Benedict the Clever |

I believe that ability score damage only matters in increments of 2, so with 1 Con damage Aerel has no loss of max HP and no reduction to his Fort save. It differs from ability drain in that regard.

Aerel Truthseeker |

I'm old-school. If the score drops past the threshold that granted me the modifier, I assume the modifier dropped as well. I'm happy to do it otherwise if that's how it should be done. (I know some people do it differently, which is why I made a point of mentioning it in my post, so I can be corrected if necessary.)

Benedict the Clever |

I am certain that the enemy has reserves and that splitting up and moving away from the stairs is unwise. The goblin and 2 wolves in the pen, for example. We should be prepared to fall back and not let them cut us off.
But slow combats make PCs do hasty things. It is hard to be patient and let the fight play out over many rounds if each round takes four or five days. I think if we pick up the pace a bit (to more like 2-3 days per round) then it will be a little easier to stick to the cautious tactics we will need to prevail. Especially considering that Grum is still wounded.

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Grum challenged a hobgoblin to a duel when the AP made it clear that we were supposed to fight him as a party.
Is it really surprising that when wounded he is still acting this way?

Benedict the Clever |

Fortunately, we do have an Ace in the hole with the wand of Hold Person that William is carrying.

Benedict the Clever |

We all need to drop a rank in Linguistics into Dark Folk or something equally obscure so we can have a code-language for shouting tactics in battle.

Benedict the Clever |

Okay, at this point I as a player am slightly annoyed at Grum's actions.
By engaging the bugbear in that location, he forces the rest of us to stand around as spectators. It looks like no more than one of us can get in there, and the bugbear has total cover against William and Aerel. I guess Amkarang can get in with his reach weapon at a penalty.
(Grum didn't move his icon on the map, but by his post I assume that's what he meant to do. I put a Ghost Grum where I think he meant to move.)
Also? Against a two-weapon fighter? You make them come to you.
I understand it's Grum's personality but there is also learning by experience, and we have saved his life many times over by working as a team. Grum is not stupid.

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My apologies. I hadn’t checked the map and by the post thought he had come towards us. Chalk this up to player stupidity over character

Benedict the Clever |

I apologize for being annoyed.
The bugbear is playing it smart and picking a good defensive position. I really don't want to have to waste turns doing double moves to try to surround him (especially if that lets other enemies come out and flank Grum).

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GM can I retcon and have Grum fall back with the rest of the party? If not, my apologies guys. Grum is somewhat of an overconfident berserker. :P

Benedict the Clever |

Then Benedict will have moved to a different square (not within 5' of the dual-wielding bugbear) and readied an attack as before.

Benedict the Clever |

Grum, feel free to move in if you want - he is no longer in a place where only 1 can attack him.
I might suggest readying rather than moving to him because if he is a L6 TWF then he gets 4 attacks on a full attack but only 1 if he has to move.
Obviously, Benedict is trying to bait the bugbear into attacking him.
He's still hanging out in a spot where he can't be flanked.

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Annual Training for national guard has started. Found out that will have no internet from May7th to May22nd. Advance warning given.

Benedict the Clever |

Hope we can drop this guy before then, but if not, we will bot you.
Amkarang, you are up! Trip him if you can!

Benedict the Clever |

GM, can you go ahead and bot Grum's attack since he is away?
But that's another 26 damage on Scarvinious PLUS the 57 from before PLUS at least 8 from correcting Grum's math (extra +3 PA, +1 Flag, on at least 2 hits), so 91.

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I am back from Hell! Still in Fort Polk with horrible connection and mind numbingly horrible details...but I’m back!

Benedict the Clever |

I apologize for being difficult about tactics.
As I see it, an all-fighter AP is a particular challenge that requires us to be clever and coordinated and limit the damage we take. I have enjoyed that challenge. But it doesn't have a lot of margin for error. If anyone has better ideas feel free to take over, but "Let's all act independently as five solo operatives" is not a better idea.
The PbP imperative to keep things moving and not lose momentum does make players do dumb things, myself included. I have seen it many times. Too many games fade away during lulls, they generally don't do so during periods of action. That may have made me stupid here.

Aerel Truthseeker |

Meh, I was in a bad mood and shouldn't have said anything. If Aerel would have been of any use, he would have run in. But I didn't want to volunteer someone else's character for an attack of opportunity, either.

Benedict the Clever |

Benedict's role, character, and archetype are Tactician. I know it can rub people the wrong way.

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Well, I’m playing a beat stick. Which is what fighters usually are.
I’m personally really enjoying this! It’s refreshing to have Hps really matter and not see every fight end with a single high powered spell.

Benedict the Clever |

I've updated the loot list.
Benedict took one of the CMW potions (the one that Scarvinious had). There were 3 in the Alchemist's stash. I would say 1 each to Aerel, Amkarang, and Grum. I think William has a few healing potions.
I didn't include all of the really cheap mundane gear that Scarvinious had, just everything that could be useful or sell for a fair amount. Haven't priced out everything but we got a good haul.
There are also the items from the archers. At least some had unused healing potions I think, and of course they had bows and arrows. And maybe the bugbears had something of note.

Benedict the Clever |

I've added values on the loot list to most of what we have identified and would (I think) want to sell. That comes out to about 15,700. Even if we spend 750 on a Wand of CLW (as I would suggest) that is still nearly 3,000 each. If nobody objects to selling any of the gear with prices marked, I'll take it off the sheet and figure out the shares.
Benedict hopes to take Craft Wondrous Item at 5th. So I was going to hold off on buying any Wondrous items. Maybe we can buy components for Rhyna to brew potions?
We previously earned a pair of promotions, and I suggested giving one to Rhyna to get her to Level 3 (here). If she took Brew Potion with her 3rd-level feat, and she now gets a promotion to level 4 from getting her potion charms back (seems to indicate it was an area of interest for her), she could make potions of 2nd-level adept spells. That could be a big help. Like clerics, adepts get the whole list known.
The other one I had suggested giving to the halfling Ramtan so he could become an Expert, learn Stealth, and do the Scouting action.
And Jet now gets a promotion from her scarf. I imagine she would take Aristocrat 3 (it's not bad for an NPC class, d8 HD and 4 skill points) and spend the feat on anything... probably Skill Focus.
Anyway, if Rhyna can brew potions, and Benedict will (next level) craft wondrous items, I think I might buy something not in those categories. Like upgrade my MW Breastplate to +1 (1,000 GP), spend about 400 on potions from Rhyna, and save the rest.

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Gold! I’d like to:
(1) Make my plate armor +1 (1000)
(2) Cloak of Resistance +1 (1000)
(3) Buy a wayfinder with cracked dusty rose prism Ioun Stone (700, +1 Initiative, and...)
75% chance that it will work, GM can decide high or low: 1d100 ⇒ 35
Resonant Power If it works: 1d100 ⇒ 71 Dancing lights at-will
Huh. Guess that is pretty useful.
As for Jet’s feat...how about noble scion?
“You gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (nobility) checks, and that chosen Knowledge skill is always considered a class skill for you.. Whenever you take 10 on Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Ride, or Survival checks, treat the result as if you had rolled a 13 instead of a 10.”

Aerel Truthseeker |

Enchanting my armor or my bow are top of my list. I can't afford both. The cloak of resistance would be a good choice. Contributing to the potion-brewer seems like a good investment. So many choices!

Benedict the Clever |

@Aerel, the shares are just under 3,000 each (after getting another wand), and we can find another thing or two to put you over the top.
Bow to +1 is 2,000 and armor to +1 is 1,000. So you can afford both. The Cloak of Woodland Creatures has a +1 resistance bonus so you can take that if you like.

Benedict the Clever |

Go for it!
Potion wish list: Prot Evil (2), Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Invisibility, and Resist Fire. 650 if Rhyna can craft them.
There are a lot of great ioun stones. I like the cracked purple prism to store Shield, True Strike, or Enlarge Person. Cloak of the Hedge Wizard can do any of those too, but Benedict will need the cloak slot to boost his saves. Hopefully can hold off on the cloak until I reach 5th and can craft it.

Aerel Truthseeker |

My saves are as good or better than Benedict's - maybe you should take the cloak we found until you can make one you like better. I suspect you are going to have more success with the summoned creatures than I am with a CHA 10, also.

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I think for things like Cloak of the hedge wizard you can make it a tattoo for twice the price.
5k for prestidigitation, and 1/day shield + endure elements? Worth it.

Benedict the Clever |

I kept the old (pre-selling stuff) spreadsheet as another tab, then had the main tab show our loot after selling the stuff.
Everybody gets 3,000 gold, after buying a communal Wand of CLW.
The party treasury has the leftover 7 gp, 8 sp, and 5 cp.

Benedict the Clever |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@Amkarang, can you update your stats? Your AC may be relevant soon. Some time ago, you got the Amulet of Natural Armor +2 that the centaur was carrying, and the Ring of Protection +1 that we found in the troglodyte caves. With his +1 Chain Shirt and 16 Dex, Amkarang should have a base AC of 21 (+1 shield bonus in Fortress mode, +1 Dodge bonus when making a full attack). You also seem to be missing a Campaign trait. And you have 3,000 GP to have bought gear before this encounter. Or could save up for Benedict to craft you something.
@William - you also have 3,000 gp to buy gear. Also, we found 5 flaming arrows a while ago (a hunter's cabin) and I divided them up as 2 to William, 2 to Aerel, and 1 to Benedict.
@Everybody - we have a ton of alchemical items to divvy up. I know Aerel is tight on carrying capacity, but everyone else should have a couple of Alchemist's Fire in case we run into a swarm again. We got 19 just in the last battle, plus whatever you all had before.

Amkarang the Unsinkable |

Wanted to update you all on a bit of a life situation. I've gotten an internship in the Sierras from July 23rd to August 23rd, and I'll be unable to post for that duration. I wanted to let you all know so I don't just up and vanish.

Aerel Truthseeker |

Congratulations on the internship. Sounds like the potential for a beautiful month - hope you get to enjoy your environment while you are there.

Benedict the Clever |

Thanks for letting us know. We will bot you and keep Amkarang (relatively) safe.

Aerel Truthseeker |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

And if you do die while gone Grum will wear your pants to remember you by.
As a cape, of course.

Amkarang the Unsinkable |

I had discussed with GM Stalwart about Amkarang going on some sort of side mission, possibly to help Chang Jie.
If you guys do end up wanting Am's help in combat, I'm quite confident that he'll be in good hands for botting.