DM_the Loreweaver |

Having recently completed your training as Pathfinders, you were granted a scant two days to enjoy your promotion to field agent before receiving a summons back to the Grand Lodge. Together with three other new agents, you assembled in the office of Ambrus Valsin. After a rehearsed congratulation, the Venture-Captain gets down to business. As he hands each of you a pass aboard a merchant vessel dubbed the Opparan Opal, he informs you that the Pathfinder lodge in Magnamar has been quite busy as of late and fellow Venture-Captain Heidemarch has requested additional Pathfinders to assist her in the ongoing activities there.
Preparations for your journey are hurried, but by day’s end you find yourself at sea. The voyage from Absalom to Varisia is lengthy, but blissfully uneventful. The ship’s crew is diligent with their duties and leaves you alone for most of the trip; giving you the chance to get better acquainted with your companions.
This is your opportunity to introduce yourselves, get into character, and learn a little about each other. Once everyone has checked in and are ready to go, we'll move things along.

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Loki stands at 6'4", making it already difficult enough for him not to look down his nose at those below him. His silvery-steel hair gently brushes against his shoulders and his eyes glisten with an amber hue that only helps to make his angelic face appear to glow like crackling embers. A brilliant halo circles directly overhead providing modest light to the cabin.
The scales covering his armor are dull and his sword a bit tarnished. It's expensive to be extraordinary but his dusty ensemble doesn't dampen his mood. He's finally on his way to begin life as the holy might of Sarenrae for which he had trained his whole life. A smile creeps across his face as he sits beside his dear friend, Bell, and addresses the company before him.
Her Light be praised, friends! I am Loki... a humbl-- a servant of Sarenrae and all her Light touches. I must admit, this is very exciting for you. I sincerely look forward to our journey together.
Loki gives Bell a sideways glance before continuing.
We have such an... eclectic band of... uhm... well enough about me. I would be pleased to learn more about all of you.

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Bell titters quietly at Loki's introduction, a restrained smile on her face as she surveys her new companions with cool eyes. She tosses a swath of strawberry blonde hair over her shoulder with a practiced flick of her hand and cuts in.
"You may all call me Bell," she says, her tone authoritative, "A daughter of Sarenrae as well, Her Light be praised."
After her curt introduction, she swallows hard. It is clear that she is not used to the sea life and her stomach is not handling it well. She is a bit green about the gills, but she still carries herself proudly, donning shining steel scale mail with a clean white tunic beneath it. On her hip is a plain scimitar, its only distinguishing characteristic being the wooden handle carved with the symbol of Sarenrae, among other embellishments. A large steel shield sits off to her left; its pristine condition suggests that it hasn't seen much combat.

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Looks like it's our turn for introductions Belrin.
An exceedingly plump halfling steps into the center of the group. Standing just over three feet tall, he is dwarfed by his companions. His clothes are dirty, but well made. He wears a green vest over a loose tunic. The vest is pulled taught to accommodate his stomach. A small mace hangs from his side.
Benny Copperpot at your service. Smug.. Businessman extraordinaire!
Looking straight up, he extends a child-sized hand to Loki.

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With a few quick pumps, the handshake ends. Benny pulls his hand back, but keeps his eyes fixed.
Kid, eh? I'll have you know I'm a full grown adult. Say that to the wrong halfling and you may just find yourself standing a bit shorter, if you know what I mean. Oh well, from the looks of ya I'd say it's the first time ya met one of us folk, so no hard feelings.
Benny lets out a laugh and turns to Bell.
Bell is it? Pleased to meet ya. Still finding those sea legs, eh?
Benny extends his hand toward Bell.

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just as the four of you finish exchange introductions in you room aboard the rocking ship the door to your cabin burst open. Where the in the hells have you been!?!?!
Standing in the doorway is a young man, though he looks no more that 15 or 16. His black hair is spiky mess atop his head his clothes and weapons (a bow is strapped to his back a sword to his side), while of fine quality are soaking wet. The boy is wearing one the largest grins you ever seen and his voice trembles with excitement.
What are doing cooped up in here, when there is so many amazing to do on this pirate ship!?! The Captain has already had me in the bilge killing rats, I got 6, then I almost died trying to climb the rigging to the crow's nest, and this big log thing that holds the sail swept across the deck right where the captain had told me to "Stand there and don't cause trouble and knocked me over board, it took 3 men to fish me out of the Inner Sea!
Not even stopping to catch his breath he bounces on up down a little gesturing wildly before taking off out of site calling Come on not our you'll miss even more fun!

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Belrin, hmm... yes... over with and onto better things no doubt.
As the young man who burst into the cabin heads back out into the daylight, Loki stands and turns back to address the rest of the cabin.
Well, I think I could use a walk in Her Light. Though, I fear too much exposure has given that boy heat stroke.
With that, Loki exits the cabin to inspect the journey's view.

DM_the Loreweaver |

Several days more and the voyage to Varisia comes to its conclusion. An anonymous crowd is waiting for you as you disembark, although no one steps forward to introduce themselves. A quick scan of their faces is enough to tell you that most are laborers; rolling barrels, driving carts, or unloading wagons all along the waterfront. Everyone, it appears, is more interested in their own work rather than four new arrivals. One or two porters acknowledge your passing with a nod as you make your way across the docks, but you are otherwise just another face in the City of Monuments. As you move inland, the scent of the ocean recedes. It is quickly replaced with all of the varied and curious smells of a big city. Pedestrians travel up and down the streets as merchants hawk their wares from stalls and street-side carts. An occasional glimpse of the city watch can be caught patrolling in groups of two or three. Aspiring performers sing, dance, and juggle in hopes of earning the privilege of someone’s coin.
The directions Venture-Captain Vaslin provided to you before your departure from Absolom are easy enough to follow and eventually lead you into the city’s wealthier Naos district. As you travel along its avenues, you’re surprised at the remarkable level of cleanliness here. Lavish homes, detailed statues, and inviting public spaces are well maintained and show hardly any degree of wear. Heidemarch manor, like many of the residences here, is a sprawling estate with expansive green lawns. Even from the street you can spy several independent buildings, including a handful of smaller cottages set off to one side of the property.
A pair of guards, each sporting both the Heidemarch crest and insignia of the open road, stands vigilant at the gates. As your party approaches, one of them steps forward and raises his hand signaling for you to halt. ”What is your business at Heidemarch Manor?” he inquires curiously.

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How are you doing my fine guards? Benny Copperpot, pleased to meet ya.
Benny extends a handshake to each of the (presumably) much taller guards. Talking as he shakes:
Myself and my associate's are the new crack team of Pathfinders fresh from Absalom. The Venture Captain is expecting us. Unless you've got any news for us, we'll head in -- wouldn't want to keep the VC waiting!
Unless stopped, Benny flashes a smile and strides past the guards.

DM_the Loreweaver |

"Crack team, eh?" the guard replies with a smirk. He looks back at his partner, "Absalom sends only the best for our Lady Heidemarch, right Jacques?" The other chuckles a bit as he pushes one half of the iron gate open.
"Well, Mister Crackpot, you're right about one thing - it's best not to keep the Lady waiting. One of the servants will show you the way once you reach the house." He makes a sweeping motion with his arm to indicate that you're all free to pass. As the guard referred to as Jacques pulls the gate shut behind you, you hear one of them mutter, "Another bunch of over-zealous greenhorns. I doubt they'll last a week in the wilds of Varisia."
It's a quick stroll along the cobbled path that leads to the Heidemarch manor. The lawn is well manicured and the building itself is free of grime. The architecture and layout give you the sense of a private residence rather than a Pathfinder lodge. A quick rap of the brass knocker fastened to the door summons a young man. The man is tall, even for a human, and shockingly thin. Despite his unusual measurements, he sports a well-fitted jacket and slacks. He takes a moment to look each of you over from head to toe before raising an eyebrow at Benny (presumably the one standing at the front of the group). In a rather bored tone, he says "You are the agents sent from Absalom. The Lady Heidemarch has been expecting you. Follow me."

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Loki takes note of the manor. This Lady Heidemarch must have done very well for herself as a Pathfinder.
As the young man looks him over, Loki can't help but puff his chest and fight back a half snarl at the man's contempt.
Nevertheless, he follows the young man and his companions when he is instructed to do so.

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Bell seems mildly pleased that they're in a nicer part of town, although she's not necessarily impressed. She flashes a smile at the guards as she passes them, but it looks closer to a snarl.
As the group trails behind the lanky servent, Bell takes a few large strides to catch up to Loki, giving him a sideways glance.

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Distracted by the sights and sounds of the new City Edric just catches up with the rest of the party as they are led through the gate. Whether he didn't hear the guards or didn't care the grin on his face is still there and if anything it has grown since arriving in Magnimar. With an energetic bounce in his step he catches up with the two Paladins, throws his arms around them. This is so exciting! and with a quick sqeeze of their shoulders he moves off into the grounds towards the manor.
While he is there first to knock on the door he is immediately distracted by something a few feet away and only rejoins the party as the servant ushers them in. Edric quickly darts past the man at the door and begins looking through doors and in display case running to catch up when ever the rest of the part moves too far ahead.

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Standing at the front of the group, Benny wears a slight grin and keeps a hand tucked in his vest. As the group is ushered though the lodge, Benny keeps his head on a swivel, taking in the sights and sounds of the beautiful building. He has a sincere appreciation for the finer things in life and takes an immediate liking to the lodge.
Trying to start a conversation, Benny speaks to the tall human leading the group.
Nice place ya got here -- say, I didn't happen to catch your name.

DM_the Loreweaver |

"Greggor," the guide says simply as he moves through the lodge. He leads the group to the second floor and down a hallway covered with a plush red carpet. The young man comes to an abrupt halt outside one of several identical looking oak doors. The only variation to give this portal meaning is a brass plaque fastened to it that reads, "Venture-Captain Heidemarch". Greggor knocks twice upon the door before giving the ornate knob a twist. No sooner does he enter than he takes a step off to the side, granting each of you ample room to enter as well.
The office is as eloquently decorated as the rest of the lodge. Several bookcases armed with tomes and scroll stand along the perimeter, while a half-dozen chairs are situation in a semi-circle before a large mahogany desk in the center. Several full-length windows look out over the Heidemarch grounds and parts of Magnamar itself. Before one of the windows, stands a raven-haired woman with her back to you, her hands clasped behind her. Her attire is both expensive and practical.

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With a sigh, the woman turns to face you. "So, you are the agents Ambrus has sent me?" She looks each of you over with a critical eye. "I was hoping for a team that was a little more seasoned. This is what I have to work with, I suppose. Then again, it's all just part of being a Pathfinder, isn't it; being able to improvise with what you have at hand?" She smiles at her mild joke.
She gestures to the chairs in the center of the room as she takes her own behind the desk, "Let us get down to business, shall we? I have recently received a request from Venture-Captain Istivil Bosk. Apparently an agent reporting to him has gone missing. His resources in the River Kingdoms are even more sparse than my own fledgling lodge here on the frontiers of Varisia, and so has requested additional aid." The Lady Heidemarch opens a drawer in her desk and sets a small wrapped package on top. "Unfortunately, Istivil's initial message was rather brief and uninformative. I've requested additional details, but until I know more, I'll not be sending any of my agents on some potential goose-chase. Don't worry though, I have something else for you all to do while we wait for the Captain to respond.

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While Loki found her jest to be truthful, it was surely at their expense. Nonetheless, he chokes on a half-sincere chortle as he takes his seat.
Listening to the Venture-Captain talk of being sent to aid another Venture-Captain made him sneer briefly. The idea of being passed around like this rubbed him wrong.
Though his face grows a bit flush with irritation and impatience, he manages to keep calm enough to speak without any insolent tone to the VC.
What task did you have in mind for us?

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"I don't suppose any of you have heard of the Umbra Carnival? It's a somewhat infamous caravan of entertainers and oddities that travels the regions around Varisia. Their leader, Almara Delisen, loaned me this little trinket some time ago. Now that I am done with it, I should like to see it returned." Lady Heidemarch slides the package to the edge of her desk. "Please deliver this package to Almara with my most sincere thanks. I’ve heard rumor that the Carnival is on its way to Ilsurian. The independent town sits at a crossroads of river traffic from across all of Varisia, on the north bank of Lake Syrantula and the east side of the Skull River.
”The journey won’t take you long and the request is a simple one. As I imagine Ambrus didn’t give you long to enjoy your new found status as Pathfinder agents, once the package is in Almara’s hands, feel free to take a few extra days to enjoy the carnival. Just don’t dawdle too long. I hope to have word back from the River Kingdoms before too long.”

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Bell gave an indignant snort. It was clear she'd never heard of any such Carnival, nor was she delighted by the prospect of visiting one.
"Carnivals are so tacky," she said quietly, leaning into Loki. Still, she told herself, it might be nice to have a little break from her duties. She had been working rather hard lately, after all.

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"Since it is of little consequence, I do not mind telling you that held inside is an ancient Osirian trinket - a hand mirror - I thought might have aided in some research I had undertaken early this year. Alas, it was not as helpful as I had hope it would be. While not of a magical nature, the item still holds significant financial worth for its historic value." The Lady's expression furls into a scowl as Belrin gives voice to his thoughts, but she quickly recomposes herself and gives an overly dramatic sigh. "Of course, if this task isn't too your liking, then perhaps I can find use for you elsewhere - like catching rats in the pantry."
Lady Heidemarch eyes the party as if daring any of you to add further protest. Satisfied that her words are the last, she makes a final gesture to the box and stand up. When someone makes to retrieve it from her desk, the Venture-Captain turns away and retraces her steps back toward the window.

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Loki nods to the Venture Captain and reaches out, plucking the box off the desk. With the VC departing, he stands and turns back to his companions.
Bell, I would put this in your care. Keep it safe. Loki hands the box off to his good friend. Just don't get distracted admiring yourself with it. He lets out a light-hearted chuckle to accompany the teasing.
Now, it seems that we should make haste. Off to the Umbra Carnival!

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Bell watches Sheila walk off toward the window until Loki catches her attention.
"You're very amusing, Sarenson," she replied, snatching the box out of his hand with a sneer. She studies the little package for a moment, thumbing the seal as if she's considering peeking inside, but then she thinks better of it and tucks it carefully into the pouch on her hip.
"Yes, let's get moving," Bell tosses her hair over her shoulder and also heads for the door.