![]() Once the rest of the party turned the corner into the next tunnel they would see a steeply inclined tunnel leading upward to the north, its walls
DC 10 Climb check gets you up the 60 feet. At the top Angus would find the tunnel continuing more horizontal on far into the distance with nary a light or whisper of sound. ![]()
![]() Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20 Oleg didn't look completely convinced but he grunted in agreement and stumped back into the house he shared with Svetlana. The human woman watched him go back into the house before turning back to the party and mouthing 'Thank you'. Once it was clear everyone was done eating she would take the bowls over to a large tub of clean water and begin washing them. "Lately it seems that coming to collect their 'protection' fees from us is seem little more then a hassle. The first time they came it seems the entire clan was here in force. Last time however only six of them came and they looked more then a little bored." ![]()
![]() "You think I would take over a defunct homestead without ensuring my house could stand up to the abuses of living in the wilderness? The bandits could hammer all day on the walls and door of the house I built and never get in but fire is a simple way to burn all of us to death."[b] Oleg interjected as he finished the last stair and came back down wiping his forehead with a cloth. [b]"And I wont let strangers defend my home without taking part myself. I'm helping." "NO." Svetlana said firmly, spinning on her heels to face her taller husband. She stared him down for several long seconds, apparently needing no more words to express her worry to him. ![]()
![]() Under his close scrutiny Katanu will find two potions, a leather scroll case with two scrolls, a spell book and the wizard's cloak. More mundane items include a light crossbow, 10 crossbow bolts, a dagger and 8pp and 7gp in cash. Nearby in his pack Katanu finds 6 days worth of rations and a six inch high chipped marble statue of a humanoid throwing a spear. ![]()
![]() Without mercy the paladin's strike clove deep into the wizard's shoulder, sending out a spray of blood on the wall behind him as the insane dwarf fell back against the wall, his scream chocked into a gurgle. He looked at the paladin with clear eyes for a second before his head slumped forward and he slid down the wall, forever still. ![]()
![]() "AAAAAAHHHHHHH" was all the crazed wizard could articulate as two weapons swung in at him in unison in response to his actions, biting deep into his body. Concentration: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 The spell broken, the insane dwarf pulled his dagger and held it in front of him, screaming and ranting with random words. DC 10 Wisdom Check: In his isolation down here the dwarf wizard has obviously gone completely insane and nothing short of powerful healing magic well beyond your current capabilities could heal him. ![]()
![]() The panicked dwarf edged away from the angry paladin, looking around wildly as the group bombarded him with more questions. Will save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 The dwarf's bloodshot eyes went wide as energy crackled between his hands as he screamed insanely, preparing to cast magic despite being surrounded. AoO!!!!! ![]()
![]() You have received a handwritten letter from one Kendra Lorrimar, daughter of your old friend, mentor, employer or companion Professor Petros Lorrimar. In it is the sad news that the quirky professor has passed and has for some reason bequeathed you a bit of his property. What exactly is contained in said will has been left unanswered as you have been invited to put the good Professor to rest. The adventure will begin as each player character arrives in the town of Ravengro, several thousand miles away from the Capital. They will be met at the Professors house by his trim and attractive daughter Kendra. Dressed in conservative clothing, the red eyed human woman would welcome you into her home with a smile. "Thank you so much for coming, so few of the professors friends even bothered to respond." ![]()
![]() The dwarf looks away from the cold stare of the resolute paladin long enough to glance at the rest of the party before looking back at the most threatening of the group. "Understand I have ceased this research in its entirety! And what I did, I did ONLY for the Crusade! Don't you see, knitting soul back into body would enable us to keep fighting! When the last cleric falls my magic could raise entire armies to keep us fighting!" ![]()
![]() A small campfire and a well-used bedroll, along with a few utensils and tools, sits near another cave opening in the far wall of this cavern. Crouching behind the fire is a haggard looking dwarf with blood shot eyes who screams in panic as the resolute paladin steps around into view. He flinches as the holy warriors words slap him with visible changes, causing him to crouch down even further behind the fire. "STAY AWAY, STAY AWAY, I HAVE FORESWORN MY RESEARCH, STAY AWAY!" ![]()
![]() After the fullisade of attacks the remaining creature lay in a spreading pool of blood cut into 2 pieces. Arlena: Nat 20 stetching it's legs
You hear muttering in draconic coming from the next cave and you quickly are able to identify someone casting Mage Armor on themselves. Xavier: You hear someone muttering in a guttural, harsh language in the next cave. ![]()
![]() The last darkmantle can visibly be seen to be slowly crawling away from the party along the ceiling once the glitterdust spell explodes all around it. Will Save: 1d20 ⇒ 6 The creature whistles in alarm as it starts to shift back and forth, seemingly unsure which way it is supposed to go. Acrobatics: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 With a shriek the creature loses it's grip on the ceiling and plunges to the floor, shifting direction erratically as it tries to slow itself down but completely unable to tell which direction is up or down. It hits the ground 1d10 ⇒ 10 feet away from Angus. ![]()
![]() It would take Angus and Katanu several hours to completely clean the temple, all the while the dwarf would sing prayers. Once the last of the dust was gone the temple would flash with holy energy as the walls all began to gleam like polished marble. The green crystals in the small cavern would creak and groan as they doubled in size and several actually touched the walls of the temple. Inside the temple the holy forge along the back wall of the inner sanctum roared to life and the anvil that doubled as an altar gleamed as if new. For 24 hours everyone will be affected by the Bless spell. From the corpse of the undead 2 potions and a knotted gold ring were recovered. While cleaning the temple Angus would find an ornate warhammer hidden under a thick layer of dust on the ground. That night the party was able to sleep in peace as nothing entered through the narrow opening back into the tunnel outside. The next morning they set out in the same order as before and traveled for another hour through a winding tunnel that finally began to slope up and enter a another cavern that was very clearly carved and lined with statues in alcoves. Each depicts a different crusader clad in armor and wielding weapons, but their carved stone features contain expressions of sadness. Everyone sees up on the ceiling 2 stalactites among all the others that are...different. Look a little longer and one of the stalactites will shift just a tiny bit, a tiny movement as it expanded and then returned to it's original size. ![]()
![]() wanderer82 wrote:
Yes Robert Henry wrote: May I assume that Kunala's thesis statement meets your approval? No, you roll 1 complete set a time and choose from 1 of those sets, you cannot mix and match every roll. ![]()
![]() While the melee attacks seemed to chink away at the monster and the fire attack, while flashy, carried only the power that a low level priest could summon, the attack from the paladin completely overwhelmed the monster, penetrating undead flesh like a hot knife through butter and igniting the wound that followed with holy fire. As the axe continued on it's path through the monster it didn't even get a chance to lash out in rage against the paladin as the energies animating it were dispersed by the holy energy. The undead dropped to the ground and continued to burn with holy fire, any sign of unlife vanishing against the holy onslaught. The PCs would suddenly feel an invisible weight they hadn't even noticed lift and vanish, leaving behind a dusty old temple that hadn't seen any real life until now. ![]()
![]() Robert Henry wrote:
For combat I would like 1 post per day because I want to resolve those quickly. I was always a RP gamer over mechanics gamer, I treat these games as evolving stories that just so happen to have some fight mechanics. All these means is yes, 1 post per day minimum for combat. As for out of combat, ideally I would like 1 post per day but I realize that might be problematic for some people. However I know at least 2 people who can post 1 or more times per day so the rest might get left behind if you can't keep up. I wont slow the party down because not everyone can keep up with the posting. However if the group agrees we can slow things down during certain times if that is needed. ![]()
![]() Robert Henry wrote:
Well since the the hybrid class VMC would most likely lean towards the abilities granted by one or the other parent classes, those VMC already exist. ![]()
![]() Ouachitonian wrote: I’m thinking a halfling Warpriest of Milani, who can provide healing/divine support and also ranged damage with a sling. He’d be especially keen on establishing a realm that’s safe for freed slaves (even to the point of actively reaching out to the Bellflower Network about resettling freed slaves here), and generally a government that would let people live free lives. Would that work with what the existing players have going? The existing players don't have anything going. The druid and barbarian are half orcs, survivors from Belkzen just looking for a place they can call 'mine'. And since the druid is the older of the pair, a nice place out in the wilderness where there are no stereotypes is a good place to start. ![]()
![]() At the dwarfs challenge the hunched figure stirred, slowly turning it's head as dust rained down from it. The old cloth covering the figure cracked and shattered like stone, revealing desiccated skin and a rotten visage capped with a mouth full of sharpened teeth and glowing red eyes. An old amulet clattered against the creatures chest, an amulet almost identical to Angus's. It lurched to its feet and opened it's mouth in a scream without sound as it came at the armored paladin with deadly claws extended. Initiative!
![]() The door moved and made a loud grinding noise as it stubbornly yielded to the dwarf's powerful arms to expose the interior. A stone bench lines the southern wall of this chamber. At the far side of the room, a basin of water sits atop a stone pedestal. A stone door engraved with an image of a hammer stands to the north. DC 15 K. Religion
Spoiler: A sanctified temple would have suffused the entire cave with holy energy, preventing creatures of filth like the fly from even approaching. ![]()
![]() After Katanu's longwinded intercession the two humans managed to look ashamed as they each determinedly looked anywhere else but at each other. The blind elf gave a little smile at the awkward silence as he placed his hand back on Anevia's shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "Adventurer, forgive me but I cannot recall your name. You seem quite knowledgeable about a great many things and I would think I would have recognized the voice of one so dedicated to knowledge as those are the very group of people I associate with." ![]()
![]() The three other survivors of the expedition come into the cavern and Anevia leads the blind elf to a bench and eases him down. She looks over at the building and a flicker of despair crosses her face before she grimaces and drops down into the bench next to the elf, rubbing her leg. "I need a few minutes of not moving." she grumbled to no one in particular, staring ahead into space. Horgus looked over at her with obvious disdain on his face before looking away and muttering too himself "Why are we waiting for her...we should split up, help could brought-" "Well thats just bloody typical of you, isn't it Horgus Gwerm? I'm not surprised someone afraid to acknowledge his own faith wouldn't be moved by a temple like this. To fear your faith, to deny it is the same thing as worshiping DEMONS!" Anevia exploded, obviously hearing Horgus's comments. The older human was taken aback by the womans verbal assault for a moment before indignation flooded his face and he stood tall. "Hmm! To be chided by someone who consorts with thieves, how shameful." he said. The two humans glared at each other and it was obvious things would only escalate without someone stepping in. ![]()
![]() With a final strike from Jasaka the fly stopped twitching and deflated a little, stinking green blood oozing out from it's wounds. The nebulous green light from the crystals colored the blood black as the dirt on the ground slowly began to absorb it. Besides the heavy breathing from the PCs the small courtyard of the chapel is silent. ![]()
![]() The giant fly buzzed it's wings in agitation at the clanging noise from the paladin and launched itself in a flash, streaking directly the stocky humanoid. It managed to nimbly dodge both of Arlena's strikes and attempt to bite Angus. Attack+Charge: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 However despite the speed and ferocity of the attack the giant bug misaligned it's bite and smashed face first into the paladin's shield just as Xavier's perfectly timed strike took two of the monsters' legs. Stunned, the fly drops to the ground and lands on it's back, legs twitching. Damage from Lead with Face: 1d4 ⇒ 2 Stunned for 1d4 ⇒ 2 rounds. ![]()
![]() This is a kingmaker game for 1st edition. There is already the following in the group.
As you can see we are melee heavy. We are in need of some kind of Arcane, some kind of divine and some kind of skill monkey. Character instructions are on Campaign tab. 2 weeks for recruitment.