We Who Are About To Die... (Inactive)

Game Master Doomed Hero

Gladiators Wanted! Come one, come all, risk your life for wealth, glory and the entertainment of the masses. Newcomers always welcome!

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Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1

"But the best time to test them is when they least expect it! Its for science!! I will just throw a small vial contain volitile chemicals and magic and record how fast they react. If you let contestants in who are slow to react, think of the disappointment of the fans! They will be fine, in the words of my late master "A little explosion never hurt anyone...much...", Famous last words really last thing he said beofore I ki...uh..the accident.

"Are you done? I really hope you aren't trying to tell me how to do my job. That's what it sounded like, but I just know I'm wrong. I must have misheard you, right?"

Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1

Zibs eyes narrowed, after a shot pause, he took in a large breath, attempt to fill his tiny lungs to almost their bursting point, then seemingly on this one breath he replied, "Not in one bit! I came here to test the effects of certain chemical agents on humanoid creatures and I am determined to do so. My special little pretties here are the first in long line of testing, think of of the possibilities! Right now all these baby can do is cause a rapid release of energy burning up the oxygen within a small radius, but with certain tweeks I could increase blast the radius, or add noxious chemicals, maybe even poison or disease using the explosion as a catalyst and medium. With enough test subjects and data I could maybe even create a healing agent through explosion! Perfect for quick medical aid in times of war! But to provide such results I need data, to get data I must have test subjects, those two men whacking each other with stick happen to make fin specimens who will make great test subjects while also providing mild entertainment in watching their shock, it would be in all good fun!"

Male Half-Orc Paladin 1

After abandoning his attempt at divine magic Samson approached Big Blue. All though he was imposing himself as a Half-Orc, he knew better than to raise the ire of an Ogre.

"Mr. Blue was it? I'd like to get my toes wet, if it's not too much trouble I think a practice battle is in order." Samson spoke deliberately trying to sound reasonably intelligent.

The blue ogre patiently and flatly ignored Zib as the gnome babbled next to him. Then suddenly, his hand lashed out, hitting Zib squarely in the chest with a thundering backhanded slap.

As if nothing had happened, he walked toward the combatants. When Samson approached him and spoke, he raised an annoyed eyebrow and said "Oh, so now you're ready. Fine. Let's see what you've got. Join them."


Zib, you've just been attacked by Big Blue.
1d20 + 19 ⇒ (7) + 19 = 26
1d6 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14 non-lethal

Give me a reaction post

Samson, I'm adding you to the initiative on the map after Severus. Your opponents are Severus and Zyg

Dark Archive

Big Blue

Am presently as I10 based on the map; ZG and LO are engaged on J15 and J16. SM is in the straight line path to them so I propose to engage SM. If you agree that my view of the map is correct, then Severus charges SM. Please advise.


1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1

I dont see why you can't just let me throw..GAH!!! Zib exclaimed as the massive hand connect with the gnomes tiny body, knocking out what little air left in his lungs. Knocked clearly off his feet, Zib landed with a thud. Zib saw stars, the pain in his chest told him not to get up. Not one to follow conventional logic, Zib tried to get up anyway, he got one shoulder off the ground before collapsing. Zib decided that right now was a good time for a nap. Dreams of fluffy dark clouds, bubbling potions, burning buildings, and unicorn soon filled his head.

Hp -2/12
AC 13
Fort:+ 5;Ref:+4;Will -1
Effects: sleeping

Loot Tracker Current Map

Severus, That works just fine, go ahead and give me a standard format post describing the action and the target, then give me the mechanics and summery in spoiler. You can keep that roll, just give me a damage roll. Be aware that Samson will get an AoO against you as you pass him. (he just joined the fight)

Gwrrr'rrr walked over to the prone alchemist, and poked him with his boot to make sure he was really out. The orc meandered over to Zib's workstation, and took a tentative sniff of the bubbling mutagen.

He shrugged and poured the mutagen down his gullet, without bothering to taste it first.

Drank alchemists mutagen. Fort save DC14 to avoid nausea: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

"Ugh. Need salt."
Hp 15/15
AC 14
Fort: +5; Ref: +3; Will: -3
Effects: none

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

When the ringing in his aching head had subsided; Joboo sat up and distinctly felt where the monk had cracked some ribs with his stomp.

"Oosa, that hurt bad. Mesa needs to be careful more around 'umans feet."

He rolled backwards to get a spot near the wall and watched the others fumble around the yard.

"Thisa gonna be good season."


HP = 7/10
AC = 15
Fort 1 - Reflex 6 - Will 0
Effects - None

Dark Archive



HP 12/12
AC 14 (without shield), armed with club
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0
Charging vs. SM; to hit Roll is 25; damage is 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

Severus saw an opportunity to take unawares the distant combatants. He barreled straight for his target when a half-orc blocked his path. To punish him for his insolence, Severus attacked him.

Male Half-Orc Paladin 1

Samson winced from the pain that Severus dealt him, he felt a bone break underneath his breastplate. In reaction he swung back at Severus deftly as the scruffy human ran to meet him in combat hoping to teach him a lesson.


AC: 19 Armed with Longsword
Fort +4,Ref +2, Will +3

Target: Severus Longsword 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 171d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Loot Tracker Current Map

Samson, Severus actually attacked you. You are the half-orc :) You didn't get a AoO, but we'll call that action your counter attack against him.

Both of you, please bold your intended targets, whether you use their name (like samson did), or a description of them (like severus did). It helps us keep track of who's doing what to who.

Male Half-Orc Paladin 1

No problem I misinterpreted your prior post regarding AoO
edit: Also, I would have gladly evened the odds of the battle before hand, but he charged me before I had a chance to change gear.

(HP 16/16, AC 12 CMD 12, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +5)

Melashara backed away from the melee, eyeing Samson with contempt. She turned to Big Blue:

I won't presume to tell you how to do your job like that unconscious fool did, but tell me: How is it fair that the halforc gets to use sword and shield against a man with a club? Do you mind if I even the odds a bit? .

As she spoke, the small woman's white hair lengthened, glistening like slick melting icicles.

Melashara activates her prehensile hair, if that indeed takes an action to use. If BB gives me the go ahead, I'll post my stats with my next turn, but it's hard to post it now from my phone.

"What the?!" Big blue started moving as soon as Samson's sword started swinging, but he was still too late.

Coming between the fighters, he grabbed Samson by the entire front of his body in one massive hand and lifted him off the ground.

"What the f!#@ do you think you're doing? I said drop your gear and grab a stick! Maybe you missed the part where I came in and tossed 'em all at ya, but I know you didn't miss it when I told you to put that damn blade away the first time. F#+#!"

Continuing to hold Samson aloft, Big Blue looked around at the rest of the group. Sighing to himself he raised his other fist, clenched over his head, an intricate tattoo over his balled fist shined and pulsed sending waves of healing energies over the entire crowd. As people came to, he spoke through gritted teeth. "You slags are hopeless. Maybe two of you have the sense the gods gave a rock. This is over. No more fights. Apparently 'hit each other with sticks' is too complex for the lot of you. I got floating drow, gnomes that want to light folks on fire, monks swinging at camels, and this guy here who doesn't know a stick from a sword! And you lot want to be Gladiators? We already do comedy matches. Maybe you meant to sign up to be clowns? Ok. It's time to see how bad you really want it. Start running. All of you. You will run until you pass out or puke. You can't handle it, there's f~!%ing door."

Tossing Samson to the ground, Big Blue, started to walk away, shaking his head in disgust.


Samson, big blue grapples you. 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (6) + 17 = 23

Everyone, Channel Energy for 5d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 6, 5, 4) = 21

HP 29/29; CMD 21/17; AC 20/14/16 F:+6 R:+3 W:-3

Gwrrr'rrr grimaced at the thought of pointless exercise. When Big Blue turned his back, Gwrrr'rrr absently tossed one of the clubs he was holding at Samson with a snarl, and then started jogging around outer edge of the arena, counter-clockwise.

Throw club vs. Samson Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 against AC+4 if Samson is prone, if he landed on his feet it's regular AC
club damage: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Begins movement at his 'hustle' speed of 80'/rd

Male Half-Orc Paladin 1

Ashamed that he had so grievously injured the other warrior, Samson said nothing as Big Blue made a fool of him. He had been too wrapped up in the excitement of everything to even follow a simple directive.

The Gray Half-Orc nearly turned red from embarrassment.
"My apologies Severus, I allowed my combat senses to get the better of me, after your first blow I sort of lost my head.." as Samson tried to explain sheepishly, he removed his gear, and dropped his sword where he stood and began running with great intensity.

Samson caught the club from the other Half-Orc he had seen in the fray, and laid it out next to the rest of his equipment.
He intended to punish himself for his actions by running at his fastest pace, to keep ahead of the others.

Loot Tracker Current Map

Please bold your speech, samson. It makes things easier to read.

Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1

After dusting himself off, the little gnome went over to his makeshift lab to check on it, oblivious to everyone running. He noticed it have been manhandled and the vial that was once brewing a new mutagen laid smashed on the ground, its contents drained. After about 30 seconds of standing completely still, Zib's face contorted with rage, "WHO DRANK MY POTION!" he yelled to the sky, His eyes were eyed with anger and he breathed heavily, his little body shook with frustration.

HP 29/29; CMD 21/17; AC 20/14/16 F:+6 R:+3 W:-3

As he passed Zib, Gwww'rrr grunted, "It need more salt. No one gonna want more." Some strangely colored bubbles floated away from his mouth as the Orc belched loudly.

Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1

After hearing those words, Zib in quick order pulled a few vials from his pocket, and started to run in the opposite direction of the orc. When he saw the orc in front of him enter range, he mixed them together and threw them with all his force.

I am assuming this is more free floating turns, but Zib runs around will GWRRR'RRR is with thirty(since i have moved more then ten i can use my trait) feet and I throw a bomb at him

Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 does 4 damage as splash, dc 14 reflex for half that

Ninja 8
Init +5, Perc +11 // HP = 53/53 // AC:20, T:16, F:15 // F +3, R +12, W +2 // CMB +8 / CMD +23 // Speed 30'

Joboo giggled as the healing waves rushed through him. He could get used to that but didn't like what he had to go through for it. This caused a thought loop to run through his stuffy little head that left him drooling for the better part of a minute. It broke when Big Blue manhandled the half orc so...well, handedly. Joboo was a lazy gobbo and even though at first running around looked like fun he was smart enough to realize it was more like work. Plus he really felt the need to poop! He tried to sneak off when the ogre wasn't looking.

"Mesa to small for big ugly blue to miss...hahaha....hehehe..."


Stealth - 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 26


Enraged, the Orc charged at Zib and attempted to clothesline him. "WHAT YOUR PROBLEM LITTLE MAN?"

Charge, unarmed strike, power attack at Zib: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17, damage 1d3 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
HP: 10/17
AC: 10
Fort: +7 Reflex: +3 Will: -1
"Gwrrr'rrr just thirsty." He held his hands up as if to pacify Zib, "Not like anyway."

Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1

The orcs arm collided with little gnomes head, sending stars into his field of vision. In a dazed fashion he took a step back. After fishing a another slightly different bottle out, Zib drank it as fast as he could. The veins his head pulsed suddenly as the air in front of him shimmered for just a second. "Have you ever heard of asking/!"

I am a little fuzzy on action economy, but if i underestand right i think i can do this, I took a 5 foot step, move action to get the vial out, and a standard to drink, if i am wrong I will change my action.

I cast shield for a +4 ac shield bonus

Hp 2/12
AC: 17
Fort:+ 5;Ref:+4;Will -1
Effects: Shield

HP 29/29; CMD 21/17; AC 20/14/16 F:+6 R:+3 W:-3

"You sleeping. Gwrrr'rrr not ask anyway, Gwrrr'rrr take what want."

The orc scratched at his muzzle. "Big one say it time to run." Gwrrr'rrr prepared to resume his circle.

withdraw action, step away from Zib and resume running.
HP: 8/15
AC: 12
Fort: +5 Reflex: +3 Will: -3

Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1

"I will not be bullied by such an idiotic creature! Zib followed the best he could to get in range, then quickly mixed another bomb and threw it at the running orcs backside.

[ooc]attacks with another bomb[ooc]

Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

HP 29/29; CMD 21/17; AC 20/14/16 F:+6 R:+3 W:-3

Gwrrr'rrr stalked angrily over to Zib, and batted at his head.

Move to Zib, power attack, fighting defensively:
unarmed strike 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 damage 1d3 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11 nonlethal

HP: 6/17
AC: 12
Fort: +7 Reflex: +3 Will: -1

Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1

The massive hand collided with the invisible force in front of Zib. The gnome looked up, the earlier rage replaced by irritation. "My chemicals are delicate and usually unstable, meaning it could poison you, infect you, mutate you, or even explode in your face While such a event would be entertaining, I would cation you against taking whats mine. What you drank was a mutagenic agent design pacifically to effect my biology alone. It takes time to create and I can only maintain one dose at a time. If you can refrain from putting your dirty mitts on my personal belonging then we wont have any future disagreements and I wont have to burn you alive!

HP 78/78, AC 25/12/23, Saves 11/5/14

Lorth kept to himself as he slowly circled the arena jogging at medium pace.

Loot Tracker Current Map

Lorth was healed by Big Blue's channel energy. He's now at full. See above

HP 29/29; CMD 21/17; AC 20/14/16 F:+6 R:+3 W:-3

The orc looked puzzled for a moment. "Big words...brain hurt...run time now."

Int check to understand any of what Zib just said, failed

Gwrrr'rrr once again resumed running around the arena, but still kept a wary eye on Zib. He mumbled quietly to himself, almost like the thoughts didn't quite have enough room to stay in his head. "...gnome taste...like halfling...need buy salt...maybe boil first..."

Bandy watched the fray unfold with interest, floating down near Big Blue.

"Bandy Spyglass here with Big Blue, lead trainer at the Crossroads Arena where the latest group of freshman gladiators seem to be more challenging than most. A Gnome and an Orc have begun to fight fiercely after the orc drank a concoction the gnome had created. Mr. Blue, any comment on the unfolding violence?"

Male Dwarf Ranger/1

Entering through the large doors into the fighting pit, Durgen took in what he saw. A group of people were running around sweating up a storm, a burn orc was arguing with a badly bruised gnome, and a large blue ogre with a very irritated look watch over everyone. The dwarf, donned in armor, a axe and shield strapped to his started is walk inside. Anyone he past would notice a distinct unpleasant smell emanating from the dwarf. Walking up to the Ogre, for look to be the one in charge, Durgan asked' "So...I miss much?

Looking back over his shoulder Big Blue stopped and watched, replying to the floating gnome. "Well, technically they aren't disobeying. All I said was to run until they puked or passed out. Guess the loser here will just get to do less running."

Looking down at the dwarven newcomer he said "You're late. Don't ever be late again. Now run, and don't stop until your legs give out."

Male Gnome Alchemist(Grenadier) 1

Zib, still frustrated with the orc, but not psychotically so let the big oaf run way. He took another bottle out of his pocket and a drink, after which some of his bruising faded. After which he started to run to so not to once again gain the ogre ire, if he hadnt already.

Zib drinks his cure light wounds extract

cure light wounds: heal 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Male Dwarf Ranger/1

'Okay' said the dwarf before dropping his axe and shield and taking off after the rest of the group, a smile on his face. Despite his stubby legs and breast plate, he moved quite fast, able to keep up with the other long legged contestants.

(HP 16/16, AC 12 CMD 12, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +5)

Melashara pulled her hood back over her head to hide her look of annoyance. She knew better than to argue with Blue, so she slowly started jogging. When Samson lapped her, she quietly said to him: Thanks a lot, oaf. Why don't you fall on that sword next time and save us all the trouble?

Male Dwarf Ranger/1

While running, Durgen went up to and kept pace with Chessna'ra,"Ive seen elves before, but none like you, whats wrong with ya? Also, why we runnin?

Male Human Samurai 1 (Order of Cockatrice)

Zgyjhu ran at a slow pace because apparently they would be doing this for a while.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Chess shrugged when the large ogre ignored him, and pocketed the wand. He'd have to check if it had any magic left in it later.
The elf called about his innate magical powers and relieved himself of most of his weight, making it easy to run for brief periods of time until the magic passed. He moved along at a slow jog, and considered the days passing's until a dwarf moved along side him, moving quite quickly for one of his race.

"Ah, a stranger to the drow?" The ebony skinned elf smiled broadly and extended his open hand in a gesture of the surface folk of his world often used as a respectful greeting. "In that case, I would consider yourself lucky. Most of my kin would already have you trapped in their web by the time you saw them, and would soon make even the most stout-hearted regret that they ever had. I am of a rare ilk, to answer your question. What is wrong with me, is that I do not desire to see you flayed alive in a intricate form of torture simply because you are alive and in my presence." The drow beamed.even wider, a white cresent moon with two pupil-less stars dotting his dark face.

"And we are running because the ogre whom we entertain is remarkably kind, at least, by my standards. Why are you among us new contestants?

Male Dwarf Ranger/1

"Well, I am glad your a bit different the ya kin, I am too. I came here looking to have a bit o' fun, then the big man told me to run, so I did. Did you guys do something bad? He looks mad." replied the dwarf. Durgen seemed to take the jog in stride, not seeming to tire, but he did start to work up a sweat, turning his sour smell worse.

Male Drow Noble Dawnflower Dervish (Bard) 1

Chessna'ra laughed, a beautiful warm laugh that seemed strange to any who know of drow. The drow then spoke again, his white orbs still twinkling with amusement. "If you count being completely inept and incapable of following basic instructions, an explosive and rude personality, and the bravado and aloofness of most those who consider themselves better than others to be something wrong, then most definitely, we have. I for one, am thoroughly enjoying a chance to be a part of such chaos!"

The drow smiles into the sun, basking in it's warmth for a moment. "It almost reminds me of home."

Male Dwarf Ranger/1

"Sounds like I miss a party, makes me sad, oh well at least the orc was set on fire" said Durgen with a smile.

Male Half-Orc Paladin 1

Samson *sighed* and spoke back to Melashara "I only defended myself, the oaf you should be referring to is the one who attacked a fully armed Half-Orc, besides you look like you could use the exercise you seem a bit pale.."

Keeping his pace Samson continued to run laps at an accelerated rate.

Male Human (HP 19/19, AC 13 CMD 18, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4,)

A well-chiseled, bald man strode up beside the others, a large grin on his face. He kept pace with the rest, seemingly without much effort. This was especially of interest as his feet and hands are chained together.

"Ah, this run very much reminds me of my child days.

HP 17/18, AC 18/14/13 CMD 17, Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +0,

A few seconds after Durgen entered, a sturdy looking man shuffled through the same doors. Lorn overheard the words from the big ogre so didn't want to take any chances. He quickly dropped his gear and covered it with his black leather apron. While taking a look around to see the rest of the wannabe gladiators Lorn quietly tried to join the running exercise without invoking the ire of Big Blue.


HP 12/12
AC 17
Fort +1 Ref +6 Will +0
Effects: none

Stealth check to go unnoticed by Big Blue (for now..)
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

edited for tense

"It looks like the excitement is over for now, Fight Fans. We're going to check in periodically over the next few weeks and see how the would-be champions are shaping up as they prepare for the first match. The organizers of the event are keeping the details of the season opener very hush-hush, so much so that not even the fighters themselves are going to know what they are in for until they arrive in the ring."

Loot Tracker Current Map

And the warriors ran. For many of them they ran more than they ever had in their lives. The ones that tried to go easy on themselves by jogging at measured pace quickly discovered Big Blue's eyes on them. He would stop them, put them through some grueling exercise, and then make them run again.

He never explained himself, but the smarter fighters quickly realized that when Big Blue said run, what he meant was run fast, run like you meant it, run like you would if ten thousand people were watching and your life depended on it.

When they just couldn't run any longer, Big Blue would let loose with that healing energy. Fatigued muscles re-knitted with soothing pain, spasming as they unknotted.

Then, when they were loose and drenched with sweat, hardly able to think, he made them fight. Once all but a few were unconcious he healed them again, and sent them running.

This went on all day.

Of the number they started with, by the end less than a quarter remained.

Finally, as the artificial sun that floated above the city of Arch began to dim, Big Blue called for them to stop and let them into the gladiatorial stables.

They looked like drowned animals and smelled worse. The professional warriors in the stable yard stopped their exercising and training and watched them enter. Some smiled, others laughed and nodded. A few even clapped.

The table in the center of the yard was laid out with meats and breads and vegetables. Simple but hearty food.

Big Blue gestured towards the table. "Go on. You earned it."

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