures we need a group of four players.

I'd love to join. At what level are we starting? Just tell me this, and I can adjust Genesis (My fighter/sorcerer/eldritch knight) to fit pretty much any campaign.

Dark Archive

I'm always up for a game and will make a PC to suit the campaign or adventure.

I am interested.

I'm also interested. Been thinking of getting involved in and online game for a while now.

Silver Crusade

I enjoy online campaigns. I run a few myself (though not on here) and could some help if needed. Other than that, sounds pretty fun, would love to join

I have an idea for a fun half-orc slayer if you'll allow it

Count me interested.

I'm game. Mainly interested in playing an orc (or half orc, if you'll allow it) Scarred Witch Doctor, or a human alchemist. Either case we'd probably need to talk.

Well dotting for interest!

Dotting for interest

Let me throw some info at you to help you get started with Play by Post gaming.

DHs Guide to Play by Post Gaming

That is general information about formatting and how to post in Play by Post (pbp), good information for all.

Guide to playbypost

This has a number of links about running a pbp.

Just my few thoughts about it all. Running an adventure path will take a long time. I understand wanting something premade for your first time, but I honestly believe that Adventure Paths weren't made to be run PBP. Just remember it takes at least one day for someone to make an action. I believe I figured a 3 hour game session equals about a week in pbp. Home made game can be sped up or slow down, skipping over parts to make the game run faster for the pbp speed. It's your choice, just my opinion on it.

Don't think that just because PBP is slow, you can wait to figure things out on the fly. You don't want to spend an hour trying to figure things out that you hadn't preplanned for. Shouldn't be as much of a problem with an Adventure Path, just try to be well prepared in advance, just like running a regular session.

Also, as this is your first time running a game, I recommend making sure people keep their characters simple. Like don't have some one make a build all about combat maneuvers if you don't know how the rules work, because that will just make a lot more work for you that shouldn't be needed at this point.

I'm sure I could say a lot more, but I will leave it at that. Happy DMing.

I'm interested, I've worked with both new and old DMs, and new DMs have a lot of potential. Do you want us to tell you which adventure path we prefer and start a tally?

Dark Archive

Good advice from Wofguy, I wish that someone had done the same for me when I first started an online game here. As for running APs on PbP, it is certainly possible, as indicated by the number of people doing so, but the players must be absolutely committed, as must the GM. It's a lot more work than you think, so be prepared to put the time into it.

I am interested as well. It has been several years since my last PbP game, so while rusty on some things I know the rust will shake off quickly.

That being said, I am open to any class needed for the group.

I've seen too many games die down because DMs tire out to quickly or wait several days before responding, and few of these DMs are new, most however are veterans and try to DM three or more games at once as well as play a half-dozen, but they can't keep track of them all. Sickness and stuff happens, but be ready to DM when you get out of it.
If you are DMing in addition to playing other campaigns or dming multiple campaigns, write down everything you are involved in, otherwise you forget, especially if you get sick. If you are going to be a way for a while, tell the players so they don't get worried. I believe you have potential and are willing to DM, but I've seen it happen to many times.
If running an AP campaign, stick with it to the end, or find a replacement temporary or permanent if a point comes where you can't DM, but never abandon it without warning, it will look bad and people will remember it. And don't wait a week before responding without telling us why you waited so long, it also looks bad.

Silver Crusade

possible interest. I could also help with NPC/monster creation.

As others have suggested, you need to run something that you want to run. You need to run something that you care about. You should pick players/characters that you find entertaining, because that's what you get in exchange for running the game.

I'm not going to claim interest and stake a claim for a player position until you know what it is that you want to spend your time doing, which story you want to tell.

There are more players than GMs. You will find people willing to try whatever you choose to offer.

Liberty's Edge

i would like to join

You mentioned some APs. Wich ones do you have?

im interested in joining

So... When do we start?

Empyror wrote:

So... When do we start?

He hasn't decided on which one he wants to do yet, you must be really eager to start. He will get there.

I'm just excited. I've been wanting to do a PbP for a while.

I am potentially interested. I have never managed to get in a PBP that lasted very long and I would love to and I really like pathfinder.

I have a character concept for a dwarf barbarian who can't grow a beard and doesn't drink alcohol. He's got a pretty big chip on his shoulder. How often are you looking for players to post; daily? weekly? couple of times a week? That will have an impact on your workload and how fast the game moves.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

hi I had originally intended to run and adventure Path specifically rise of the rune lords however that has been put on the back burner for now. There are two other options I had in mind either running a module or starting my own campaign. If I were to run a module it would either be the dragons demand or the price of immortality trilogy. Personally I feel that this might cause the same problems that your posts seem to bring up about running an adventure Path but when it comes down to it I'm really flexible about what I run. If I ran my own campaign for starting level it would be level I because this limits my monster base somewhat and creating encounters should be simple. Any race from any Pathfinder book would be allowed and the same goes for classes now there are some classes that I am not familiar with so please check with me through a discussion post about any class that is not in the core rulebook. While I have all the ultimate books and the advanced players guide I am not 100% familiar with every single class or race. Shadow hammer in response to your question about how often we would be playing him I would try to check the campaign at least once a day if I have more time I will check it more often I am not the fastest typist so it may take a while for me to post threads I will try to not go at a snails pace but it might take me two or three days sometimes depending on how complex everyone's actions are combat is not too much of a problem for me it's the working with nonplayer character interactions that I struggle with but I'm willing to give it a shot. I will check to see what I have to do to connect this thread to a campaign and get back to everyone as soon as I can.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

I'd like to echo what others have said about campaign selection. The shorter it is, the easier it is to run - especially for a newer GM. Picking anything larger could either run far longer than reasonable, lose people to attrition, or simply overwhelm you. I've run both of the modules you mention, and I think they're both great. Crypt of the Everflame, in particular, is very easy to run. Dragon's Demand has a little more going on that might make a new GM worry (particularly with the titular dragon), but it's straightforward enough that you don't have to worry about those overwhelming NPC interactions!

That being said, though, I think a PbP format is perfect for getting the hang of those NPCs. I've found that the slower pace and more cinematic style of posting and describing actions leads to some really great interactions between the players and the NPC cast around them.

My best advice is simply go at it full force and give them all you've got. Remember that everyone who's sat on that side of the GM screen has been in the same position as you! The only way to really learn it is to jump on in and do it. Every GM has that hurdle that they find more difficult than the rest of the job, even if they'll never admit it. Don't sweat it, and your players won't either.

And, of course, I'll throw my hat in with the rest as interested in playing whatever it is you might decide on.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

for everyone who wants a short campaign I have five words for you. The world tapestry rides again. This is the basis for a campaign that can start and stop and restart again and again. I will go into more detail in the background for the campaign the long and short of it is the world tapestry is the ship and were crisscrossing across the face of the world. I will set up the campaign details today so everyone can get a general feel for what I'm trying to run. I will to this though plan on starting in shackles wink wink.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

hi I thought everyone that might be interested in might be with like to know that the campaign synopsis has just been put up. Slight change of plans I am trying to re-create one of my old field campaigns I like to call the world tapestry adventures. There are only two things I think I need to do before we actually can get this started and they are create a game play thread and a discussion thread. My question is are these threads different in any way from a normal thread? The other thing I'm not exactly clear on is to I have to use something to actually recruit players or is it as soon as you post on the game play thread your automatically in the campaign? If anyone knows please let me know as soon as I figure out these last few snags the campaign will start I hope to have this thing up and running by Friday at the earliest or next week at the latest.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

just to let everyone know I am very close to being ready to start I think all I need now is the game plan thread. The discussion thread has been set up please post any character aspirations on the discussion thread so I have an idea what everyone is playing also not quite sure how the recruitment process actually works is it just if you post on the game play thread your automatically in the campaign or do I have to send you an invite for you to join and if I do is it just a private message asking you to join or is it under another heading? If anyone knows how to set up a game play thread please let me know.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

please check the discussion thread I will post campaign parameters their including what books will be allowed starting wealth starting level and any class limitations that will be imposing on the campaign.

To run with convention here on the forums, you should start a new recruitment thread where you identify the theme, character generation rules, any house rules, and how/when you plan to select how many characters (first come, first serve; most interesting; least munchkin; best built; whatever).

You would when have to hook that recruitment thread into your campaign in the place of this one.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

first of all thank you to everyone who has sent me a message with the character design or posted at on the discussion thread. Secondly there are several vital questions I need cleared up so we can begin. The first question is what does everyone consider a short campaign I view it as a series of say 1 to 4 missions that are connected kind of like a miniseries. I personally would like to try and do a semi-long campaign and try to cover as much of the world as we can while having each of the characters may be have a personal goal which they are trying to steer the world tapestry towards. Honestly I have no plans for an overarching storyline at this point it can be generally episodic stuff to start with and maybe I'm an art will develop off of a few of the episodes. I honestly don't think I can handle more than four players at this time there will be a lot of NPC characters running around as well I also might want to throw in a module or two depending on where the party decides to go. I also seriously need to figure out how to recruit players do I actually need a game play thread first? For those of you who I haven't contacted I will try to get in tech with you soon.

If you are going for a short campaign, you might want to say we only go to level 14 or so, and use fast advancement. Some people have a 20 level plan, but you might want to say if going below level 20.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I am very close to being ready I know I want a party of four players as I said before I think that's all I can handle at this point. Here are the guidelines for character creation epic point buy starting wealth 150 GP races and classes allowed any race or class out of the following books core rule, advanced players guide, advanced race guide, paths of prestige, UC, Pathfinder campaign settings Isles of the shackles and Pathfinder player companion Pirates of the inner Sea this list renders the previous list I posted on the discussion thread null and void and as the campaign goes on I will be adding to this list on at that point the discussion thread. Please post character ideas on the discussion thread where I can look them over once this is done I will post the arrest of character names that I feel have satisfied what I'm looking for and also the game play thread will be up soon. I tried to create today but ran into non-player character issues basically I put the name of one of my main NPC's right now and try to give them a few levels but was having a queue with whether that is how an NPC is created and in case aliases are NPC's I can't seem to create any aliases at the moment.

@Scott Crandall 754

It would help everyone reading your posts if you would break them up into paragraphs. You have long posts with a lot of information...


Oceanshielfwolf, if you bring Vai'anassena See into this, I might be tempted to bring this guy into this, especially if

jax is shy:
Beylinda joins.
Pretty sure that campaign is dead, we just need to get the others in on this, since getting out of another campaign, our characters would know each other.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I know it has been a while since I posted I'm still looking for a virtual tabletop in regards to the online campaign. I still want to do it and have thought about using roll 20 but I am still having some reservations.
on a semi-related note I am hoping to run another campaign in a local shop.

The campaign is for a group of 4 to 6 players and disposition around modules and adventure paths. It features material from at least three different campaign settings the Pathfinder home world, mid-guard and a relatively new campaign settings called pure steam.

If anyone is interested in this idea please send me a personal message to let me know you're interested. I will plan to send you a reply giving you an easier way of contacting me and the name of a shop. Please hold character ideas for this campaign and tell I can contact you through the means provided I don't want to get the two campaigns confused in my head

If anyone has any other ideas besides rule 20 or Google drive for a virtual tabletop for the online campaign also please let me know.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

first of all this has only a slight connection to my failed online campaign. I am looking to start a Pathfinder campaign at a local game shop called labyrinth games you can find it on Facebook. I say a small Pathfinder campaign but it's actually for separate campaigns for separate world.

The first world is probably the world everyone here is very familiar with the Pathfinder home world. I have several modules and adventure paths to run in this setting. The second set is a slightly darker world primarily based around a group of several different methodologies but very heavy on the Norse gods. I also have a steam punk setting and lastly as setting up my own design which is also very dark and wild.

I admit my own sanity is just a rough sketch of an idea at this point I was hoping to flesh it out as we played around with it. If anyone is interested please send me a private message just letting me know specifically which part you are interested in and we'll go from there.

If you are out all familiar with my world tapestry idea and still would like to see it happen it will be part of my own campaign world. This campaign is designed for a party of 5 to 7 characters. Him him

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

still interested in running a campaign but trying to figure out the best way to get maps to run it.

I could still go with the original idea of the pirate campaign in the shackles but I'm also sort of throwing around designing a world with a campaign. The problem is every time I try to run in the Pathfinder campaign settings I get sidetracked and lost because the world is just so big and I have a very hard time focusing unless I'm running a module but I know the site I was thinking of using doesn't feel like it's Michael friendly but maybe I'm just seeing things wrong. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do because I would really want to start with a module for my first run.

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