Trailing the Judd-Matlock Gang (Inactive)

Game Master Darksmokepuncher

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Shadow Lodge

Hello and welcome!

I am looking for 2 (MAYBE 3) players to join me in a western adventure.


The characters in this game are newly appointed US Marshals with personal reasons for going after The Judd-Matlock Gang.

The Judd-Matlock Gang:

Thaddeus "TJ" J. Judd
Emmet "The Rope" Matlock
Eagle Eye McGinnis
Injun Bill
Sammie "the B***$" Hedder
The Yellow Gun
Big Haus Jones

Those "personal" reasons may be anything from "they killed my pa" to "justice finds all men".

The players will need to come up with strong ties: a good reason to travel and work together. You may even want to apply with someone to entwine your backstories together.

The biggest thing I am looking for is roleplay ability and commitment to the genre. (i.e. most people couldn't read and contractions were rarely used.)

I want solid crunch, but I will pick the better backstory and roleplay potential over everything else.

This will be a fairly gritty campaign: expect harsh environmental conditions, racism, taxing injuries, etc.

Gestalt Rules

3rd level
25 Point Buy
No Traits
No Hero Points
Starting Gold: 3000

Everyone gets improved unarmed strike for free. Monk's do not get something else.

No magic, no magic items, no spells, no spell-like abilities, no supernatural abilities

Allowed Races:

Allowed Classes:
Monk (Martial Artist)
Ranger (Skirmisher)

Allowed Weapons:
Arkansas Toothpick (Shortsword)
Brass Knuckles
Double-barreled Shotgun
Cavalry Saber (Longsword)
Coat Pistol
Lasso (No damage, has the trip and grapple properties)
Sword Cane
Walking Stick (Hanbo)
(Various items available for use as improvised weapons.)
(Various "eastern" weapons may be allowed by request.)

Allowed Armor:
Denim Jacket (Padded)
Duster Coat (Hide Armor)
Leather Vest (Leather Armor)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Well interesting! I assume guns everywhere rule is in place? And what about hps? Max first, roll after?

Now, you ever watched tombstone? It follows the story of US Martial Wyatt Earp and his fight against the cowboys, very good movie :)
And i would love a chance to play a Doc Holliday esque character :)

You accept Native American character submissions? Sure there will be racism, and maybe not appointed as a US Marshall. I get that, but out in the territories racism goes both ways...… Is Injun Bil an Injun?

As for weapons and armor, you missed bows and arrows and spears, club-axes, gunstock-war clubs, pipe bone breastplates etc...

I'll work on rolling up a ranger right away!

Scarab Sages

Dotting for interest, thinking of a monk!

Shadow Lodge

@Gobo Horde: Guns are pretty common, but aside from a standard shotgun, not too many people own them. HP is MAX at first level, then half hit die +1 after that. And yes, I've seen tombstone :)

@Oceanshieldwolf: A Native character is okay by me, and I did not forget native arms and armor. I simply left them off with the eastern arms and armor.

Approved Native arms and armor:
Shortbows, short spears, gun stock war club (use Great Axe) tomahawk (use handaxe, but add trip and disarm properties), pipe bone breastplate (use silk ceremonial armor), hide shirt.


We are using GESTALT rules for this game. Please note this.

Ok, I gotta go to bed, but I'll work up a suitably historic Native American or half-blood…

You familiar with Kobold Press' Spell-less Ranger? Not sure that I'll go that way, more likely Barbarian, just asking...

Shadow Lodge

Let's keep this to paizo only materials. If there's something you REALLY want. Show me a link for where to find it and I'll consider it.

This is really cool. I will apply with a savage barbarian/Martial artist soon. Flavored as a freed slave seeking vengeance on some of the gang members who abused him.

Shadow Lodge


Shadow Lodge


I just realized I forget to say that Gunslingers are allowed!

I'm so used to banning them in my games that they just didn't even pop up!

Gunslinger (Vanilla, pitolero, musketeer, and mysterious stranger are allowed).

Dark Archive

Blast no alchemists. I just wanted dynamite sticks.

If there is still room by the time I can finish a character, I'd be interested. Thinking of a Rogue/skirmisher or rogue/gunslinger. His main motivation would be personal revenge of some kind that I'll elaborate upon later.

Also, if you don't mind, is this pbp or what?

Shadow Lodge

This is PBP :)

Also: @ divineshadow: No alchemists maybe, but i didn't say no dynamite ;)

Shadow Lodge

12 hour bump.

I'm working my way through my skirmisher/rogue character, but PF character creation is time-consuming and gestalt more so. Just chiming in to say I'm still here

Shadow Lodge

Thanks for letting me know :)

I'd love to start the game on Monday if people can be ready.

I've decided on a gunslinger/rogue. Using the mysterious stranger archetype. Will have him done by tomorrow.

Can a coat pistol count as a gunslinger's starting "battered" firearm? Since regular pistols, blunderbusses and such aren't allowed.

Shadow Lodge

Yes, a coat pistol can be a starter.

Dotting interest. How long are you planning to keep this open? I'll start fluff and crunch tonight, and probably get it done tomorrow.

EDIT: Also, is it possible to use the trench fighter archetype?

Shadow Lodge

When I get applicants I like, I think about closing it.

ImperialSunlight's character here.

Mechanics are done. Background will be done later today.

Here's my idea:

Gideon Fenimore Cooper (not his real name): Gideon is a professional gambler, an amateur cheater and as a consequence of both a very good shot. He was sitting in the only cell in town when word came in about the Judd-Matlock gang. He managed to negotiate his release, and the forgiveness of his debts, if he helps bring them in. What the authorities don't know is that <most convenient member of said gang> is Gideon's father, and more than even his debt and his freedom Gideon is concerned with getting revenge on his old man for abandoning his family with nothing.

He is not technically a deputy, and is the "responsibility" of one of the other PCs (i.e. if he runs, it's someones job to shoot him). Although they'd be right to be wary of him, he's not going to throw away an opportunity to finally confront his father.

I'm thinking Gunslinger/Rogue but Rogue/Ranger could also work.

Shadow Lodge

Looking good Doran.

@CaptainMarelous - I like it :)

@CaptainMarelous - I like it :)


I see his father's abandonment of the family as completely crippling them. Like he took everything they had of value and left them to essentially starve to death. Of the rather large farmer's family the only two survivors are Gideon, and his elder sister who is now a prostitute. Most of his family died in the first winter after his father left.

Edit: Can I take a revolver as my Gunslinger weapon?

Check me out with my awesome avatar that I totally didn't settle for. Yep, it really encapsulates my character nicely. There is a perfectly adequate number of rogue portraits, that's for sure!

Edit: With all this money and no magic items, what do you recommend we invest in? Even completely kitted out with a horse and everything I don't think I could break 500 gp.

Shadow Lodge

I'm ok with a revolver as a starting gun.

You could buy more guns if you have more money :)

Don't forget about things like food and feed for you and your mount.

Also, non-magical alchemical items (like antivenom) are still available.

I'll probably also use a revolver then since it's kind of much better than a coat pistol.

Doran's appearance and backstory:

Doran has a plain appearance, an older man with medium length brown hair and green eyes. He is fairly tall, and gives off an aura of weariness, his eyes dull and lifeless and his posture weak. He wears the rugged clothing of a traveler, and a dusty leather vest. He wears a large dagger in its sheath.
Doran was an Irish farmer, living with his wife, Deirdre Flynn, and his children on a farm. He occasionally dabbled in engineering and did gun repair for money on the side. His content life was destroyed when his wife got into an affair with Eagle Eye McGinnis. His anger provoked him to shout the unarmed man out of his house. Eagle Eye returned for vengeance, however, with the rest of the gang, and killed Doran's wife and children before he could act. He escaped and after spending years in depression, fighting off his sorrow with alcohol, he vowed revenge against the gang. For this reason, he joined the US Marshals.

He has a sense of honour and justice and cares about the laws of the land enough to follow policy when he can, and has religious convictions, but his desire for revenge is greater, and he will not abstain from more unsavory measures to do achieve it.

Archetypes (like for fighter or barb) okay or just "vanilla" version?

Shadow Lodge

Archetypes are ok. Just know that you lose abilities granted that are magical.

Alright, here's the completed stats for Gideon. I'm presupposing you use Sense Motive to play poker, otherwise I'll want to change some things.

(Ex) or okay though correct?

just not (su)?

Shadow Lodge


Shadow Lodge

Ok, now that I have a few finished submissions, I will expect all submissions complete by end of business (7pm PST) on Wednesday the 21st.

Good luck all!

Is there room for one more? Thinking a former Cavalry Trooper. Perhaps Ranger/Gunslinger taking the Mounted Combat style and Musket Master.

Dotting for interest. I have a question as well: for those of us not going with a gunslinger, is the technology level "commonplace guns", "guns everywhere", or something else, requiring us to invest in the exotic weapon proficiency (firearms) feat?

Shadow Lodge

Guns are (mostly) everywhere.

Dotting for interest. I've got a vicious build if you're willing to let me play a gunslinger/slayer.

I altered Doran to include a revolver as his starting weapon, as well as changing his ammunition to fit it. He should be completely finished now.

As a monk would "deflect arrows" work on non-scatter ammunition?

The background story is similar to Ellen from the film "Quick & the Dead". Her father was a Marshall when the Judd-Matlock gang came barreling through town. They killed all the deputies men and put Celes' father in the gallows and told her if you can shoot the rope and free him, we will let him go. Instead she shot and killed him. From that point on she swore to never wield a firearm, instead honing her body itself to take out the J-M gang.

She heard of others who had been dealt tragedies at the hands of the Judd-Matlock, and went to the Marshall office and signed up to hunt down the men that she feels killed her pa.


Fighter/Monk 3...HP=31...AC 15

Str 15
Dex 14+2=16
Con 14
Int 13
Wis 14
Cha 10

1) combat expertise
1 mo) improved grapple
2 mo) deflect arrows
3) ??
Hu) improved disarm

Scratch that, building a Fighter (Tactician)/Gunslinger (Pistolero)

OK. Here is Vander McClain's crunch and fluff. All I need to do is purchase equipment

Character sheet:

Vander McClain is a former cavalry trooper. He was born in Georgia (pronounced Jaw-jah) and enlisted because he didn’t want to work the family farm, leaving that job instead to his two younger brothers. He was stationed out west as part of the 7th Cavalry under the leadership of General Custer. While he participated in putting down several indian uprisings, he was finally discharged for failing to follow orders to slaughter an Cherokee village after some reckless Cherokee youths attacked a wagon train of settlers. The only casualty amongst the settlers was a feller whose horse threw him and ended up with a broken neck. The Cherokee were killed to the last man.

After leaving the army, he drifted from town to town, taking work where and when it suited him. It was during this period when he encountered the Judd Matlock gang. He was returning with his employer from a cattle drive. When they arrived at the ranch, all that was left of the house was a few blackened timbers. His employer was devastated to learn that while he had been away, the gang had moved in and forced his wife to feed, house, and pleasure them for several weeks before his son had managed to slip away into town to inform the sheriff. The local sheriff took a few men to confront the gang and the situation rapidly devolved into a standoff that concluded with the gang killing the wife and torching the house before escaping in a running gunfight.

Having become fond of the family he was working for and the rancher being a relatively peaceful man, Vander vowed to him to track down the gang and avenge the man’s wife. Vander followed the gang for weeks before catching up to them where they had camped. He planned on approaching the camp during the night in order to catch the gang unaware. Unfortunately, as Vander was approaching, he ran into one of the members who had walked out of camp to relieve himself. During a brief struggle in which the alarm was raised, Vander took a bullet to the shoulder. The gang hastily rode off into the night while Vander made his way to the nearest town to see the Doc.

That was two months ago. His shoulder now healed, Vander has decided that taking on the gang single-handed is not the wisest move he ever made. When he heard that the U.S. Marshalls were assembling a group to take down the gang, he quickly volunteered.

Human Ranger(Skirmisher)/Gunslinger(Musket Master)

STR: 14 (+2) 5
DEX: 18 (+3) 10 Human bonus
CON: 13 (+1) 3
INT: 10 (+0) 0
WIS: 14 (+2) 5
CHR: 12 (+1) 2

1st – Favored Enemy(Humanoid[Human]), Track, Wild Empathy, Deeds, Grit(2), Gun Training, Rapid Reload(2 H firearms)
Human Feat – Point Blank Shot
1st Feat – Precise Shot
HP: 11
Melee ATT: +2 (+1 BAB, +1 STR) Cavalry Saber{Cutlass}
MDAM: 1d6+1
Range ATT: +5 (+1 BAB, +4 DEX) Rifle
RDAM: 1d10+4
Skills: (6) Stealth +8(1), Survival +6(1), Ride +8(1), Handle Animal +5(1), Perception +6(1), Swim +6(1)

2nd – Combat Style (Archery) Feat: Rapid Shot, Nimble +1
HP: 11
Melee ATT: +3 (+2 BAB, +1 STR) Cavalry Saber{Cutlass}
MDAM: 1d6+1
Range ATT: +6 (+2 BAB, +4 DEX) Rifle
RDAM: 1d10+4
Skills: (12) Stealth +9(2), Survival +7(2), Ride +9(2), Handle Animal +6(2), Perception +7(2), Swim +6(1), Climb +6(1)

3rd – Endurance, Favored Terrain (Desert), Deeds
3rd Feat: Mounted Combat
HP: 11
Melee ATT: +4 (+3 BAB, +1 STR) Cavalry Saber{Cutlass}
MDAM: 1d6+1
Range ATT: +7 (+3 BAB, +4 DEX) Rifle
RDAM: 1d10+4
Saves: FORT: +3 REF +3 WILL +1
Skills: (18) Stealth +10(3), Survival +8(3), Ride +10(3), Handle Animal +5(2), Perception +8(3), Swim +6(1), Climb +6(1), Profession: Soldier +7(2)

Dotting! I have a barbarian monk on the way!

Shadow Lodge

Looking good so far everyone!

@ Gilthanis: Deflect Arrows will not deflect bullets. The velocity difference is too great. However, it could be used to deflect thrown spears, knives, etc.

@ All: I am not allowing advanced classes at this time.


Because Memorial Day is coming up and people are generally out and about, I MAY extend applications through Monday evening.

And here is his gear



165 Masterwork Duster – AC 4, Max DEX 4, ACP -2
800 Masterwork Rifle – 1d10, X4, 80ft
400 Revolver – 1d8, x4, 20ft
300 200 Metal cartidges
315 Masterwork Cavalry Saber (Longsword) – 1d8, 19-20/x2
15 Gunsmith kit
300 Combat trained Hvy Horse
10 Riding Saddle
2 Bit & Bridle
0.2 Dandy Brush
8 2x Saddlebags
0.1 Bedroll
0.5 Blanket
10 Compass
50 Map
1 50’ Hemp Rope
10 Small Steel Mirror
10 Bottle of Oldlaw Whiskey
1 Hip Flask
7 14x Trail Rations
1 Traveler’s Outfit
0.1 Scarf (Bandanna)
0.5 Poncho
250 Pocket Watch
10 5x Canteen
1 Cup
3 Coffee Pot
1 100x Coffee
3 Cooking Kit (iron pot, iron skillet, ladle, skewer,
wooden cutting board,cutting knife,iron tripod,tinder,
5 Gear Maintenance Kit (metal polish, small file, leather
paring knife, conditioning oil for leather, 2 soft cloths,
xtra leather straps, sewing needle, a few buttons)
5 Survival Kit (Flint & Steel, Mess Kit, 2x Waterskins, basic
map, small knife)
70 2x Simple Manacles with Simple Lock
0.1 Deck of Cards
5 Harmonica
0.5 1 lb. Tobacco

The Kid:
Gunslinger (Pistolero) 3 / Fighter (Tactician) 3
Favored Class: Gunslinger (Hit Points)
Str: 10 | Dex: 18 | Con: 14 | Int: 14 | Wis: 14 | Cha: 10
Initiative: +7
Land Speed: 30 ft
Status Effects:
HP: 31/31
Grit: 2/2

AC: 17
Touch: 15
Flat-Footed: 12
Fort: 5 (3)
Ref: 7 (3)
Will: 2 (0)
CMD: 17

BAB: 3
CMB: 3

Masterwork Revolver
Attack: +8 (6/6)
Range: 20ft
Ammunition: 6/6 60
Damage: 1d8+4

Diplomacy: 6 (3+0+3)
Knowledge (Geography): 6 (3+2+1)
Knowledge (Local): 8 (3+2+3)
Perception: 8 (3+2+3)
Profession (Carpenter): 6 (3+2+1)
Profession (Cook): 6 (3+2+1)
Ride: 10 (3+4+3)
Sense Motive: 8 (3+2+3)
Stealth: 7 (0+4+3)
Survival: 8 (3+2+3)
Intimidate: 6 (3+0+3)

Gold: 1567
Masterwork Leather Armor
AC: +2
Max Dex: +7

Light Horse (Combat Trained)
Cavalier's Kit
Alchemist's Fire x5
Pellet Grenades x5

Class Abilities:
Gunslinger (Pistolero)
-Pistol Training 1
--Up Close and Deadly
--Gunslinger’s Dodge
--Quick Clear
--Pistol Whip
--Gunslinger Initiative
--Utility Shot
-Nimble +1
Fighter (Tactician)
-Tactical Awareness: +1
-Armor Training 1

Racial Traits:
+2 Dex
Flexible Bonus Feat
Bonus Skill rank

-Racial: Point-Blank Shot
-Level: Precise Shot
-Bonus: Rapid Shot
-Level: Quick Draw

Some people are set on the road to become great statesmen or doctors. The kind of men that change nations, that unite continents, that carve their name into stone and shout at the heavens. Then there are those with a darker path ahead of them.

The Judd-Matlock Gang has run free on the territory and racked up a list of sins long enough to hang a priest. Of course, the thing about sins is that they have a habit to haunt you and sometimes the dead do not stay as buried as they should. Granted, there ain’t much a corpse can do ‘cept be picked over by coyotes and buzzards unless there is something to help it along. In this case, that something was Meng, a chinese veterinarian, that found the pitiful thing and figured out he was only mostly dead.

Three bullets, two broken ribs, a broken arm and leg, rope burns around his neck, and yet the boy held on, stubbornly clutching a blood spattered revolver and refusing to die. He was lucky enough that his savior happened to know a thing or two about stitching a body together. Two weeks and too much awful tea later and he was able to change his own bandages and feed himself. Two months and he was back on his feet, practicing with that revolver constantly. The sheriff came by to complain about the kid’s constant target practice but the kid just gave him a look and went back to practice.

He worked for the veterinarian while he finished his recovery and never told Meng what had happened to put him in such a sorry state. Ol’Meng was not the sort to save a man’s life lightly and the kid seemed intent on throwing his life away on whatever bandits or troublemakers he could find. He might not know the kid’s story but he was wise enough to guess and for whatever reason he stuck by the boy and tried to keep him from heading down the very same road that turned men to senseless violence and leaving innocent kids as unlucky corpses in the scrublands.

When the word went out for hands to hunt down the dangerous Judd-Matlock Gang, the kid volunteered right away. Whether Meng comes along is up to the enigmatic foreigner but it was obvious that there was driving force behind the kid’s actions, a terrible engine that awoke when he was left for coyotes. Someone needs to point it in the right direction.

Mokshus and I are linking our character's backstories. I would personally like to see a third player in the game too.

GM DSP wrote:
Because Memorial Day is coming up and people are generally out and about, I MAY extend applications through Monday evening.

Oh sure, MEMORIAL DAY gets special consideration, but those of us who celebrate Victoria Day are left in the lurch, is that it? Why is our celebration of the birthday of a long dead British monarch any less important just because it's sort of pointless? It's tradition! Changing it now would hurt too many people's feelings.

Anyway I just want to register my SHOCK and DIGUST at all this anti-Canadian sentiment around here. You can't see it, but I was just making a judgmental hand motion towards the screen.

Shadow Lodge

Not sure if kidding...go away troll.

Meng Ren Rui:

Savage, Urban barbarian 3/ Martial Artist Monk 3 gestalt

Str 16
Dex 13
Con 16
Int 07
Cha 07
Wis 18

Hp: 35
Bab: +3
CMD: 17 (19 v. grapple)
CMB: +6 (+8 to grapple)
AC: 17 (10+ 1dex+ 4wis+ 2dodge(feat, archetype))
Init: +5

0 Improved Unarmed Strike
1 (monk) Dodge
1 Fast Crawl
1 Improved Initiative
2 (monk) Improved Grapple
3 Mantis Style

Heal (3 ranks)
Handle animal ( c, 3 ranks)
knowledge (history)(c, 3 ranks)
Perception (c, 1 rank)
Sense Motive (c, 1 rank)
Linguistics (1 rank)

Physical description:

Meng Ren Rui stands 5' 4" with a long black braid neatly tied going down his back. His light frame is very sturdily built. His inexpensive clothes are well worn and conservative.


Training kit (beast) 15gp
Veterinarian's kit (2) 50gp
Midwife's kit 10gp
Healer's kit (2) 100gp
Antidote Kit 100 gp
surgeon's Tools 20gp
MW manacles (3) 150 gp
chain (20ft) 60gp
average lock (3) 120 gp
Silk rope (50ft) 10gp
lantern, waterproof 15gp
5 pints oil 20 gp
Lots of tea 5gp
Mule 8gp

essentially non magical odds and ends, blanket, food, etc.

Story So Far:

Meng Ren Rui immigrated to America ten years ago. Fleeing the repercussions of the Taiping Rebellion, Meng finds himself meeting another wave of pilgrims recovering from their own civil war, and Meng cannot help but find humor in the irony of it all.

Having been swept up in the clamor of war, Meng Ren Rui developed a latent talent for medicine. His time spent caring for the wounded turned him against the destructive ways of war, and he set out to find peace with the world in the far off continent of America.

Traveling with the Railway construction gangs as a doctor of all animals, he eventually settled into a nice town and established a practice as a veterinarian, there being plenty of sick cattle and horses, and he is still called upon for human treatment by those who know him. There is trouble sometimes from the more ignorant folks, but even they can't argue with his results.

Shortly after Meng Ren Rui arrived in the town, while he was prospecting where to build his hut he discovered a tall boy whom Meng was very sure was dead. Halfway into covering the young man with stones the kid cried out, suddenly. Immediately setting to work on his injuries, the kid made a rapid recovery for reasons that Meng has learned are sometimes more to the patient than the caretaker. They have been easy friends ever since.

The Judd-Matlock Gang barely merited Meng Ren Rui's attention until a few months ago, when what were passing inconveniences became murderous raids as the crew began targeting the town directly. While he swore he would never take a life again, he readily volunteered to be deputized after his surrogate brother without bothering to try and dissuade him. They never spoke about the bloody ways that they came to meet. Meng Ren Rui had been trying to ignore the sensation that there was still peace to be made with those pasts, but there was no denying the determination in the Kid's conviction. And hell to it all if he was letting him go alone.

Meng Ren Rui packed his mule with all that he could carry comfortably and set out into the desert and last known direction of the Judd-Matlocks. Meng has seen blood and battle and war and death, but he came to be where he is to find a path that leads to healthier ends, and he won't abandon his quest lightly...

Is the ranger archetype trapper allowed, so long as the traps I choose are EX only?

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