Vine Wrangler Elf

Chyras LeBlanc's page

357 posts. Organized Play character for Chyrone.

Full Name

Chyras LeBlanc


Stats Alanya

Lvl 4 Hp 28/28 AC 18, T13, F16, F+4,R+2,W+3, CMB+5, CMD16, Init+1


H-Elf Summoner 4 HP 35/35 AC17/T11/FF16 F+4/R+2/W+3 CMB+3 CMD14 Init+1, Spd 30ft







Special Abilities

PFS nr. # 119488-4




Common, Dwarven, Elven, Orc, Sylvan.


Seeker of Planar lore

Strength 10
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 8
Charisma 19

About Chyras LeBlanc

PFS games


Currently in:

-Prince of Augustana [DM Kludde]
-The Confirmation [GM Hills]
-Shadow's last stand, part 1 [StephNyan]
-Shadow's last stand, part 2 [StephNyan]
-Credit We be goblins Too [StephNyan]
-Silent tide [DoubleGold]
-Feast of Ravenmoor Module [GM credit]
-Citadel of Flame [I'm DMing in Your Closet]
-Down the blighted path 1, 2 & 3.
-From the tome of righteous repose



+1 Chain shirt (+4)
AC: 17, 11 Touch, 16 Flat. (10 +5 armor +1 dex +1 amulet)
Hp 35 (4d8+8con+4FCB)

Morningstar +3(1d8, x2)

Crossbow +4[light] (1d8, 19-20/x2)
Initiative (+1)
Save rolls: Fort: +4, Ref +2, Will +3 (4-1)

Half Elf: +2 stat of choice. Chosen: Charisma
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 19
Base Atk +3 CMB +3; CMD 14

Lvl 1 (race) : (Bonus)Skill focus [Spellcraft+3]
Lvl 1 (level): Arcane Strike
Lvl 3 (level): Spellfocus [Conjuration]

-Dilettante Artist (Elf): Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to one category of Perform checks and a +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy checks. One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you. (Diplomacy)
-Sacred touch: As a standard action, you may automatically stabilize a dying creature merely by touching it.

Craft (Translation Dictionary) 9 [4rank+3class+2int]
Diplomacy 11 [3rank+3class+4char+1trait]
Kn. Arcana 7 [2rank+3class+2int]
Kn. Geography 6 [1rank+3class+2int]
Kn. History 7 [2rank+3class+2int]
Kn. Planes 7 [2rank+3class+2int]
Linguistics 7 [2rank+3class+2int]
Spellcraft 8 [3rank+3class+2int]
Use Magic Device 8 [1rank+3class+4cha)

Skillpoints per lvl 4(2+2 int)
Languages: Celestial, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Orc, Sylvan.
Favored class: Summoner
Favored class bonus: +1 Hp

Known spells:
Cantrips x5 [DC=14]
-Acid splash
-Detect Magic

1st lvl x4 [DC=15]
[3 per day, int mod +3 gives +1]
-Grease (DC16)
-Mage Armor
-Rejuvenate Eidolon, Lesser

2nd lvl x2 [DC=16/17 if conjuraton]
[2 per day]
-Create Pit (DC17)
Special Abilities
Standard Racial Traits

Ability Score Racial Traits: Half-elf characters gain a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Type: Half-elves are Humanoid creatures with both the human and the elf subtypes.
Size: Half-elves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Half-elves have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Half-elves begin play speaking Common and Elven. Half-elves with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.

Defense Racial Traits

Elven Immunities: Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.

Feat and Skill Racial Traits

Adaptability: Half-elves receive Skill Focus as a bonus feat at 1st level.
Keen Senses: Half-elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.

Senses Racial Traits

Low-Light Vision: Half-elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.

-As spell-like ability: Summon monster I from start. 3+char mod per day.
Summon Monster II currently, 7 a/day

Armor and weapon proficiency:
Simple weapons and light armor.
Light armor gives no restriction for summoner spells.



Leather 10gp, 15lb
Crossbow [light], 35gp, 4lb
Bolts x14, 2gp, 2lb
Morningstar, 8gp, 6lb
Outfit, traveler's. 5lb

Encumbrance: 32 (1-33=light)
Starting money: 150gp.
Money left: 55gp spent, 95gp left

Personality & Appearance:


Chyras isn't the wisest of fellows with his personality, but he is keen of mind and a friendly type. Although his carefree attitude gets him in and out of trouble, it is one of his more charming sides.
He has read most books on the history of Golarion and the surrounding lands, but he has a fascination for the different planes of the world, which is partly caused by his eidolon Alanya. Dispite her being an outsider, he considers her a good friend.

Chyras is as brash looking as his spirit at times. He's not one to have a set haircut. Due to the summoning rituals a bit of his features have adjusted. His eyes are black with honey-yellow irises. His hair is by nature brown, but it has adjusted to a greyish green.



Chyras had a turbulent childhood. Born an illegitimate child from a human father and an elven mother, little Chyras was mocked by even some of his own kin. His mother worked as a librarian and little Chyras sought some refuge within the vast numbers of books it offered.
Little by little, he proved himself among the half-elf community, by smart and his attitude, which got him some respect. When he was 14 something peculiar happened. At some point in class, a lesson's topic was about the planes beyond this one. It appealed to young Chyras. At the library he searched for tomes on the matter. The next day he had a "i-dare-you" game with his classmates involving an attempt of summoning. He actually dared and the result was remarkable. A woman of unknown species with blue-ish toned skin with completely bright turqoise eyes and greenish hair. The frightening part were the claws she had at her hands. His classmates bolted out of fright. She stepped closer and spoke in elven: summoner, i thank you. My day of bonding has come. By summoning me you and i are now connected. As a thank you i shall impart you with a part of my essence. She will evolve the way you ask of her. Farewell.
Chyras saw at that time a female humanoid with no distinct features. on the otherhand he wished out loud she'd look more graceful. To his surprise, she was adjusting her features abit to look a bit more "normal", but she had the claws of the summoned outsider. It became apparent she was set to be of his age. His buddies reported of course a monster being at the site of the summoning.
The girl was taken into custody and Chyras along with her, magic outside school is dangerous. While waiting, Chyras took a nap and after waking he found the girl gone. Being alone the charge didn't stick and Chyras was let go. But in secret he tried the summoning again. summoned Alanya. He noticed the required conditions on which she'd be with him or not. So from time to time he called upon her and the two became friends. Present day, Alanya spends much time in his company.

Sheet eidolon "Alanya"


Alanya, female outsider lvl 3
AC 18 (10 +1Dex +4 natural +2 lvl 2, +1 dodge)
Hp 25 (3d10+3con)
BaB +3
Fort+4, Ref+2, Will+3

Melee: x2, +7 claws 1d6+4, x2 crit

Evolutionpool points 7

-1 point: Improved damage: One of the eidolon’s natural attacks is particularly deadly. Select one natural attack form and increase the damage die type by one step. [Claw becomes 1d6 instead of 1d4]
-1 point: Magic Attacks: An eidolon is infused with magic, allowing it to treat all of its natural attacks as if they were magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. If the summoner is 10th level or higher, all of the eidolon’s weapons are treated as the alignment of the eidolon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
-1 point: Improved Natural Armor: +2 Natural armor
-2 points: increase ability score, str +2
-2 points: Flight (the eidolon grows 2 wings. Medium gains good maneuverability & fly speed equal to its base speed.)

Starting Statistics

Size Medium; Speed 30 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (bad), Will (good); Attack 2 claws (1d4); Ability Scores Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11

Free Evolutions

claws, limbs (arms), limbs (legs).

Feat: Power Attack, Dodge

The following skills are class skills for eidolons: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Stealth (Dex). In addition, at 1st level, the summoner can choose 4 additional skills to be class skills for his eidolon. Note that eidolons with a fly speed receive Fly (Dex) as a free class skill, even if they do not gain a fly speed until a later level.

Chosen extra: Acrobactics, Fly, Heal, Intimidate
Skills Trained:
Acrobactics 6[2rank+1Dex+3class]
Fly 5[1rank+1dex+3class]
Heal 4[1rank+3class]
Intimidate 6[3rank+3class]
Kn.[Planes] 2[1rank+3class-2int]
Perception 5[2rank+3class]
Sense motive 5[2rank+3class]


Darkvision 60 ft
Link (Ex)
-A summoner and his eidolon share a mental link allows for communication across any distance (as long as they are on the same plane). This communication is a free action, allowing the summoner to give orders to his eidolon at any time. In addition, magic items interfere with the summoner’s connection to his eidolon. As a result, the summoner and his eidolon share magic item slots. For example, if the summoner is wearing a ring, his eidolon can wear no more than one ring. In case of a conf lict, the items worn by the summoner remain active, and those used by the eidolon become dormant. The eidolon must possess the appropriate appendages to utilize a magic item.
-Share Spells (Ex)
The summoner may cast a spell with a target of “you” on his eidolon (as a spell with a range of touch) instead of on himself. A summoner may cast spells on his eidolon even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the eidolon’s type (outsider). Spells cast in this way must come from the summoner spell list.
This ability does not allow the eidolon to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells.



Born from a part of essense from an unknown outsider, Alanya is a curious yet reserved young girl currently of the age of 20. As her "mother" said, she is prone to unknown evolution stemming from Kyras' preferences. Though friends, she can be stubborn on occasion. She cares for Kyras as much as he does for her.

Alanya is a female humanoid 20 years of age.
Make no mistake, while she wears a simple mantle and hood with the clothing provided by Kyras, she hides an uncanny pair of sharp claws at her hands. In battle she can be fierce, a girl/woman who's angry combined with claws is not something you'd want charging at you.


None spent since initial purchases.
After all chronicles > 7790GP

Purchase Potion of CMW x1 300gp
Scroll of resist energy x2 50gp
Scroll of endure element x2 50 gp
Scroll of shield x1 25gp
Hot weather outfit 8gp
Amulet of natural armor 2000 gp
+1 Chain shirt 1100 gp

New total: 4258 gp
Citadel of Flame +1820

New total: 6078