The Enraged Warrior

Beren Sunderholm's page

128 posts. Alias of wolfheart.

Full Name

Beren Sunderholm




Ranger 2








Neutral Good





Strength 17
Dexterity 14
Constitution 13
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 13
Charisma 10

About Beren Sunderholm

Neutral Good Human Male Ranger (Skirmisher) 2
Init +2 Senses Perception +6

AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15
HP 21 (2d10+2con+2FC)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will+1

Spd 20 ft./ x4
Melee Mwk Greataxe +6 (1d12+4) 20/x3
Melee Handaxe +5 (1d6+3) 20/x3
Melee Dagger +5 (1d4+3) 19-20/x3
Ranged Longbow +4 (1d8) 20/x3
Special Attacks Favored Enemy - Goblinoid +2 atk/dam

Base Atk +2, CMB +5 CMD 17
Feats Armor Proficiency (Light/Medium), Cleave, Combat Expertise, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Shield Proficiency
Acrobatics +0 (2/1/-3)
Climb +4 (3/1/0)
Handle Animal +7 (3/1/3)
Heal +5 (1/1/3)
Intimidate +8 (3/2/3)
Know (dungeoneering) +5 (1/1/3)
Know (geography) +5 (1/1/3)
Know (nature) +5 (1/1/3)
Perception +6 (1/2/3)
Ride +3 (2/1/0)
Stealth +4 (2/2/0)
Suvival +6 (1/2/3)
Track - 1/2 spd +7
Track - norm spd +2
Track - 2x spd -13
Special Abilities
Favored Class (ranger): +2 Hit points
Favored Enemy: Humanoid (Goblinoid) +2 atk/dam, Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival
Ranger Combat Style (Archery): Gain Precise Shot feat
Wild Empathy: +2 to change attitudes of animals
Track: +1 to survival checks to follow tracks

==EQUIPMENT (Cost/wt)==
Mwk Scale Mail (200/30)
Mwk Greataxe (320/12)
Comp Longbow (+2 str) (300/3)
Handaxe (6/3)
Dagger (2/1)
Quiver w/ 20 Arrows (1/2)
Mwk Backpack (50/4)
2 Belt Pouch (-/1)
Waterskin (-/4)
Bedroll (-/5)
Compass (10/.5)
50ft Silk Rope (10/5)
Signal Horn (1/2)
Heaker's Kit (50/1)
Flint and Steel (1/-)
Pipe w/tobacco (5sp/-)
Grappling Hook (1/4)
Whetstone (2cp/1)
2 days trail rations (-/2)
2 sunrods (-/2)
2 pitons (-/1)

Encumberance Light (79.5 lbs)

GP:94 SP:23 CP:18


Beren grew up in the wooded highlands of the northwest. His father was a woodcutter and carpenter, and built many of the structures in their village. When not helping his father with the woodcutting, Beren would stalk the woods hunting. Until the day he stumbled into the hops farm of the local brewer and encountered his radiant daughter Brunhild. He was instantly smitten and they hit it off immediately. Their betrothal was the talk of the territory, and would unite two of the areas prominent families.

They never made it to the alter, however. One night, as Brunhild was sneaking to a glade where they would often meet, she was attacked by a goblin scouting party and mauled by their warg. When she did not arrive Beren went looking for her and came upon the scene. He raised the alarm back in town and brought her to the local healer, but it was too late and she could not be saved. Beren took one of her braids and tied it around his neck, vowing never to remove it so he would always have his love close at hand.

What he did next was not an act of love. He led a small group of militia into the wood and tracked the goblins back to their lair. His rage was fearsome to behold, as he tore through the entire tribe, utterly destroying them and setting their carcasses alight to smolder and burn in their cave. He returned to the village but could not stay, seeing Brunhild wherever he looked.

He soon left home, taking up the name Sunderholm to reflect his shattered life. He wandered for a time, looking for some new purpose. He has fallen in with an adventuring band, finding some peace in the thrill that comes from risking his life in combat or exploring some dank tomb. While the memory of his lost love is never far from the surface, he has slowly come to grips with it. He now looks at his adventuring as a means to build a new life and hopes to one day find a place he can call home again.