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Rachel's paladin here! I apologize in advance, she's gonna be a holy dick for the first couple adventures, but I promise I have some humbling character development planned for her. She's mostly defense/healing with some melee capability, and I wouldn't count on her to be the face of the party.
I've been sitting on this character for like two months now and I pretty pumped about this.

DM_the Loreweaver |

It seems that Murder's Mark is the consensus for starting your character's careers out on. I'll have to purchase the module and read through it, so that may delay things a bit, but we don't have a solid start date yet anyways and it's not like your characters are going anywhere in the mean time.

DM_the Loreweaver |

I don't actually have any of the sanctioned modules, so it doesn't much matter which one I run in that respect. Murder's Mark sounds like a good one, especially when compared to the two other 1st level sanctioned modules - one of which I know you and Rachel have already played.
An electronic copy would be handy for posting maps for you guys and gals, but for the price difference, I'd prefer to have a physical copy, so I opted for door number three - the module subscription which will net me both physical and electronic versions of Murder's Mark for the price of just the physical. In addition, my other subscriptions are shipping out any day now, so I was able to sneak this in with the order before they went out the door!

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So, it looks like we've got our party!(?) Lemme see if I got this right:
Me: Paladin. Two-handed. Damage. Intimidate.
Rachel: Paladin. Sword & Board. Tank. Healing.
Evan: Cleric. Melee of some sort. Buff/Heal/Utility?
Matt: Rogue. TWF/Thrown. UMD. Social. Stealth.
Sally: Rogue. TWF? Skill monkey. Trap-finding.
I think that looks pretty good! My only recommendation for the party is that everyone invests in a ranged weapon of some sort. My character is too poor for a bow or crossbow (falchions are expensive!), but I'll grab a javelin or two.

Evan Whitefield |

So looking at the party comp we will be needing someone who can detect and identify magic and some 1st level healing. We could also really use some knowledge and some range. Buff and Utility spells would be handy as would some decent sense motives, linguistics, survival skills.
With that in mind I came up with these characters:
Nephiestous, Half-elf Oracle of Lore (Enlightened Philosopher)
nowledge (all), Linguistics, Spellcraft, UMD, lots of utility spells
Torgen, Dwarf Cleric of Torag (Forgemaster)
Knowledge (some), Spellcraft, buff spells, tank/ combat support (Shield & Hammer)
Jannavit, Tengu Urban Druid
Knowledge (some), Spellcraft, Survival, Linguistics, Range
?????, Half-Orc Inquisitor or Erastil
Knowledge (lot, mostly for creature identification), Heal, Survival, Swim, Sense Motive, Spellcraft
?????, Elf Bard (arcane duelist)
Knowledge (all), Spellcraft, Sense Motive, buffs, utility spells

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So, with two paladins and the relative ease of identifying evil. Do you want us to tell you that we're using Detect Evil, like, all the time? Or would you prefer to just assume that we're always using it on new people we meet unless we're in combat and our actions are limited?
It's just a move action to focus on someone to tell the strength of their evil aura, so it will practically be a default action for me to do it in social encounters.

DM_the Loreweaver |

I don't know about Belial, but I'll consider Loki to be using it with everyone he meets, assuming the circumstances provide sufficient time to do so.
One question I have about spell-like abilities (and supernatural for the purpose) is what sort of activity is required to activate them, i.e. verbal command, a physical gesture, etc. This might be the only hindrance to having your detect evil "running all the time" as it may be rather obvious to onlookers.

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That is a fantastic question and I learned something new today.
"Spell-like abilities are magical and work just like spells (though they are not spells and so have no verbal, somatic, focus, or material components)."
Sweet deal! So the action for a paladin's detect evil is a move action and concentrating/focusing on a single creature/item. I guess it'll just look like I'm staring at the person for a few seconds.

DM_the Loreweaver |

Ah! I did know that, I just couldn't find the correct text - I was looking under their definitions in the glossary. Okay, so aside from a moment of intense scrutinizing on Loki's part, it's not something anyone is going to notice. I'll do my best to remember to point out anyone that "lights up" on your evil-dar, but feel free to point out that you're checking if you're particularly curious about someone in particular.

DM_the Loreweaver |

Hey folks, sorry for the delay of game. I'm going through something of a family crisis at the moment and haven't been able to get to any of my online games (or much of anything else, really). The game is not forgotten and I will do my best to keep things moving along, but it may be a much reduced pace for the moment.