Wrath of Eternity (Inactive)

Game Master Shady_Motives

Survive the rough and wild world that has grown out of the chaos of Second Starfall. Explore the wilds and survive long to begin to pick up the shards of the past and learn the true folly of Second Starfall.

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Withdrawing, as I have been accepted by others as well. Sorry the late recall. Good luck to the rest!

Is this recruitment still going on? I'll make a character if so but DM Skill hasn't posted in a bit


Scarab Sages

Well. It seems as if we've died... I am applying for other games and humbly withdraw.

I hope DM Skull is alright :c


Sorry for vanishing like that folks, life intruded hardcore in a way that could not be ignored and kept me exhausted for several weeks. I'm sorry to waste your time but I will not have the time to DM this game. Thank you all for your efforts!


I had fun making the character. I hope things get better on your end :)

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