Zeitgeist: The Gears of Revolution

Game Master Celeador

Times are turning. The skyseers – Risur’s folk prophets since their homeland’s birth – witness omens in the starry wheels of heaven, and they warn that a new age is nigh. But what they cannot foresee, hidden beyond the steam and soot of the night sky, is the face of this coming era, the spirit of the age. The zeitgeist."

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Welcome Steven and everyone else who will eventually be selected! Let's get started. As I stated in my introduction, this is my second time as a DM, and I have developed a standard in my games based on the style of other DM's I have played with in the past. Establishing a level of consistency during the campaign that I don't always see in other campaigns is paramount. That said, I need all of your help. This has to be a group effort. Past experience has shown me that I won't be able to do it on my own. So for each of you selected, I need you to be able play off each other. Introduce your own plot threads (or suggest them to me in the discussion thread, and I can introduce them). As a heads up, I don't plan to use map tools unless absolutely required. I think a pbp can work without them, and it makes the players use more imagination, *but* if I'm not clear on something, let me know. I appreciate feedback, and I want this to be enjoyable for all of us.

Some guidelines:

1. I roll Initiative for everyone to save some time. As long as you don't skip any enemies, you can take your turn anytime. (Example: Allies Bob, Henry, Fred, and Steve are at 20, 15, 10, and 5 respectively. Enemy goblins are at Initiative 13. At the beginning of the round, Bob and Henry can go. The goblins go next at 13. Following the goblins, all four of the characters can go in any order because no enemies would be skipped.)

2. Everyone rolls their own to-hit and compares it to the AC of the target. The same goes for saves. Both will be provided for all enemies, as will hit points. This puts a lot of responsibility on y'all to write good combat narratives and not rely on me to do so. The description is a common-sense sort of thing; 3 hit points will not cause the enemy's head to explode - but 30 might if it puts them in the negatives. This is also very trust-based. I expect that if someone gets something they don't like on the preview, they'll have the integrity to leave it there instead of modifying it based on the roll.

3. At the beginning of any in-combat post, I expect everyone to include the round/initiative count, current hit points, current AC, current saves, and remaining spells or resources. (By current, I mean following whatever action is in the post.) After that section, I like a section breaking it down into standard/move/swift/whatever actions with appropriate rolls. This way, I don't have to go hunting for that information and check if it is right. Here's an example.

Round 1, Initiative 20
hp 10/12; AC 14/12T/12FF; CMD 14
Bardic Performance: 5/6

SA: Inspire Courage
> Perform: String: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
MA: Move 15', avoid AOO
> Acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

The narrative would go here. In this particular case, the bard begins playing the stringed instrument to inspire the others. (This roll is technically extraneous, but I've always done them on my bard type characters.) He then makes his Acrobatics check to move while avoiding attacks of opportunity. With a 25, he succeeds and ends where he intends to go.
=============END EXAMPLE=============

4. Calendar notations: This Zeitgeist campaign is set within the continent of Lanjyr. Because of the complex nature of the campaigns and the sheer length between some story arcs a good timeline is essential. Because of this whoever makes the first post at the start of a new day must also post an associated date with the post. This should allow us to reference specific events easily.

A list of days and months within Zeitgest can be found below.

15 Rainmoot, Market Day 501 A.O.V

A new day begins and bob rises from his furs. blah blah blah..
=========END EXAMPLE==========

Anyone have any questions or feedback?

Days and Months of Zeitgeist:

Months of Zeitgeist

Days of the week

There are 360 days in a year, 12 months in a year, 30 days in a month, 7 days in a week, the seventh being a rest day and 2 special days per month, falling on the 15th and 30th.

The special days are called Market Day, traditionally used for just what it sounds like. Towns and villages will generally have a street fair or farmers market that falls on this day. Last Day however is traditionally used to celebrate surviving another month and considered an auspicious time to start a journey.

There are no listed holidays as of yet, so feel free to work with me on days that might be special within the nation or city. Also the campaign starts in year 500 A.O.V. Calendars mark years starting at the end of the Second Victory, 1 A.O.V. (After Our Victory).

A timeline of Zeitgeist:
–1200 B.O.V. (Before Our Victory): King Kelland defeats the fey titans and founds Risur, the first mortal nation on the continent of Lanjyr. In the following centuries, other nations rise up throughout Lanjyr.
–500 B.O.V.: Triegenes the fisherman founds the Clergy in what is modern-day Danor, overthrows the demonocracy in the east, then dies and ascends to godhood.
–50 B.O.V.: The First Victory, a holy war between humans and elves, ends with the elves losing much territory.
1 A.O.V. (After Our Victory): The Second Victory begins as an elven effort to reclaim lost lands, but ends in their decisive defeat when the elf goddess Srasama manifests physically, and is slain. Danor collapses into chaos as the nation becomes a dead magic zone. The seat of the Clergy moves to Crisillyir, which begins to colonize the devastated lands of Elfaivar. Dwarves seize control of their own nation in Drakr.
300 A.O.V.: King Boyle of Risur slays the last dragon tyrant of Ber. The nation of Danor, resurgent with industry and technology, begins to contest Risur for control of the lush Yerasol Archipelago.
460 A.O.V.: King Aodhan is crowned in Risur. He encourages his people to pursue industry so they can fight back against Danor. Meanwhile in Ber, Bruse Le Roye unites tribes of monstrous races into a new nation.
493 A.O.V.: The Fourth Yerasol War ends; Risur loses many islands.
500 A.O.V.: Present day.

Skills and Non-Combat Encounters.

In the Zeitgeist adventure path we will use a broad mix of combat and non-combat encounters and there with a heavy focus on investigation and exploration. While we will roleplay scenes and I may call for an occasional skill check, I will also try to provide a mechanical structure to gives you the PC's a reasonable challenge and to make sure that you feel like you have control of your efforts, without slowing the game down and forcing me to roleplay dozens of insignificant NPCs as the party investigates suspects. Normally these "skill-based encounters" will let each PC make one skill check per “round,” though a round could represent 6 seconds, ten minutes, or even a week of work, depending on the encounter. Successful checks will yield information, provide access to new options, and eventually accomplish goals. You the party will typically has some sort of time constraint, and if you don't achieve your goal in time, you may fail or only get a partial victory.

For the sake of ease these encounters will occasionally occur as a montage. I will announce in the discussion thread that you have started a skill-based encounter and describe what the goal is and what skills are pertinent, as a matter of trust I will also provide the DC's that you need to make to be successful, again as with combat rolls I expect you to act with integrity. Also, I will generally avoid springing ambushes on you during the course of skill-based encounters, since it will make sense for you to split up and deploy your characters as best suited to various tasks. Most of these encounters will call for a diverse skillset among your group, so by focusing on certain skills you will be rewarded with easy victories in some encounters. However, if you as a group neglect your skills and focus only on raw combat prowess you are going to have a much harder time. Failing these encounters will never produce absolute dead-ends for the adventure, but enough failures will leave your group in a tough spot and it will affect the flow of future encounters.

Does anyone have any questions about "skill-based encounters"?

I'm a big fan of Hero Lab and I would like everyone to use that format. Here is a sample.

Sample Fighter
Human Fighter 1
CG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +1
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 13 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Masterwork Longsword +7 (1d8+6/19-20/x2)
Only necessary for spellcasters.
1st: 4/4; Spells Known: grease, color spray
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Blind-Fight, Power Attack -1/+2, Weapon Focus (Longsword)
Trained Skills Intimidate +4, Ride +1, Swim +4
Untrained Skills Acrobatics -3, Climb +0, Escape Artist -3, Fly -3, Stealth -3
Languages Common
Other Gear Masterwork Chainmail, Masterwork Longsword, 150 GP
Class info goes here. (Sneak Attack, Mystery/Curses, etc)
Skilled Gain 1 skill point per level.
Bonus Feat Gain a bonus feat at 1st level.

I would also like you to include on your alias page in the race column the following (corrected for your stats).

"Human (Risur) Fighter (Archetype) 1 AC 17/11/16 / HP 13 / F +4 R +2 W +1 (any save modifiers) / Init. +1 / Perc. +X / Sense Motive +X

A few notes:
There is a section for Trained and Untrained skills.
One bonus theme feat and it must be tied to your background.
You start out with one hero point. See the list for what they can be used for. Hero point feats and spells are acceptable.

Hero Points: All PCs start with 1 Hero point and gain 1 Hero Point each time they level up. The maximum number of Hero Points a PC can have at a time is 3. Hero Point feats and spells are allowed.

You can use 1 Hero Point to do any of the following actions. You can only use 1 Hero Point per turn for these actions.
1. Gain an extra standard action during your turn.
2. Gain a +8 bonus to a d20 roll if spent before or a +4 bonus if spent after. This can also be used to effectively increase the DC of a spell by lowering a single target's saving throw in the same manner.
3. Ready an action at any time. (Must be done before a post is made; no retcons.)
4. Regain a spell or use of a limited special ability.
5. Reroll a d20.
6. Reroll for HP at a new level.
You can use 2 Hero Points to do the following, regardless of if you have used a Hero Point this turn.
7. Survive a fatal attack at -10, unconscious, and stable.(2 points)

Deva (Elven) Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 1 - AC 16/14T/12FF; hp 9/9; F+1/R+4/W+4; Init. +0; Perc. +2; Sense Motive +8

Greetings to my fellow agents. Steve, Tony, it will be fun to play instead of DM alongside you. I've missed the Kyras/Imuri interactions, but I hope that this will be a more harmonious pair. Raeghan is a deal more reserved and canny than Kyras, so it should be quite different.

Male Human (Risuri) Bard (Sandman) 1st AC 14/12/12 / HP 9 / F +1 R +4 W +3 / Init. +2 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +3

Hello there guys! I'm pumped up to see how this all comes together, and this should be a lot of fun.

I have to start thinking about what Devinn would really know historically or how he'd react to Raeghan from the aasimar twist in the campaign world (confused? awed? wary? creeped out?), but I'm sure a lot can just flow organically from those initial first impressions.

From the player side of things, I'm thinking Devinn would develop some out-of-combat healing (Cure spells) to free up other aspects of your role - would you see it that way as we get a couple of levels into the campaign?

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Howdy fellas. Excited to be joining a game with some of my favorite folks. I'll put Filby together here pretty soon. In the meantime, should we create a protocol for some of us knowing the others?

As an amusing note: I observe that the two players here play the characters that my characters always butt heads with in the other two games. :b

Male Human (Risuri) Bard (Sandman) 1st AC 14/12/12 / HP 9 / F +1 R +4 W +3 / Init. +2 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +3

Oh well you know Devinn and Filby I'm sure are going to be the best of pals...or at least are not going to be the primary source of conflict :)

I guess to answer the first question for myself, I'd want to know if the members have already (just) joined R.H.C. and may have some familiarity with each other before post #1, or if it starts out with introductions.

A request to DM Clockwork Shadow: With the backdrop that simple firearms are "commonplace" and are considered martial weapons, may I substitute the Bard's martial knowledge of "shortbow" for "pistol" or "coat pistol" instead? I'd love for Devinn to take on a pistol later on in the game, but I don't think I can afford a feat for it.

@Devinn: Based on the setting I think that it is reasonable for you to switch out shortbow for pistol or coat pistol. Advanced weapons, should they make an appearance however will remain martial weapons.

The campaign is laid out so that the characters "jump right in": Hopefully this will give you an idea of the campaign as it starts.

In factories throughout the city of Flint after months of ceaseless toil by mages, engineers, and shipbuilders have finally concluded. Now well-wishers from across the nation of Risur have come to witness the launch of the world’s mightiest vessel of war: the R.N.S. Coaltongue, impervious to spell and cannon and armed with fire that could slay even a dragon. On the docks, constables keep a close eye on celebrants and troublemakers; in the shadows, conspiracy and betrayal threaten this technological titan on its maiden voyage.

The group, now designated as Unit 42 of the R.H.S. has already been recruited individually and over the last few months they have worked together conducting background checks, site surveys, working with the local Flint police force to organize manpower, review official guest lists, and the like. The reason for all of this preparation is because the Coaltongue, Risur's first steam-powered ship will be christening by the King of Risur.

To put it in real life terms at the start of the campaign, the PC's have be acting as a sort of Secret Service Advanced Team, and the campaign begins thirty mins before the King and his Entourage are going to arrive.


Deva (Elven) Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 1 - AC 16/14T/12FF; hp 9/9; F+1/R+4/W+4; Init. +0; Perc. +2; Sense Motive +8

Will we be meeting each other for the first time at the start of the campaign, or do we already know one another?

@Raeghan: Well, there are two options. The first option is that the campaign begins with the group being professionally acquainted thanks to their advanced work in preparation for the launch of the R.N.S. Coaltongue. The second option is that I could "rewind" the start of the campaign and throw you into an event that would occur during the building of the Coaltongue itself that would give you a chance to meet for the first time. The question comes down to time. Do you as the party want to spend one or two months in real life interacting in a prologue or would you like to start on the christening day?

Personally, while I feel that initial meeting scenarios are good, based on what I have read there will be multiple opportunities during the first adventure for the group to learn more about each other and interact. All in all I think that Zeitgeist is one of the best combinations of role-play and combat I have ever seen in a pre-written adventure.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

You guys know what I like. I'm happy diving right in. This group will not spare the rp posts, and there's always those flashbacks. :b

Male Human (Risuri) Bard (Sandman) 1st AC 14/12/12 / HP 9 / F +1 R +4 W +3 / Init. +2 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +3
Steven T. Helt wrote:
You guys know what I like. I'm happy diving right in. This group will not spare the rp posts, and there's always those flashbacks. :b

Well I don't mind that either, though in that case I'd like for us to work out a rough sense of who our characters have a working affinity for in the team, as well as a working irritation or avoidance - kind of a starting template to base it off of. If it is a friction or conflict, that might be a good way for the players to setup some parameters beforehand.

@Steven - Steven I was wondering if you're going to have Filby take and keep up with Disable Device as a class skill, as I'm finding it hard to work that in w/ Devinn at 1st Level (DD not a class skill for me, don't want to give up my 2nd perform skill, don't have funds for tools). If not that's cool and I can massage the character to try and make it work, but if you were going to anyway that's nifty for me.

Hey guys, just want to let you know that I am waiting for a few PM's to roll in before I set the final list for our group. I think will will be getting started by wednesday or thursday after each of the character sheets and backgrounds are done and I have had a chance to scan them one final time.

Female Human (Risuri) Cavalier (Musketeer/Luring Cavalier) 1 AC 19/13/16 / HP 11 / F +3 R +3 W +0 / Init. +3 / Perc. +0 / Sense Motive +0

Well, I finally managed to find my way here. I'm looking forward to playing with you guys even if it is a tad bit intimidating.

I think I would prefer something like what Devinn suggested; establishing relationships a bit beforehand. I don't think a prologue would be necessary, just a little something that lets us form an opinion about the others before the game officially starts. Feels like the beginning of the game would be more interesting if we've already established some drama between characters instead of creating it then, especially since we already know each other.

I don't mind waiting until wednesday or thursday for the game to start. Gives me time to actually finish all the boring crunchy bits like gear.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Filby will absolutely commit to keeping up with DD. Just one more opportunity to be a know-it-all! : b

Human Wizard 1 AC 16/12/14 (mage armor active) / HP 8/8 / F +1 R +2 W +2 / Init. +9 / Perc. +2 / Sense Motive -4

Greetings fellow agents and thank you for the selection Clockwork! Talyssa will also be investing in DD eventually. I'm planning to take her Arcane Trickster, but I'm going to take at least one level of wizard up front. Knowledge skills will be more her thing at first level. I'm wrapping up her sheet. Hoped to have it up today, but we're in the midst of a family vacation to Ireland right now and the connection at this particular B&B is atrocious. (Even getting an avatar selected is proving next to impossible)

Deva (Elven) Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 1 - AC 16/14T/12FF; hp 9/9; F+1/R+4/W+4; Init. +0; Perc. +2; Sense Motive +8

Are you going to select an alias avatar? RPG Superstar Steven T. Helt, what about you?

@Talyssa: Michael, I would prefer if your character went more towards a pure arcane route. With a bard and a alchemist already in the party I think that you would drifting into other territories that Steven and Vorduvi are already working towards. Based on your PM, your core character concept is very strong. This group doesn't need another partial arcane class, and I accepted your application based on the need for a full arcane character. Rather than an arcane trickster, consider focusing more on a wizard who experiments with blending technology (perhaps from the metal element school), I really think that it is a stronger concept.

@Everyone: Please format your character sheets using the above example I have provided like what Anya has done. In addition, I would also like you to include on your alias page in the race column the following (corrected for your stats).

"Human (Risur) Fighter (Archetype) 1 AC 17/11/16 / HP 13 / F +4 R +2 W +1 (any save modifiers) / Init. +1 / Perc. +X / Sense Motive +X

@Lucent: Did you decide to stick with the Soulknife or did you want to try out a different psionic class?

@Anya: Please remove the spoiler from your character sheet and format it to match Devinn's profile.

@Everyone: Also please chime in when you think you character is ready to go, so I can take a look. Once I see that all of the character sheets are set up and gear is finalized I will make the initial "intro" post. I know there was some talk of setting up pre-established relationships, and that is fine if you wish to go that route. To get you a better understand of your characters and the time line, we will assume that over the last six months each of your characters was vetted during a detailed background check that utilized magic divination as well as regular questioning. You were each selected based on your skill set, and the R.H.S. rather than having an academy, prefers to recruit individuals with real world experience and training. Many of the constables are previous police officers or veterans of the Yerasol Wars. After being recruited you have worked with a senior constable for roughly two to three months before given the go ahead to start completing individual tasking. The training and job you would have been assigned to would have been based on your previous experiences.

  • Anya Landreth: As a public face of the war, you would have made regular appearances in and around the docks as well as Flints naval yards. You would have been apart of photo-ops during the building of the R.N.S. Coaltongue. Your orders would have been to praise this mechanical marvel as an important step in the cold-war between Risur and Danor. You would have also had the chance to meet with investors and then having taken this information, would have created lists of individuals who were tied to the project so the R.H.S. could later back check them for possible Danor leanings.

  • Devinn LeMont: As an accepted member of the dockers, you would have frequented the docks in and around Bosun strand. Your work would have regularly taken you to such place as the Thinking Man's Tavern or the Bedlam House where you could keep your eye out for any potential news of dock or steel worker strikes. You would have also listened for any rumors of unusual activity during the construction of the R.N.S. Coaltongue and any persons of particular interest. Based on these reports the R.H.S. would follow up any potential leads for sabotage or espionage.

  • Alastair Rayne: Based on your training as a scout you would have been assigned to begin a forward survey for the upcoming christening of the R.N.S. Coaltongue. Each day you would spend a few hours walking around the Royal Square and the outskirts of the Royal Shipyard, sometimes dressed as a beggar, others in the common clothes of a dockworker and scout the site for entry and egress points. You know that thousands of visitors will likely pour into the city, hoping to see the king. In preparation for that you were assigned to create a risk assessment for possible attacks in a crowded environment. It was based on this recommendation that your supervisor Assistant Chief Inspector Stover Delft decided that the square could accommodate no more than seven hundred people who would be allowed to cheer as the carriages of the king and other dignitaries arrive.

  • Inspector Reginald Filby: As a former Flint Police Officer, you were assigned to act as a liaison between Flint P.D. and the R.H.S. to assure that there would be no jurisdictional missteps between the two agencies during the kings visit. You would have spent several weeks working within your old precinct to create contingency plans and organize barriers, patrol routes and visitor control points.

  • Talyssa Dane: As a technical expert who is familiar with the blending of technology and magic you would have spent the majority of your time onboard the R.N.S. Coaltongue working alongside Geoff Masarde, one of a handful of Danoran tiefling's working for the Risuri military to help construct warships and other weapons. Your cover story would have been that you were his research assistant, but in fact you were keeping an eye on anyone who might be paying too much interest in the Coaltongue's magical capacitor.

  • Raeghan Arbalister: Because of your celestial heritage as well as your ability to be diplomatic, you were assigned to act as a liaison between the R.H.S. security detail and the city of Flint's governors office. The current governor, Roland Stanfield is also an aasimar who has repeatedly served as Flint’s governor over the last five hundred years. Your supervisor Assistant Chief Inspector Stover Delft felt that your shared "heritage" might assist in greasing the wheels of cooperation between your department and the bureaucracy.

  • Ifris Lanvaldan: During your first three months with the R.H.S. you get the impression that your supervisor Assistant Chief Inspector Stover Delft doesn't know what to do with you. He has read your dossee and knows that you have the ability to seemingly manifest weapons and armor out of thin air, as well as having received several years of officers training but beyond that he seems unsure how to treat you. Finally after several days of busy work he finally directs you to start frequenting the local establishments frequented by Risuri naval officers and begin to build a profile on the Risuri Naval Commander Rutger Smith, who is currently being considered by the admiralty for command of the R.N.S. Coaltongue. However, based on your dossee that reports on Commander Smiths his lack of actual combat experience combined with his espoused belief in the the post-Malice writings of the old monk William Miller, it is later decided that a more seasoned officer should be selected for such an august position of authority.

  • Male Human (Risuri) Bard (Sandman) 1st AC 14/12/12 / HP 9 / F +1 R +4 W +3 / Init. +2 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +3
    The Clockwork Shadow wrote:

    @Everyone: Please format your character sheets using the above example I have provided like what Anya has done. In addition, I would also like you to include on your alias page in the race column the following (corrected for your stats).

    "Human (Risur) Fighter (Archetype) 1 AC 17/11/16 / HP 13 / F +4 R +2 W +1 (any save modifiers) / Init. +1 / Perc. +X / Sense Motive +X

    Done! Phew I feel so much better now! All official like!

    Howdy everyone! I'm super pumped up to see the list today and join all of you on this campaign. Can't wait to see the profiles and avatars on everyone when they're done. Almost ready with the finishing touches on the character profile, but Clockwork Shadow please take a gander and let me know if anything is off or needs explanation.

    @Steven Excellent! Well I'll brush up on my DD at 2nd level and perhaps that's an opportunity for Devinn to appreciate the fine intellect of one Reginald Filby! I'm actually glad with the group that we have that I don't have to worry much about Knowledge skills beyond Local, as I don't think I'll be very good at that anyway.

    @Everyone Well if anyone is interested in forming up some working interactions (whether positive or negative) over these past few months with Devinn, please post or PM me and I'll be happy to collaborate with you. In looking at the posts and profiles, it strikes me that Devinn is going to find a natural affinity with a couple of the characters, have a working respect for a couple more and want to annoy the last pair, so let me know if you a have a strong vibe one way or the other with him.

    One of Devinn's mannerisms is that he often tends to call acquaintances by nicknames rather than use formal or personal names, as he himself rarely prefers to be called by his true name Devinn (it's not a secret but he just doesn't like it)...also he finds it amusing if the acquaintance either embraces or is irked by the nickname. Sooo...you'll have that going for you, which is great...yeah. Right? Sure!

    Female Human (Risur) Soulknife (Armored Blade/Shielded Blade/Gifted Blade) 1, Aegis 2 ; AC 22/13/19 / HP 24 / F +4 R +5 W +6 / Init. +5 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +4

    I stuck with soulknife. Full build will plot out to be Soulknife 15/Aegis 3/Metaforge 2 or so. Going for combat versatility and really digging these classes.

    Female Human (Risur) Soulknife (Armored Blade/Shielded Blade/Gifted Blade) 1, Aegis 2 ; AC 22/13/19 / HP 24 / F +4 R +5 W +6 / Init. +5 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +4

    I also made some touch-ups on Ifris' background based on the GM's recommendations. She's less of a "sole survivor" type soldier and now a less charismatic "I'm the paragon of humanity, damnit" commissioned officer. I'm looking forward to interactions with our resident NCO, Anya!

    Female Human (Risur) Soulknife (Armored Blade/Shielded Blade/Gifted Blade) 1, Aegis 2 ; AC 22/13/19 / HP 24 / F +4 R +5 W +6 / Init. +5 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +4

    Also for my fellow team-mates, feel free to review Ifris' background in her profile. She's a rather public figure in Flint due to her family and her background, so it's possible people have heard of her/have formed preconceptions about her. I'm not sure how well-known she would be in the capitol, however. But I'm figuring Ol' Clockface can elaborate more on that.

    Male Human (Risuri) Bard (Sandman) 1st AC 14/12/12 / HP 9 / F +1 R +4 W +3 / Init. +2 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +3

    I dig the new avatar Ifris! Tough but not so mega-scarry :)

    Female Human (Risur) Soulknife (Armored Blade/Shielded Blade/Gifted Blade) 1, Aegis 2 ; AC 22/13/19 / HP 24 / F +4 R +5 W +6 / Init. +5 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +4

    Different history, different appearance!

    More random musings: Ifris won't have any of her conjured armaments up usually. She's going to summon them part and parcel when combat occurs. So maybe a sword if she needs to fight someone, maybe the armor or shield if she's attacked, and if it gets really hairy all three pieces.

    The armor itself resembles weightless "plates" of amber-colored light that hover over her uniform (in the case of armor), over one arm (as in her shield) and spring out of her hand (in the case of her sword). I drew the inspiration from the tech-armor and omniblade/omniscience from Mass Effect. You can google image search all that if you want visual references. :)

    Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

    Will do the last of sheet formatting to bring in line with everyone else tomorrow.

    Deva (Elven) Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 1 - AC 16/14T/12FF; hp 9/9; F+1/R+4/W+4; Init. +0; Perc. +2; Sense Motive +8

    I changed Raeghan's name slightly. I also changed his avatar by a lot. He looks far more human than before, but the avatar still has a slight otherworldliness to it. With each reincarnation, he comes back looking less and less elven, and more and more human. (He can, for instance, now grow some facial hair.) However, he is still readily identifiable as an elf by appearance, though I imagine some might think him a half-elf. I mainly selected the avatar because it captures his personality fairly well.

    Female Human (Risuri) Cavalier (Musketeer/Luring Cavalier) 1 AC 19/13/16 / HP 11 / F +3 R +3 W +0 / Init. +3 / Perc. +0 / Sense Motive +0

    Sorry it's taking me so long to get my gear and stuff sorted out...I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how guns work. Never played or even seen a character use guns before so I was hoping someone else might have some insight on how to make it work better.

    Along the same line of thinking, I was wondering if I could use the Gunsmithing feat to create my starting ammunition. Black powder and bullets are crazy expensive and I can only afford to shoot someone like 8 times with my starting money minus armor and weapons. Also was wondering if I could use Gunsmithing like a Gunslinger does and eventually upgrade my starting pistol to masterwork for 300 gold. Anya is far too attached to the gun she has now to toss it aside when a better one comes along and I like the idea of her keeping and upgrading the gun because of its sentimental value.

    Male Human

    Hello everyone! Glad to be here!

    I have been at work since yesterday morning, but I will -finally- be going home in a couple of hours. After a bit of rest, I should have the character sheet ready.

    Male Human

    Oh, is the theme feat still called Experimental Strike after your change to it?

    Female Human (Risur) Soulknife (Armored Blade/Shielded Blade/Gifted Blade) 1, Aegis 2 ; AC 22/13/19 / HP 24 / F +4 R +5 W +6 / Init. +5 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +4

    There was a change to experimental strike? I must have missed that.

    Human Wizard 1 AC 16/12/14 (mage armor active) / HP 8/8 / F +1 R +2 W +2 / Init. +9 / Perc. +2 / Sense Motive -4

    @Clockwork: No problem. Happy to go full arcane and reworking things now.

    Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

    I will try to have everything worked out and submitted for your approval tonight. Between the commission job and the Superstar adventure, I am reallu crunched for time. But I'll try to be finished tonight.

    Ifris Lanvaldan wrote:
    There was a change to experimental strike? I must have missed that.

    Yes, but it was just a clarification. If you make a full round attack and miss with all of your strikes, you can immediately make a combat maneuver, but you must describe it thematically like pulling the rug out from below your opponent (trip), grabbing a chair and using it to push him backward (bull-rush) or attempting to disarm him with a candlestick (disarm) or something else suitably cinematic.

    Male Human

    Alastair is finished. The avatar is a bit too serious-looking, but I could not really find anything more fitting. At least the guy in the picture looks to be in his late-twenties to early-thirties, wears no armor and has black hair offset by some white. The differences mainly are that Alastair is more friendly-looking, has longer hair and his eyes are amber.

    Anyway, without further ado...

    Alastair Rayne, Martial Artist and Martial Scientist

    Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

    Hey - whatever Dane and the Boss agree on, but I think arcane trickster is a great schtick and doesn't get in Filby's space at all. I have a lot of respect for arcane tricksters, so even if that duplicates a little design space, I'm happy to commit to not being jealous over it.

    Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

    Excited to see what the character you put together winds up looking like, Steve. I'm liking the makeup of this group, really excited to get started once we're all squared away.

    Male Human (Risuri) Bard (Sandman) 1st AC 14/12/12 / HP 9 / F +1 R +4 W +3 / Init. +2 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +3
    Rhegalion Arbalistre wrote:
    I changed Raeghan's name slightly. I also changed his avatar by a lot. He looks far more human than before, but the avatar still has a slight otherworldliness to it. With each reincarnation, he comes back looking less and less elven, and more and more human. (He can, for instance, now grow some facial hair.) However, he is still readily identifiable as an elf by appearance, though I imagine some might think him a half-elf. I mainly selected the avatar because it captures his personality fairly well.

    I like the avatar -- yeah I was having trouble getting a handle on what he was looking like with the elf-aasimar thing until you put it in these terms. The only other aasimar reference is the Flint Governor in the Zeitgeist Players Guide ... and he's looking silver with white eyes ... creepy!

    Male Human (Risuri) Bard (Sandman) 1st AC 14/12/12 / HP 9 / F +1 R +4 W +3 / Init. +2 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +3
    The Clockwork Shadow wrote:

    Skills and Non-Combat Encounters.

    Any questions...

    Just a question Clockwork in relation to skill checks and the ever so fun 'Take 10' rule. Does that apply here if not distracted/in combat, or does that cut against the point of a skill check encounter, especially with the DC's posted? I mean obviously I don't want to fail an average skill check that the group needs with a single bad roll, but perhaps the skill check encounters account for that with a slew of rolls across a time period, mitigating the single "bad" roll fear of the dice generator. Any clarification on how we should deal with the Take10 rule in these kinds of encounters?

    Devinn: It will depend on the nature of the skill check. In some situations, like high speed chase through the city streets on horseback while you are attempting to protect a carriage and dodging black power bombs, the answer would be no (Yes that scene is in here... eventually). On the other hand if you are canvassing a crowd looking for potential threats then I would say yes (unless for example you think there might be a sniper hiding somewhere nearby). Taking twenty will never be allowed during a skill check because each increment is still considered a round. In addition, skill checks are *never* a single roll. Take my previous example of canvassing a crowd, the party might have 3 "rounds" to do it in, but would need to make a total of 11 successful skill checks out of a possible 21 rolls (3 rolls per PC).

    Does that make things a little more clear?

    I have reviewed your character sheet and you are good to go. Please provide me your character's age so I can update our info page.

    Talyssa: I know you mentioned it in your PM, but I had forgotten that you and I were short prologue for Legacy of Fire. Man, that was a really good campaign and it makes me sad how it fell through. You wrote some really good posts.

    Anya: I have reviewed your character and you are good to go. It looks like you have not purchased all of your gear however, so you might want to finish that up.

    Rhegalion Please include the untrained skills on your character sheet for reference and purchase your gear. I also need to know Rhegalion's age. I figure its between 700-900 years old, but I want to update the campaign info page.

    Alastair: Your character sheet looks good.

    Everyone: Because of the cinematic style of this campaign I thought something fun to put your character in a visual context based on a reference to a famous individual that you think looks similar to your character. It can be any famous person. I would also like you to provide your characters "theme" song.

    Human Wizard 1 AC 16/12/14 (mage armor active) / HP 8/8 / F +1 R +2 W +2 / Init. +9 / Perc. +2 / Sense Motive -4

    @Clockwork: Yes, that was looking strong. I was going to be joining that campaign as Haleen once you guys reached that point. Sadly, we never did.

    Female Human (Risur) Soulknife (Armored Blade/Shielded Blade/Gifted Blade) 1, Aegis 2 ; AC 22/13/19 / HP 24 / F +4 R +5 W +6 / Init. +5 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +4

    Actress: Gina Carano (from the movie Haywire)

    Theme Song I'll have to think on a little!

    male Human Alchemist 1 - AC 16/12T/14FF; hp 8/8; F+2/R+4/W+3; Init. +2; Perc. +5; Sense Motive +2 alchemist 1

    Not finished yet, but progress!

    For visuals and aurals, think of Moffat's Sherlock and then add a few points of personal Charisma. While Filby is kind of a know-it-all, he fancies himself a paragon of human virtue, and not a higher being looking down on his fellows. If we could talk above everyone like Sherlock, and be as personable as Tennant (though calmed considerably), we'd have a pretty decent picture of Filby.

    However, when brooding or piecing together his case, he does tend to sound like Sherlock. A little less triumphant, a little more damning.

    Finally, a question for THE BOSS:

    I might want to take the feral mutagen discovery as a class feature at some point, to give my mutagenic form a little more oomph. Claws and bites, however, will never be a part of Filby's style. I once asked Sean Reynolds if he thought it was kosher to sacrifice the extra bite attack and interpret the claws as slams. He thought it made sense, so I'm asking what you think. I will gladly give up three attacks just so the two I keep are considered slams instead of claws and bites. Fair enough?

    Of course, if you wanna give me something in exchange for the lost attack, I won't complain. :b


    I agree that claws and a bite do not match Filbys's style. I think it is acceptable to sub out the claw attacks that do slashing damage for slam attacks that do blunt. Perhaps the mutagen makes you pre-naturally more skilled in fisticuffs. If you wanted you could write off the bite as a head butt? I believe that in the new Sherlock Holmes movies there is a scene where Holmes bare knuckle boxes in a ring and proceeds to ear clap a man (two slams) and then head butts his nose and breaks it. (bite attack?) My only concern is that you couldn't stack the third slam with a bite attack should someone try to cast a spell on you that would give it like strong jaw

    You could also roll the third slam into something like stomping on the arch of someone's foot.

    What do you think?

    Female Human (Risur) Soulknife (Armored Blade/Shielded Blade/Gifted Blade) 1, Aegis 2 ; AC 22/13/19 / HP 24 / F +4 R +5 W +6 / Init. +5 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +4

    Found the theme song, after much consideration:


    Evening Guys,

    I am working on getting the Campaign Info tab updated and prepared for us to start.

    In the meantime take a look at this trailer for Zeitgeist. I'm getting very excited to start this adventure!

    Human Wizard 1 AC 16/12/14 (mage armor active) / HP 8/8 / F +1 R +2 W +2 / Init. +9 / Perc. +2 / Sense Motive -4

    Nice, they did a great job of animating still images to bring that to life.

    Quick question on languages. Do we all automatically start with Common and Primordial? Or do we start with Primordial and Common would be an additional language?

    Do you read the Player's Guide description of Ber as a language in and of itself or do people from Ber just speak a variety of languages (Common, Draconic, Giant)?

    Any other advice on languages? It seems like Primordial, Common, Elvish, and Dwarven are most common, plus the Ber language or languages. Perhaps Aklo or Sylvan in Risur.

    Female Human (Risur) Soulknife (Armored Blade/Shielded Blade/Gifted Blade) 1, Aegis 2 ; AC 22/13/19 / HP 24 / F +4 R +5 W +6 / Init. +5 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +4

    Talyssa I was hoping you'd use that icon.

    Female Human (Risur) Soulknife (Armored Blade/Shielded Blade/Gifted Blade) 1, Aegis 2 ; AC 22/13/19 / HP 24 / F +4 R +5 W +6 / Init. +5 / Perc. +7 / Sense Motive +4

    And hey, why not, Ifris' battle theme Two Steps From Hell: Jump

    Human Wizard 1 AC 16/12/14 (mage armor active) / HP 8/8 / F +1 R +2 W +2 / Init. +9 / Perc. +2 / Sense Motive -4
    Ifris Lanvaldan wrote:
    Talyssa I was hoping you'd use that icon.

    Yeah, that was a pretty easy choice. Seemed like it was custom made for her. I love that they have so many new choices for us.

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