Whisper in the Mists Epic 6 (Inactive)

Game Master Davachido

Current combat map

Initiative order: Rybal, Variel, Kopru , Malthu, Drak

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Any rules on stat dumping?

@Ptomaleus: They still get to keep the extra skill points, the archetypes that have extra skill points generally drop some of their other bonuses to get those extra points.

@Belle: Try to keep to one or no negative mods, you have enough with 20 point buy I'd think.

It seems the purpose of several feats, i.e. Magus Armor Training and Master Combatant, seem to be geared toward giving PCs access to class feature early. They could also make multi-classing easier. Is ease of multi-classing their intended use or are they meant to make the PCs more formidable early on?

Sorry I'm asking so many questions, I'm trying to figure out what can and can't be done here.

Well, sort of, those extra feats you get there are mostly at level 6 of a single class. If you are that far in E6 then you can't multi-class.

You level 1 to 6 as per normal then every time you would level to 7 you gain a feat instead. This is why the E6 feats give you level 7-8 class features but only once you have attained level 6 in your class. This rewards staying in your own class. Whereas multiclassing in E6 generally gives you far higher saving throws and a smattering of abilities.

I have a question regarding the Lore Warden archetype using these rules. Lore Warden grants the bonus feat Combat Expertise at 3rd level, but by the house rules Fighters already have it. Would you allow me to choose a different feat in place of Combat Expertise at 3rd level, pre-approved by you of course? If not, I will likely multiclass to something else instead of continuing with the Lore Warden.

Ptolmaeus Arvenus wrote:

It seems the purpose of several feats, i.e. Magus Armor Training and Master Combatant, seem to be geared toward giving PCs access to class feature early. They could also make multi-classing easier. Is ease of multi-classing their intended use or are they meant to make the PCs more formidable early on?

Sorry I'm asking so many questions, I'm trying to figure out what can and can't be done here.

Level 6 is not early, it is the highest level you can attain. The feats all have a prereq of level 6, and thus give you the feature as late as possible.

Dark Archive

Their is a Tiefling on the pfsrd with +2str +2cha -2int can i use it ?(i wood take the wings making the skill mod +4fly) his classes wood be gunslinger (mysteries stranger) sorcerer (Marid)

Adjusted Beren's equipment to reflect the free adventurer's kit. Upgraded some of the stuff and paid for it when I did.

I have seen some interesting concepts here, should make for an interesting group.

Grand Lodge

Still recruiting? I am very interested../

@garabbot: I'd say you can switch it for one of the feats that require Combat Expertise as a pre-req, so improved trip or something.

@Killer Munch: If it's the one from Advanced races guide then that's fine.

@Helaman: Yes I'm closing applications on the 20th or if I get too many. I'll post when I'm deciding.

So far the mostly complete applications are:

Beren Sunderholm - Ranger
Serrig - Gunslinger
Jazz Sedarik - Fighter
Sventon Fayore - Thief (Re-skinned Ninja)

Trogg Deepdelver - Druid


Grand Lodge

Traits are out altogether or GM decided?

Davachido wrote:
@garabbot: I'd say you can switch it for one of the feats that require Combat Expertise as a pre-req, so improved trip or something.

Cool, thanks for the response! I actually think I will most likely multiclass into Magus for levels 3-6, assuming that's alright with you, so it ended up being a moot point.

Grand Lodge

I'm gonna go 'Witch' - always wanted to try one. I am working on a nuance or flavour I want to go with that defines the character.

@Helaman: Traits are out altogether.

Dark Archive

con = 13
HP= 14 AC=11 10ff BAB=+1 CMB=+4 CMD=15

Here's the basics for Jossem Rook

Here is Sir Dolas.

Ryrn is a work in progress.

I will tailor the NUANCES of the 'Class' based on what characters are finally selected... The character background, personality etc will not change.

Approach to the class


Preferred: Blaster/Assault Witch
Yep... very very unusual combo given they exceed at debuffing but one of the things I like to do is put a spin on classes. E6 also makes 'blasting' a valid and strong choice as monsters scale slower too and remain less beefy in terms of saves, hitpoints and resistances.

Patron: Elements: 2nd—shocking grasp, 4th—flaming sphere, 6th—fireball

1 Healing (I also like to be a Utility character that can fill multiple roles... also frees up any clerics who may play to do 'more' than act as a bandaid)
2 Evil Eye

Why no 'Slumber'? It can be over used and can really piss some GMs off as one foe after another drops off to sleep round by round. May take it later... may not but not for now.

IF no Healer? I and this is a waste of a witch but c'est le vie, I will change it up some. I'll swap in Healing as Patron: 2nd—remove fear, 4th—lesser restoration, 6th—remove disease. May change up the hex as well...

IF there is a blaster Wizard in the party? Again depending on Party make up, I may just go for something kooky that balances against the whole, such as 'Death or Spirits... now before everyone grabs their torches and pitchforks, It will be a 'white' aspect where the disturbed dead must be found and laid to rest.

My 2 coppers on E-6 play


I am a huge fan of this format of play. I haven't had the opportunity to do more than 'theory play' it but I know lower level play works.

One of the things I am hoping to see in E6 play is the power level remaining a constant. An orc is still an orc (for the main part) at level 6 as much it is at level 1 or 2... there just might be more of them is all... backed with some hard asses to be sure but still essentially what I fought at level 1-2.

Another thing I am looking forward to is the flexibility that E6 play allows. Its Ok not to have an 18 as the power curve will flatten sharply. In standard pathfinder not having an 18 (particularly for casters) becomes problematic post level 8 as the game assumes buffs, magic items etc taking stats above 20.

Finally, at lower level play you don't need to have ALL the bells and whistles and most optimal builds, again assuming things are constant. Damage dealing is as much a valid tactic as tripping or debuffing. You can DARE to attempt combat manuevers without training because the results are unlikely to be immediately fatal and so on.

Dark Archive

Ones their was a king in the far north who had no hare to his kingdom, but one day he found a book to summon demons having his wizards cast it he made a deal that it wood be queen and a son was born. But before he was made hare she hid him to be trained as her pon for later.
Unknown to him it is still watching him though he ran off and the demon is a succubus.

Dark Archive

Changing my concept to a mysterious stranger 1/Hetetic 1.

Question: While Eastern classes do not fit, are there any issues with eastern armours or weapons if generic enough... i.e The Hanbo matches a walking stick perfectly. Cuirass armourwas used east and west.... and sik armour?

The more I play with the character I realise that it would be faaaar more optimal as an elf. That said, I am gonna have a play with suboptimal and see how it holds up in E6 play.

Hear is the start of my crunch with my story

Bugger it - I think with a simple change I can do soooo much more with the character and fill a lot of roles.

@ Variel, I don't mind allowing the Hanbo as that's just a cane. The armours seem to just be flat out better than the CRB for little reason to it so I don't think I'll be allowing those.

Applications update thus far:

Beren Sunderholm - Ranger
Serrig - Gunslinger
Jazz Sedarik - Fighter
Sventon Fayore - Thief (Re-skinned Ninja)
Toas Dor - Gunslinger/Inquisitor

Trogg Deepdelver - Druid
Sir Dolas - Paladin

Variel Darkwalker - Witch
Jossem Rook - Bard

Grand Lodge

Is ok I put in Multiple Applications with the understanding I only can play one character?

Is this because you are worried about party balance or something like that? I'll say at least for that play what you like as I'll make encounters and items accordingly. I don't like people being forced to be 'healbot' for example if they don't like playing that.

I'd prefer only one application, though why do you want to put in multiple applications?

Dark Archive

Fished crunch.

Grand Lodge

Wanted to look at party balance for the most part. Will stick to one.

I decided that owning an angry badger was more interesting than a domain.

Liberty's Edge

Would you accept a (non-evil) kobold? Thinking a draconic sorcerer and taking the dragon-y kobold racial feats.

Trogg Deepdelver wrote:
I decided that owning an angry badger was more interesting than a domain.


I've done the background. Now just finalising the details.

I've taken some liberties with the story background, inserting myself into it to give me some incentive to take up the village cause. Feel free to advise on adjustments you need me to make.

@Alice: Yes Kobolds are fine I'm sure not all of them are evil, tiny Deekin never was.

@Variel: That will be alright I suppose, though if you are a villager of Chamarel when we come to linking backstories together you'll probably have to have met one of the other adventurers at some other point.

Thats what I am hoping for and not a villager as much as temporary resident. If you want to me to move to a village near Chamarel it wouldn't change things over much and I'd still have some connection to the region.

Sar now his crunch is done


Yay for Kobolds! :) Alice here. Character submission in my profile. Stats are tentative though, and I haven't done the equipment yet.

A few questions for the GM:-

1. I'd like to take the Draconic Aspect chain of feats, but as it stands they are completely nullified by my sorcerer bloodline. Would you allow them to either stack (i.e., at 3rd level have a total of resist energy 10 and natural armor +2) or allow my 3rd level sorcerer level to qualify me for the later feats? Or do I just ditch this idea completely?

2. Would you allow me to take different-element spells to what they are in core? i.e., freezing hands rather than burning hands, frost arrow rather than acid arrow, etc. There's just not enough low-level elemental spell variety outside of fire spells. :( If this is a 'no', I'll change my kobold to a red dragon lineage.

Now I'm think his crunch is done will check later.

1. There is little point to being the draconic bloodline from what I can see from where you are going. The only benefit would be changing Con > Cha for the dragon breath save DC. The E6 feats also would grant you a dragon breath you will already have. I don't really want them to stack but I'd think the easy fix to this without changing your dragon theme is be an Elemental Bloodline.

2. Reason I'm going to say no to this as it nullifies what the Elemental bloodline does, changes all your spells to a single element. I suggest picking this for your bloodline and go on taking the draconic aspect feats.

@Davachido: The breath from the Feats and the breath from the Draconic bloodline are pretty different though... that said, I'm considering switching to Elemental or Primal from what you said, or maybe even Crossblooded Draconic/Elemental. If I change to Elemental I'll have to use my Con mod rather than my Cha mod for the breath weapon feat saving throws though, which is kinda sucky.

Maybe Crossblooded would be the way to go... there's that feat in the houserules document that increases spells known too. hmm.

EDIT: Changed stats to a crossblooded sorcerer, draconic (white) / elemental (water).

I've updated my background with a little more background information... but since you asked us to keep it short and we're also expected to link our backgrounds together if we're chosen, I kept it pretty loose and vague.

Grand Lodge

Will Masterwork Transformation work in game and is it just spend 300gp or will it be more demanding?

Improved his backstory.

@Helaman: Yes the spell will work, it will cost as much as the item demands from the spell: 300/weapon, 150/armour or 50/tool.

I think I'll close applications a little earlier than expected.

Will decide shortly and probably start the game during the weekend. The applications as it stands are.

Beren Sunderholm - Ranger
Serrig - Gunslinger
Jazz Sedarik - Fighter
Sventon Fayore - Thief (Re-skinned Ninja)
Toas Dor - Gunslinger/Inquisitor

Trogg Deepdelver - Druid
Sir Dolas - Paladin

Variel Darkwalker - Witch
Jossem Rook - Bard
Rikaku - Sorceror

Liberty's Edge

Good luck everyone!

Glad to hear it. Good luck to all!

Goodluck, all!

Right so the 6 players I've chosen for the campaign are:

Beren Sunderholm - Ranger
Sventon Fayore - Thief
Variel Darkwalker - Witch
Trogg Deepdelver - Druid
Rikaku - Sorceror
Jazz Sedarik - Fighter

Can everyone chosen start moving over to the discussion thread please. Hope to see you all soon.

If anyone drops from the group I will PM those that weren't chosen as the first choices before trying to recruit again through the forum.

Dark Archive

O well by then.

Grand Lodge

I LIKE this party - we've got overlaps up the wazoo..

Skilled Ranger/Rogue (and surprisingly, the fighter)
Healer Druid/Witch
Melee Fighter/Ranger
Arcane Sorcerer/Witch

Which is not to say the druid/thief etc can't fit other roles as well.

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