Wrath of Eternity (Inactive)

Game Master Shady_Motives

Survive the rough and wild world that has grown out of the chaos of Second Starfall. Explore the wilds and survive long to begin to pick up the shards of the past and learn the true folly of Second Starfall.

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Inlaa wrote:

Oh. Molthune is GONE?

So I should change my backstory, then. Okay. I'll edit it later.

Yup what was Molthune is now the new northern border of Andoran.

DM Skull wrote:
Inlaa wrote:

Oh. Molthune is GONE?

So I should change my backstory, then. Okay. I'll edit it later.

Yup what was Molthune is now the new northern border of Andoran.

Do you have a nation that you'd suggest replace Molthune in Balduin's backstory? In his backstory his mercenary band fought against Andoran in a siege where they almost starved to death.

Easy peasy, you don't have to change the backstory to another country, just say that you were captured as an enemy combatant and imprisoned for 5 years. Remember you were fighting Andoran; they don't do slaves and they look at each person's crimes with context. As long as you didn't do anything like war crimes they wouldn't imprison you forever.

Hi Skull! Chess here. Here's my submission for the game: I took some liberties on his background, so please feel free to let me know if I need to change something on the story. Thanks for running it!

Just transferred his backstory to the Alias page and edited it. Tell me if this snippet is acceptable:


The first true test of Balduin's mettle came when his band was contracted to support a Molthuni garrison during a brief rebellion against Andoran. An army from Andoran laid siege to the town, bringing all manner of siege weapons with the intent of starving the garrison out. When food supplies ran out, the townsfolk were eating rats; and when the rats were gone, the cats and dogs were next. At one point Balduin was chewing on the leather of his boots to keep from starving, and people all around him fell from starvation and disease. Things got so grim that a few folk were starting to discuss eating the dead.

Eventually, the defenders attempted a desperate sally against the Andoran forces, but they were quickly repelled. Balduin barely escaped that fight with his life. Afterwards, the Molthuni garrison surrendered, and they and the Lucky Bastards were imprisoned for the rest of the war. They were released afterwards, but Balduin would never forget that siege. To him, it would always remain proof that though the miracles of the old world were gone, the horrors yet remained.

Should we assume basic weapons and armor(either masterwork or not), so we can determine full AC and attacks?

Also, what are some good suggested favored enemies and terrains?

Edit: Finally, I would like to take the alternate racial trait Fey Thoughts:

Fey Thoughts (1 RP): The character sees the world more
like a native of the First World. Select two of the following
skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise,
Escape Artist, Fly, Knowledge (nature), Perception,
Perform, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim,
or Use Magic Device. The selected skills are always class
skills for the character.
A dwarf can take this trait in place of hatred. An elf,
gnome, or half-orc can take this trait in place of racial
weapon familiarity. A half-elf can take this trait in place
of multitalented. A half ling can take it in place of fearless.
In the case of humans, this trait replaces the skilled trait
(and the human also gains fey magic and low-light vision,
as detailed in Fey Magic, above).

1) Since Fey are gone from the world, can we re-flavor this as having traces of fey blood?

2) I also gain the Fey Magic trait, which allows me to cast a 3 osirions and 1st level druid spell in my favored terrain.

If you allow Fey Thoughts, I'm guessing I just miss out on Fey Magic, until perhaps a later point in the game?

Grand Lodge

I have finished with the crunch of my submission, a vigilante who goes by the name The Night Hag. I am still working on crafting her backstory and weaving it into the lore here though.
Her social identity is Korvia Rashemi, a midwife/nurse from Rodan.
I have used the standard vigilante progression so far but while working on her backstory I thought perhaps the Serial Killer archetype could make a more compelling story. Would a lawful evil character have a place at this table? I expect she would spend a lot of her time in her social identity, making use of her diplomatic skills, and crafting healing poultices and the like anyway.
If evil alignments are off limits though that's fine. Her vigilante identity will be lawful neutral and she'll stick with the standard class features.

Blue Drake here with my submission. Crunch and all that in the alias.


When the Second Starfall happened, many of the clerics and worshipers of Desna began to wrestle about the reasoning behind her disappearance. Some said that all gods were gone, others that they had disobeyed and thus caused the event; a few even doubted that they existed in the first place.

A small group, consisting mostly of Varisians, left the others and settled into their own community in Varisia to keep to their own ideals. Believing they had worshipped Desna completely wrong for the past several centuries, they stopped traveling, stopped acting impulsively, and stopped doing much of what people thought Desna was for. Instead, they made their own rules and regulations, attempting to rediscover Desna's presence by completely changing their way of life.

Their new location was that of an old ruins that was no longer used. Building upon the old structures, it was a constant struggle with the constant threat of wild creatures, bandits, and other strange things that would appear. With no chance at a second life and no magic, the people began to vigorously practice the 'Way of the Shooting Star', a previous fighting technique of clerics of Desna that was mainly used for self defense. It was a slow process, but the community finally managed to create a life of their own.


It was in this community that Zandu Starsong was born. Living among a group of devout, if wayward, worshippers of a god that never answered, Zandu lived much of his life half-questioning their beliefs. Taught to fight after a special fighting technique that was called the 'Way of the Shooting Star', Zandu learned how to create a special weapon they called a starknife and how to use it. The rest of the community put value on the special dances and songs of Desna, believing that she would answer them one day.

It wasn't until he was toiling at making a small garden that anything out of the ordinary happened for him. Finding a small hidden cache in the ground, Zandu dug up an ornate and worn box from years ago. Hidden within were eight scrolls, written in the Varisian tongue.

After intesive study, he discovered that these were a collection of scrolls on how to follow Desna and her ways. In them, he found contradition after contradition on how they lived versus what the scrolls said. Further, he found the name of these to be the "Eight Scrolls", the only true official writings of Desna.

The scrolls were old, though, and the centuries had worn at them. Zandu carefully took these home and copied them onto his own scrolls, not wanting to lose this precious find. As he wrote each part of these foreign document, a new, passionate faith began to build in him, as he had finally found a true connection with the god he had worshipped all his life.

Taking the original scrolls to the council, Zandu's find was taken and promptly burned. They pronounced him to be a heretic and banished from the community. Taking what few things he owned, as well as his sole copy of the scrolls, he journeyed out, deciding to do just what the scrolls said: travel.

Believing his old way of life was the very reason Desna left them, he began to live the scrolls by the letter while traveling, searching everywhere for the missing god. Desna was out there somewhere, and he would not stop until he found her.


Personality and Motives:
Zandu is an upbeat lad, if quite wise for his years. His old connections preached wisedom rather than rashness, an old habit he wishes to break. He also used to be quiet and obedient to authority, but with the scrolls in hand, he is trying his best to change.

Zandu's current goal is to find Desna, with the smaller goals of finding out more about her and learning to walk accordingly to her scrolls. His first was to teach himself to travel rather than settle, a heavy teaching of his previous home.

His strangest quirk about him, is his sudden zealous behavior toward Desna. In a land where few believed they even existed despite eye-witness claims, Zandu's questing has caught many a person's attention when he announces his plans. Even back in his hometown, most of the population had given up on Desna, their dances and songs becoming more and more of a part of their culture, rather than their faith. However, Zandu belives his discovery of an original copy of 'The Eight Scrolls' has him convinced that she is somewhere and needs someone to search for her.


Appearance and Mannerisms:
Zandu used to wear the dark brown and greens of his hometown, but has since began to wear the more colorful clothing of Desna's teaching since leaving. Wearing flowing, deep blue clothes, Zandu has also stitched in dark orange patterns thoughout, Desna's color for travel. The main pattern is a monarch stitched across the left part of his chest.

Zandu is a man of average height and weight, his appearance rough, but kind. He has put less effort into the strict appearance he was taught to keep, even letting himself grow some facial hair. He keeps a few starknives on him at all times, though, as he knows the roads are rough and they are his only form of protection. Desna has thus far kept him protected, or he likes to think so.


Character Concept/Plans:
Zandu is a human swashbuckler that uses the starknife in battle. Utilizing both melee and short ranged attacks, he uses his force of personality more than strength. If somehow the cleric class opens later on in the campaign, he might multiclass, but for now, he will be a straight swashbuckler.

@Monkeygod: I already stated no traits that give magic of any kind. You can't choose abilities or feats based on what MIGHT happen. And for now don't try to figure out your AC or attack options because there is no guarantee that your character will be selected. If you haven't done it already focus on the fluff of the character.

I just realized something. I posted with the wrong alias up there. I, Blue Drake, aka Nicholas Sparrow, am submitting with this alias, Zandu Starsong. The info above is still right, I just used the wrong alias. Xp

Set 1:

3d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 6, 2) + 6 = 16
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 4, 5) + 6 = 17
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 1, 2) + 6 = 10
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 6, 6) + 6 = 24
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2, 4) + 6 = 13

Reroll: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 3) = 7

Set 2:

3d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 1, 1) + 6 = 14 18
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 3, 1) + 6 = 12 12
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 2, 5) + 6 = 15 13
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 1, 1) + 6 = 13 17
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 6, 4) + 6 = 22 18

Reroll: 5d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 3, 6, 2) = 22

Set 2: 18, 18, 18, 17, 13, 12

Working on build and fluff, have something today or tomorrow.

I find it so weird to be thinking "Man, my stats don't include any 20's, so my build is SO MUCH WORSE than everyone else's!" All our stats are perhaps TOO good.

Not sure how to feel. I'm so used to way lower stats.

Hi, Jereru here. This is Bret, a Musket Master Gunslinger. Fluff and crunch can be found in the alias (though of course crunch is not finished since we have no items).

I took the liberty to have his musket be a steampunk device, with a lot weird things and mechanisms. In the end, it's just a musket, I just thought a weird steam-powered device looked cooler.

I also mentioned another character, Doctor Salim, in my background, if he doesn't mind. If he does, just say so and I will change it.

And yes, of course, this.

Bret "The Sharpshooter" wrote:
*A cool backstory*

This message is approved by Doctor Salim.

Grand Lodge

Here is my complete submission. Stats are in the alias. I have used the standard Vigilante template but with DMs permission, I would prefer her to use the Serial Killer archetype. This requires her vigilante identity to be any evil alignment (I would choose LE), but her primary alignment would remain LN. Aside from that, at third level, all that would change would be swapping out her Unshakable ability for Thwart Pursuit.


Hundreds of years ago, night hags wandered the dark places and preyed upon mortals while they were most vulnerable. Preferring to kill their prey slowly, haunting their dreams night after night, these hags trapped the tormented souls of their victims within dark gems so they might be sold in the infernal markets of the outer planes.
These days stories of night hags are just that, stories. The kind that Korvia Rashemi has told to many ill-behaved children to scare them back in line, lest they be visited by a night hag in their sleep.
Stories like that don't tend to work on grown-ups though. If an adult breaks the law, it generally falls on the city guard to deal out justice. All too often in Westcrown though, these criminals go unpunished. That is until one night, when the stories Korvia told started to come true.



Korvia Rashemi's parents met on the bustling city streets of Rodan, almost a year before she was born. Her mother, Lucia, was ethnically chelaxian and worked as a serving girl at a run-down old tavern. Her father, Zavar, was an aishmayer keleshite musician in a travelling troupe. After a whirlwind romance, the couple soon found themselves with a daughter to raise. When she was two years old, her parents abandoned their old life, breaking off from their obligations to their masters and running away to Westcrown.

In their new home town, Zavar took up a job working on the docks while Lucia stayed home to raise Korvia, and her twin sisters, Mana and Mali. The family grew up in the slums of Despair's Altar and Korvia spent her youth helping out the other young mothers with their children.

When she was eight years old she was kidnapped by two thieves while out buying bread. When she told them that the two copper pieces she had in the bag around her neck were all that her family had for the week they did not believe her and thought they could make more money by holding her to ransom. Her father met with the thieves that evening and begged them to return his oldest daughter but they would not listen. As he couldn't afford the price on her head, Zavar became desperate and a struggle broke out as he tried to save Korvia from the men. He managed to knock one of the kidnappers down but another one jumped at him and drove his dagger into Zavar's back and Korvia's father let out a scream that haunts her to this day.
What happened next is a blur in Korvia's memory. She sprang out from the shadows and climbed up onto the thief's back and strangled him to death with the string of her coin purse. When the city guard arrived at the scene the next morning, they reported that the bodies of the kidnappers looked as though they had been torn open by a murder of ravenous crows.

Korvia awoke three days later on the floor of her family's room. She had stumbled her way home in a daze and collapsed into a fever.

After that night, life returned to normal for Korvia for a while. When she was twelve she started to learn the healer’s craft, making poultices and elixirs and treating those in her community who needed it. The brutal killings of the thieves was never tied to her, and although some may have suspected that she was behind it, none ever spoke of it. Korvia's teacher in the healing arts was an old chelaxian noble, Siro Leroung. Although his house had long ago fallen from grace when the people of Cheliax rose up against their corrupt masters, Siro was proud of his ancient dynasty.
As well as the healing arts, Siro taught Korvia a passion for intellectand a great love of learning. He also lectured her on the importance of law and instilled a sense of pride in following the rules set out by her community that she still holds dear.


Personality and Motives:

There are many layers to Korvia Rashemi's personality, but perhaps most important is that she's caring and focused. Of course she's also orderly, and cooperative as any stereotypical chelaxian. But in smaller doses than usual, and these traits are often spoiled by some bad habits of being proud, arrogant and ocasionally quick to anger as well. Her caring nature though, this is what she's loved for. There are many times when friends count on this when they're in need of support. She has a strong motivation to help her community, especially young mothers, the sick and the old.

Nobody's perfect of course and Korvia has plenty of less favorable traits as well. Her narcissistic nature and strict moral code tend to get in the way, both personally and for others. Fortunately, most of the time her caring side is there to soften the blows. Other times, the Night Hag emerges to seek vengeance and inflict swift justice.


Appearance and Mannerisms:

Korvia Rashemi wouldn't stand out in a crowd. In fact, most days she doesn't. On the streets of Westcrown, in old Cheliax, she blends right in with the other ethnically Chelaxian, although her darker complexion occasionally has her mistaken for Taldane.

Her black curls are pulled back into a ponytail, revealing a thin, friendly face. Korvia didn't inherit her father's golden eyes like her sisters. Her dark brown eyes are set deep in their sockets and watch warmly over the children playing in the slums of her home. The children she has kept safe for so long. Freckles are spread delicately around her nose and cheekbones and leave the faint impression of child-like innocence. There's something about her, perhaps it's her goodwill or perhaps it's simply her unfortunate past, nonetheless, people tend to ignore her, even while commending her for her good deeds.

When The Night Hag emerges, few that see it could as easily forget. Standing at 5-1/2 feet tall and weighing 150 lbs, the creatures thick dark hair falls over its chalky white face in matted curls.
What was once a shirt, now barely a piece of clothing at all, hangs over her shoulders, blackened and blood-stained. Insects or rodents have chewed hundreds of small holes in it. She's wearing a rugged poncho over her shirt. It's too big, torn and very dirty, but at least it helps her stay warm, even if only for a little.
Her skirt doesn't look great either. Dirt stains, holes and tears are scattered all over.


Character Concept:

The Night Hag is a stalker vigilante. The idea behind her is that she has become over-protective of the less fortunate in society and is frustrated by what she sees as the corrupt city guard not dealing with the lawlessness in society. When things get too much for Korvia to bare the Night Hag emerges and seeks vengeance on those who have sone wrong. She'll be focused on perfecting her ranged attacks, using a bow to strike from shadows. While Korvia is in control she will spend her time healing the party and members of the community, creating medicines with craft alchemy and practising her profession as a midwife.


Hmmm. This looks sort of interesting. I'm thinking tengu ranger (skirmisher)--with single-level dips into UC rogue and UC monk for a few things--who uses two weapons and his beak, with a side specialization in alchemical items and combat medicine.

#1: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 3, 4) + 6 = 16
#2: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5) + 6 = 20
#3: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2, 3) + 6 = 12
#4: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 5, 4) + 6 = 19
#5: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 1, 5) + 6 = 18

#3 Reroll: 1d6 ⇒ 5

So, if I did this right, I have a free 18 and rolled results of 13, 17, 14, 15, and 17 to work with. 18 Str, 17 Dex, 15 Con, 14 Int, 17 Wis, 13 Cha, with additional racial modifiers of +2 Dex, +2 Wis, and -2 Con. I think I can work with those.

Say, Mr. DM - will the Fighter be getting free Combat Stamina in your game or nah? I'd be happy if you said 'yes,' but I wouldn't be upset if you said 'no.'

Inlaa wrote:
Say, Mr. DM - will the Fighter be getting free Combat Stamina in your game or nah? I'd be happy if you said 'yes,' but I wouldn't be upset if you said 'no.'

Combat Stamina will not be free but you can take it as a normal feat. Power Attack is free for everyone who qualifies for it.

Well, just had a chance to finally read through more of the thread, and noticed the restriction on monks. Pretty well shoots my concept in the head there.

DM Skull wrote:
Power Attack is free for everyone who qualifies for it.

Sorry, but I had to ask this: Same with Piranha Strike and Deadly Aim?

Here is Al-Ahad. Hope you like. I followed pathfinder rules for doubling a double with bardic performance since you are doubling it. So instead of 2>4>8, it is 2>4>6. Sheet is in profile. As a player I post many times a day if the game allows. I am in a handful of games with the longest at over 3 years on here. So once in a game I am committed to see it through :)

Ahad was born of a noble house in Qadira. His youth was spent in luxury with little worry. Because of this he was afforded the best of schools. Possessing more than a keen mind his family procured training in the old ways. Qadira found itself little effected from the devastation at the world wound some 200 years ago. Some say it is the distance others say it was the goddess Sarenrae protecting her most faithful. Whatever the reason they too felt the absence of magic, but remained faithful even with their goddess silent. Ahad proved to be an exceptional student. His movements flow like the wind that carry the sand. His strikes brilliant and piercing like the sun through the clouds. As time passed he learned of an academy in neighboring Taldor. With his family pulling a few strings and spending some gold he was accepted.

Now at the Kitharodian Academy in Oppara, Ahad found he had to prove himself again. It wasn’t long before challenges came his way. At first he bested one after one earning a reputation among the Academy. Then one day he was challenged by a young Taldor girl. Celestine was the girls name. the duel was like none he had before. Two, three times he cut at her, but she parried off each blow. Finally, she managed a cut on his arm on a riposte of her own. Having drawn first blood, the duel ended. Ahad was humbled and yet intrigued by the woman. More than that she caught his eye. From there on the two were inseparable. She taught him as he in return taught her. With this new skill he now climbed the ranks of the Academy even faster and even gaining the title of Master Performer.

Time passed, Ahad and Celestine fell deeper in love. Fate seemed not on their side. Celestine was to sail to Westcrown with her family. Her family still was not very approving of Ahad, as some held to the old ways in Taldor and the hatred for any from Qadira. Unfortunate for the couple Ahad had exhausted most of his money living in luxury and spoiling Celestine. So why he dispatched a message to his family for more funds, he had to watch her sail away. Vowing to meet her in Westcrown soon. Only a week of time passed before he too took to a ship. Now he finds himself in Westcrown. Far away from home. He now looks for his love and hopes to find his own path to glory and riches.

Ahad is a tall slender athletic build fellow. He is quite handsome and has sharp features. His hair and eyes dark complementing his darkened complexion. He wears a well made armored coat that is heavily influenced from eastern armor. A azure blue kaftan embroidered with floral designs. A red sash belt matching the turban upon his helm.

Scarab Sages

For your concideration: The Abrasax, the Archer out of Time


Water bubbled around the rock he was staring at. It bulged and pushed on one side, then relented and flowed around to attack from the rear. Still the rock remained, unmoved.

It is impossible to try to imagine how much was lost when Serenrae ended the final battle. He had been there and survived by the fickle hand of luck. He was in the rearguard of the last Elven divisions to arrive near the front. Well, "near" being well over two dozen miles away. When the Gods themselves are fighting the feeling of being "near the front" starts to lose meaning. Even there he could feel the rumble in the earth from the violence.
Then Serenrae broke the world. There was a blinding flash, a shock of power, and then nothing. He woke to nothing, though nothing of a different type. Bodies, most still burning, were everywhere. Limbs were still raining from the sky in a slow drizzle. A finger here. A shield (with arm) there. He stood. A large chunk of the world had nearly landed on him. It had saved his life. There was a cone of grass upon which he stood. It stretched out behind the boulder a few yards, then died like everything else.

The next few years are forgotten. Intentionally. Or at least that's what he likes to think. In reality, his mind probably just broke a little and hid away in temporary insanity.

His next memories are of the hunt. Hunger gnawed at him. He crawled through the blasted woods that were his home, barely aware. He lived on grubs and insects and plants like an animal.
He sometimes wandered into the borders of the blasted wasteland that he had crawled from, but nothing edible was there now. He had eaten everything he could. His last trip yielded him a bow of massive draw weight. He could barely move the string. But holding that bow let something click in his mind. He gathered arrows, a sling, bullets, and some other supplies from the skeletal bodies laying around and decided something inside him. He would go back.

It took decades to build up the strength and skill to use that powerful bow effectively, and even longer to use it accurately. His body, which had wasted away during his time as an animal, recovered and reformed itself into what he needed it to be. His shoulders are broad and strong. His core is lithe and lean. He has been through the fire and emerged refined.

He stood in time. It pushed at him from the future, came rushing in a torrent of losses and regrets. Then time relented and flowed around him, only to attack him from the rear. Now, that rock was going to pull itself out of that river and go for a walk.

Abrasax is a lithe, strong elf with long arms and huge shoulders. He seems made to pull a bow, and you don't doubt it's because of the huge bow on his back. He wears ancient armor mixed with leathers and cloths seemingly woven from forest plants. He walks barefoot.

Jereru wrote:
DM Skull wrote:
Power Attack is free for everyone who qualifies for it.
Sorry, but I had to ask this: Same with Piranha Strike and Deadly Aim?

They do the same thing as Power Attack so sure, free for anyone who qualifies.

The Exchange

So decided on a ranger, though still going for firearms. Would you allow the firearm style from Trophy Hunter as a regular combat style instead of just for that class?

DM Skull wrote:
Inlaa wrote:
Say, Mr. DM - will the Fighter be getting free Combat Stamina in your game or nah? I'd be happy if you said 'yes,' but I wouldn't be upset if you said 'no.'
Combat Stamina will not be free but you can take it as a normal feat. Power Attack is free for everyone who qualifies for it.

Ooh, cool, thanks! Free power attack gets me BULETTE STYLE!

Some fun stuff:
Okay, so just as a small thought exercise... If I charge someone, I can make a bull rush attempt in lieu of the attack right now. I get a +10 bonus when charging to do a bull rush, and I don't provoke thanks to Siegebreaker. If I succeed, I deal STR damage (4). Then I get a free Overrun attempt at a +14; if I succeed, I deal another STR+2 damage (6) and they're potentially knocked prone (I need to beat their CMD by 5+). And they can't move out of the way thanks to Imp. Overrun.

Well, it's not a power combo yet, but I like that I'll be able to taste the glory at this level already. 10 damage may not be much, but knocking someone flying and getting a free overrun on them at the same time is darned great.

Valasha Renoi wrote:
So decided on a ranger, though still going for firearms. Would you allow the firearm style from Trophy Hunter as a regular combat style instead of just for that class?

Without a convincing argument I will have to say no. Convince me.

After having a look at the crafting rules, I had the feeling I'd seen them before. Then I realized. We were together in the Broken Age game, you were Octavian :) Nice to see you around.

Jereru wrote:
After having a look at the crafting rules, I had the feeling I'd seen them before. Then I realized. We were together in the Broken Age game, you were Octavian :) Nice to see you around.

You to.

Here I have finally completed the back story for Nug, my barbarian beast master. He is a refugee(ish) from the former Holds of Belkzan where his tribe was slaughtered by an army of dwarves.

Orc barbarian (mad dog) 3
Init +4
AC: touch flat-footed (+ armor, + dex,)
HP: 48 (3d12+12)
Saves: Fort +7 ref +5 Will +2
Defensive abilities: trap sense +1

Speed: 40 ft
Melee: +9 hand axe, bite +9
Ranged: throwing axe +7
Special attacks: power attack,
STR: 22 DEX: 18 CON: 18 INT: 12 WIS: 12 CHA: 15
BAB +3 CMB +9 CMD 23
FEATS: power attack, keen scent,
SKILLS: survival, perception, acrobatics, handle animal, intimidate,
Background skills: knowledge geography, craft weapons
Languages: orcish, common, dwarven,
SQ: animal companion (velociraptor), fast movement, pack tactics,
Traits: tusked (bite attack 1d4)
Gear: hand axes, throwing axes, hide armor.

key notes:

• Nug grew up in a tribe wandering in the ashes of the former lands of belkzan
• he stayed with the tribe until it was slaughtered 4 years ago by a band of dwarf marauders and he was left for dead among the bodies.
• He misses the company of other orcs but has adapted to the company of non-dwarfs (he has a fiery hatred for dwarfs for shattering his former life.)
• He has been traveling the world trying to decide what to do for the last four years. He spent two years on the contenant of Garund where he met his traveling companion, bloodmaw (gnash to outsiders). Since then He has wandered east to casmaron for a year before returning to avistan.
• After his tribe was killed he wanted to get far away from where he had been to evade any other bands of dwarves in the north and travelled to the far continent of Garund. Living primarily in the mwangi expanse to evade any others that might want to kill him for the color of his skin.
• In the expanse he learned to thrive in and survive well in the wilderness. The day to day life in the expanse provided something in his life to move forward in search of. Food.
• 37 years old
• The most notable feature anyone sees when Nug appears is the over-large tusks protruding from his mouth. His eyes gleam a bright yellow from under dark brows in a very dark green face. He has very broad shoulders with heavily muscled arms that feel solid to the touch.
• After several years he has come to accept the persona that people put on him of a savage warrior that cares only for battle and bloodshed. On first impression he appears to be a orc who hates most others and cares only about himself. After several meetings and seeing that others are beginning to accept him as is he shows that he is a more complex person. Understanding the importance of tactics and knowing when to fight and when to talk has helped him survive ever since he returned from Garund.

DM Skull wrote:
Jereru wrote:
After having a look at the crafting rules, I had the feeling I'd seen them before. Then I realized. We were together in the Broken Age game, you were Octavian :) Nice to see you around.
You to.

Pazeek here ;p.


I assume the changes also affected Tian Xia?

I'm asking because I have an idea for a Nagaji Cavalier using the First Mother's Fang archetype.

Just spouting some ideas here:

With the events of the Second Starfall both the ruling naga and the priest caste below them vanished from Nagajor and the land fell into disarray. The same happened in the neighbouring country of Xa Hoi as their draconic ruler vanished. As if the unrest close by wasn't enough an all out war broke out to the north as several countries changed dramatically. Chu Ye and the Forest of Spirits were now mostly empty as Oni and Kami vanished, the former now solely populated by freed slaves, though it didn't take long for the Hobgoblins of Kaoling to take over as the inhabitants of the mountains between the two countries had also vanished. With Lingshen's immortal armies gone the nation no longer stabilized the region and massive wars of conquest began.

Frightened and in disarray the Nagaji fled to the part of their country south and west of their mountain range as well as into the Valashmai jungle. It was then that the decision was made that their masters and their goddess had to be found. The start of that was figuring out what made them vanish in the first place.

In order to achieve this all those of able body and mind were drafted into the order of the First Mother and trained before being sent out all over the globe in order to find answers.

That was almost 150 years ago and the order now has several small enclaves throughout the inner sea region. They are scholars as much as they are warriors and they are still staunch believers of Nalinivati, despite the goddess's silence.

My character would be part of this order. He'd have just finished his training and is in Westcrown on his first solo mission (until he hooks up with the other PCs of course).


3d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 1, 5) + 6 = 18
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 5, 5) + 6 = 21
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 6, 1) + 6 = 19
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 3, 5) + 6 = 16
3d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 2, 1) + 6 = 13

rerolled 1's
3d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 1) = 9 and again 1d6 ⇒ 6

so that's:

I'm actually quite happy with those first rolls

The Exchange

Eh, decided to just take the archetype. Using that, infiltrator, and wanting to use skirmisher at 5th.

@Cuan: That's fine. Not sure when/if the PC's will ever make it to Tian Xia so those changes are fine. I will write about the other changes to the Dragon Empires if the story looks like it's going that way. Just keep in mind that with magical transport gone you are a LOOOOONG way from home.

Sam C. wrote:
Pazeek here ;p.


Set 1:

Stat: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 5, 2) + 6 = 14
Stat: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 2, 2) + 6 = 12
Stat: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 3, 5) + 6 = 19
Stat: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 2, 6) + 6 = 16
Stat: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 6, 6) + 6 = 23

Set 2:

Stat: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 6, 6) + 6 = 19
Stat: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 5, 3) + 6 = 20
Stat: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 6, 2) + 6 = 17
Stat: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 4, 3) + 6 = 14
Stat: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 1, 1) + 6 = 9
Reroll 5d6: 5d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 4, 5, 4) = 19

Set 3:

Stat: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 5, 5) + 6 = 18
Stat: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 4, 3) + 6 = 15
Stat: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 4, 5) + 6 = 19
Stat: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 5, 3) + 6 = 20
Stat: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 6, 3) + 6 = 17

So definitely going with Set 2; that would be 18, 18, 17, 15, 15, 15.

DM Skull wrote:
@Cuan: That's fine. Not sure when/if the PC's will ever make it to Tian Xia so those changes are fine. I will write about the other changes to the Dragon Empires if the story looks like it's going that way. Just keep in mind that with magical transport gone you are a LOOOOONG way from home.

I know that. My character would never even have set foot there, knowing only stories. He'd be a second generation member of his order, born in the Inner Sea region.

No Monks, DM?

Monks are magical, ElegantlyWasted. Brawlers are your best bet for punchy-types. :)

Gotcha. Also apologies if this was stated elsewhere, what's the level of firearms?

@ElegantlyWasted: Common. Simple at 25%, advanced at full price and still somewhat rare.


Sam C. wrote:
DM Skull wrote:
Jereru wrote:
After having a look at the crafting rules, I had the feeling I'd seen them before. Then I realized. We were together in the Broken Age game, you were Octavian :) Nice to see you around.
You to.
Pazeek here ;p.

Huh. How about that :P Midiotoziggeroto here!

I was also in that campaign, however I was there at the very begining, if you even remember me from that far back Octo :/
Fun campaign :)

As for my idea, I keep getting stalled out :( turns out you need to be lvl 8 to take stunning fist as a non-monk :(
Back to the drawing board!

Serin here :p never got a chance to get rolling with you guys, contracted a serious illness and I had to focus on my health for a while

Question DM- would you be okay with a reskinnig of the Musket Master archetype to suit Rifles? The archetype would function the same except replacing muskets with rifles.

Actually, concerning the Musket Master...

Even if your request is refused, the Musket Master's abilities apply to ALL two-handed firearms. The only thing you need to do is spend a feat on Rapid Reload (Rifle). You'd just happen to also have Rapid Reload (Musket).

True, but I would also *have* to select a musket at 1st, and won't be able to afford a rifle for a while. So yeah, it's mainly to have that bonus feat be relevant and start with the weapon I want.

Similarly would it be cool to come in with crafted ammunition (half price)?


Grand Lodge

I'm withdrawing my submission. Sorry for the late notice but I've been accepted into another AP that I really wanted to play and have recruitment ending for another one next week.
There are a lot of great characters here, so I think I'll step out and give them some better odds of getting selected.
Best of luck to the rest of you.

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