silent tide 0-1, part of season 0 Marathon. (Inactive)

Game Master DoubleGold

season 0 map

if you posted a response in the season 0 interested check already you get priority. If you have not posted a response in the season 0 interest check already, you can still join if there are openings.

Just bring you your character, this is tiers 1-5 and let me know which level the character. I prefer if everyone is of the same tier, so either all 1s and 2s or all 4s and 5s, please no 3s if you can avoid it.

So, what are other people bringing to the table? Anything I would bring would be brand spanking new.

Just bring what you want Nohwear, with 6 players and season 0, even if everyone submitted a wizard, the scenario would only be moderately challenging at low levels. If I think the game isn't balanced and you'll get killed I would say we have too many wizards or not enough healing.

I'm tempted, but I've already done Decline of Glory, but that's the only one I've done in season 0.

If that's fine I'll bring out my Monk, who's First Level and she's a Martial Artist.

that is fine, go ahead and bring him in. Also since you done Decline of glory, would you be interested in dming it?

once you have your character, go ahead and post in gameplay and discussion.

Liberty's Edge

I'm bringing my level 2 gunslinger, if that's ok. My two level 1's are both in other games right now.

I'm rolling with a lvl 2 (fighter 1, rogue 1): Fronar Gossamar

okay, adeah, go ahead and make a post in the gameplay. And DM Aron. And nowhear

we need more people, if you can bring in your characters, that would be appreciated.

go ahead and invite your friends, I'm hoping to get a full 6 or at least 5. A lot of the people who checked into season 0 can't do this one.

Grand Lodge

I am bringing a lvl 1 tengu alchemist. Gonna be my first alhemist, so you are welcome to give me advice. (=

never played an alchemist, not a class I'd know how to play either, you'll probably want to ask someone else for advice.

Grand Lodge

I have this fighter who is free and would like to participate, if possible. He is 4th level.

Liberty's Edge

Only alchemist I've ever played was in We Be Goblins, and I didn't enjoy it. But that's just me.

did you follow a particular build? Jeckyl/Hyde, Bomber, ect?

Liberty's Edge

Me? It was the goblin alchemist pregen, I think he was a bomber. That's how I played him, anyway.

4th level is fine, go ahead and post in game, as long as I have only one level 4, as I want the average party level to be tier 1, ie 1-2, and maxim, go ahead and bring in your alchemist.

still room for my lvl 2 sorc? having computer troubles. sorry I'm late.

Grand Lodge

Hello DoubleGold, GM Chyro here, you still got room for a lvl 2 summoner?
He's 1 chronicle away from lvl 3, but i've got a ranger who's lvl 2 without other sheets.

DoubleGold wrote:
that is fine, go ahead and bring him in. Also since you done Decline of glory, would you be interested in dming it?

Certainly, can always use the extra certs and would be my first PFS game being DMed.

I'll need to buy the adventure I believe.

for those asking me if I still have room, make a post in the gameplay. I only have 3 characters that posted and I have room for 3 more.

Anybody who post here in recruitment before this post has priority, but I believe there might be 4 or 5 more of who posted before this, so go ahead and post in GD before it is too late.

5 characters not counting the Eldon, can we get a 6th? I start tommorrow with or without you.

Grand Lodge

Could you point me - where exactly do I post?

Maxim Nikolaev wrote:
Could you point me - where exactly do I post?

there are tabs at the top, there is one called gameplay, click on it and post in there. Also makes sure to make a pfs alias if you don't already have one.

The Exchange

Got it. Thank you (=
And done.

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