CircadianRythms |

I am pretty goofy from it being so late but I got my character done. I think. Might be some errors, but I think everything is good. If you have any questions let me know, sir.
Here's Anariel.

Berryll the Wolf |

@Allabaster: You have the tattooed sorcerer archetype, but it doesn't seem to factor into your character at all flavor wise.
It's funny you say that because the Tattooed Sorcerer Archetype was one of the things that really helped me define the character.
Thematically: Allabaster is a classically trained scribe/illuminator who uses his own skin to scribe his magic on.
Mechanically: Tattoed Sorcerer also provides his familiar which to me is one of the most defining aspects of the character. It's the only person he has known his entire life. A pet so much a part of him... that it eventually through his magic became a physical part of him.
Story wise: In my head I have this image of this kid who cheated every conceivable way to make it through school. He would look at other kids papers, plagiarize books from the library, steal test answers from teachers desks, have his familiar whisper answers to him from under the desk, and even write the answers on his own skin. At any given moment if he crossed his legs and pulled up his pant leg you never knew what piece of information you would find. Maybe a map of Ustalav, a diagram of the Royal families tree, or possibly a mathematical equation. As he progressed in life and his studies took on a more magical tone this pattern would simply have continued for him. However now instead of writing the answer to a test on his skin it's a fully developed and cast spell.

KatGrey |

I'd love to put forth a character for consideration. Ilystria Leafheart, Gathlain Oracle of Nature. I went outside the box a little with the race, but how many opportunities to play a fey creature is a girl going to get? Seeing as there are quite a bit of First Worlders within Ustalav, I didn't think it was too much of a stretch. The background is complete, but I may expound more on her personality when the inspiration strikes me.
Ideally, I see her as a dedicated healer and party buffer. Her animal companion would be helping with the front line. The Spirit Guide archetype will offer a lot of utility, but for the most part, I think she'd remain pretty firmly bonded with the spirit of life when she gets to that point.
Please let me know what you think!
EDIT: Here's the information for her animal companion, Fenmaer.

lazulin |
@Windle: Sorry to see you go
@Sigvald: Thank you, that's better
@Fral: It won't be an issue
@Kandoo: Looks good. Admittedly I wasn't expecting anyone to take me up on my antipaladin offer. I definitely like the moral ambiguity of the character.
@Cassandra: Could you please add paragraphs to your backstory? You also might want to expand on it.

Robert Henry |

I don't think I missed anyone if I did please let me know!
Applicants in order of posting.
Sapiens Nasrin Raissi Human Magus (Bladebound Kensai)
Rungok Oscar Grimcleaver Dwarven Spiritualist
CrusaderWolf Alec du Chevrou dhampir gunslinger
alexgndl Romulus Witchwolf skinwalker hunter
The Chess (adsapien) Kandoo Krom Tiefling Antipaladin
evarO Caracotl Grippli Cleric
Ouachitonian Aleksamder Albus Dhampir Paladin of Pharasma
ROGOGEISHA Student Leyng Human (Tian) alchemist (chirugeon)
william Nightmoon Fral Bloodfeeder Gnoll Barbarian (Flesheater)
Seth86 Garrgle Deep-one-hybrid Hydrokineticist
dwilhelmi Henric Kreel Huma Wizard
Deaths Adorable Apprentice Beatrix Forst Damphir magus
Robert Henry Seljak Kopile Half-orc Bloodrager (Untouchable Rager)
wanderer82 Mathias Gabriel Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) ranger(divine tracker)
Rhal, the Styx Boatman
CircadianRythms Anariel Half-Elf Inquisitor of Iomedae (sanctified Slayer)
DavianGrallus Relic Swanson Shabti Magus (Eldritch Archer)
pdprong. Allabaster Mendelson Dhampir Sorcerer (Tattooed)
katGrey Ilysteria Leafheart Gathlain Oracle of Nature
Tharasiph Sigvald Derleth Waite Tiefling (Asura) Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer)
Vanulf Wulfson Cassandra Blackmoore Changeling Oracle
I thought it would be interesting to see the different characters all in one list.

![]() |

This may be off-topic for the thread, but why are y'all drawn to PBP games? Do y'all work funky hours or just like to check in online during the week when you're not playing with your "main" group?
For me I just moved to Europe since my SO got a Fulbright, so while I prefer in-person games my language skills aren't quite on her level so I'm looking for some games in my native tongue :p

alexgndl |

I've kind of always been drawn to online play-it was always hectic for my in-town playgroup to play, and we've all since moved to different cities anyways. I learned how to play Pathfinder on roll20, and from there it was easy to make the switch to just playing by post. It's kind of just easier to play this way anyways. I have a weird work schedule, so it's just more convenient to put up a few posts for an hour every day, instead of having to set aside a bunch of hours once or twice a week for an in-person game.

Deaths Adorable Apprentice |

I like play by post for the ease of play and the level of depth that can be gone into for each character. A table can get very hectic and noisy. Play by post allows for a deeper immersion into your character. A table game simply does not allow for the amount of individual development and one on one time.
Not to say that I do not like table games. Both have their ups and downs. The main downside to play by post is that misunderstandings are easier since you cannot see the person and that due to lag or real life some games fall apart. But that is a potential with table games too.
The table I both play and run at is very hectic. We are a slow group who spend half the time laughing about something that just happened as opposed to playing. Which is nice, laughter is always a good thing, but it causes all of our games to move at a snails pace. Some of our players are easily distracted, at times we all are. I certainly laugh more there but I tend to get better character interaction and story development in play by post.

lazulin |
Since everyone who is interested seems to have posted, I have selected the following characters to stand against the Carrion Crown:
Mathias Gabriel Tiefling Ranger
Romulus Skinwalker Hunter
Ilysteria Leafheart Gathlain Oracle
Nasrin Raissi Human Magus
Please report to the discussion thread to begin your adventure!
Apologies to those who did not make it. I had to pass over some excellent characters and this was a very tough selection to make. I wish you all luck in your future campaigns.