World's Largest Dungeon (Inactive)

Game Master 10gpGrapplingHook

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Got excited, and rebuild my rogue already. Check profile for stats.

Edit: I am going to try something that seemed to work for someone else in another recruitment thread.

I propose a new round of wriggling!

Edit V2: I used a wrong word, and my internal Grammar Nazi complained.

Dear gods no, its spreading!!!

Beware, for today the wriggle has come for YOU!

Liberty's Edge

Cymric wrote:
Corsario wrote:
Ungrim wrote:
Was this your imagination or did Krieger's eyes really did start smoking?

Background development! Nice! And I thought Krieger's wasn't going to pay attention to Magnitofera!

Let's see...
Magnitofera's family always wanted for her to become one of Torag 's chosen, a virgin shieldmaiden devoted to the community. All her life she was groomed and prepared for it, and she has, as a good dwarven daughter, always look for exceed the hopes of her family, clan and community.
The problem has been her childhood friends, Krieger and Ungrim.
The handsome and charismatic Krieger (Magna don' t realize she is even more charismatic than he is) has always caused feelings and ideas in her that are not adequate not correct, and she has always fought to have those feelings in check, trying to quell the flame that can destroy her chosen future... But even so she wasn't able, just before embarking with him on their first adventure, to take the chastity vows, making her family angry to her for the first time on her life...
But she has the help of Ungrim. He arrived on her life just in time, a refugee that arrived to town, an stranger as different to Krieger as possible, that have become a good friend and confident to her that has helped her keep her path of Piety and chastity. With him she feels safe and can talk about everything... Or can she? What are those feelings she sometimes have? Is Ungrim just a brother in the monastery, or he is something more? Does he want to help her in her path of service and solitude, or he has other reasons? Do she prefer for him to have other reasons, and feel herself as a wanted and coveted woman?
And why, if anyone thinks he is ready, did he volunteer to go into this quest, one second after she volunteer herself?

NOOOOOOO *drowns in wriggling cats*

I like you characters "location", gave me a good laugh.

Also, the sword names. Makes me think of a pair of guns called Shock and Awe.


Bad kitty! No! No! *Rolled-Up-Newspaper-Smack*

Looks like you failed your disguise check my dear.

Scarab Sages

Anthony Krast wrote:

Sorry to keep "arguing" with you but this is as much for my own sake as yours.

Humanoid in "shape" does not mean humanoid in "type"

Aasimars type is "Outsider"

Atleast by 3.5 standards, it didnt work, but again I havnt looked into how it functions in Pathfinder (I kinda just assumed it worked the same)

I see your point and made a through search. Creature type si defined as

d8 HD
eat breath sleep
proficient in weapons and armor by description or class

Aasimar are defined as such as well but only because they have the subtype Native.

All in all, i believe its the DM's call

I'm over here.


Did you just smack the herald of the wrigglepopcaylspe with a newspaper?

Per the SRD: Enlarge Person - Target: One humanoid creature
Aasimar - Type: Aasimars are outsiders with the native subtype

Does not work.

There are not enough spells that modify size. You got enlarge/reduce person, mass enlarge/reduce person, some divine spells that will enlarge a person by one stage, and reduce animal which only works on willing animals.

I want something that can take a small creature to huge!

Edit: G.Nazi'ed again.

Erikan: I love the background story. A good read. But I noticed you didn't have any gear...?

Profile isnt done yet but I present to you Agromite Monshoon - gnome locksmith and tinker.....only thing he likes more than making stuff is sblowing stuff up!

Quick Background:
More details to come, but....

Growing up Agromite was always a bit of a trouble-maker, but not when anyone was looking. He was always blamed for things but rarely punished because he was never caught. He always seemed to know the right moment to act to make the most trouble with the least amount of risk to himself. The worst part of it was much of that trouble came from his love for fire - watching things burn was one of his favorite passtimes.

As he got older no one was more surprised than he was when he found a true "calling" - tinkering with traps and other complicated devices became almost an obsession for him. He enjoyed taking things apart to figure out how they work, then putting them back together so no one would ever know he had been there. He still likes to blow things up of course, but he wants to make sure he knows how it works first.

He learned about the Dungeon a few years ago and became obsessed with it. The thought of all those devices to be discovered, all the things he could learn from taking them apart, the challenge of beating traps created by greater was almost too much to bear. He began learning as much as he could about dungeons in preparation for a journey into the legendary place. When the call went our for adventurers, he grabbed his gear and headed out to face the Dungeon himdelf.

sorry, something more detailed will be up soon.

Agromite Monshoon
Male Gnome Rogue (Trapsmith) 1
CG small Humanoid
Init +3; Perception + 7 (+8 vs traps)
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8 +1 Con +1 favored)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +1;
Speed 20 ft.
Short Sword +4 (1d4+0, 19-20/x2)
Dagger +4 (1d3+0, 19-20/x2)
Dagger +4 (1d3+0, 19-20/x2) range 10
Special Attack Sneak Attack 1d6+1(trait)


Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 11
BAB +0; CMB -1; CMD 12
Feats Weapon Finesse
- Collector (+2 trait bonus on Disable Device)
- Backstabber (+1 precision damage when flanking)
Languages Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Dwarven

Racial Abilities:
Low-light Vision: Gnomes can see 2x as far as humans in dim light.
Keen Senses: +2 racial bonus to Perception
Academician: +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering). (replaces obsessive).
Master Tinker: Gnomes experiment with all manner of mechanical devices. +1 racial bonus on Disable Device and Knowledge (engineering) checks. They are treated as proficient with any weapon they have personally crafted. (replaces defensive training and hatred).
Pyromaniac: Gnomes with this racial trait are treated as one level higher when casting spells with the fire descriptor, using granted powers of the Fire domain, using the bloodline powers of the fire elemental bloodline or the revelations of the oracle's flame mystery, and determining the damage of alchemist bombs that deal fire damage (this ability does not give gnomes early access to level-based powers; it only affects the powers they could use without this ability). Gnomes with Charisma scores of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, flare, prestidigitation, produce flame. The caster level for these effects is equal to the gnome's level; the DCs are Charisma-based. (replaces gnome magic and illusion resistance).
Weapon Familiarity: Gnomes treat any weapon with the word "gnome" in its name as a martial weapon.

9 ranks: 8(Rogue) +1(Int)
+7 Acrobatics: 1(ranks) +3(class) +3(DEX)
+5 Craft(Alchemy): 1(ranks) +3(class) +1(INT)
+5 Craft(Traps): 1(ranks) +3(class) +1(INT)
+10 Disable Device: 1(ranks) +3(class) +3(DEX) +2(race) +1(half level)
+7 Knowledge(Dungeoneering): 1(ranks) +3(class) +1(INT) +2(race)
+6 Knowledge(Engineering): 1(ranks) +3(class) +1(INT) +1(race)
+7 Perception: 1(ranks) +3(class) +1(WIS) +2(race); +8 vs finding traps
+11 Stealth: 1(ranks) +3(class) +3(DEX) +4(race)

i](Total Weight: 19 lbs)[/i]
Leather Armor (8 lbs)
Shortsword (1 lbs)
2 Daggers (1 lbs)
Belt Pouch (2 lbs loaded)
- 3 pieces Chalk
- Thieves’ Tools
- Ioun Torch
Backpack (6 lbs loaded)
- Dagger (0.5 lbs)
- Trail Rations (8 days) (2 lbs)
- Sack (empty) (0.5 lbs)
- Flint and steel
- Bedroll (1.5lbs)
Small Waterskin (1 lbs)

Coins: 7cp, 5 sp, 47 gp

Man, its been a while since I made a 'small' character...have to recheck my math on weights but I think this is right. Have too much coin left so a few other equipment items to grab, as well as either make or buy some Alchemist's Fire....if I take 10, how many can I produce?

Kitteridge Quickpaw wrote:
Got excited, and rebuild my rogue already. Check profile for stats.

+18 trapfinding???

Looks at Kitty again.........looks back at his character..........goes off and sulks in corner

Deylinarr wrote:
Man, its been a while since I made a 'small' character...have to recheck my math on weights but I think this is right. Have too much coin left so a few other equipment items to grab, as well as either make or buy some Alchemist's Fire....if I take 10, how many can I produce?

I don't think you would be able to. The suggested craft dc for Alchemist's Fire is 20, which means you would need a 15 to make one.

You could try acid. It's dc is 15, and you could make two in one week.

I think the crafting skill is under-powered. Crafting even the simplest poison takes weeks of work, and there is a massive jump from mundane to magical (30ish gp of work per week with mundane, to 1000 gp per day!)


Deylinarr wrote:
Kitteridge Quickpaw wrote:
Got excited, and rebuild my rogue already. Check profile for stats.

+18 trapfinding???

Looks at Kitty again.........looks back at his character..........goes off and sulks in corner

Whoops. Forgot to change that. Fixed now.

thats what you get for multi-tasking.........I read it as 15 and thought Id have a shot. Thanks for setting me straight - back to shopping!

Kitteridge, is right. You would need a 15 roll to create 1 alchemist's fire for the week. But taking 10 on acid would allow you to make 2 at 3gp each.

Question: Will firearms ever make their way into this campaign?

I don't plan on it.

aasimars can take the Scion of Humanity trait. then person spells work on them.

Also, if this game goes into kinky shenanigans, I want out and you should add that as a disclaimer.

Who said anything about "kinky shenanigans"?

Scarab Sages

shouldnt worry, that was a joke. It would be a cold day in hell when two paladins are caught in an act of kinkyness

Master of Dungeons wrote:
Erikan: I love the background story. A good read. But I noticed you didn't have any gear...?

Who is this Erikan of which you speak? Went back to try and read the background story for myself but found noone by that name :/

2nd page, littlehewy posted a link

Ah, he used a link instead of a spoiler, that sneaky git!

I'm about 75% finished with the crunch of my submission to this game, and will have the background done by the end of the weekend.

This could be fun!

Glad to hear it. If the all-dwarf approach wins, I'd be happy to be your maladjusted mascot.

If there is one moment in life to make a dwarven cave druid character , it is now, so here is my second submission. If Kowus needs to be dropped before applying this crazy concept then... you may do it.


Ye wanna a farewell stoary? About me? Urnae ye too big for that? said the old dwarmf to the children around him. He smiled and rubbed the hair of one of the young boys. Very well, I shall. But ye could 'ave picked a good one, grandpa Quany's boring as 'ell. It be all started with...

Quany Stoneboot was the fourth son of Yuntus Stonboot a famous dwarven query master which was in charge of overseeing the iron excavations in the Gallarak mine. Quany was probably one of the oddest characters at the site and rumors spread that he had taken a special interested in the wildlife of the caves having even taken one of the bats as a pet. Instead of punishing his son or giving him ordinary tasks Yuntus decided to send the boy to a cave where the cave druids tested the ones that showed skill. The tests and training were incredibly difficult lasting months at the time, keeping the apprentices locked and secluded. By the time he learned his first spells a letter came urging him to return for his father's funeral. Feeling guilty for not being there when he was most needed he ceased his dedication to nature focusing on his father's business.

Time passed by, and Quany's beard became grayer and grayer and in some days he was courious where the druid path would had lead him.

One day an elf was brought to his house all wounded and almost ready to give her last breath. He took care of the elf and found that she was a druid coming from Cleftwood barring a message to her conclave. Quany took care of the elf as best as he could but her wounds were too dire and were left untreated for too long. He delivered the message to the conclave and as a reward was atoned. However the druids decided that it would be too costly to get further involved in that story. Hearing that Quany got mad and decided on the spot that he would go and solve the problems there even if he would have to team up with mercenaries.


Male dwarf cave druid
Alignment: good lawful
Languages: Common, dwarven, druidic


Dex:14 (+2)
Con:14 (+2)
Int:10 (0)
Wis:18 (+4)
Cha:8 (-1)
Fortitude +4
Reflex +2
Will +6

Touch AC:12
Flat footed AC:14
Base attack: +0
CM Bonus +1,
CM Defense 13


heavy pick(+11d6+1)

Hide armor +4

Acrobatics -1,Appraise +0,Bluff -1, Climb -2, Diplomacy -1,Disguise -1, Escape Artist -1,Handle animal +3,Heal +9, Fly -1, Intimidate -1, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4,Knowledge (nature) +6, Perception +8, Ride -1, Stealth -1, Sense Motive +4,Survival +12, Swim -2
Druid weapon proficiency, shield/armor proficiency(med/light),Divine Interference ,Blind-Fight

Traits:Caretaker, Magical talent(mending)

Special Abilities:, darkvision 60ft, domain (darkness) with Touch of Darkness , Hardy+2,Hatred+1,Slow and steady, Stability+4,Stonecunning+2

bullseye lantern,
cold weather outfit,
flint and steel,
trail rations x5
scroll case,
grappling hook,
healer's kit,
holy water
silk rope
spell component pouch

0 Create water, purify food and drink, stabilize
1. obscuring mist(dom),entangle, cure light wounds

Scarab Sages

Feel free to correct me if I am in error (To anyone...), as Crafting has never been something that I have delved into in detail.

My Craft Alchemy skill is +10, Taking a 10 in the check gives me a 20.
Alchemist's Fire is 200SP and a DC of 20.

20(check)x29(DC)-=400 SP, or double, thus 2 AF vials created in a week? Cost is 1/3 of 40GP, or 13.4 GP?

That would be correct Uriel. Jaspen, no need to remove the other guy.

Will there be a backup list you pull from if a PC dies while in the dungeon?

Liberty's Edge

W Canepa wrote:
Also, if this game goes into kinky shenanigans, I want out and you should add that as a disclaimer.

We are a little bit sour this evening, right?

Anyway, at least from Magnitofera's view, the issue at stake is to make her Chastity Oath, of surrender herselft to a pure love, (medieval-chivalier style).
Look for your "shenanigans" in other character (I have a couple of those too, BTW ;) )

profile updated, background expanded, equipment updated.

Good Luck to all!!

Dark Archive

MoD, I'm withdrawing my interest. it sounds really fun but i just got in to another game and as i'm fairly new, not ready to handle more than 2 at a time. (not that i would have got in, but just to be courteous. Didn't actually submit a character.)
Good luck and have fun all.

Master of Dungeons wrote:
Erikan: I love the background story. A good read. But I noticed you didn't have any gear...?

Ah yes - he was created for Way of the Wicked, and so was to start in prison... I'll sort that (and his ability scores) right now.

To add to the backstory, I'll continue it on a little to say that he has escaped from prison and is on the run. He's been forced to leave his life behind, and is trying to disappear into the ranks of itinerant murder hobos. Er, adventurers.

You can also tell from the backstory that he's not a psychopath, or even a sociopath. He is very capable of connection and empathy, though he can choose the other path. Given that we'll be in a dungeon, like, forever, means there'll be little reason to even think about betraying anyone, or acting in any way that is detrimental to the rest of the party. That would be totally counter to his chances of survival!

Gilthanis: I will probably see if the player wants to continue with a new character, if not, I will PM people from this thread with a first come first serve attitude. After they've been depleted, I'll probably create a new thread as needed.

Chakka: No problem, the notice is appreciated. Good luck with your adventuring =)

littlehewy: That'll be good. Definitely took note of the perfectly stable personality.

I will probably start 2 groups. If you don't get in the first one, keep checking back if I don't have a second group posted at the same time.

Group 1 has been formed. Discussion Here

Aurora Silverbow
Ingred the Stout

Forming the 2nd group now, awaiting a few more submissions.

Corsario wrote:
W Canepa wrote:
Also, if this game goes into kinky shenanigans, I want out and you should add that as a disclaimer.

We are a little bit sour this evening, right?

Anyway, at least from Magnitofera's view, the issue at stake is to make her Chastity Oath, of surrender herselft to a pure love, (medieval-chivalier style).
Look for your "shenanigans" in other character (I have a couple of those too, BTW ;) )

I am not at all sour, I'm sorry for coming across that way. "kinky handcuffs" were mentioned in jest, a lot of pregame focus on character relationships, etc. I just wanted to make sure, as I do not derive enjoyment from oglaf-style games, much as I appreciate kinkery in real life.

I've also had to leave games when they went down that road, or ithers, and I wanted to avoid that.

GM, I've still not received a pm with the format template you mentioned. No hurry, just reminding.

Hey hey HEY, there is NOTHING wrong with kinky shenanigans. And there is nothing in any paladin code ANYWHERE that forbids said kinkyness (except that silly oath of chastity, which is OPTIONAL!) so I say there's nothing wrong with two pallies taking a trip to the "holy red light district" for some "communion."

As long it doesn't bog down the pace of the game, clever innuendo is always awesome. 20 charisma, nod nod wink wink...

Hmm, need a new pally archetype...NO! must think up my background first!

Ill send you the format when I get home to a computer. I probably thought that your profile was good enough, but ill send one in case.

So will the second group just be coppled together from whatever is submitted, or will group composition still be considered? I can work with whatever, and a challange is always appreciated, but given the dungeon we would be going into, being slapped together from "the leftovers" might be dangerous.

I will definately consider the composition. I agree, this would not bode well to have a skill-less group or arcane-less group etc. I am just waiting for more submissions to allow for a more well rounded group.

Awwww, I missed it. School has been hectic this week, the math department has been going through a few changes and it is really messing up a few people. Anyway I digress, it seems as though you already picked a group and are possibly running a second. I was planning a small mounted barbarian charging around on a pony, but from the sounds of it you have martial covered. I do have a level 3 wizard that isn't playing anything, I could have him level'd down, but I can't really do any story work with him.

I will also have no problem posting on a regular basis, I need to get away from the numbers sometimes. I just don't have enough time to flesh out a new character and story, so don't wait up on my account if you get someone else.

Halfling brony sounds awesome, roll with it!

To be clear, my ranger is versatile. Skill monkey (disabling & eventually setting traps), second tier melee damage (18 Str and ability to wield large weapons), second-third tier ranged character (more damage when I get a large comp Str bonus bow). The two ranger archetypes synergize well for dungeon delving.

Thalrik is gonna enjoy Evnadriks company I suspect, using him as convenient distraction. Expect buffs!

Also both their names end with Rik, whats not to love.

Scarab Sages

And while Old Willow is an arcane caster, she can heal as well as any cleric and will debuff ennemies left and right

Rik 1 & Rik 2?

How about they knew each other before the dungeon?

Hah, thats probably even the reason they are friends to begin with. I can see it now, 5 year old Thalrik meet Evandrik, its kinda awkward, they say eachothers names and swoosh, friends for life.

Thaldrik probably practiced his aim with Ray of Frost, shooting at Evandrik as a mobile target :P

This fortified home he grew up in, were they secluded like Thalrik was with his grandfather? Would be even better.

Not hanging around regular folk probably also eased the whole Tiefling business when they met, since he wouldnt have learned to hate people who are different (which lets face it, if school children are any indication, thats what happens when ppl congregate in groups)

But lets wait till we actually get chosen, dont wanna get all excited building background details only to be left out...tried that before, and it sucks ever so royally.

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