Caladwhen |

Intelligence: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Some genius. Hah! In any event, I'm not precisely sure where Caladwhen will best serve during the mayhem. I'm thinking since I'll have a zombie Varning with me, I might use him as a decoy to cause confusion during the assault. Have him show up, and wave off as many soldiers as are gullible enough and have them lead him into a trap.
Speaking of Varning, I don't know what his stats are, but you can add the Zombie template to them now:
Natural AC +2
Bonus HD +1 (use d8)
BAB is 3/4 total HD
Fort +1/3 HD, Ref +1/3 HD, and Will +1/2 HD + 2
Chr replaces Con for HP bonus
DR 5/Slashing
Str +2
Dex -2
No Con or Int, Wis and Chr become 10
Loses all feats, but does gain toughness
Gains the Undead type instead of Human
Permanently staggered condition
I'll post tomorrow, I want to write up the raising of Varning whilst the boys sneak around the fort.

Aerent Sephim |

Aerent is going to be hanging around the gatehouse making sure everyone inside is dead, and making sure the drawbridge and portcullis are both open before shooting the flare. Talon is welcome to join him if he's interested.

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We're all set!
For now, we'll wait for Cala to complete her dark rituals for the Return of the Varning.
Then, we can set our plan in motion:
1) Sindran will start the memorial service (whenever Cala is ready!)
2) At some time during the service, the Golem will awaken, and move to the gate. Oret will help the Golem during its travels.
3) Around that time, Aerent will fire the skyrocket, signalling Sakkarot Fire-Axe that it's time to send his army of furballs across the bridge.
4) Cala and Talon will hide* until there's something that requires their attention.
AFAIK Letho is still on vacation. The scheduling is a little unfortunate, which making his introduction to the group more awkward than we all would've liked. However, I'm quite sure things will settle down soon.

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phooey, I've been pulling 12 hour shifts since thursday and it's demanding its toll. Apparently Customer Satisfaction is worth a little employee misfortune. Although, I do love proving customers wrong, so it's not all hell.
This week is very harsh on me; I feel I don't have the creative fuel to maintain momentum in the game and keep the story arc from sagging. And these CR1 soldiers aren't helping, let's be honest, they are mere flies to be swatted. They should at least have the decency to flee at the sight of ....well, you.
Folks, I'm committed to this game, and I want to see Andoran burn just as much as you do. But I'd rather say nothing than half baked jibber. Please bear with me for a few days while I rest and recover from the non-lethal damage of work, and then we'll burn Aldencross.

Caladwhen |

Hey, I think we can all sympathize with you. Twelve hour shifts at the very least is grueling, I would quite understand if you wanted to hold off a few days... besides, I think we're down a few players right now anyway if I'm correct?
Summers are always difficult for making schedules work anyway, but slow pace is better than no pace I say.

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Yeah...about Letho.
Well, a few survivors of the Great Aldencross Fire (as it will be known in years to come) claimed they saw Letho supplying the flammable oils. They lynched him, then burnt his alchemy shop to the ground. In doing so, the mob ignored the 'Do *not* try this at home' signs, and caused a massive explosion of Sarenrae knows what nasty chemicals he was hiding...
Which is to say, it didn't quite work out - We've talked and he decided it's better that he quit. Shame, but no regrets.

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Right now, I'm focused on recovering the story from my lengthy break and get some momentum again. But I'm very happy to see everyone has posted again already, so yay on that front.
In the next chapter, there are plenty of entry points for new players, and more players means more posts means more action, which IMHO is good.
I'll let you all decide if you even want an extra character on board.
Also, if you're even remotely interested in the Leadership feat, you should know that we'll be using a minion system designed specifically for this adventure path. These rules adds to the fun, because they give fun options while they handwaive as much as possible of the boring mico-management of controlling a couple dozen low-level followers. I heartily recommend it, it's a fun system.
While I'm on the spoiler train, item creation feats also aren't a bad choice.
But first, you'll have to live long enough to make it that far }:->

Talon Dalkar |

Leadership: CHA too low and it's not my characters style, otherwise I'd jump on it.
Item Creation: Magus's are feat hungry enough as it is, although if the party could really use a particular one I could pick one up
Extra Character: You're in luck! My local friend recently joined the boards and has been wanting to get into a PBP. He's got a year or so of IRL experience as a few different characters in a few of my homebrew campaigns, and the first character he made was skillmonkey. I'll give him your name increddibelly

Aerent Sephim |

Also, regarding what's happening in Gameplay, could Aerent try to push Havelyn's spirit? I'm fine writing it up, just not sure exactly what's possible.
I'm thinking Aerent is canny enough to know that Havelyn would likely try to fight against being pushed into the abyss, but he might be convinced to join the light. Kind of playing the "you've had a good life, but now it's time for your final reward" anti-villain.
Ultimately, the goal is to ensure Havelyn truly dies, just thinking that Aerent would try and pretend redemption here before he's thrown into hell, trying to save Havelyn's soul. Lots of duplicity and bluffing. Etc.

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You don't have any posessions. gear, armor, or items weapons - those are all with your body on the material plane.
Magic is quite awkward here, and probably best not (at)tempted.
Movement is restricted: On your turn, you can freely move one step towards the light, costing your body another 1 hp; or, you could move one step sideways onto another individual's path.
If you want to move away from the light, you'll need to make a succesful stabilization roll; in that case you may choose to move one step towards the darkness, gaining 1 hp, or remain in place.
The quickest way to move away from the light, is by receiving some sort of healing on the material plane, which is 'difficult' to do by yourself from where you are now. If you are somehow healed, you will immediately travel one step per hitpoint healed up the path towards darkness - very unpredictable, and you could easily end up in an unfavorable position. Unfortunately, there's no way of knowing what they're doing to your skin, though.
As a side note, it's probably favorable that you're on your own path, once any healing takes effect.
Finally, emotions don't exist here. It's a rather bleak place, purgatory(!) So cold, hard logic is pretty much all you have.
Anything else, normal Golarion rules. Bull rush, Grapple, stuff like that still works fine.
Let's hope Havelyn doesn't stabilize before you can get him!

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** spoiler omitted **
Meh, I've already found 6 ways these rules are broken - but I think it's still not bad for something pulled out of thin air in a few minutes.
The general jist is that the length of your spirit's path is determined by the maximum hit points below zero you can have; and your current hitpoints total determines the position on the track. Those around you on the material plane who are also dying, will appear on a separate path close to yours. Their path may have fewer or more stepping stones, depending on their CON score.
For the rest, if it's an idea with flavor in line of your character's thinking, hell yeah I'm going to allow it.

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You might have gained a few levels with no effort at all. (he's a Pally 7 which, with your mind, would quickly translate to an antipally 7) although you'd have to settle for a different body.
But for now, you can blame Talon for not allowing you the opportunity to explore that option.
Then again - Havelyn's mind is by far not the best place to be for the next few years.

Andrea1 |

Congrats on finishing the first book.

Caladwhen |

It has been a fun trip, and the characters are jelling quite well now :)
I think at this time, we should give a round of applause and thank our GM. Great work Increddibelly! This has been an immensely fun play-by-post.

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Very happy to see the end
well, you nearly did - or didn't, depending on which end of the spectrum you meant ;)
Thanks for the kind words :)
It's been great fun for me as well! I'm feeling quite pleased about my first ever PbP game! :D
but, before we move on to the second...I'd like to decide if we want to introduce a rogue to our group?
Perhaps kicking down doors is more your style than unlocking them?
It's all your vote on this. Also, if you *do* decide to add a player, I'd like for everyone to vote (in private).

Sindran Eithe |

Huzzah all! I really quite enjoyed it. *joins in on applause for GM*
Sindran is fine with the current party, but he's open to having a rogue or anyone that can disable devices! Oret is good enough as a scout. He's quiet enough for it anyway. ;) (He's also the most likely to be able to kick a door down.)

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