Wulfgar Ivarsson |
ninja'd by MJ66, will edit slightly
'Ah the lintel' Setting his sword down and taking off his rucksack, Wulfgar fishes his fifty foot rope out of his pack. Tossing one end around the lintel and tying it tight, he holds up the other end. "This is only fifty foot, does anyone have another rope or two we can tie to it? a couple of you pull your rope out to tie to it."
Can he 'take 10' for 'profession: sailor' for the rope tying?

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Lord McGibel flies along, as he too casts dancing lights, on Wilfgar. They spin around his head as he walks in.
He himself flies down the shoot to see whats there, Not touching anything.
Stealth 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (7) + 16 = 23
Fly 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (12) + 16 = 28
Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Once he knows its safe, and from down the hole the others can here this song being sung.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Lord P is able to discover that the chute opens twenty feet above the floor of a diamond-shaped chamber some forty feet across, with dark archways indicating corridors to the north, east, and west...
The floor of this chamber is covered by a mound of sand at the south end, where the chute has deposited it over the ages...
The walls of the chamber are inscribed with faded heiroglyphs...

Michael Johnson 66 |

The Tomb of King Bogud of Mauretania, relocated to page 15 for your convenience...

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Flies into each room and has a look see.
Stealth 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (16) + 16 = 32
Fly 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (12) + 16 = 28
Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Michael Johnson 66 |

In the left chamber, fifty-feet north-to-south, thirty-feet-wide, a pair of stout limestone columns supports the twenty-foot-high ceiling at north and south, and against the west wall rests an elaborately-painted stone sarcophagus, with manticores and griffons graven in the sides, and a relief image of a warrior king engraved and painted on the lid.
In the middle chamber, he finds an identical pair of columns and sarcophagus.
In the right chamber, the same again...

Altin Karela |

Altin taps his foot impatiently as the party waits for Lord Perpireen to return. "The little lord kind of takes the fun out of this grave-robbing caper, doesn't he? I remember back in the day, you'd need to actually walk on the floor, and there'd be traps, and we'd actually use the rope... It was exciting, you know? This just seems a bit easy," he sighs to Wulfgar.

Volreg Sundek |

Ha, I wake up, and there's a bunch of posts!
Volreg waits fairly patiently for the tiny Lord to come back. "I've never seen a tomb this big! Then again, I'm used to just digging a hole in the ground and burying the body. Maybe there'll be treasure that'll be found!" Looking at Altain's fidgeting, the farmer puts a hand on his shoulder. "Nervous energy isn't good when standing still. Maybe we should go follow the little one in?"

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
ninja'd by Volreg, will alter to fit
Altin taps his foot impatiently as the party waits for Lord Perpireen to return. "The little lord kind of takes the fun out of this grave-robbing caper, doesn't he? I remember back in the day, you'd need to actually walk on the floor, and there'd be traps, and we'd actually use the rope... It was exciting, you know? This just seems a bit easy," he sighs to Wulfgar.
Distracted by the annoying dancing lights that the Sprite left spinning about, Wulfgar turns to answer Altin, "Fun? I hear the floors of these things are sometimes covered with snakes or the walls spit darts, What fun is that? While were waiting, give me your rope, so we can get down there when he comes back."
Breathing a heavy sigh, he points at the dancing lights. "The little lord left these here, how long till they burn out?"
Turning to Volreg, "If were lucky we will be the first ones to be in it since the funeral. But if were going to follow the little lord we will need a couple of more ropes."
Wulfgar shakes the end of the rope he has tied to the lintel. "Come on, give me yours, this is why we brought them."

Altin Karela |

Altin responds to Volreg as he hands his rope over to Wulfgar. "No, no... This is a good plan. I just hope something doesn't splatter him in there. I know he's fast, but one lucky hit on him, and he could be done for."

Michael Johnson 66 |

The adventurers tie one end of Altin's rope to the free end of Wulfgar's rope, and one end of Volreg's rope to the other end of Altin's, giving enough rope to descend the chute to the chamber floor some hundred-and-twenty feet below...
In what order do the adventurers repel down the chute?

Altin Karela |

Had typed out a post where Altin was going to be all rational and suggest we stay and wait for Lord Perpireen to finish scouting, but then remembered he has a Wis of 8...
Altin looks down the chute. "Okay, let's do this!" he says in a rush, and begins stowing his weapons and equipment for optimal climbing.
I don't mind what order we go in. I'm happy to go first, or near first, as Altin is pretty keen to get in there and check it out. He's about the adventure even more than the treasure!

Volreg Sundek |

Chuckling at the enthusiasm of the archaeologist, Volreg waits for Wulfgar to follow Altin before making his way down after the two.
Oh no, the wind may be starting to affect Volreg, haha. Might start going where the wind takes him with its whispers.

Michael Johnson 66 |

As the adventurers repel down the rope to about sixty feet down the sloping chute, Altin’s feet depress a hidden pressure plate in the tunnel wall, causing a razor-sharp scythe blade to whisk out of a concealed housing in the wall of the chute near the entrance and sever the rope, dropping all six adventurers down the chute, to land heavily in the mound of sand in the crypt below!
Each PC takes 2d6 ⇒ (2, 6) = 8 falling damage as they land in the sand mound twenty feet below the bottom of the chute!

Altin Karela |

For future reference, any time we're entering a spooky tomb or the like, Altin will be making regular Perception checks for traps... I would have stated that if I'd had the chance. Although his Perception is only +5 at the moment, so if the DC is over 25 I guess it's a moot point.

Michael Johnson 66 |

The Tomb of King Bogud of Mauretania
The adventurers find themselves in the central, diamond-shaped chamber at the end of the hundred-foot chute, the six human-sized adventurers sprawled out prone on a mound of sand in which the ancient bones and skulls of humanoids and beasts are half buried, the sprite hovering in the dusty air above them...
The walls are painted with faded hieroglyphs...
Dark corridors open in the east, west, and north walls of this chamber...

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Comes over to the 6 on the floor, and whispers
"I see you did not want to wait, well that's fine."
Then goes on to tell them what he had found in the three rooms.
Then he heads back up the hole to see if he can fix the rope,

Michael Johnson 66 |

With considerable effort, Lord Perpireen might be able to carry the hundred-some-foot length of rope back up the chute while flying (very slowly), where he can then tie the severed rope back together again... DC 10 Strength check to haul the rope to the top, and he can take 10 on the Dexterity check to tie the rope ends securely, automatically succeeding...

Mwikali |

Mwikali looks at the hieroglyphs and wonders what they are.
Know(Arcana): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
As she does she pulls out a torch and uses spark to set it alight.
"Interesting, Does anyone know what these could possibly be?" She says as she looks at the others.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Mwikali looks at the hieroglyphs and wonders what they are.
As she does she pulls out a torch and uses spark to set it alight."Interesting, Does anyone know what these could possibly be?" She says as she looks at the others.
Mwikali recognizes these faded heirogylphs as being of a type used throughout North Africa in ancient days, such as those adorning the tombs of the pharaohs of Egypt... She cannot decipher them... They are the picture-script of long lost Mauretania...

King Bogud |

Mwikali looks at the hieroglyphs and wonders what they are.
As she does she pulls out a torch and uses spark to set it alight."Interesting, Does anyone know what these could possibly be?" She says as she looks at the others.
Perception to hear Mwikali’s query through the stone sarcophagus and distance...1d20 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19 succeeds...
I know what they are, thief! The word-pictures that tell the tale of my battles... Of my betrayal at the hands of my murderous brother, Bochuss... How I was deposed and murdered at the fateful siege! Liars and thieves! All men are liars and thieves!

Giovanna di Domenico |

Holy backlog, Batman...get to bed...nothing.. wake up a but late....half a novel's worth of gameplay. and i just realized my update to 2nd lvl dudnt save...fml...going up a lvl in swash...will do in a but.
Vanna looks around at the scenes on the wall. I cannot tell what they say...but i think they are called heiroglyphs. Ancient language...Very impressive....

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
is the hieroglyphs a language check?
'Hmmmm we're moving really fast, maybe I should tell Altin to slow do...'"Aaauuuuuggggghhhhhhhh" THUD
"What the blazes?" Momentarily dazed and confused, Wulfgar dusts the sand off and stands up, realizing he may have broken his collar bone.
'We'll worry about those in a minute.' Looking around he sees the ancient writing and that his friends were all wounded in one way or another. He looks at Altin from the corner of his eye then tells everyone, "I want to help but.... well, I think this will work, everyone hold still."
Closing his eyes and concentrating, Wulfgars halo begins to glow, in a low voice he mutters, "nuQanjaj vor neH, jupwI' QaH nuqneH."
As he does so, a wave of energy flows from him to his companions. He holds the halo for a split second longer, releasing it, his shoulder feeling better, he adds, "I realize that may not have fixed everything, but shall we proceed?"
channel: 1d6 ⇒ 2
channel: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

STR check 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (3) - 3 = 0 Nope
He just gets a 10' feet and the rope slips out his hands,
"Rats dens, try again
STR Check + Insparation 1d20 + 1d6 - 3 ⇒ (18) + (2) - 3 = 17 Yep
For the next min he is working up the pipe

Michael Johnson 66 |

The immediate problem of escaping the tomb solved, the adventurers can turn their attention to exploring the three wings of the tomb...
As Lord Perpireen describes it, each wing is an identical crypt supported by a pair of stout, hieroglyph-covered columns, with an ornate stone sarcophagus against the back wall...

Altin Karela |

Altin stretches as Wulfgar's healing light washes over him. "Now that is an excellent trick," he exclaims. Then he begins peering at the heiroglyphics on the walls to see if he can decipher any of them; he's seen similar things before.
Linguistics: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Sorry, that should have been +5, so 18 total.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Altin stretches as Wulfgar's healing light washes over him. "Now that is an excellent trick," he exclaims. Then he begins peering at the heiroglyphics on the walls to see if he can decipher any of them; he's seen similar things before.
Sorry, that should have been +5, so 18 total.
The hieroglyphs seem to hint at magical trickery foiling would-be grave robbers... Altin isn't familiar enough with these particular ancient hieroglyphs to be more specific...

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
so for light, we have two dancing lights and a torch?
Looking at the hieroglyphs with Altin, Wulfgar stumbles over a bone in the sand, "Huh, that looks like a thigh bone. Do you figure they were slaves buried or grave-robbers trapped?"
Nodding toward the crypt he asks, "Shall we go on?" He then heads to the doorway on the right and peers in, reigniting his halo to improve the lighting as he looks in the room. Standing there, he looks carefully to see if there are any traps.
linguistics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Altin Karela |

Altin nods and follows Wulfgar, bow drawn, also keeping a keen eye out for danger.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Michael Johnson 66 |

so for light, we have two dancing lights and a torch?
Looking at the hieroglyphs with Altin, Wulfgar stumbles over a bone in the sand, "Huh, that looks like a thigh bone. Do you figure they were slaves buried or grave-robbers trapped?"Nodding toward the crypt he asks, "Shall we go on?" He then heads to the doorway on the right and peers in, reigniting his halo to improve the lighting as he looks in the room. Standing there, he looks carefully to see if there are any traps.
Wulfgar gets the gist of the hieroglyphs—they tell of the wards and glamers bound to this tomb of the Mauretanian King Bogud by his wizards to protect it from grave robbers... He also feels certain that there’s something suspicious about the sarcophagus... Tiny holes in the stone surface suggest a potential trap to the Northman...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Altin nods and follows Wulfgar, bow drawn, also keeping a keen eye out for danger.
Nor do Altin’s keen eyes fail to observe the tiny holes in the front and sides of the ornately carved and painted sarcophagus... He, too, smells a trap!

Michael Johnson 66 |

Gah, should have been +5, but seems to have done the trick! Do I have any idea how I may disarm this trap?
By succeeding on a Disable Device check to disarm the trap, essentially jamming the tiny holes to prevent whatever (poison darts, etc) from shooting out...

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
He pats, Altin on the shoulder, "Come on, the hieroglyphs tell of the wards and glamers bound to this tomb of the Mauretanian King Bogud by his wizards to protect it from grave robbers."
He smiles, "I don't have the slightest idea why they would think that was necessary."
looking in the room
He points to the sarcophagus with his sword, "I assume you see the tiny holes on the sarcophagus also?"
'If I get hit with the darts I may not be able to help him.'He step out of the doorway and around the corner, "I'll wait here, yell when you think you've got it."

Altin Karela |

Altin cracks his knuckles again and pulls out his tools. "Staying back is a good idea. Wish me luck!"
Creeping forward carefully, Altin reaches the sarcophagus. Examining the holes, he starts to go to work, his face a study in concentration.
Disable Device: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

Michael Johnson 66 |

Altin cracks his knuckles again and pulls out his tools. "Staying back is a good idea. Wish me luck!"
Creeping forward carefully, Altin reaches the sarcophagus. Examining the holes, he starts to go to work, his face a study in concentration.
[dice=Disable Device]1d20+12
Carefully, the young archaeologist plugs up each of the presumed projectile holes with nails and wedges. He believes he has secured all of them...