GM Mackenzie |

Apsu called, and you have answered.
It has been several generations since demons from the Abyss first burst forth into Golarion and began their conquest of old Sarkoris. The soft-skinned humans of the Crusade think only of their own kin who perished before the seemingly inexhaustible armies of Deskari, giving no thought at all to the countless warrens of kobolds who bravely fought to their last. Even the mighty dragons of Sarkoris have fallen, the dreaded balors exterminating chromatic and metallic alike with equal zeal. Yet not all hope is lost, for kobolds are resilient, and the heart of a dragon beats in all of Apsu's children, not just his mightiest.
The Fourth Crusade is faltering as the human warriors who comprise the bulk of its ranks grow complacent after a long lull in the fighting, but a dragon is patient, and a dragon never forgets the scent of a foe. You are still young, hatched since the last major offensive, but you have heard tales of the devastation of Sarkoris all your life, how the mighty forests once teemed with game, of the vast hoards kept by crafty old wyrms who laired there, and of the atrocity of their murder by vile demons. The human crusaders call the place the Worldwound now, and all things which grow there are tainted now by the foul influence of the Abyss, corrupting the animals which still live there into foul beasts not fit for eating. The place is an affront to all life on Golarion, and the great and powerful Apsu, god of all dragons, has decreed that the time has come for his children to join the fight. The humans have proven too weak to defeat the demonic hordes, and so now the mighty dragons must carry on the torch of the Crusade.
Kenabres might seem an odd choice for a band of kobold crusaders to choose as their base of operations for launching forays into the tainted wastelands of old Sarkoris, but it has something no other fortress in Mendev can claim. Though the fat old human who claims to rule the city is a vicious bigot who lead pogroms against the people of his own city and has fanned hatred for all those with anything less than pure human blood, the witch hunts of Kenabres are largely in the past, almost certainly thanks to its true ruler. The ancient wyrm Terendelev has made her lair here in the city, its mightiest and fiercest defender. Her once-gleaming silver scales are said to have tarnished somewhat in recent years after she was ambushed by demons wielding a potent poison meant to corrupt her, yet she survived and remains steadfast.
The humans of the city are all excited because the festival of Armasse is about to begin, a multi-day celebration of their dead god, Aroden, where they hold tournaments and train the common folk in the use of swords. You, however, are excited because Terendelev is to make an appearance at the opening ceremonies. She is said to walk about in the form of a human so that she can spy on the people of her city, and you have no idea who she might be disguised as, so it is probably best to remain on your best behavior even if you should face scorn or derision from the soft-skinned folk here. To meet so mighty of a dragon as Terendelev is a rare opportunity for any kobold, and surely her blessing will serve you will when you venture forth to battle the demons.
Wrath of the Righteous, Kobold Edition
I was considering running this anyway, and since there's interest in an all-kobold campaign, here we go! I'm going to be accepting 5-6 characters, and holding this open for one week (until 5pm PDT on January 22nd), or 24 hours after receiving the 10th fully complete submission. (I'd rather not spend hours going over a couple dozen submissions, but I'll give everyone a day to finish up if we get a bunch of submissions early in the week. For this campaign, we will be using the Gestalt rules rather than Mythic, and characters will gain bonuses to ability scores, free feats, and other similar bonuses instead of ascending to Mythic ranks. If you were hoping to play a Mythic kobold, I'm sorry, but not this time.
Ability Scores
- 25 point buy
- No more than one score below 10 before racial modifiers
- Must be a kobold. No exceptions.
- May select any one alternate racial trait (such as Dragon-scaled or Wyrmcrowned) without giving up the ability that racial trait replaces. (ie, you can take Wyrmcrowned and retain the Crafty trait.)
- May select any number of additional valid alternate racial traits.
- Any good alignment.
- Must worship Apsu if a divine caster, limiting divine casters to Lawful Good or Neutral Good.
- Select any two classes, using gestalt rules, starting at level 1.
- No more than one archetype per class.
- No ‘oriental’ classes or archetypes: lotus geisha, monk, ninja, samurai, etc.
- No firearm-based classes or archetypes: gunslinger, picaroon, etc.
- No master summoners or synthesist summoners
- Select 3 traits
- Each trait must come from a different category
- One trait must be selected from the racial/regional traits available exclusively to kobolds, such as Briar Bandit, Lair Snake or Carnation Scales. (Please note, this replaces the campaign traits, which aren't as especially appropriate for kobolds.)
- Must have a background that describes where you came from, how you got to Kenabres, and what your personal motivation is.
- Must have a description which includes your scale color and any other identifying features. Those pesky racist humans always claim they can't tell kobolds apart. Show how nonsensical that claim really is.
- No 3rd party material
- No playtest material (sorry, Occult Adventures looks interesting, but it is not permitted until in print)
- No material from Modules or other Adventure Paths
- 150 gp starting wealth

GM Mackenzie |

Dotting! Sad to see no Synthesist or Master Summoners, but perfectly understandable all things considered.
I have no idea what I'm making yet.
Synthesists are just plain ridiculous when combined with gestalt rules, and master summoners would add too much work for a PbP campaign. I want this to be high-powered, but still within reason, and most of all I want this to be successful and not die ignominiously.

DM Crustypeanut |

Oh I understand! I've seen some of the shenanigans they can pull off, and both take the challenge out of playing Kobolds. One allows you to have unlimited meat-puppets (almost unlimited at least), the other allows you to ignore your -4 strength penalty. So I actually agree with the choice, as it makes things more difficult (Aka fun!)
Also, you might want to make a link to the gestalt rules for those who might not know them.
Gestalt Rules 3.5 (I think these are the right ones, yeah?)

Skalezaar "Skales" |

Finally got this set up! Should be all good to go, if I've done my math correctly.
Skalezaar, aka "Skales"
Male Kobold Barbarian/Fighter 1
CG Small Humanoid (Reptilian)
Deity: Apsu
Homeland: Kenabres, Varisia
Init +3; Senses: Perception +5, Darkvision 60'
AC 19 Touch 14 Flat-footed 16
HP 14/14
Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +2
Speed 40 ft.
Melee Bite +3 (1d4+1/x2)
Tail Slap +3 (1d4+1/x2)
Tail Attachment (Razored) +3 (1d6+1/19-20)
Ranged Sling +5 (1d3+1/x2, 50 ft.)
Special Rage (6/day)
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 16
Feats - Draconic Aspect, Tail Terror
Traits - Armor Expert, Indomitable Faith, Alchemical Breath (Alt. Trait Dragonmaw)
Skills - Climb +5, Perception +5, Stealth +13, Survival +5
Languages - Draconic
Combat Gear - Tail Attachment (razored), Sling (20 bullets), Chain Shirt
Barbarian's Kit 9 gp
-Belt pouch
-Flint & Steel
-Iron Pot
-Mess kit
-Torches (10)
-Trail rations (5 days)
Alchemical Coal (Choking Smoke) x3
27 gp 8 sp
Had luck not been on his side, Skalezaar's story may have ended there, but it seemed Apsu had greater plans for him. Skalezaar met a wandering kobold much like himself, a herald of dragonkin bound for a city fortress named Kenabres. According to this intellectual little scamp, this city was famed for it's supposedly strong and stalwart humans who defended the rest of Golarion from hordes of demons. But even more important, it was the claimed home of the brilliant silver dragon, Terendelev, who did far more to keep these demons at bay than the soft-skins ever could. Skalezaar was ecstatic to learn of the location of a actual dragon, and immediately followed the dragon herald to the city, hoping for the chance to meet Terendelev. If, perhaps, he could display the features that connected him to her kind, she may take him under her wings, permit him to serve her, and raise his own tribe of kobolds to act as her loyal troops! He was be a legend among kobold kind!

GM Mackenzie |

Question: Are Bolt Ace Gunslingers alright? They don't use firearms, instead preferring Crossbows.
As long as you swap Gunsmithing for Extra Grit, no firearms proficiency, and you don't get to start the game with a broken firearm. I have no idea why the archetype left those class features unmodified.

DM Jelani |

Sounds interesting, and I like gestalt characters. Plus, my buddy Crusty is applying.
GM Mackenzie, I see you don't have many posts on either of your profiles. Have you ever run any PBP before that we can check out? Played in any?
With the amount of PBPs that die shortly after starting I've started to do a little DM vetting before I spend hours on an application. It's really disappointing to put the work into a character and then have it just fizzle out. No offense intended, and thanks ahead of time for your answers! :)

sarpadian |
Male kobold sorcerer (tattooed sorcerer)-rogue 1
CG Small humanoid (reptilian)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)
hp 9 (d8+1);
Fort +1; Ref +4; Will +2;
Weaknesses light sensitivity
Speed 30 ft.
Melee rapier -1 (d4-1/18-20)
Ranged shortbow +2 (d4-1/x3)
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
3/day—acid splash
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st (4/day)—cause fear (DC 14), snowball (DC 13)
0 (at will)—detect magic, message, prestidigitation, ray of frost
Bloodline Draconic (white)
Str 9, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 17
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 10
Feats Mage’s Tattoo (conjuration), Rime Spell
Traits Blade of the Society, Frost Spitter, Magical Lineage (Snowball),
Skills Acrobatics +6, Disable Device +6, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge (planes) +4, Perception +4, Spellcraft +4, Stealth +10; Racial Modifiers +2 Stealth
Languages Draconic
SQ armor, bloodline arcana, bloodline tattoo, familiar tattoo, frightener, spellcaster sneak, trapfinding +1
Combat Gear arrows (20), liquid ice (1); Other Gear rapier, shortbow, sorcerer’s kit, spell component pouch, 45 gp
Fluff to follow.

wanderer82 |

Have a really cool idea for a silver-scaled kobold paladin/bloodrager or paladin/summoner, trying to decide which side of the crunch to manifest. The idea would be the kobold has a shard of an angel's soul bound to his and he can call on it to either (bloodrager) gain greater strengths, or (summoner) manifest as a celestial ally.
I know you said Apsu is the only deity, but given Tarendelev's position as champion of Iomedae, could I propose a silver-scaled kobold who serves Apsu on a broad level yet directly follows the teachings of Iomedae, who hopes to one day live up to the ideals set by Terendelev?

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Quite disappointed in the "no oriental" "no third party"
I had wanted to be either a glory rouge (3rd party archetype of rogue that helps make the rogue just a little less crappy) or a ninja
Maybe a caster focused character instead of a sneaky focused character, bard/oracle (winter or sun) seems decent, hmm
Or maybe a Dragon shaman Druid/monk of the four winds, flavor the energy punches as being a result of his draconic heritage,
Should also decide on scale color

GM Mackenzie |

icehawk333 - You are correct in your assumption, you would gain +1 natural armor.
GM Jelani - Most of my online experience is via Roll20, IRC, and group chat games via IM, but I've also participated in some PbP games on another website. Not sure I can link to it here though, since the site is firmly NSFW. I do understand your sentiment though, browsing through the PbP forums here is almost like walking through a graveyard for infants. (Also, one PbP I tried to get into seems to have possibly died before even starting.)
wanderer82 - There's certainly no reason you couldn't attempt to uphold the ideals of both Apsu and Iomedae, but I would prefer to keep Apsu as the only actual deity worshiped for story reasons. Note that there are many examples of priests in Golarion who act on behalf of other deities, especially in small towns like Sandpoint, where many different deities are venerated. After all, the good-aligned deities tend to be far less jealous/possessive of their followers, and don't mind if their clerics offer thanks to other gods now and then.

icehawk333 |

With oracle, does it matter if I worship aspu, but get power from elsewhere?
Dark tapestry oracle / dragon herald bard is one of my two plans.
The kobold hates it's powers coming from the dark tapestry, but there isn't much it can do about it.
I understand if that's a story issue- it is really odd.
If not, I have my other idea.

DM Jelani |

icehawk333 - You are correct in your assumption, you would gain +1 natural armor.
GM Jelani - Most of my online experience is via Roll20, IRC, and group chat games via IM, but I've also participated in some PbP games on another website. Not sure I can link to it here though, since the site is firmly NSFW. I do understand your sentiment though, browsing through the PbP forums here is almost like walking through a graveyard for infants. (Also, one PbP I tried to get into seems to have possibly died before even starting.)
wanderer82 - There's certainly no reason you couldn't attempt to uphold the ideals of both Apsu and Iomedae, but I would prefer to keep Apsu as the only actual deity worshiped for story reasons. Note that there are many examples of priests in Golarion who act on behalf of other deities, especially in small towns like Sandpoint, where many different deities are venerated. After all, the good-aligned deities tend to be far less jealous/possessive of their followers, and don't mind if their clerics offer thanks to other gods now and then.
Well, you express yourself in complete sentences, and seem to be a good writer. So I will trust you and give it a go ;)

icehawk333 |

I made two differs backstores, witch one is acutslly the one I'm going to use depends on whether or not I can use dark tapestry oracle.
The statblock is roughly the same with both. I just didn't include the revelation.
Female kobold bard (dragon herald) 1//oracle of the dark tapestry 1
CG Small humanoid (reptilian)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 14 (18), touch 13, flat-footed 11(15) (+2 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size) (+4 armor)
hp 7 (d8-1)
5 resist acid and 6 resist fire
Fort +0 ref +4 will +2
Weaknesses light sensitivity
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger -2 1d4-2
Ranged- light crossbow +2 1d6.
Special Attacks
Bard Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
1st (3/day)—grease, undecided as of yet;
0 (at will)— daze, spark, Mage hand, mending.
Oracle spells known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
1st (4/day) — cure light wounds, protection from evil, command.
0th (at will) — detect magic, create water, light, stablize.
STR: 7 DEX: 14 CON: 8 INT: 14 WIS: 10 CHA: 18
Base Atk +0; CMB -4 CMD 9
Feats- mixed scales (black and "red")
Traits gold-scaled, reactionary, resilient.
Skills Stealth +10, know (arcana) +6, spellcraft +6, diplomacy +11(+13/+10), bluff +8, perception +4, intimidate +9, knowledge (religion) +8; Racial Modifiers +2 diplomacy
Languages Draconic, common, gnome, alklo.
SQ natural armor, wyrmcrowned (diplomacy), gold scaled, curse (tongues, alklo), armor, 8 rounds of bardic performance (sanctuary, inspire competence), dragon voice, gold dragon patron,
Combat Gear crossbow; light, 20 bolts, alchemical coal(choking), dagger ;
Other Gear spell component pouch, silver holy symbol of aspu.
Aardiac is quite short even by kobold standards, standing a mere 2 feet 6 inches. She's quite dense, weighing 25 pounds. Her tail is quite long compared to her body, and is usually nearly dragging on the ground, with her just keeping it barely above the ground. Her eyes are a deep green, and she has a full, draconic snout and large horns.
Her most strange feature, though, is her scales. Her scales randomly alternate between gold and black, making odd patches of each all over the place.
She has preference for old, nearly rotten food.
When she was just a hatching, her previously golden scales started growing back ones, and whenever she got nervous or stressed, she would start talking in insane jibberish that no-one understood. Eventually, her dark power manifested, and she was exiled for fear of her and what she might be able to do.
Thanks to her silver tongue, she managed to survive off of the generosity of travelers, as she wandered around near a human city, always afraid to enter. She always found humans interesting, and liked talking to them, but really finds it disheartening how much they distrust her.
She frequently worries about the state of her soul, with the dark powers tainting it. No idea how or why she has these powers, she's always searching for answers. In the meantime, she tries to behave as well as she can, in hopes that being a good enough person will deal with this perceived taint... And eventually, she found the teachings of aspu on her own, and does her best every day to be as much like him as possible, despite her... Darker powers.
With this event coming up, she's finally worked up the courage to head into town, if only to be at the event.
Born a black-scaled and cruel kobold, she was raised In an atheist tribe in the middle of nowhere. Aardiac was, however unlikely, blessed by aspu, who saw potential. Some of her scales turned gold, but her fear and doubt of her newfound powers kept aspu's blessing from doing it's full work, resulting in her odd scales. Shunned from her tribe, she wandered aimlessly for a long time, before meeting a fully golden-scaled kobold, who told her about the glories of aspu and his following. After she leaned of aspu, and leaned his teachings, she became a loyal follower, happy to serve a powerful dragon... Even if not in a way she'd expect.
She constantly fights her more sadistic impulses, attempting to be kind to all creatures that deserve it... But she isn't perfect, and tends to be anything but nice when upset.
She wandered to a town called kenabres, and has spent her time trying to earn human trust ever since.
She's got a silver tongue, likely from her black dragon heritage, and tends to get through life simply on the generosity of others she can convince to give her their old food- she lives a lot like a beggar, most of the time.
She's always trying hard to make up for the things she's done in the past, and does whatever she can to help people. She tends to spend her free time healing the injured.

wanderer82 |

You can find the crunch for my kobold paladin/summoner Taalik Amun here.
Getting tired, will finish the fluff tomorrow.

GM Mackenzie |

wanderer82 - At least paladins aren't restricted to using their deity's favored weapon, but yeah, I do see what you mean. One other option though, is that Apsu also considers bite to be his favored weapon, and you can pick up a bite attack via the Dragonmaw alternate racial trait. That certainly would be fairly thematic for a paladin of Apsu, and while maybe not fitting into the iconic image for soft-skinned human paladins, would strengthen the character's ties to the noble true dragons.
icehawk333 - That would actually be fairly common for oracles (and witches) who rarely have any idea where their power comes from, and therefore could only worship their patron through sheer dumb luck. Indeed, such divine patrons tend to be rather minor deities, like empyreal lords and infernal dukes, or even more obscure entities altogether.
DM Jelani - I would like to think that my college education was useful for something, even if only for helping improve my writing skills. As for your question, the assumption is that you've come to Kenabres from somewhere else, hence why you're so excited that after a couple weeks here in the city, you're finally getting a chance to meet or at least see Terendelev and will finally get your official posting once Armasse is over, just like most of the other new crusaders.

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I just caught up with the last thread but haven't skimmed through this one yet, but I'm very interested! :)
So far, I'm thinking he gets to replace this empty hole in my heart where my Bard Dervish Dancer used to be. Not sure what the other half of my gestalt will be, but I'll throw some ideas out today and see what people think.
The end result will hopefully be a dervish dancer that uses the dimensional door ability along with Dimensional Assault/Dimensional Dervish, etc. Now that I think about it, it's just sounding like I want to make Nightcrawler but I promise you I'm not, haha. I just think a dancing teleporting kobold would be cute. ;)

DM Crustypeanut |

Since there's probably going to be a fair bit of insanity as far as overlap and class combinations goes, Heres what we got so far, for both my reference and everyone elses:
Complete/Partially Complete with stats:
Captain Ford - Skalezaar "Skales", Barbarian/Fighter
Mourge - Myzaira, The Deft Dragon, Swashbuckler(Mouser)/Summoner
Sarpadian - Krizalk, Sorcerer (Tattooed)/Rogue
Ruik - Xildhal, Inquisitor/Hunter (Sacred Hunter/Primal Companion)
Icehawk - Aardiac, Bard(Dragon Herald)/Oracle (Dark Tapestry)
Jelani - Gunnarrex, Bloodrager(Steelblood)/Fighter
Those are the only ones with a completed/partially complete stats so far as far as I can tell. Gonna have mine up today.

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ok i think my charster is almost ready. Can you look at it to see if i need to chage anithing, oh i still need to crunch his animal companion but i should be dont with it soon after change what i need to for this character^_^
Kobold Inquisitor {1}Sacred Huntsmaster/HunterPrimal Companion Hunter
Small Reptilian (Kobold)
Alinement:Neutral Good
Init +5(+4Dex,+1Tactician
darkvision 60ft .;
AC: 19, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+3 armor,+1NA,+4Dex,+1Size)
hp: 9 (1d8+1)
Fort: +3(+2Base,+1con),
Ref: +6(+2Base,+4dex),
Will: +4(+2Base,+2wis)
CMD: +11(-2srt,+4dex,-1size)
cold resistance 5
Speed:30 ft.
BA: +0
CMB:- 3(-2srt,-1size)
Range:+5 (+4dex,+1size)
Melee:-1 (-2srt,+1size)
Range:Small size Long bow
-------{damage:1d6 x3 100' P }
Melee:Small size Spear
-------{damage:1d6-2 x3 P Brace}
Str: 7(-2),
Dex: 18(+4),
Con: 12(+1),
Int: 11(+1),
Wis: 14(+2),
Cha: 11(+1)
Draconic Aspect Silver
Bluff (Cha),
Climb (Str),
Craft (Int),
Diplomacy (Cha),
Disguise (Cha),
Handle Animal (Cha),
Heal (Wis),
Intimidate (Cha), +7(+1rank,+2race,,+1(class),+3 ICS)
Knowledge (arcana) (Int),
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int),
Knowledge (nature) (Int),+ (+rank,+1int)
Knowledge (planes) (Int),
Knowledge (Religion) (Int), + 5(+1rank,+1Int+3 ICS)
Perception (Wis),+ 6(+1 rank,+2wis,+3 ICS)
Profession (Wis),
Ride (Dex),
Sense Motive (Wis),+ (+rank,+wis,+1(class)
Ride (Dex),
Spellcraft (Int),
Stealth (Dex),+11 (+1rank,+4Dex,+4 Size,+3 ICS)
Survival (Wis), +6 (+1rank,+2Wis,+3 ICS)
Swim (Str).
Class Inquisitor
Animal Companion (Ex)
Monster Lore
Stern Gaze (Ex)
Class Hunter
Primal Transformation (Su)
Nature Training
Wild Empathy
Domain Scalykind
Spells Inquisitor
0 level spells
Create Water
Level 1 spells
Cure Light Wounds
Keep Watch
Spells Hunter
0 level Spells
Know Direction
Level 1 spells
Acid Maw
Gravity Bow
Domain spells
Magic fang level 1
Granted Powers:
small long bow 75 GP
small Spear 2 GP
Arrows 40 2 GP
Studded leather 25 GP AC+3 max dex +5 ACP-1
Ability Score Racial Traits: Kobolds are fast but weak. They gain +2 Dexterity, –4 Strength, and –2 Constitution.
Type: Kobolds are humanoids with the reptilian subtype.
Size: Kobolds are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on their combat maneuver checks and to Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Base Speed: Kobolds have a base speed of 30 feet
Defense Racial Traits
Dragon-Scaled Silver:
Some kobolds are hatched with scales of such vivid color that their connection to a particular sort of chromatic dragon seems undeniable. Whether this coloration is just a quirk of a stray egg or a trait shared by all the members of a tribe, these kobolds gain a resistance that makes them especially suited to work alongside dragons matching the color of the kobold's scales. Black-scaled and green-scaled kobolds with this racial trait gain acid resistance 5. Blue-scaled kobolds with this racial trait gain electricity resistance 5. Red-scaled kobolds with this racial trait gain fire resistance 5. White-scaled kobolds with this racial trait gain cold resistance 5. This racial trait replaces the armor racial trait.
Senses Racial Traits
Darkvision: Kobolds can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Weakness Racial Traits
Light Sensitivity: Kobolds lives in darkness have caused them to suffer from light sensitivity.
Alternate Racial Traits
Gliding Wings:
Some kobolds are born with wings that, while too weak for actual flying, do allow them to fall at a very slow and safe pace. A kobold with wings can use them to glide. It can make a DC 15 Fly check to fall safely from any height without taking falling damage, as if using feather fall. When falling safely, it may make an additional DC 15 Fly check to glide, moving 5 feet laterally for every 20 feet it falls. This racial trait replaces crafty.
Bonus Racial Trait
Your horns have grown to the extent that they appear similar to those of a dragon who shares your scale color, lending a draconic power or menace to your dealings with others. Choose either Diplomacy or Intimidate. You gain a +2 racial bonus on checks with that skill, and it is always a class skill for you. This racial trait replaces crafty.
Languages: Draconic. Under common
RP triats
Frost Spitter
Xildhal stands at 3' even with white eyes and silver scales. Skinny like most kobold but the full look of a dragon with his beautiful wings and fully grown horns he really stands out as if he was chosen be Apsu to be grate in life.
Since the day Xildhal was hatched, all of his brood mates knew he was blessed by Apsu having Silver scales and the full horns of the dragon. At the young age of 10 Xildhal knew he had to be blessed by Apsu, had gifted him with a birthmark that made the scales on his right hand look like the holy symbol of Apsu. And when Xildhal began to show natural talent in hunting and deviine magic, proved to further prove to him and his clan that he is loved by Apsu. One day after praying for guidance from Apsu, Xildhal was approached by a Silver snake and it spoke to him in his mind. The Snake told Xildhal to travel to city fortress named Kenabres and take up arms for the brilliant silver dragon, that rest there. So that same day Xildhal packed all he had and left for city fortress named Kenabres knowing one day he will serve at the hand of Apsu if he proved him self in this life Xildhal knew he was destined for Legend.
i know i still need to clean it up a bit more let me know what you think @GM
edit sorry for the WALL =^_^=

Riuk |

i have a question @GM Mackenzie
you said one archetype per class dose the count againts animal companions as well because i wanted to use this archetype for my animal
since it would go realy well with my character haveing been blessed by Apsu ^_^
Totem guide
and agian sorry fot the wall earlier.
Edit also i would want to have a Monitor Lizard
as my animal companion is the ok ? i would change my story for it to be a silver Monitor Lizard told me to come to the city if not im going to change it to a crocodile
Edit 2
i jsut read the rules Monitor Lizards are aloud i like that since its like a dragon is my companion ^_^

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Decided on monk (four winds)/Druid (dragon shaman)
Gold silver or blue 1d3 ⇒ 2 looks like silver scales for me
Now to decide on companion/domain decided on scalykind
Can I take the feat "obtain familiar" to add familiar traits to my viper companion? I mostly want it to be smart (for an animal anyway)

Riuk |

Decided on monk (four winds)/Druid (dragon shaman)
Gold silver or blue 1d3 looks like silver scales for me
Now to decide on companion/domaindecided on scalykind
Can I take the feat "obtain familiar" to add familiar traits to my viper companion? I mostly want it to be smart (for an animal anyway)
im not 100% on it but i don't think animal companions can be familiars or be affected be the feat obtain familiar .
that’s why im taking a monitor lizard for a companion and in going to raze his int by one when he hits level 4 making it a 3 so i won’t have to rely on tricks to tell it what to do.

Skalezaar "Skales" |

@Icehawk would you mind I used Aardiac as the dragon herald who directed Skales to Kenabres? I left it vague, but seeing as you're taking the dragon herald archetype, it might make for some interesting dynamic to have them already known each other a little bit. (A proud, martial-focused, physical big brother-esque type to her small, mystical, slightly-sadistic little sister-esque type?)
Also, does the Dragon Breath feat count as a combat feat or a racial feat? I'm planning to take it and grab Noxious Bite so I can sicken everything I bite, and depending on the answer, it will affect how soon I can snag the combo.