Wrath of the Righteously Inept GM (Inactive)

Game Master Unruly

My first run at PbP GMing. Wrath of the Righteous AP.
Date: 18 Arodus, 4713 Location: Kenabres, Mendev
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Spells: Oracle 1st 5/5 HP 17/22, Temp HP: 0, DR 2/Silver, AC 17, Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +8 Brand 4/4, Terrain 4/5, Smite 1/1, Shatter 1/1, Suicidal 1/1, Align Weapon 3/3, Lay on Hands 5/5

Kel nods leads them onward.

Where are we headed next? I forget.

F Human Alchemist 4 HP 31/31 Per+9 F7R6W3 AC16T12FF14 Init+2


Dark Archive

Female Human Witch 3 hp 22/22; AC 12, T 12, FF 10; CMD 13; F +3, R +3, W +4; Init +4, Per+4(+7 in darkness/low light, additional +2 if familiar is close)

I'm good with that.

Male Human Cavalier (Constable) | Bard (Chronicler of Worlds, Speaker of the Palatine Eye) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC:18 T:11 FF:17 CMD:16 | F+4 R+4 W+2 | Init+1 | Perc+6 |

Max dismisses the light spell, casting it onto his holy symbol once more. He lets Kel lead the way!


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Who's going up the ladder first? I assume Kel, but I'd like to know for sure.

Spells: Oracle 1st 5/5 HP 17/22, Temp HP: 0, DR 2/Silver, AC 17, Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +8 Brand 4/4, Terrain 4/5, Smite 1/1, Shatter 1/1, Suicidal 1/1, Align Weapon 3/3, Lay on Hands 5/5

Yep. Me.

Kel climbed the ladder slowly, leading with his shield.

As defensive as I can get.

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The first thing you notice on making your way up to the top of the ladder is the stench. The pungent, foul odor of stale urine and fecal matter permeates the room. Along the western wall sits a thick pile of shredded fabric, tattered furs, and bits of garbage. Small rats move to and fro throughout the pile, as beady eyes stare out from within. To the east is a narrow tunnel that opens into a small room. Two mongrelmen stand in this room with their backs turned, apparently unaware of your climbing the ladder.

Stealth and/or subterfuge will play a part here. The mongrels have their backs turned, but if they hear you they will turn around. They also have darkvision, so they will be able to see you just as well as you can see them.

Dark Archive

Female Human Witch 3 hp 22/22; AC 12, T 12, FF 10; CMD 13; F +3, R +3, W +4; Init +4, Per+4(+7 in darkness/low light, additional +2 if familiar is close)

Deia stands ready, in case Kel comes back down the ladder or calls for them to follow him up quickly.

"Who is next up?" she asks.

Male Human Gunslinger (Pistolero)/3 Init +4 (+2), Per+7, AC 19/T15/FF14 CMD 14; F+5/R+7/W+3; HP:30/30

"I'll go down next, I'm kind a stealthy."

Rex moves down the ladder after Kel, trying to be as stealthy as possible.

Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

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I'm gonna wait on Kel to do something before I say what happens next. Rex may want to choose a different course of action after that, and it's only fair that Kel be given a chance to assess what he sees. Also, the ladder leads up, not down.

F Human Alchemist 4 HP 31/31 Per+9 F7R6W3 AC16T12FF14 Init+2

Tina will wait for the big strong meat-shields to go first.

Spells: Oracle 1st 5/5 HP 17/22, Temp HP: 0, DR 2/Silver, AC 17, Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +8 Brand 4/4, Terrain 4/5, Smite 1/1, Shatter 1/1, Suicidal 1/1, Align Weapon 3/3, Lay on Hands 5/5

Kel held two fingers out toward the rest of the group, and pointed in the direction of the enemy mongrel men he could see. Then he put away his shield and moved the rest of the way down the ladder as slow and quiet as he could.

Stealth: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9

Subtle as a hammer...

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So you're going back down to where the party is and not going to where the mongrels are?

Spells: Oracle 1st 5/5 HP 17/22, Temp HP: 0, DR 2/Silver, AC 17, Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +8 Brand 4/4, Terrain 4/5, Smite 1/1, Shatter 1/1, Suicidal 1/1, Align Weapon 3/3, Lay on Hands 5/5

Im confused, I think. My plan was to mime to the party the number and direction of the two mongrels and then try to sneak up on them, or at least get all the way off the ladder without being noticed. Guess I didn't describe that well enough.

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You were climbing up the ladder when you reached the room with the rat's nest. Then you said you went down, which led me to believe that you were trying to regroup with them. But since you've clarified...

Perception1: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 Perception2: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

As Kel tries to sneak up on the guards, one of them turns his head and notices the intrusion.

"Hey! How'd you get in here?!"

Initiative Rolls:

Anevia: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Aravashnial: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Deia: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Horgus: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10
Kel: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Lann: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Max: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Rex: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Tina: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Mongrel1: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Mongrel2: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Initiative Order:

Tracking: Includes previous damage
Anevia: -2hp
Deia: -2hp
Kel: -9hp(5 temp), Aid
Lann: -10hp, Aid
Rex: -2hp
Tina: -5hp

Dark Archive

Female Human Witch 3 hp 22/22; AC 12, T 12, FF 10; CMD 13; F +3, R +3, W +4; Init +4, Per+4(+7 in darkness/low light, additional +2 if familiar is close)

Round 1

Deia's heart beats faster as the mongrel men discover Kel.

"Max, hurry up the ladder! Kel will need our help!" says Deia excitedly.

I suppose that the ladder will slow us down. I better help those down here while I can, thinks Deia.

"Lann, May fortune guide your actions!" chants Deia. Guidance on Lann

Male Human Cavalier (Constable) | Bard (Chronicler of Worlds, Speaker of the Palatine Eye) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC:18 T:11 FF:17 CMD:16 | F+4 R+4 W+2 | Init+1 | Perc+6 |

"W-what, me? I guess so..."

Max climbs up, and then fires his crossbow at the Mongrels!

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19 Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 1
Move him anywhere.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human Cavalier (Constable) | Bard (Chronicler of Worlds, Speaker of the Palatine Eye) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC:18 T:11 FF:17 CMD:16 | F+4 R+4 W+2 | Init+1 | Perc+6 |

Sorry, I'll clarify by saying please move him behind Kel somewhere. I'm in meetings all day so have limited posting ability.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human Gunslinger (Pistolero)/3 Init +4 (+2), Per+7, AC 19/T15/FF14 CMD 14; F+5/R+7/W+3; HP:30/30

Rex Round 1

"Sounds like Kel has found trouble."

Rex then begins to climb up the ladder with Sull's Morningstar in hand, to assist Max and Kel.

Move Action, Climb Ladder
Move Action, Move into room and get in postion.

HP 20/22
Bullets 3/10

F Human Alchemist 4 HP 31/31 Per+9 F7R6W3 AC16T12FF14 Init+2

RD 1

Tina will start climbing up the ladder on her turn and move one square north of the ladder.

Male Human Cavalier (Constable) | Bard (Chronicler of Worlds, Speaker of the Palatine Eye) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC:18 T:11 FF:17 CMD:16 | F+4 R+4 W+2 | Init+1 | Perc+6 |

"I knew I shouldn't have come up here." Max finds himself positioned north of Kel. He's none too happy about his decision.

Moved myself on the map in the very tight quarters.

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Round 1 Update

Max climbs to the top of the ladder, bringing his light with him.

Aravashnial stays below, waiting for the rest to make their way up first.

One of the mongrels charges down the hallway at Kel, swinging his club viciously.
Charge: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 4 + 2 = 16 Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Tina climbs up the ladder.

Anevia stays below for the time being.

Rex makes his way up to the top of the ladder.

The other mongrel moves up behind his buddy.

Horgus stays down low.

Initiative Order:
Deia <--- We are here.

Tracking: Includes previous damage
Anevia: -2hp
Deia: -2hp
Kel: -14hp, Aid
Lann: -10hp, Aid
Rex: -2hp
Tina: -5hp

Dark Archive

Female Human Witch 3 hp 22/22; AC 12, T 12, FF 10; CMD 13; F +3, R +3, W +4; Init +4, Per+4(+7 in darkness/low light, additional +2 if familiar is close)

OH, I thought my action was to put Guidance on Lann. Deia is trying to not crowd the ladder.

If I get another action...
"Lann, do you want to go first up the ladder?" Deia asks.

If Lann declines, Deia will go as far up the ladder as she can. If he is going to go, she will bring up the rear.

Once she gets to the top of the ladder, she will try to avoid going into the rat's nest.

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So it was! I just didn't see it as I was going through everyone's stuff. So then it's Kel's action.

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I just realized another thing I forgot to do. I forgot to give a description of the room at the top of the ladder to everyone other than Kel. Rather than type a new one, see the previous spoiler for Kel but disregard the bit about the mongrels since you're already in combat with them.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Spells: Oracle 1st 5/5 HP 17/22, Temp HP: 0, DR 2/Silver, AC 17, Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +8 Brand 4/4, Terrain 4/5, Smite 1/1, Shatter 1/1, Suicidal 1/1, Align Weapon 3/3, Lay on Hands 5/5

Kel let the mongrel's charge ring against his shield and leaned forward, thrusting below his shield toward his foe's gut.

Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Spells: Oracle 1st 5/5 HP 17/22, Temp HP: 0, DR 2/Silver, AC 17, Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +8 Brand 4/4, Terrain 4/5, Smite 1/1, Shatter 1/1, Suicidal 1/1, Align Weapon 3/3, Lay on Hands 5/5


Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Crit Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

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Round 1 final

Deia casts guidance on Lann.

Kel eviscerates his attacker.

Lann starts to make his way up the ladder, but stops at the base, waiting for the way to clear.

Round 1 Complete

Round 2

Initiative Order:
Max <--- We are here.

Tracking: Includes previous damage
Anevia: -2hp
Deia: -2hp
Kel: -9hp(5 temp), Aid
Lann: -10hp, Aid
Rex: -2hp
Tina: -5hp
Mongrel1: -16hp, dying

Male Human Cavalier (Constable) | Bard (Chronicler of Worlds, Speaker of the Palatine Eye) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC:18 T:11 FF:17 CMD:16 | F+4 R+4 W+2 | Init+1 | Perc+6 |

Max fires and reloads his crossbow. Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 3

-Posted with Wayfinder

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Round 2 Update

Max fires his crossbow, but just barely misses his target.

Aravashnial stays put.

Initiative Order:
Tina <--- We are here.

Tracking: Includes previous damage
Anevia: -2hp
Deia: -2hp
Kel: -9hp(5 temp), Aid
Lann: -10hp, Aid
Rex: -2hp
Tina: -5hp
Mongrel1: -16hp, dying

F Human Rogue 3 HP 17/17 | AC:14_T:11_FF:11 | F +1_R +6_W +0 | Init +7 | Perception +5

"Sounds like someone got a nasty wound up there. Hey, you guys have it under control?"

F Human Alchemist 4 HP 31/31 Per+9 F7R6W3 AC16T12FF14 Init+2

More enemies! about one!

Tina throws a dart at the other mongrel.

dart: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 101d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Male Human Gunslinger (Pistolero)/3 Init +4 (+2), Per+7, AC 19/T15/FF14 CMD 14; F+5/R+7/W+3; HP:30/30

Rex Round 2

Rex grips his morningstar and prepares to go into melee, "Let's finish them off he have the momentum."

I will move to square to the north of the dead mongrel and attack.

Melee Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Morningstar: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

HP 20/22
Bullets 3/10

Dark Archive

Female Human Witch 3 hp 22/22; AC 12, T 12, FF 10; CMD 13; F +3, R +3, W +4; Init +4, Per+4(+7 in darkness/low light, additional +2 if familiar is close)

Deia tries to get up the ladder to help everybody else.

She will move as far up the ladder as movement and space allow, feel free to use your judgement.

"Do you all need any help up there? I should be up shortly," says Deia.

Likely only a move action this round, I'm not sure she can see enough to decide on doing anything else.

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As improbable as it seems, the rules do allow for you to move through allies even of your trying to move up a ladder. So if you wanted to get up top you could do so.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Female Human Witch 3 hp 22/22; AC 12, T 12, FF 10; CMD 13; F +3, R +3, W +4; Init +4, Per+4(+7 in darkness/low light, additional +2 if familiar is close)

If Tina or Rex move out of their squares, Deia should be able to get to those spots. Otherwise, she will wait.

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Round 2 Update

Tina tosses a dart at the remaining mongrel, but misses the throw.

Anevia stays down below.

Rex steps up and hits the mongrel with his morningstar.

The second mongrel swings at Rex in return, but fails to make contact.
Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Horgus stays down below.

Deia moves up the ladder. You're up there. Make your standard action if you want one.

Initiative Order:
Deia <--- We are here. Standard Action only.

Tracking: Includes previous damage
Anevia: -2hp
Deia: -2hp
Kel: -14hp, Aid (Readjusted for round 1 hit. See discussion thread.)
Lann: -10hp, Aid
Rex: -2hp
Tina: -5hp
Mongrel1: -17hp, dying
Mongrel2: -3hp

Dark Archive

Female Human Witch 3 hp 22/22; AC 12, T 12, FF 10; CMD 13; F +3, R +3, W +4; Init +4, Per+4(+7 in darkness/low light, additional +2 if familiar is close)

Being close enough to Kel, Deia tries to aid him.

"May fortune guide your actions, Kel." Guidance on Kel.

Spells: Oracle 1st 5/5 HP 17/22, Temp HP: 0, DR 2/Silver, AC 17, Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +8 Brand 4/4, Terrain 4/5, Smite 1/1, Shatter 1/1, Suicidal 1/1, Align Weapon 3/3, Lay on Hands 5/5

"Thanks." Kel said to Deia as he stepped in over the body of the mongrel he'd just gutted, took a two-handed grip on Radiance and drove forward.

Attack, guidance: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 6 + 1 = 23
Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

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Round 2 Final

Deia moves up the ladder and tries to aid Kel.

Kel steps forward and swings furiously at the remaining mongrel.

Lann stays below, figuring they've got things in hand.

Round 2 Complete

Round 3 Begin

Initiative Order:
Max <--- We are here.

Tracking: Includes previous damage
Anevia: -2hp
Deia: -2hp
Kel: -14hp, Aid
Lann: -10hp, Aid
Rex: -2hp
Tina: -5hp
Mongrel1: -17hp, dying
Mongrel2: -10hp

Dark Archive

Female Human Witch 3 hp 22/22; AC 12, T 12, FF 10; CMD 13; F +3, R +3, W +4; Init +4, Per+4(+7 in darkness/low light, additional +2 if familiar is close)

Now that she can see the battlefield, Deia brings her magic to bear on the situation.

"Stars of the sky, cast doubt into the mind of the mongrel!" says Deia with authority. Hex: Evil Eye (DC15, Will) targeting attack rolls on the mongrel.

Male Human Gunslinger (Pistolero)/3 Init +4 (+2), Per+7, AC 19/T15/FF14 CMD 14; F+5/R+7/W+3; HP:30/30

Rex Round 3
"Hey I'm getting pretty good with this morningstar!"

Rex re-grips and swings again at the mongrel.

Melee: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

In case I hit.
Morningstar: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Round Summary
Standard Action, Attack
HP 20/22
Bullets 3/10

Male Human Cavalier (Constable) | Bard (Chronicler of Worlds, Speaker of the Palatine Eye) 2 | HP 20/20 | AC:18 T:11 FF:17 CMD:16 | F+4 R+4 W+2 | Init+1 | Perc+6 |

Max fires another bolt! Then reloads.

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19; Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 3

F Human Alchemist 4 HP 31/31 Per+9 F7R6W3 AC16T12FF14 Init+2

RD 3

Tina throws another dart

Dar: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 191d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

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Round 3 Update

Max fires his crossbow and finally finds his mark, but it doesn't seem to phase the mongrel.

Aravashnial stays below.

Tina tosses a dart, hitting the mongrel and causing him to visibly stagger about.

Anevia stays below.

Rex swings again, bringing his morningstar down with great force and laying the mongrel low.

Combat over!

2 clubs, 22gp, 8sp, 17cp

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Lann makes his way up as the sounds of combat have subsided.

"That seemed easier than our other fights... Which is odd, considering the barriers up ahead. Every time we have run into them it has been something important that they were placed near. We have had the entrance and their leader's quarters, and now these. Do you suppose these cover the exit to the surface?"

F Human Alchemist 4 HP 31/31 Per+9 F7R6W3 AC16T12FF14 Init+2

Maybe. I gues there is only one way to find out. Tina nods to the passageway to the east.[/b]

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