About Inspector Reginald FilbyInspector Reginald Filby
Ten Day Character Background
5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to the character -Filby is known among friends and allies as a well-meaning agnostic. He places little faith in religious traditions, except for their anthropological value. He believes the end-game to the spiritualism of some of his friends is essentially predetermination. If such is true, his belief, nor his actions, nor the actions of anyone, have relevance as the ultimate results are pre-concluded. -On a related note, Filby has devoted much of his time and attention to the idea of ethics. How does one aspire to be better? How does one reduce the influence of temptation and make humanity better with consistently moral choices. The ascension of man relies on the collective improvement of man ethically. -Filby has a distinguished record in both military service and law enforcement. Though his processes and mannerisms irritate the occasional superior (and most fellow) officer, it's impossible to deny his track record in exposing evidence and gaining confessions. He was decorated as a tactical officer in the last war and keeps his bronze medal for victory on prominent display in his house. Filby defintely views his success as a foregone conclusion - one is obligated to perform at their best level, and therefore excellence is a predictable result. This results in Filby seeing all ranks as equals. He responds to title and ranks with appropriate decorum, but in his view, everyone is either working for the same end, or those who are clearly not deserve to be exposed and stripped of privilege. -Filby has a constant, unrelenting internal dialogue. Over the years, he has trained his mouth to edit the stream of consciousness as he speaks. However, this is not perfect. He excels at suppressing vulgarity and insult (at least as he understands insult), but sometimes begins an audible sentence several seconds into its formulation. -Just as FIlby believes the goodness of man is a choice, he also believes every man has the capacity for evil. When evil is chosen, justice should be harsh as both a deterrent to future lapses, and to offer satisfaction to the people. Filby abhors folk positioning themselves as victims, but is outraged by the idea that one human would victimize another. As a decorated military and civilian investigator, he is well aware that such choices tempt men at all times. He would like for science to develop a formula that might suppress evil impulses. Two goals, one for the character, one for the player -Anya's primary concern is returning back to Yerasol and freeing anyone still alive. The guilt eats at her each day that passes while her friends and comrades are suffering, especially since she feels responsible for their deteriorating living conditions. She's argued with her superiors at length about mounting such an operation but her staged fame has done little to increase her position amongst the military. Unless Risur resorts to open war once again, Anya sees the RHC as her best chance at getting the resources needed to mount such a rescue...on her own if need be. -Other than the obvious goal of wrapping up her story arc for some closure for Anya, I'd like to see her actually gain some real renown. The fake praise bothers her. She doesn't feel she earned it. Real rewards and real praise for things she's actually done would do wonders for her self confidence I think. Two secrets. One known to the character, one unknown to the character -Anya had a secret crush on her commanding officer, Colin. His death weighs heaviest on her conscience above all the others. She has an unhealthy weakness for similar men in authority positions. -Colin Berriman isn't dead. The man that spies reported seeing beheaded was simply another soldier dressed in Colin's officer uniform. The belief that he was dead was strengthened when his personal effects were returned to his family by a Danor messenger. In truth, Colin is a traitor. His betrayal is responsible for the capture of those under his command. He now lives comfortably in Danor, advising the House of Jierre on Risur's military strengths and weaknesses. People tied to the character. -Victor Stower (Human Male, 29): Victor, or Vic, is a member of Anya's former unit. The two were romantically involved during their service in Yerasol. Vic was one of the few lucky souls that escaped alongside Anya. However, their relationship changed drastically once they were free of the prison camp. Seeing Vic brings up too many bad memories for Anya and she would prefer to avoid Vic for that reason. Vic, on the other hand, feels much differently. He planned to marry Anya once the war ended and still tries regularly to make Anya fall in love with him again. -Edwyn Dackins (Human Male, 38): Edwyn is another soldier that made his escape with Anya. Edwyn is a married man and father of 5 children and the only member of Anya's former squad that she still associates with. When she spends time with him, the fact that so many people need him in their lives eases Anya's doubts about whether or not she did the right thing, if only for a moment. The two can often be found at a tavern late at night, enjoying drinks and each others company, neither one of them speaking about the war. -Regina Landreth (Human Female, 49): Regina Landreth is Anya's mother and her only living immediate relative. Her mother is extremely protective of her daughter and constantly worries for her. As a result, she's constantly trying to talk Anya into leaving the military and settling down; she lost her daughter once and cannot stand to lose her again. This protective nature has driven the two apart. Anya dislikes constantly arguing with her mother about leaving the military and grows annoyed with her mother's constant talk of marriage and children. Regina hates all the "hero talk" about her daughter; she'd rather not imagine her daughter as a prisoner or a killer. -Roland Graves (Human Male, 36): Roland is Anya's newest commanding officer. He actually has little authority over the woman. The military assigned him the task of watching Anya and making sure she did her new job as a military spokesperson. He's convinced he's becoming little more than a glorified babysitter for Anya and he tends to take out his frustration on her via long-winded angry tirades for the smallest of slights. -Rallik Sevandir (Human Male, 51): Rallik is an ex-instructor at Flint's Battalion military academy. He took a special interest in the girl during her training at the academy and considers her to be one of his greatest successes. Anya owes a great deal to Rallik since he was the one that had her placed into the academy's Lion division, a special forces of sorts. Rallik retired from the academy shortly after the war ended and now mostly serves Risur as a military adviser. Three memories, mannerisms, or quirks -Anya is always impeccably dressed. Years under the rigid structure of the military and public pressure have made her obsessive about public opinion and the appearance of her uniform. She rarely wears anything other than the stylized Risur uniform she was issued after Risur decided she was to be a war hero. -Anya is her own harshest critic and she often underestimates her own abilities. The public views her self doubt as "being humble" which has become part of her charm. She questions nearly every decision she makes and often feels unsure of herself. She finds herself asking "What if?" more than she'd like. -Anya is unquestionably loyal to Risur and her king. She wanted to serve in the military for as long as she can remember and being accepted into the academy was the happiest day of her life. Traits
Sherrif: The no nonsense arm of the law, is like the uncle you never had. The benefits of being close friends with the town sheriff are extensive, and you can call in favors from him once per game session. A favor can either get you out of a legal jam, hook you up with a town guard for help, or give you a one-time +10 bonus on a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check made against any local person.
Favored Class Benefits