Why Can't Fighters Have Nice Hobgoblins? Ironfang Invasion

Game Master Stalwart

Oathday, 29 Sarenith, 4717

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Male Human Fighter 12| AC 28 T 16 FF 23 | HP 124/124| F +11 R +10 W +6; +3 vs Fear | Init +5 | Perc +17

He can't see me from where he is that is why I didn't shoot at him.

Fort Save: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12

Male Elf Fighter (archer)/rogue* 12 | AC 24 (26 with buckler), T 18, F 18 (20), CMD 31 (25) | F 11 R 12 W 10 | hp 88/88 | Init +6 | Perc +32, +38 vs traps, darkvision 60', see invisibility/ethereal | Effects:

Unless the morlock's weapon is magical, I believe I am immune to his attacks while I am incorporeal. I found the following, but did not dig deeply into every iteration of the rules, so there may be a corner case somewhere.

Incorporeal courtesy Archives of Nethys

It's a magical greatclub, so you'll take half.
And good point, William, I moved him so Grum would get an AoO on the morlock creeper.

William feels woozy after getting struck by the dart. His muscles seem to relax.
Strength damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

Benedict will hang his warhammer at his belt and draw his longbow.

F Dwarf Ftr10 | AC 31, T13, FF29, CMD 27 | HP 95/95 | F +12 R +7 W +7 (+2 vs spells/SLA/poison, +teamwork) | Move 20' | Init +2 | Per +8 (Darkvision)

Haela does nothing.

Grum is too far away for her Tactician ability to affect him, and she does not see a need to expend her limited uses of Teleportation Mastery at this time.

Total Defense.

Male Elf Fighter (archer)/rogue* 12 | AC 24 (26 with buckler), T 18, F 18 (20), CMD 31 (25) | F 11 R 12 W 10 | hp 88/88 | Init +6 | Perc +32, +38 vs traps, darkvision 60', see invisibility/ethereal | Effects:
DM Stalwart wrote:
It's a magical greatclub, so you'll take half.

So noted and recorded.

Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Dragonheir Scion (12) Wounds (5) HP (122) Saves (16/10/11, +4 vs spells and SLAs) Init (+1) AC (30/11/29, +2 vs goblinoids) Fire Resist (10) CMD (26) BB (4/5) Buffs (Ability Mastery +2 Str)

all vs big one who hit Grum

AOO: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (10) + 23 = 33
Damage with electricity and fire: 1d10 + 1d6 + 1d4 + 26 ⇒ (10) + (6) + (3) + 26 = 45

Hit: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (10) + 23 = 33
Damage with electricity and fire: 1d10 + 1d6 + 1d4 + 26 ⇒ (4) + (2) + (4) + 26 = 36

Iterative: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29
Damage with electricity and fire: 1d10 + 1d6 + 1d4 + 26 ⇒ (5) + (5) + (4) + 26 = 40

Iterative: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25
Damage with electricity and fire: 1d10 + 1d6 + 1d4 + 26 ⇒ (3) + (2) + (4) + 26 = 35

Grum reeled as the morlock walloped him on the side of the head. Blood ran down from his temple as he turned to give the morlock his full attention. With something between a snarl and a laugh he went straight for the large morlock, ripping and stabbing with his sword with reckless abandon.

Grum savagely finishes off the wounded morlock in a pair of swings, then finishes off the little one by following up his attack of opportunity.

William still can attack, despite getting poisoned. He needs to make another Fort save on his turn

Melee, pa: 1d20 + 18 - 3 ⇒ (3) + 18 - 3 = 18

Melee, pa: 1d20 + 13 - 3 ⇒ (3) + 13 - 3 = 13

The morlock attacking Grum swings wild, missing him both times.

Botting Aerel

Still ethereal, the elf decides to duck into the solid rock to avoid further damage from the morlock destroyer.

PCs are up!

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

Benedict and Haela do nothing.

Male Human Fighter 12| AC 28 T 16 FF 23 | HP 124/124| F +11 R +10 W +6; +3 vs Fear | Init +5 | Perc +17

William is greatly weakend by the poison. He fires at the remaining morlock.

Fort Save: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

+2 Adaptive Goblinoid Bane Composite Longbow PBS MS RS DA AS 1: 1d20 + 20 - 2 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (8) + 20 - 2 + 1 - 3 = 24 Damage 1: 1d8 + 6 + 1 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 1 + 6 = 21 Damage 2: 1d8 + 6 + 1 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 + 1 + 6 = 20
+2 Adaptive Goblinoid Bane Composite Longbow PBS RS DA AS 2: 1d20 + 20 - 2 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (12) + 20 - 2 + 1 - 3 = 28 Damage: 1d8 + 6 + 1 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 1 + 6 = 14
+2 Adaptive Goblinoid Bane Composite Longbow PBS RS DA AS 3: 1d20 + 15 - 2 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (13) + 15 - 2 + 1 - 3 = 24 Damage: 1d8 + 6 + 1 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 1 + 6 = 15
+2 Adaptive Goblinoid Bane Composite Longbow PBS RS DA AS 4: 1d20 + 10 - 2 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (8) + 10 - 2 + 1 - 3 = 14 Damage: 1d8 + 6 + 1 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 + 1 + 6 = 16

William finishes off the other morlock on Grum.

There's one left!!

Male Elf Fighter (archer)/rogue* 12 | AC 24 (26 with buckler), T 18, F 18 (20), CMD 31 (25) | F 11 R 12 W 10 | hp 88/88 | Init +6 | Perc +32, +38 vs traps, darkvision 60', see invisibility/ethereal | Effects:

Aerel will drift out of the wall in sight of his friends and shout at the one that struck him as he rises into the ceiling to give them a clear view if he comes around the corner in pursuit. Double move at half-speed toward Grum and William, gaining altitude as I go, remain incorporeal. I picture him doing a Superman and rising so only his face shows from the ceiling.

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Sorry for the delay; didn't realize it should be me that goes next.

The remaining morlock keeps his frothing rage going as he follows the ghostly Aerel through the cavern. He pulls out a throwing axe and flings it at his target, but its nonmagical nature means it passes through the elf harmlessly.

His attack over, he turns and spots Grum and the remains of his comrades. He renews his grip on his greatclub and prepares to meet the orc in battle!

You're all up!

Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Dragonheir Scion (12) Wounds (5) HP (122) Saves (16/10/11, +4 vs spells and SLAs) Init (+1) AC (30/11/29, +2 vs goblinoids) Fire Resist (10) CMD (26) BB (4/5) Buffs (Ability Mastery +2 Str)

Hit: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (20) + 23 = 43
Damage with electricity and fire: 1d10 + 1d6 + 1d4 + 26 ⇒ (9) + (5) + (3) + 26 = 43

Iterative: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20
Damage with electricity and fire: 1d10 + 1d6 + 1d4 + 26 ⇒ (2) + (6) + (3) + 26 = 37

Iterative: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Damage with electricity and fire: 1d10 + 1d6 + 1d4 + 26 ⇒ (3) + (4) + (3) + 26 = 36

Confirm: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (15) + 23 = 38
Crit: 1d10 + 26 ⇒ (10) + 26 = 36

With an approving smile Grum raised his sword. ”Son of Gorum!” He laughed. ”Welcome, brother!” He said, warmly, as he swung his sword at the neck of his foe.

Male Human Fighter 12| AC 28 T 16 FF 23 | HP 124/124| F +11 R +10 W +6; +3 vs Fear | Init +5 | Perc +17

Don't know if it's needed but...
William takes aim at the last morlock and lets loose on him.

+2 Adaptive Goblinoid Bane Composite Longbow PBS MS RS DA AS 1: 1d20 + 20 - 2 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (16) + 20 - 2 + 1 - 3 = 32 Damage 1: 1d8 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 22 Damage 2: 1d8 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 17
+2 Adaptive Goblinoid Bane Composite Longbow PBS RS DA AS 2: 1d20 + 20 - 2 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (10) + 20 - 2 + 1 - 3 = 26 Damage: 1d8 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 18
+2 Adaptive Goblinoid Bane Composite Longbow PBS RS DA AS 3: 1d20 + 15 - 2 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (19) + 15 - 2 + 1 - 3 = 30 Damage: 1d8 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 17
+2 Adaptive Goblinoid Bane Composite Longbow PBS RS DA AS 4: 1d20 + 10 - 2 + 1 - 3 ⇒ (16) + 10 - 2 + 1 - 3 = 22 Damage: 1d8 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 22

Grum steps up and delivers a massive hit, which William then follows up with several arrows that bring down the final oversized morlock.

The sounds of battle end with the death of the last morlock, leaving only the sound of rushing water nearby to echo through the chambers.

Male Elf Fighter (archer)/rogue* 12 | AC 24 (26 with buckler), T 18, F 18 (20), CMD 31 (25) | F 11 R 12 W 10 | hp 88/88 | Init +6 | Perc +32, +38 vs traps, darkvision 60', see invisibility/ethereal | Effects:

Aerel will utilize the remaining rounds of his incorporeality to scout the rooms to the south by passing through walls and extending just enough of his head to peek in, then fly through. By this time, I think it's only three rounds or such.

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

Benedict is still unwilling to place himself in a tactically bad position by slogging through the mud. So he remains on the far side.

"Let them come to us" would have been a fine plan... he laments silently.

"That pile of corpses to the southeast we can probably ignore, although it might do to scan it with Detect Magic from a safe distance.

Grum, are you badly hurt?"

Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Dragonheir Scion (12) Wounds (5) HP (122) Saves (16/10/11, +4 vs spells and SLAs) Init (+1) AC (30/11/29, +2 vs goblinoids) Fire Resist (10) CMD (26) BB (4/5) Buffs (Ability Mastery +2 Str)

”No!” Grum said with a booming laugh. He began to take the corpses and threw them into the mud to make an ad-hoc bridge. ”But that was a great time. Come, walk over.”

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

"We don't need to go that way, as there is a path around from what I can tell."

Male Human Fighter 12| AC 28 T 16 FF 23 | HP 124/124| F +11 R +10 W +6; +3 vs Fear | Init +5 | Perc +17

William flys back to the group and sits on the ground. He looks tired and worn. "Many those darts took a lot out of me. I don't know how much I've got left in me."

F Dwarf Ftr10 | AC 31, T13, FF29, CMD 27 | HP 95/95 | F +12 R +7 W +7 (+2 vs spells/SLA/poison, +teamwork) | Move 20' | Init +2 | Per +8 (Darkvision)

"Let me see what I can do," says Haela. She lays hands on William and heals him.

Heal Skill Unlock with 9 ranks: "When you treat deadly wounds, the target recovers hit points and ability damage as if it had rested for a full day."
Healing ability damage: "Temporary ability damage returns at the rate of 1 point per night of rest (8 hours) for each affected ability score. Complete bed rest restores 2 points per day (24 hours) for each affected ability score."

So a single use of Healer's Hands should get him back at least 27 HP at DC 20 (2* his HD plus 5 more from Haela' Frontier Healer trait), 29 HP at DC 25 (+2 Wis), and 38 HP at DC 30 (+9 Planes ranks), and also heal 2 points of Strength damage.

Heal Take 10: 10 + 17 = 27 Would be an extra +2 HP from her Wisdom modifier, but he doesn't need it.

"If we clear out this area, I can take time to do things the slow way." She has 2 uses of Healer's Hands left for the day, but can use the standard Treat Deadly Wounds option on William which will provide a similar benefit although it takes an hour.

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

"I rather wish we had let them come to us, and you had remained behind us, William. Haela and I have stronger armor than you do, and I am entirely immune to poison while she is resistant.
From now on, if we encounter morlocks with blowguns, I will try to make myself their most obvious target."

Some potions or scrolls of Lesser Restoration might be good to get once we have a chance to stock up. I don't think it is worth expending our scrolls of full Restoration, nor another use of Grum's Item Mastery for Restoration Mastery, if William can tough it out for a bit now that he is not down as much Strength. As he is now at 3 Str damage, that is just a -1 modifier.

It's quickly discovered that the southern tunnels connect, so Benedict and Haela can reunite with the group by going around.

Male Elf Fighter (archer)/rogue* 12 | AC 24 (26 with buckler), T 18, F 18 (20), CMD 31 (25) | F 11 R 12 W 10 | hp 88/88 | Init +6 | Perc +32, +38 vs traps, darkvision 60', see invisibility/ethereal | Effects:

I presume that Aerel doesn't find anything in his searches and returns to material form while he's searching the southern area. He will walk around to those that haven't crossed the mud to guide them around.

Aerel hears movement ahead when he scouts, but whatever it is stays just outside of his darkvision's range.

I'll update the map and give descriptions of the empty rooms later today.

Waterfall (Map center)

The roar of water is almost deafening in this worked stone chamber. A raised dais stands two feet off the floor. Water cascades down from the shaft overhead, rushing through the ten-foot wide circular hole in the center of the dais.

Western Watchpost (map northwest)

A ledge leans out over a great break in the earth, which descends into blackness. Streaks of white coat the walls and floor of the cavern, and tangles of weeds and dried grass poke out from every cranny in the stone.

The Nests (map southwest)

Carefully carved walls and tile floors give way to roughly dug burrows in this large chamber. Bone and animal-hide nests litter the cavern, and the pungent stench of sweat and filth hangs heavy in the air.

Male Human Fighter 12| AC 28 T 16 FF 23 | HP 124/124| F +11 R +10 W +6; +3 vs Fear | Init +5 | Perc +17

After resting William checks the bodies for any magic.

William finds that the morlock with the blowgun was wearing an amulet of natural armor +2. The three big morlocks each wielded a +1 greatclub and carried a potion of cure moderate wounds.

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

"Should we make camp here for the night? It has been a long day."

We fought the ogre mage and her allies in the early morning, during the last watch; then had 5 hours of Haela healing people up the slow way; then "several hours" walking to get to the mining site; the rest of the day to get to the Dwarven ruins; fighting the constructs; a journey down the fissure; and then fighting two sets of morlocks and encountering the trap. So it has been a very long and busy day.

F Dwarf Ftr10 | AC 31, T13, FF29, CMD 27 | HP 95/95 | F +12 R +7 W +7 (+2 vs spells/SLA/poison, +teamwork) | Move 20' | Init +2 | Per +8 (Darkvision)

Haela will use the last of her magical healing for the day on Grum and Aerel.

29 HP back to each with a Take 10 from Healer's Hands; 2*HD plus 5 for Frontier Healer plus 2 for her Wis bonus. Then we will all regain 11 HP each from resting overnight presuming that we are not interrupted.

Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Dragonheir Scion (12) Wounds (5) HP (122) Saves (16/10/11, +4 vs spells and SLAs) Init (+1) AC (30/11/29, +2 vs goblinoids) Fire Resist (10) CMD (26) BB (4/5) Buffs (Ability Mastery +2 Str)

10 wounds left on Grum as he had 51 taken. Using curative mastery for 3x cure light wounds. First on himself. Whomever needs healing still can take the other two .

CLW: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
CLW: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
CLW: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Before the party decides to make camp, Aerel finishes his scouting. The sounds of retreating morlocks lead him to the southwestern caverns. Carefully carved walls and tile floors give way to roughly dug burrows in this large chamber. Bone and animal-hide nests litter the cavern, and the pungent stench of sweat and filth hangs heavy in the air. A vertical shaft descends into the darkness in the farthest southwest corner, while the southeast contains the greatest concentration of cluttered bones.

The party feels that they've explored every chamber on this level, but there are more morlocks in this cavern complex. Worse, they morlocks are aware of the heroes, though they currently seem to be staying out of sight. There appears to be three ways down from this level: rappelling down the large cleft in the earth, climb down the shaft in the morlock nest, or scaling down the waterfall in the center of the complex.

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

"Let's camp here. Better that any morlocks should come here to fight us, where we know the area is now clear of traps and hazards, than for us to fight them on unfamiliar terrain. I can take two watches."

With his Ring of Sustenance, Benedict takes first and second watch, while Haela takes third.

Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Dragonheir Scion (12) Wounds (5) HP (122) Saves (16/10/11, +4 vs spells and SLAs) Init (+1) AC (30/11/29, +2 vs goblinoids) Fire Resist (10) CMD (26) BB (4/5) Buffs (Ability Mastery +2 Str)

"As good a place as any." Grum said. It felt like they were somehow losing momentum, which was odd, given how amazing they were together as a group. He hoped that a good night's rest would clear their heads so that they could start anew.

Fighter 11 | 121 HP | AC 24 (25 in fortress mode, 28 w/ full attack), T 14, F 20, CMD 27| F 9 R 8 W 8 | Init +3 | Perc +11

Amkarang nods, "Agreed. Hei Feng's beard, I could use a good night's sleep."

GM: 1d100 ⇒ 32
1d3 ⇒ 3

The party's camp is unpleasant. Not only are the morlock caverns cold and dank, but the air is fetid everywhere except for the pair of chambers closest to the gaping fissure in the ground. The sheer black emptiness of the chasm, of course, is nerve-wracking on its own, so resting becomes a balancing act of getting as close to the fresher air as one dares without coming too close to the ledge.

Those on watch have a different challenge. As the "night" passes, they hear the lesser morlocks in the darkened caves, lurking just out of sight. Every so often, they catch a glimpse of pale, bulbous eyes just at the edge of the camp's light source or their own darkvision. The degenerate creatures don't attack, however, and scurry away if threatened.

This continues throughout every watch, as the morlocks test the guards' alertness and diligence.


The third watch is almost over, when a putrid stench wafts up from the southern chamber. Aerel had given the charnel grounds full of rotting corpses a wide berth when he explored earlier, and the party did not disturb the disgusting pile before making camp.

However, now there's the sound of movement in that chamber, followed by screams. Out of the darkness, a pair of gore-covered morlocks stumble amidst a moving carpet of wriggling worms. Despite being covered in the swarm, the morlocks stagger towards the camp, drawing the swarm with them!

Everyone asleep will wake up from this commotion. I can't update the map yet, but the swarm is to the southeast, about 25 feet away.

Male Elf Fighter (archer)/rogue* 12 | AC 24 (26 with buckler), T 18, F 18 (20), CMD 31 (25) | F 11 R 12 W 10 | hp 88/88 | Init +6 | Perc +32, +38 vs traps, darkvision 60', see invisibility/ethereal | Effects:

Haela's on watch. Everything is 25' away when we awaken? Or when we are ready to take actions?

When you're ready to act.

Enemy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Grum: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Benedict: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
William: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Amkarang: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Aerel: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Haela: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

Everyone can act; on its turn the swarm moves forward with the infected morlocks 20 feet.

Knowledge (nature) DC 17:

This is a rot grub swarm. It has swarm traits, and is likely immune to weapons

Male Elf Fighter (archer)/rogue* 12 | AC 24 (26 with buckler), T 18, F 18 (20), CMD 31 (25) | F 11 R 12 W 10 | hp 88/88 | Init +6 | Perc +32, +38 vs traps, darkvision 60', see invisibility/ethereal | Effects:

Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

”Rot grubs. No point in engaging with weapons - alchemist fire or acid or magic. Don’t let them get on you, either - nasty stuff!”

Aerel has more beads on the necklace of fireballs. Checking on alchemy options in inventory. EDIT: I have a ton of alchemist fire but I act late.

Male Human Fighter 12| AC 28 T 16 FF 23 | HP 124/124| F +11 R +10 W +6; +3 vs Fear | Init +5 | Perc +17

William pulls out the wand of fireball and launches a burning ball into the mass.

Damage: 5d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 3, 4, 2) = 12

F Dwarf Ftr10 | AC 31, T13, FF29, CMD 27 | HP 95/95 | F +12 R +7 W +7 (+2 vs spells/SLA/poison, +teamwork) | Move 20' | Init +2 | Per +8 (Darkvision)

@GM, so it will be those of us who won initiative, then the swarm moves 20' to end up 5' away, then the rest of us go?
"Keep moving - no need to stand and fight!"

Pretty sure we can kite the swarm with Alchemists' Fire.

Haela will ready to use Teleportation Mastery to move herself and 3 others away from the swarm should the swarm reach them.
From the posted distance and movement speed it seems unlikely to be needed, but just in case I have misunderstood.

Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Dragonheir Scion (12) Wounds (5) HP (122) Saves (16/10/11, +4 vs spells and SLAs) Init (+1) AC (30/11/29, +2 vs goblinoids) Fire Resist (10) CMD (26) BB (4/5) Buffs (Ability Mastery +2 Str)

Grum cursed loudly. As with Haela he was ready to teleport to safety should it reach them, as there was nothing he could do to harm the swarm. Falling back with the others, he was ready to retreat one way or another.

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

@Grum, if William can't Fireball, then I think you picking up Energy Mastery would be a strong option. As you have base Fort save +7, that would be 2 uses per day, so either 2 Burning Hands or 1 Lightning Bolt.

Sovereign Court

Half-Orc Dragonheir Scion (12) Wounds (5) HP (122) Saves (16/10/11, +4 vs spells and SLAs) Init (+1) AC (30/11/29, +2 vs goblinoids) Fire Resist (10) CMD (26) BB (4/5) Buffs (Ability Mastery +2 Str)

Good idea!

Lightning Bolt!: 8d6 ⇒ (4, 5, 1, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3) = 26

His eyes wide with fear, Grum pointed his sword at the swarm as he retreated. Something deep inside of him reacted, and a bolt of lightning shot forth from the weapon. Once more, it showed that he had it within him to be a great sorcerer, but that it was completely wasted potential given the kind of person he was. As such, the swarm was engulfed, not only in fire, but lightning as well.

Male Elf Fighter (archer)/rogue* 12 | AC 24 (26 with buckler), T 18, F 18 (20), CMD 31 (25) | F 11 R 12 W 10 | hp 88/88 | Init +6 | Perc +32, +38 vs traps, darkvision 60', see invisibility/ethereal | Effects:

Should I be waiting for the swarm’s action?

Reflex vs. fire: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Reflex vs. bolt: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

The fireball is less effective than Grum's lightning bolt, which crisps a large number of the parasites. The swarm continues to advance.

No, Aerel, the grub swarm can only move 20', so those who beat its initiative goes while it's 25 feet away, and those who go after it can act while it's 5 feet away.

M Aasimar Fighter 9/Chevalier 3| HP 112/112 | AC 31 (33 vs goblins), T 14, FF 28, CMD 30 | Init +5 | Perception +25 (Darkvision) | F/R/W +14/+11/+9 (+4 vs mind-affecting, immune fear/poison) | Move 30' | Tactician 1/1 | BB 1/1 | Alter Self 1/1 | Active: None

Benedict flinches as the swarm approaches. He moves back and draws an Alchemists' Fire.

F Dwarf Ftr10 | AC 31, T13, FF29, CMD 27 | HP 95/95 | F +12 R +7 W +7 (+2 vs spells/SLA/poison, +teamwork) | Move 20' | Init +2 | Per +8 (Darkvision)

Haela moves back and takes the Alchemists' Fire from Benedict.

Male Elf Fighter (archer)/rogue* 12 | AC 24 (26 with buckler), T 18, F 18 (20), CMD 31 (25) | F 11 R 12 W 10 | hp 88/88 | Init +6 | Perc +32, +38 vs traps, darkvision 60', see invisibility/ethereal | Effects:

Thought so. I was waiting since I rolled poorly.

Aerel moves back as he draws an alchemist’s fire, which he holds out if anyone wants to use it. With his other hand, he plucks the final bead from one of the golden necklaces he wears and throws it at one of the infested morlocks.

Fireball: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 1, 4) = 11

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