Melashara the Crone |

Melashara saw the sleds maneuver close behind her and turned to Zib.
The dwarf and his allies must be getting cold. Look how they huddle together for warmth. They must think that light Chess made gives off heat. I feel bad for them. Maybe you can help them out with some real fire, huh Zib?

Zib Blepib |

HAHAHA! My thoughts exactly my lady Said the mutated gnome as quickly dispensed a fresh bomb toward the cart behind him. This shoudl warm you up HAHAHA! After throwing his delightful explosive, Zib snapped the reins, trying to keep a steady path despite his already shaky control.
AC: 21 15 17
Fort:+ 5;Ref:+4;Will -1
Bombs left:2/4
Extrats Prepared: Shield, Expedious Retreat
Effects:Dex Mutagen
Ride Check1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Attack on square Q35(ac 5) to try and get splash damage on Z and RY and to avoid range penelty1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8 5 splash, dc 14 for half

Ryujin Tatsu |

HP 11/11
AC 15
Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +5
Effects: none
Ryujin is going to try and spur his mount 5' more to help catch up with sled 4 (red team)for an attempted jump over to it next round.
[ooc]Fort Save vs cold[ooc] 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
[ooc]Ride Check +5' Spur 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Ryujin was hit with the icy cold water that soon turn to sheer ice. Despite that, however, Ryujin's training helped him ignore the cold. But his sled was one big ice cube and he lost his partner. Looking at the exploding concoction from the sled ahead of him, Ryujin decided to try and continue to catch up with it. Shivering despite himself, Ryujin spurred his mount onwards.

Lorth Blood-Seer |

Lorth clutched hard to his faithful kangaroo as the sled behind him began to jack-knife. Without much time to react as the ramp loomed before him... a plan began to form in his mind. My god it is risky.... but every man must do his duty when it calls upon him. Heels dug hard into Magnus' side he cried "Hya Magnus! For Honor and Glory, Hya!" Arms tight round the kangaroo's neck Lorth's eyes were afire with excitement... and the dark shadow of malicious intent.
Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +2
Effects: 2 x Numb (-2 Dex)
Bolas: 3/3; Amentum: 5/6
Magnus Rufus - Kangaroo Steed: HP 15/15, AC 12/12/10, CMD 14
Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +1
Actions: Full round action to hold on and spur Magnus forward
Ride check: 1d20 + 10 - 1 - 5 ⇒ (18) + 10 - 1 - 5 = 22
Fort Save vs Numbing DC 8: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 - another 1 Numb
If needed - Magnus Acrobatics: 1d20 + 10 + 4 - 5 ⇒ (11) + 10 + 4 - 5 = 20 - I gave him the +4 to jump as we're going over the ramp
The forward intent is to drag the sled behind us completely out of control. Then at the corner, I'm going to try and slingshot it out from behind Magnus and have it ram into sled 4.... to either damage him or break it up enough that it drops off the back of Magnus.
I fully accept that this is a hare-brained scheme with little chance of success ;)

Lorn the Barber |

Nervously Lorn steered the monkey-sheep between the wall and the other sleighs. "Muhhahahahahaha!" he laughed out as the creature in front of him slapped Cedrica against the wall as if she was nothing more than a miniature person. "You've got competition Muscle Wizard, our drafting beast of destruction has some magic of its own!".
Lorn felt relieved with some more space between his sleigh and the wall and the other sleighs. He hardly noticed the cold as his face flushed with excitement. He eyed the sleighs to his left. "Let's see if I can slow one of them down" Lorn thought as he prepared to throw his net while holding the sleigh steady. He noticed that Zarzan's sleigh was close enough for him to throw his net. Lorn made sure the trailing rope was loose and then the quickly made the throw. The net flew but of his hands a bit late but Lorn didn't see what it did. Instead he steered the sleigh to the right to make sure they would hit the glowing orb like Meshara's sleigh did.
Fort Save vs cold 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Take 10 on Ride: 10+4=14
Ranged Touch Attack with Net at sleigh 6's monkeysheep 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (10) - 2 = 8
Check red 5s for the route Lorn tries to go

Sir Loric the Righteous |

"Well, it looks like the spectators aren't the only ones calling for yours truly to enter the match. Even that mindless beast wants me in on the action! No, not the Orc. I'm talking about that strange creature that just sent Cedrica into next week!"
Loric began doing a series of stretches and exercises, preparing himself for entrance into the arena.
"Oh, wait, where is my head? Can we get a medic to check on Cedrica? I fear she may be seriously injured. I would do it myself, but if I don't stretch, I'm liable to pull something, and I would hate to disappoint my fans."


Gwrrr'rrr steps towards Zgyjhu, but instead of attacking, he says, "Warrior...work with Gwrrr'rrr and both do good. Or I cut you down here. You choice."
The orc stands ready to defend himself if his offer is not accepted.
Fort save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
If a reflex is necessary: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
5 foot step, then ready a full attack if Zgy tries to attack me (my attack would resolve first)
If Zgy isn't standing, I get an AoO if he tries to stand

Melashara the Crone |

AC 16
Fort +5 Ref +2 Will +4
Effects: Prehensile Hair (7), Mage armor
Ammo (x-bow): ?/?
Move Action: Hold on (Balance = 17)
Standard Action: Touch attack on Ryujin
[ooc]Prehensile Hair Touch attack--Rime Frostbite with Frozen Caress
Nonlethal Cold Damage 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 Cold Damage 1d4 ⇒ 2 plus Fatigue (for the duration) and Entangled (1 rd)
The witch looked behind her to see the martial artist gaining on her.
He is fearless and he braves the cold almost as well as I. If only he'd been in my village those long years ago. Perhaps I'd have been saved. Still, all courage shrivels away in the cold...
Melashara snaked her hair over the side of the sled, perilously close to the ground. The tendrils slithered away from Melashara and up Ryujin's sled, trying to lightly brush his unprotected foot.
Again the witch paid no mind to her hair as she clutched the sled with all her might.
Zib, if we can edge a bit closer to you, I'll throw you a rope. We can have a nasty surprise for that Orc if we can get him to stand in between our sleds...
She then drew her hand across her neck in a gesture further explaining her plan.

Sir Loric the Righteous |

HP 12/12
AC 16
Fort +4 Ref +0 Will +3 (+2 vs charm/compulsion)
Effects: none
Ammo (x-bow): ?/?
Move Action: Walk through the crowd to door, drawing Crossbow as he goes
Standard Action: Grandstand :)
Fort Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
The boisterous knight strode confidently to the entrance to the arena. With his crossbow in one hand, and his other waving and blowing kisses, he took his time moving through the crowd.
"Fear not, spectators! It is now time for Sir Loric the Righteous to enter the fray! Let me hear you! Don't be shy now! Which of these wicked foes shall I smite first?"

Joboo |

Hehehe... look at me!...
The crafty goblin was having a blast in the chaos of the race even if he wasnt entirely effective. He wasnt sure if he was spotted on this new sturdier sled and hoped fervently that he wasnt but the weird looking man with the cannon scared the beejeesus out of poor Joboo. So he promptly climbed under the sled out of sight.
HP = 10/10
AC = 15
Fort 1 - Reflex 6 - Will 0
Effects - None
Fort vs Cold DC 8 - 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Stealth - 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (12) + 16 = 28
Acrobatics - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Chessna'ra |

HP 10/10
AC 18
Fort +1 Ref +7 Will +1
Effects: Dazzled
Ammo (net): 1/1
Ammo (dagger):2/2
Ride Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
DC 8 Fort Save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Standard action to unlock chains.
The dark elf pulled his cloak tighter around him and gritted his teeth against the wind, cold, and light. He'd been able to keep his heat from before the match so far, but he could feel the storms icy tendrils tugging at his defenses. It was only a matter of time. "Well then, I'd better make the most of it!" When he was certain he'd maintained control of the speeding creature, he replied to his companion in hushed tones, and deftly reached down to unlock the chains at his feet.

Zar'zan the Big |

AC 18
Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +1
Effects Light Sensitivity, Invisibility, Strength Mutagen , Faerie Fired, Numbed , True Strike
Zar'zan growled under his breath at his elven companion as he started to lose feeling in his hands.
"Get these bonds off me and be ready to take the reigns. We have a goblin aboard and I have a present for those ahead."
As he spoke, Zar'zan reached into one of his many pockets and pulled forth a vial that he quickly popped the cork off of with a thumb before ingesting it in one slurping gulp.
Finally, Zar'zan tossed the empty vial aside and pushed his mount onward as time seemed to slow.

Zgyjhu |

HP -5/13
AC 18 (toward Gwrrr'rrr), 16 (everyone else)
Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +1
Effects: -2 AC from Challenge from non-Gwrrr'rrr, staggered (resolve),
acrobatics: balance 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (18) - 2 = 16
Action: free speak
Action: Move stand from on one knee, so kneeling.
Zgyjhu was on one kneel when the orc came barreling toward with a offer of working together though it seemed to be one where he did it or was attacked.
"What makes you think I'd work with you? But I will concede I'm at a disadvantage here. Fine, I'll work with you this moment. But next challenge, I shall get you back."
Then Zgyjhu rose ready to take down other challenging sleds.

DM Doomed Hero |

The Kangaroo soared through the air, clearing nearly thirty feet before landing gracefully. Behind him the unmanned sled crashed down wood splintering and beginning to give. As Lorth leaned into the turn it swung out, rolling over and bouncing erratically, flinging slush into the air and crashing into Zib's cart like a hammer.
Lorth's net wrapped itself around the monkeysheep's head causing it to whip it's neck back and forth and bellow-bleat in anger. The sleds pulled away from each other, spooling the rope attached to the net to it's very end and beginning to catch on Ryujin's cannon-mount.
Varniel managed to open the manacles around Zar'zan's legs finally, freeing the big violet-lit dwarf.
With an angry bellow the newly freed monkeysheep charged Valk and sent him flying into the wall. Amazingly, the strange warrior was still conscious.
In the distance the racers could faintly see a set of massive doors opening in the outer wall. Someone, or something, was being let onto the track...


HP: 15/15
Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: -3
AC: 18
Effects: Dazzled, chilled -1, fatigued
When Zgyjhu made it clear he wasn't going to attack Gwrrr'rrr at this time, the Orc grinned and tried to help Zgyjhu up, but he had already made it to his feet on his own.
"If you not try beat me next challenge, then I wrong about you. But Gwrrr'rrr has idea today. We go backwards and stand at corner, and shoot bows at anybody not on teams with us when they come. Then when they get close we go tooth and sword."
"We win or we lose. But they lose more."
Gwrrr'rrr shuddered as the cold hit him hard, and started moving backwards along the track, towards the starting line.

Ryujin Tatsu |

HP 11/11
AC 15
Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +5
Effects: none
Ryujin will aim his sled at sled 3 (Blue team) and try to and attempt to leap over the 5' to Sled 4 (Red Team)
[ooc]Fort Save 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Drive Check 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Acrobatics 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Cold and wet, Ryujin shook off the effects of the cold once more and when he saw the Red Team's sled next to his took a moment to aim his sled into the nearby blue team's sled and jumped over to the nearby sled and kept his eye on the driver Zib while he did it.

Zib Blepib |

As the sleds collided, Zib had no time to time to think, only react, he jumb from his cart toward Chess and Mels cart
AC: 21 15 17
Fort:+ 5;Ref:+4;Will -1
Bombs left:2/4
Extrats Prepared: Shield, Expedious Retreat
Effects:Dex Mutagen
Reflex Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Acrobatics:1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 4 - 2 = 4
Fort save:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Chessna'ra |

HP 10/10
AC 18
Fort +1 Ref +7 Will +1
Effects: Dazzled
Ammo (net): 1/1
Ammo (dagger):2/2
Dex penalty:0
Move action to make Ride Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 (see map for course)
Not speeding up, but making what could be a difficult check.
DC 9 Fort Save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Levitate on Zib as he leaps as standard.
Chess swore violently as Zib half fell, and half leaped desperately off his sled. Lorth's risky maneuver had careened his own sled into the gnome's, and chaos was par for this course. Chess did a quick calculation and swore again. The gnome wasn't going to make the leap, while his now haywire sled would very much succeed where the diminutive figure had failed, smashing into the frost witch and drow. Chess growled angrily through the cold grabbed both reins in his right hand and subtly directed the ape-creature out wide to the side before pausing for a moment--then violently twisted the reins backwards over themselves with such passive aggressive subtlety and agility that would have made him weapons master of his house in 50 years in another life. The beast would not deny him, and he would not allow for fate to decide the outcome of the race for him, or his unlikely allies. The dark elf's left hand shot out with ambidextrous ease toward the gnome at the apex of his leap, who ceased to fall suddenly, but kept moving forward from his momentum.
Chess shouted to the gnome as he acted quickly. "Zib! You'll have to hang tight until we can pick you up on the next pass unless you can grab on to another sled! You'll be weightless for about a minute, so be careful!

Chessna'ra |

Chess called out to his frosty companion in a low toned elvish as he made the turn.

Joboo |

HP = 10/10
AC = 15
Fort 1 - Reflex 6 - Will 0
Effects - None
Joboo had thought himself clever when he crawled under the sled but he quickly realized that he didnt want to be down here...Ooh! Oi! itsa crazy cold! mesa gonna leave real fast but first... The goblin looked for a way to sabotage the sled.
Acrobatics/Balance DC 18 - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Fort VS Numbing DC 10 - 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Disable Device - 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Lorth Blood-Seer |

Lorth allowed himself a brief smile of satisfaction and an acknowledging nod of a job well done before his attention turned away from carnage and back to the job at hand. Magnus was provided with a hearty slap of congratulation before Lorth attempted to remove the sled that impeded their continued progress. Have to cut the bally thing loose or we'll end up like that unfortunate chap behind us... But the continued exposure to cold was worming it's way into his fingers... rendering them clumsier and clumsier as time passed...
Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +2
Effects: 3 x Numb (-3 Dex)
Bolas: 3/3; Amentum: 5/6
Magnus Rufus - Kangaroo Steed: HP 15/15, AC 12/12/10, CMD 14
Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +1
Actions: Move action to spur Magnus forward; Standard to slash at the sled harness with a dagger.
Ride check: 1d20 + 10 - 1 - 5 ⇒ (9) + 10 - 1 - 5 = 13 assuming the -5 still stands?
Fort Save vs Numbing DC 9: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 - triple numb
Dagger vs Harness: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18 for 1d3 ⇒ 1 - unless I can just work on some buckles and detach the sled manually, in which case I'd use the attack roll as a Disable Device instead.
If needed - Magnus Acrobatics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Lorn the Barber |

As he steered the sleigh to the outside of the track, Lorn felt a firm tug on his rope. Gotcha! he thought and the excitement ran through his veins as a warm rush. Let's wreak some havoc on those idiots.. Lorn thought as he steered his sleigh even further to the outside of the arena, firmly holding the rope at the same time which made controlling the angry creature in front of him a bit harder.
"Mr. Muscle Wizard, are you in for some fishing? You might want to take this rope from me and reel in a pretty trophy. The sinker went under so I guess something's been nibbling on the hook hehe"
HP 9/12
AC 17
Fort +1 Ref +6 Will +0
Effects: none
Fort Save vs numbing 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Ride check 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
If Karlov wants to take the rope, I'll use my standard action to hand it to him. Otherwise no other action than riding and holding the rope.

Zib Blepib |

After Zib launched himself in the air he realized that he would soon be kissing the icy landscape. As he braced for impact, he suddenly stopped...mid air.."How am I..." As drifted off the ground up into the air he heard the advice from the drow. With delight he yelled back"Thank you my friend HAHAHA, I quite like this HAHAHA, enjoying the novelty of floating Zib eyes fell on the approaching cart, he made haste and threw a bomb at the monk Ryujin while laughing into the winter air.
AC: 21 15 17
Fort:+ 5;Ref:+4;Will -1
Bombs left:1/4
Extrats Prepared: Shield, Expedious Retreat
Effects:Dex Mutagen, levitating
Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Sir Loric the Righteous |

HP 12/12
AC 16/16(ff)/10(touch)
Fort +4 Ref +0 Will +3 (+2 vs charm/compulsion)
Effects: none
Ammo (x-bow): ?/? (not loaded after shot)
Fort Save 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Note: If save fails, my shot gets -1 penalty to attack roll
"Readied" Standard Action: Heavy Crossbow Shot at First enemy driver (or animal rider) within 40 ft of me. Grandstanding +2 bonus applies.
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Probably either Lorth or Chess, I'm assuming. I'm writing this up as if it is Lorth, but if it is Chess, most of my writeup is the same anyhow.
20% Concealment 1d100 ⇒ 48
Damage 1d10 ⇒ 9
"Yes, yes, I love you all too! But for now I must focus on the task at hand!"
Loric leveled his crossbow at the approaching competitors, his eyes squinting to find a target (preferably not wearing a yellow tabard) through the swirling winds of snow. He could barely make out the form of Lorth riding that insufferable kangaroo!
If I can knock him off that beast, perhaps he will be trampled to death. A nice, clean-looking, accidental death.
The smallest hint of a smile curled at his lips as he fired, aiming straight for Lorth's heart!!!
Loric then prepared to reload, shouting as best as he could over the roar of the blizzard:
"Yellow team! Fear not! Reinforcements have arrived! Quickly, come drive your sled to me! I detest trudging through this nightmarish snow!!!"

Zar'zan the Big |

AC 18
Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +1
Effects Light Sensitivity, Invisibility, Strength Mutagen , Faerie Fired, Numbed , True Strike
Zar'zan spoke in hush tones to his companion.

Varniel |

AC: 20 16 14
Fort:+3 Ref:+7 Will:+0
Bombs left:4/5
Extracts Prepared: Shield, Cure Light Wounds
Effects:Dex Mutagen
Fort save:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
5-foot step into Zar'Zan's square
Move: Pick up reigns
Move: Pilot a monkeysheep!(Ride) 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
"Take it then, but whatever you do, make it interesting. And I better get it back"
Varniel whispered as he nudged past Zar'Zan and took up the reigns.
"Ya! Monkeysheep! I would love to make you part of my collection after this race!" he shouted, still oblivious to the cold.

Melashara the Crone |

AC 16
Fort +5 Ref +2 Will +4
Effects: Prehensile Hair (6), Mage Armor
Ammo (x-bow): /
Standard Action: Cast Daze on Zar'Zan (WS DC 14, discharges Frostbite)
5 ft move: Move up on the sled
Move Action: "Hold On", Take 10 Balance, result = 17
Melashara flinched as the sleds crashed and spun while the beasts of burden raged and thrashed about wildly. The fearless monk leaped from his sled, hopping from treacherous foothold to treacherous foothold. Lorn held the net tightly, steering his own sled as well as Zar'Zan's.
The goblin and the halfling were out of sight and out of range, respectively.
The frozen witch had seen the destruction caused by the bombs of her newfound ally, so she eyed Varniel with caution. She prepared to unleash her power on him but he moved forward and took the reigns from his partner.
What is that dwarf planning? Is he as reckless as Ryujin?
She spoke a quick word to the winds again and the ice on her hair evaporated into a thin mist that swirled around her gesturing hands. She brought her hands to her face and drank in the mists, holding her breath for a few heart beats. When she exhaled a sound burst forth, quietly at first and then more distinct as a crack forming on an icy pond. A blast of wind and ice flew towards Zar'Zan's eyes and face as the witch smirked.
Melashara then gripped the sides of the sled with apprehension, bracing for impact.
Chess! Get us out of here before our sled is reduced to splinters!

Karlov 'Muscle Wizard' Britol |

HP 10/10
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11
CMD 18 (+2 vs grapple)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +3
Effects: Snapping Turtle Style (+1 AC), -1 Dex (Due to cold)
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Passive Perception
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Strength check, pulling the rope
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Karlov shook his head. He had been lost in the sounds of glory once again. The roar of the crowds, the yells of the competitors, the beating of his heat, they were all ringing in his ears.
After regaining his composure, he noticed a rope in his hands. His partner and his instincts both told him the same things. Pull.
"Okay, my friend! Now you will see why these muscles are magic!"

Zar'zan the Big |

AC 18
Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +0
Effects Light Sensitivity, Invisibility, Strength Mutagen , Faerie Fired, Numbed , True Strike (Spent this turn)
Fort Save 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Not really caring what his partner said, Zar'zan took hold of the elf's sword and pulled it free of its scabbard.
With a horrific laugh, Zar'zan stared directly into the Ice Witch frosty attack seemingly unfazed by it.
"I told you that you would pay for that you Ice %itch!"
Then, with a mighty swing of his arm, Zar'zan threw the sword hilt over blade, blade over hilt at the witch.
Damage Roll 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Then, with a final laugh, Zar'zan slipped off the side of the sled and attempted to roll so that he might take the hit a bit easier as his companion careened off on his own.

DM Doomed Hero |

Lorth cut the straps free and sent his sled tumbling behind him, now only so much hazardous track debris. Sudenly free of it's weight, Mangnus the Kangaroo overextended himself a bit, throwing himself into a slide across the snow that left him briefly on his stomach, and then scrambiling his feet comically underneath him trying to right himself. As if on cue, an arrow came out of the blinding snow from the figure silhouetted against the wall...
The loose monkeysheep that had attacked Valk moments ago, sharged him like a seven hundred pound battering ram, it's curved horns driving the warrior intot he wall a second time. He crumpled like a rag doll and did not move.
The Muscle Wizard pulled hard on the rope attached to the net around the enraged Ram-Ape's face, a somatic component for casting Mass Chaos, steering the angry beast toward the outside of the track. It careened into other sleds and closed a vice-like trap on Chessen'ra's and Ryujin's vehicles.
At the same time, Joboo managed to pull a locking pin free of Chessen'ra's sled, causing it to jerk, only attached to the Monkeysheep by the reigns the Drow held. Steering had just become nearly impossible.
Zib's bomb slammed into Ryujin's sled, briefly turning it into a flaming missile as Ryujin rammed the Drow's sled full-bore, causing it to push further into the wall and closer to an unrecoverable tumble. The agile monk managed to use his sleds momentum, jumping off at the last moment, leaping gracefully to another craft.
Zib hung in the air looking at his handywork and the amazing wreckage that seemed imminent. Below him, Zar'zan hit the ground, skidding to a stop, hurling a sword end over end on a path directly towards Melashara...

Ryujin Tatsu |

Ryujin jumped from his sled to the neighboring red sled. Hoping he can get the reins and control the sled, Ryujin looked ahead to see who was still going.
Will do my posted action and rolls once Doomed can adjust the number for drive, etc.

Lorth Blood-Seer |

Lorth had just cut the sled loose and turned back to the path ahead when his train of thought was interrupted. It felt as though he was punched in the chest with a sledgehammer, though he managed to keep the reins in hand and grip on his steed. All emotion drained from his face as he struggled to suck in air with one side of his chest collapsed. Jaw clenched against the pain, Lorth did not cry out as he had not the breath.
Clutched tight to Magnus, Lorth willed his steed forward and held on for dear life. However the kangaroo did not hear his master's voice and through the chaos all around could not discern his intent...
Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +2
Effects: 3 x Numb (-3 Dex)
Bolas: 3/3; Amentum: 5/6
Magnus Rufus - Kangaroo Steed: HP 15/15, AC 12/12/10, CMD 14
Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +1
Actions: Move action to hold on and direct Magnus.
Ride check: 1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 10 - 2 = 9 well there it goes...
Fort Save vs Numbing DC 10: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
If needed - Magnus Acrobatics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

Ryujin Tatsu |

As Ryujin jumped from his sled to the nearby sled a flaming missile hit him and his sled which burned his skin yet could have been worse without having previouslybeen covered in cold water and ice. Despite the explosion Ryujin managed to jump just as his sled rammed into a nearby one.
As he landed in the sled his first thought was to find the reins and control where he was going. He aimed to get close to the wall and try for the special area and give Loric a chance to jump into the new sled
HP 4/11
AC 15
Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +5
Effects: none
Fort Save vs cold 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Ryjuin will attempt to get sled under control and will move at default speed along the wall trying to get the special square and give a chance for Loric to jump on
Ride 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 3 + 1 = 23


HP: 15/15
Fort: +5, Ref: +1, Will: -3
AC: 18
Effects: Dazzled, chilled -1, fatigued
Gwrrr'rrr set his jaw, doing his best to ignore the cold. He continued slogging his way backwards along the track, still holding his bow, and listened for the sound of approaching sleds.

Melashara the Crone |

AC 16
Fort +5 Ref +2 Will +4
Effects: Mage Armor, Prehensile Hair
Ammo (x-bow): /
Over the rush of the wind Melashara heard the dwarf shout a curse. As she turned, too late, she saw the blade flying toward her. She tried to turn her body to avoid the worst of the impact, but only succeeded in preventing instant death as the sword plunged into her.
The blade lodged in her, a foot of iron buried in her abdomen. The witch gritted her teeth and grasped the hilt, but it didn't budge. Then her hair whirled around and pulled the sword out of her in a spray of dark blood. She staggered as the blood oozed out of the wound, but as her vision faded she heard the laughter of her assailant and steadied herself.
Melashara placed her frozen hands onto both ends of the wound for a moment. When she lifted her hands to the crowd they could see that the pierced flesh had frozen, coagulating the blood.
Then she turned to her partner:
We will win this race, but before we do, we're going to run that bastard over on the next lap.

Joboo |

HP = 10/10
AC = 15
Fort 1 - Reflex 6 - Will 0
Effects - mesa ice cold! -1 Dex
The sly gobbo wasnt feeling so smart. He actually wasnt feeling much of anything due to the cold slush being thrown up on him...mesa huevos have shrunk to nothing!.. but he had been able to pull out that important looking pin with his teeth...Hohoho...time to go!... He made for the front of the sled as fast as he could but it was damn near impossible with numb fingers no matter how long they were.
Acrobatics/Balance DC 20 - 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Fort VS Numbing DC 14 - 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Lorn the Barber |

Still excited Lorn felt his sleigh was harder to control with more than one apelike monster tugging at it. Through the blizzard Lorn saw struggling sleighs in front of him and to the inner side of the track. He grinned and said to his teammate:
"That's some lovely magic, Muscle Wizard! I'm going to steer to the inside of the track now, can you make sure that rope doesn't get tangled up with our monkeysheep or ourselves?"
Hoping to avoid a collision with the wall Lorn steered their sleigh inwards trying to make it harder for the yellow team's sleigh while at the same time taking less of a detour to the finish line. "We're starting to get too far behind. Since I'm driving, finishing last will be on me!" he thought and his grin disappeared.
HP 9/12
AC 17
Fort +1 Ref +6 Will +0
Effects: none
Fort Save 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Ride1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Acrobatics if needed to avoid getting entangled etc. 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Karlov 'Muscle Wizard' Britol |

HP 10/10
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11
CMD 17
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +3
Effects: Snapping Turtle Style (+1 AC), -1 Dex (Due to cold)
Fortitude (+2 from crowd)
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Acrobatics (Take ten, plus hold-on bonus)
Passive Perception
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Strength to continue holding on/pulling the rope
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Karlov braces himself against the chariot.
"I will do as best I can! Come along, beast!" he yells to the monkeysheep.

DM Doomed Hero |

High on the observation level of the Tower Arcana, one of the three great Towers of Arch, three men watched the race being broadcast from a viewing crystal into a large translucent illusion.
"This isn't right" said the Oracle. "Something is wrong."
"What?" said the headmaster, looking away from the race's excitement to his friend.
"The drow and the snow witch, they're going to die."
"You worry too much." the third man said scratching his pointed ears. "And you meddle too much. We have failsafes, and besides, this is a bloodsport. Sometimes people are going to die."
"Do you really want to have this argument again, Vedic?" the Oracle snapped "The entire reason for these games is to train them. Really train them. Every one that dies is one less that we have for the Homecoming. We need to fix this."
Darian shook his head. "How? We can't really do much without derailing the whole chain of events."
Vedic shrugged. "I can only go back a few seconds on the fly. More than that's going to take more time, and more time means more equations. Eventually it becomes a zero sum gain."
"I don't know!" the Oracle sighed angrily. "I just know that they're heading for the wall and they're going to be crushed by the others. That goblin really screwed them over."
Darian nodded, holding up a hand to the viewing crystal. The image halted. A few waves of his hand zoomed in, the gladiator's faces frozen in exhilaration, fear and pain. "The goblin's the key. What if we just move him? Take it back, give him a nudge, aim him at another sled?"
The oracle nodded. "Good idea. Can you do it, Vedic?"
"Of course. Which one? The crazed alchemists?" Vedic said, standing and smoothing his flowing red tunic.
"I have money on them." Darian said with a shake of his head.
"What?" the Oracle said, appalled. "That is completelyunconscionable! You are the Headmaster! You can't put money on your students!"
"I put a little money on all of them. This time I just put more on the alchemists. Besides, they don't even know they're students. That's sort of the point, right?" Darian shrugged.
"Statistically, that makes no sense. You're a bad gambler." Vedic smirked.
"Ethically that makes even less. You're a bad teacher." the Oracle said pointedly.
The Headmaster shrugged. "I've always been a little fuzzy on both those subjects, but somehow I still manage to win a lot. How about we put the goblin underneath the strong guy with the speech impediment."
"Nope." Vedic said. "We're going with the alchemists. You deserve to lose once in a while."

DM Doomed Hero |

Reality rewound itself, spinning back to the pivotal moment. No one but the three on the tower noticed.
Boboo pulled a pin. Lorn watched the silverback ram in front of him pull away, the reigns going tight, his control over his sled and the beast becoming nearly non-existent.
The wall rushed towards him...

DM Doomed Hero |

"Wait no, that wasn't right..." Vedic shook his head. "Damnit Darian! How the hell do you always do that? Even when I mean to work against you I still manage to do things that make things better for you!"
The Headmaster shrugged. "Just lucky, I guess."
"Well screw you Mister Lucky. Today you're not getting your way." the red-clothed elf cracked his knuckles and narrowed his eyes.
Reality wound back again.

DM Doomed Hero |

Joboo pulled a pin. Varniel watched the silverback ram in front of him pull away, the reigns going tight, his control over his sled and the beast becoming nearly non-existent.
Karlov's rope pulled the beast to the side but the disconnected sled kept moving forward. Soon the alchemist would overtake the beast all together.

Lorth Blood-Seer |

Lorth had just cut the sled loose and turned back to the path ahead when his train of thought was interrupted. It felt as though he was punched in the chest with a sledgehammer, though he managed to keep the reins in hand and grip on his steed. All emotion drained from his face as he struggled to suck in air with one side of his chest collapsed. Jaw clenched against the pain, Lorth did not cry out as he had not the breath.
Clutched tight to Magnus, Lorth willed his steed forward and held on for dear life. However the kangaroo did not hear his master's voice and through the chaos all around could not discern his intent...
HP -1/12, AC 17/13/13, CMD 13
Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +2
Effects: 3 x Numb (-3 Dex)
Bolas: 3/3; Amentum: 5/6
Magnus Rufus - Kangaroo Steed: HP 15/15, AC 12/12/10, CMD 14
Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +1
Actions: Move action to hold on and direct Magnus.
Ride check: 1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 10 - 2 = 9 well there it goes...
Fort Save vs Numbing DC 10: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
If needed - Magnus Acrobatics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

Sir Loric the Righteous |

HP 12/12
AC 16/16(ff)/10(touch)
Fort +4 Ref +0 Will +3 (+2 vs charm/compulsion)
Effects: none
Ammo (x-bow): ?/? (not loaded)
Fort Save 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Standard Action Grandstanding (bluff roll) 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Readied Move Action to get onto Ryujin's sleigh when it is near me (acrobatics for balancing) 1d20 - 4 ⇒ (14) - 4 = 10
An exaggerated look of horror came over Loric's face as his bolt hit Lorth in the chest. He turned dramatically to address the crowd.
"Impossible! I know I saw the form of that wicked elf, and not the noble halfling, when I let fly my shaft! This must be more arcane drow trickery! I will put a stop to his treachery, I swear it!"

Chessna'ra |

HP 10/10
AC 19
Fort +1 Ref +7 Will +1
Effects: Combat expertise/threatening defender.
Ammo (net): 1/1
Taking 10 on drive check for 14. As Move action.
[ooc]Acrobatics to balance while trading places 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Fort Save, DC 10 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
Perception to try and see Loric. Or not. *sighs*
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Immediate action to snap wrist sheathe dagger into hand.
Standard action to influence the crowd.Perform(sing) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
The dark elf winced as turned to see Melashara pulling a long sword from her body, and was impressed by the woman's tenacity to still be standing. "You are more of a warrior than I would have expected from any human! Here, take the reins and keep the beast going the right direction. If you get us ahead of the rest, I can deal with these beasts behind us." Chess shouted as he brought the creature out of the curve, then stepped back towards the cannon and handed Mel the reins, balanced perfectly as he stepped around her. He heard Loric's shouting, and snapped his dagger out of his sheathe with murderous intent, but couldn't hear where the man's voice was coming from through
the storm. The drow smiled to himself, and retorted in song.
"Fool of the faith, my blade will find you!
Slicing through lies and deception!
You know nothing of light nor nothing of dark,
truly you have no conception!"

Joboo |

[ooc]HP = 10/10[ooc]
[ooc]AC = 15[ooc]
[ooc]Fort 1 - Reflex 6 - Will 0[ooc]
[ooc]Effects - Mesa Icy Cold! -1 Dex[ooc]
The sly gobbo wasnt feeling so smart. He actually wasnt feeling much of anything due to the cold slush being thrown up on him...mesa huevos have shrunk to nothing!... but he had been able to pull out that important looking pin with his teeth...Hohoho...time to go!... Thats when he felt the strangest thing. It was like his guts were being twisted and his brains strained...Ooh! Oi! mesa so squishy!... He had the briefest feeling of doing the same thing twice but the cold made it pass quickly. He made for the front of the sled as fast as he could but it was damn near impossible with numb fingers no matter how long they were.
Acrobatics/Balance DC 20 - 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Fort VS Numbing DC 14 - 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
if he falls ~ Roll With It vs DC 5 + Damage - 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26~ if successful mesa move check result in feet