Wrath of the Runelords
Game Master
Sequel to Shattered Star with elements of Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous.
Male Human Cleric of Abadar/5 | HP: 44/44, AC: 20 | T: 10 | FF: 20 | Perception +9 | Initiative: +0, Fort +6 | Ref +1 | Will +9 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Speed: 30 (20 in armor)
Ah hah, they were in the retraining section. That was exactly the rule I was talking about.
And yeah, I wasn't necessarily expecting it anytime soon - but figured I may as well get a start on this voyage. We have a few days of sailing ahead of us, after all.
Male Human Bard 1
Serik speaks shoanti but you may have to trade him a language in return. ;)
Male Human Cleric of Abadar/5 | HP: 44/44, AC: 20 | T: 10 | FF: 20 | Perception +9 | Initiative: +0, Fort +6 | Ref +1 | Will +9 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Speed: 30 (20 in armor)
Donovan would take that deal, you bet. I imagine he's the kind of guy who would love teaching languages (or just about anything). What's your pleasure - Dwarven, Celestial, or Infernal?
Given his faith's priorities, he may very well end up taking a couple points of Linguistics to learn some new languages down the road, too. So many skills, so little time.
Male Human Bard 1
Serik would not mind Celestial I guess, dwarven is too limited and infernal is too chelixian for his taste. xP
Female Human Wizard (teleportation school)/1 HP: 11/11 | AC: 16, 12 T, 14 FF | CMD: 11 FCMD: 9| Saves: +3 Fort, +2 Ref, +3 Will | Initiative: +2 | Perception: +2 (+4) |
BTW, does selena have any luck studying the poor transcriptions?
Male Human Programmer 5
Sorry, will post something tonight. Been ridiculously busy, and just logging in for a few minutes during a rather late lunch break. Selena won't have had any luck per se, but that doesn't mean no progress was made. (I use the 'multiple successes to achieve objective' method for some particularly difficult feats of prowess.)
Female Human Wizard (teleportation school)/1 HP: 11/11 | AC: 16, 12 T, 14 FF | CMD: 11 FCMD: 9| Saves: +3 Fort, +2 Ref, +3 Will | Initiative: +2 | Perception: +2 (+4) |
Nanatsusaya wrote: Sorry, will post something tonight. Been ridiculously busy, and just logging in for a few minutes during a rather late lunch break. Selena won't have had any luck per se, but that doesn't mean no progress was made. (I use the 'multiple successes to achieve objective' method for some particularly difficult feats of prowess.) My own week has been pretty busy as well. But yeah, I can understand the method.
Male Human Cleric of Abadar/5 | HP: 44/44, AC: 20 | T: 10 | FF: 20 | Perception +9 | Initiative: +0, Fort +6 | Ref +1 | Will +9 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Speed: 30 (20 in armor)
Male Human Bard 1
I'm just waiting on the landing post. So still here, just quiet. ; )
Female Human Wizard (teleportation school)/1 HP: 11/11 | AC: 16, 12 T, 14 FF | CMD: 11 FCMD: 9| Saves: +3 Fort, +2 Ref, +3 Will | Initiative: +2 | Perception: +2 (+4) |
This situation is so reminiscent of a warhammer fantasy roleplay game I'm in where first session our ship gets sunk by a bunch of orks & goblins. They used the goblins as cannon ammo...
Male Human Cleric of Abadar/5 | HP: 44/44, AC: 20 | T: 10 | FF: 20 | Perception +9 | Initiative: +0, Fort +6 | Ref +1 | Will +9 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Speed: 30 (20 in armor)
Nana, the held action for Donovan is exactly right, but I wanted to be clear on the rounds here. The first round of combat will take place when the goblin boats are within 100 feet of the ship? How many round will we have until they are boarding?
I thought the two rounds of missile fire were when they were closing with us.
Male Human Programmer 5
The two rounds were until the canoes were close enough for the goblins to attempt boarding, so the goblins will begin attempting to board this round.
Female Human Wizard (teleportation school)/1 HP: 11/11 | AC: 16, 12 T, 14 FF | CMD: 11 FCMD: 9| Saves: +3 Fort, +2 Ref, +3 Will | Initiative: +2 | Perception: +2 (+4) |
Male Human Programmer 5
Just want to say that yes, there's an awful lot of goblins, but right now there's a bottleneck preventing them from entering combat, and you have aid from the sailors, so this should (based on number crunching) be a well-balanced encounter that's actually extremely in your favor. (Especially since none of them have ranged weapons.)
Male Human Cleric of Abadar/5 | HP: 44/44, AC: 20 | T: 10 | FF: 20 | Perception +9 | Initiative: +0, Fort +6 | Ref +1 | Will +9 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Speed: 30 (20 in armor)
First two attack rolls a 2 and a 1. A combat juggernaut, Donovan is not. Think I'll consider casting a spell next round.
Female Human Wizard (teleportation school)/1 HP: 11/11 | AC: 16, 12 T, 14 FF | CMD: 11 FCMD: 9| Saves: +3 Fort, +2 Ref, +3 Will | Initiative: +2 | Perception: +2 (+4) |
Have any of my action gone off? Has anything happened with Selena?
Male Human Cleric of Abadar/5 | HP: 44/44, AC: 20 | T: 10 | FF: 20 | Perception +9 | Initiative: +0, Fort +6 | Ref +1 | Will +9 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Speed: 30 (20 in armor)
I should also mention that the goblin Donovan targeted with the command will attract Attacks of Opportunity like normal if it runs. Probably one from Serik at least.
Male Human Bard 1
Considering my position in the initiative and my rolls, Donovan may want to pick another goblin. Serik just went into beast mode. I doubt your goblin survived. xP
Male Human Cleric of Abadar/5 | HP: 44/44, AC: 20 | T: 10 | FF: 20 | Perception +9 | Initiative: +0, Fort +6 | Ref +1 | Will +9 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Speed: 30 (20 in armor)
Well, other than the chief the goblins aren't very specific, so yeah - Nana, just focus my command on a still-living goblin. I'll choose to believe it was the goblin that hit me. :)
Male Human Programmer 5
Selena: I thought the acid splash was for this round, and you cast mage armor last round? Did I have that wrong?
Donovan: The goblins are very specific. In fact, each and every one of them has a name, personality, back story, and motivations!
Male Human Cleric of Abadar/5 | HP: 44/44, AC: 20 | T: 10 | FF: 20 | Perception +9 | Initiative: +0, Fort +6 | Ref +1 | Will +9 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Speed: 30 (20 in armor)
Apologies, that's my mistake. For some reason I was confusing them for indeterminate pretty little chunks of XP. ;D
Either way, I'm really hoping I can get one to tackle a buddy back off the ship.
Female Human Wizard (teleportation school)/1 HP: 11/11 | AC: 16, 12 T, 14 FF | CMD: 11 FCMD: 9| Saves: +3 Fort, +2 Ref, +3 Will | Initiative: +2 | Perception: +2 (+4) |
Yes, you've got it right Nana, I just wasnt sure which round we where at yet...
Male Human Bard 1
Calling our ranger and wizard to the battlefield, please report to the battlefield. x)
Male Human Programmer 5
Sorry for my absence the past couple days, been ridiculously swamped with work and just passed out when I got home each day.
No worries. Take care of RL and we'll be here when you're really to resume.
Male Human Bard 1
No need to explain, started a new job myself. Spend most of my free time recovering, thankfully typing is not very energy consuming so I can still post. But I doze off soooooooooooooooometimes. :D
Take it easy and let us know when the journey will resume.
Male Human Programmer 5
Went ahead and got another post up. Is a lot more work writing up that long of a post than simply rolling up an attack and describing what you do... =)
Male Human Cleric of Abadar/5 | HP: 44/44, AC: 20 | T: 10 | FF: 20 | Perception +9 | Initiative: +0, Fort +6 | Ref +1 | Will +9 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Speed: 30 (20 in armor)
I'm going to be on vacation for about a week. Hopefully I'll have net access and can post like normal. If I go silent, just have Donovan keep clouting any goblin within reach and I'll do any more RP-heavy stuff when I get back.
Male Human Bard 1
Serik leaves a platter of coffee and cookies.
Everyone quiet, I'm luring out the DM. ;-)
Female Human Wizard (teleportation school)/1 HP: 11/11 | AC: 16, 12 T, 14 FF | CMD: 11 FCMD: 9| Saves: +3 Fort, +2 Ref, +3 Will | Initiative: +2 | Perception: +2 (+4) |
... (o_o) ... (o.o) ...(o^o)
Halflings are small, sneaky and always hungry. Cookies...mmmmm :)
Female Half-Orc (Beastmaster, Scavenger) Ranger(Skirmisher,Urban Ranger)
Lissa Wintrish wrote: Halflings are small... I prefer to think of them as "bite-sized. :)
Male Human Cleric of Abadar/5 | HP: 44/44, AC: 20 | T: 10 | FF: 20 | Perception +9 | Initiative: +0, Fort +6 | Ref +1 | Will +9 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Speed: 30 (20 in armor)
So, this campaign died just as I left? Aww... I was really looking forward to this one.
Male Human Bard 1
Our DM seems to have gone MIA.
I'm still around if he comes back.
Male Human Cleric of Abadar/5 | HP: 44/44, AC: 20 | T: 10 | FF: 20 | Perception +9 | Initiative: +0, Fort +6 | Ref +1 | Will +9 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Speed: 30 (20 in armor)
I hope he comes back ASAP or we are gonna be SOL.
Female Human Wizard (teleportation school)/1 HP: 11/11 | AC: 16, 12 T, 14 FF | CMD: 11 FCMD: 9| Saves: +3 Fort, +2 Ref, +3 Will | Initiative: +2 | Perception: +2 (+4) |
I'll keep an eye. I get the idea he is VERY busy with work. So I will be patient.
Male Human Cleric of Abadar/5 | HP: 44/44, AC: 20 | T: 10 | FF: 20 | Perception +9 | Initiative: +0, Fort +6 | Ref +1 | Will +9 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Speed: 30 (20 in armor)
Come back to us Nana!
Yes, will also be patient. He had a good, detailed game running. I'll still be interested when/if he comes back.
Yeah, definitely had a plan and had done a ton of homework on this. I suspect just swamped with personal life or work.
Male Human Cleric of Abadar/5 | HP: 44/44, AC: 20 | T: 10 | FF: 20 | Perception +9 | Initiative: +0, Fort +6 | Ref +1 | Will +9 | CMB: +5, CMD: 15 | Speed: 30 (20 in armor)
Hello everybody! In case you actually read this, I wanted to let the players of this campaign (whom I was looking forward to playing with) know that I've started my first GMed campaign on these forums, and cordially invite you to take a look in case its something you'd be interested in joining in on:
It is, It is, a glorious thing...
Our time under Nana seems to have been cut short, but perhaps we can have still have some fun together!
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