Rev DM |

All the people in the plaza, with the exception of the old man shimmer as they change shape. Immensely tall humanoid figures of silvery radiance, their mouthless faces turn to the intruders.
The tallest and most imposing of them (AA) bears a quarterstaff and speaks. "Leave here now. I shall not ask twice."
The old man squawks and hustles towards a grating as the angels wait impassively for the group's response.

Thom Verikal |

Thom walks over to Raya seeing the look of frustration n her face. "Yeah, Raya I think you are right there....and I think we ALL know what things he knows are." He gestures at the lead angel. "You don't extract a vow from a Host of angels AND set them to watch over him for something trivial." He sighs, rubbing his temples. "I think we should do as they say...for now. We can return later." This last remark is directed more at Ruinblade than Raya.

Rev DM |

A furtive look crosses the old man's face as the discussion continues. Mad he may be, but he has enough residual sense to spot a distraction when he sees one.
Stuffing the sugar lump into his mouth, he stamps on the grating and vanishes.
The lead angel's head snaps around.
"LEAVE. Else we must take you for enemies sent to distract us from our task."

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

James carefully removes his dark glasses putting them in his top pocket; "Of course not, you never reveal your purpose, just keep us fools hanging." his tone sardonic and full of scorn. "We might leave; but know you this - that the task before me will be completed. I don't need the aid of some futile host. Evil will be defeated, despite the help of your graciousness."
"He will not be raised even if you're ineptitude wills him to be." he turns his back upon the beings, a slow tear rolls down his face at the words remembering those that Angels chose not to be. "I renounce thee, though these are my words not my friends and they should not be punished for it. Goodbye." He moves slowly away.
Sorry, guys. James isn't trying to provoke them just give them a piece of his mind.
Religion 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23 - are these 'Angels'?

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Raya scowls as the team reassembles, "I can only assume, but if they are to follow him as watchers, then how will we get past them. It is as they knew..." She pauses, "What did they recognize? Ruinblade?" She whispers the name. "If we were to have entered as pedestrians, perhaps it would not have been so difficult, yet if combat did occur then, being sans armor would be more difficult as well."
Anything from that Insight roll to help figure out how they recognized us?

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

James shakes his head; "They see too much yet perceive not. That which is happening now, is't not what they prevent. Maybe in a centuary or five, he that we would prevent from rising would stop a greater evil. Thus they care not for the present but for all time, which to those that are immortal be'st the same." his archaic words torn from learning and desperate experience. A sleeved hand roughly dashes away the tears, defying anyone to say anything.
Throatilly he continues; "Our man is a prophet - they seek to keep uncontaminated by reality, they keep him bound, hopelessly insane."

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

James gently, hesistantly taps her reassuringly on the shoulder. "No, it just shows your trusting nature. Which does you credit."
"Now, who saw which way he went, we can cut him off and lure him away. I have some sweeties we can lure him." he replies trying not to be too creepy.
Darn, now James is the child catcher! :P

Thom Verikal |

Thom shakes his head. "No James, he vanished from sight which tells me he activated a portal. Sooo that means he could be anywhere by now. If we can determine how to activate the portal, then we can follow him but otherwise..." his voice trails off, a look of frustration on his face, unusual for him to say the least.

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

With a nod of his head. "I defer to your expertise, Wizard Thom. Your knowledge of these matters is greater than mine, I was busy on this gummy sweet."
James looks over his shoulder; "We wish to stop the Ancient One from returning to power. Your Oaths mean that we shall not pass? What words are such that we may follow our friend?"

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

James smirks slightly, there is a hint of uncertainty in his poise; "I never told you to violate your Oaths, and your blades will not violate me."
'Flesh is transcendent, flesh is transitory.' he thinks preparing himself for the potential of action.
Initiative 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

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Ragleblarg. I was leaving....oh I see it was James' fault.
Already several steps towards leaving the plaza, her thoughts plagued her. So much so that she did not notice who was had not left as well.
"No...No!" She returns to her compatriots, her pennant fluttering. Her gaze turns sour to James immediately, "The decision was already made, you damn fool. All you do now is shed needless blood. How...how DARE you force my hand into this!" Her scowl is both filled with frustration and fury, her hard gaze turns to the angels, "No one dies here today, not a one. Do I make myself clear?"
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Rev DM |

As far as they're concerned, you've been standing around questioning their motives and chatting when they told you to leave. You can still do that, but you'll have to contend with some angelic tough stuff en route.
Added in Arishat's +5 to init for you call and took the liberty of rolling Lanthair, Arishat and Barel (with mixed results).
Angel of Supremacy 1 (S1)
Angel of Supremacy 2 (S2)
Angel of Authority (AA)
Angels of Light (A1-9)

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

James shakes his head; "I force you to do nothing, we can leave. If he has left through a portal, then we must either give up on him, find an alternate route or negotiate with these beings."
He turns to the creatures; "Angellic Host, they do not wish to offend."
Sorry guys, wasn't trying to start a fight. As you say we can still leave, but Vecna has his Angels too.... To identify them; maybe we use scriptures?

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I had a pretty good religion roll earlier that didn't tell me too much, I doubt there's more to learn here. Don't get me wrong, i have nothing against doing this encounter 'properly' especially since I didn't know angels could be servants of darker gods, I guess it goes with the 'radiant energy is divine no matter the alignment' concept.
With Arishat's bonus, Inish is 26

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

Thing is if we have to go through the portal(?) that he took then we might have to use the same location & thus fight the Angels or go back to the Tiefling at the smoke house & see if she can make us follow him. But it's just possible that we walk away, find out we have to go past the angels after IRL weeks of futile investigation. Fortunately James' Initiative is rubbish so he will follows everyones lead.
James winces at the Host's numbers. (Which are awesome for Dark Warlocks.)

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A furtive look crosses the old man's face as the discussion continues. Mad he may be, but he has enough residual sense to spot a distraction when he sees one.
Stuffing the sugar lump into his mouth, he stamps on the grating and vanishes.
He went into the sewer system, taking our arrival as a distraction, I'm guessing.

Thom Verikal |

Thom grunts and then twirls his staff in an arc. Well if these angels want a fight, well they got one now... As the staff finishes its arc a hulking elemental of stone and living thunder answers his summons with a sound akin to cracking rock and rumbling thunder.
Minor: Use Foe Stone on Angel of Authority.
Minor: Summon Stormstone Fury
A hulking elemental of stone and living thunder answers your summons with a sound akin to cracking rock and rumbling thunder.
Effect: You summon a Medium stormstone fury in an unoccupied space within range. Square M13
You can give the stormstone fury the following special commands.
Standard: Command it to attack: Area burst 2 within 10 Square K18; targets each creature in burst; Intelligence +19 vs. Reflex;
Target AA 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (16) + 19 = 35
Target A3 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (14) + 19 = 33
Target A4 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (14) + 19 = 33
Damage 1d12 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18 thunder damage. A target in the origin square of the burst takes 2d8 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9 extra damage if hit.
NOTE: +3 to damage if you hit two or more creatures (Destructive Wizardry feat)
Clever Control 2d6 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9 damage with close or area attacks target 2 or more creatures, and only hit one.

Rev DM |

Thom conjures another of his seemingly endless menagerie of otherworldly helpers and sends a thunderous blast echoing around the plaza.
The Angel of Authority reels slightly and the two lesser angels flicker and disappear before reappearing again, restored by their superior's divine power.
Angels of Light within 8 squares of Angel of Authority are restored to full health if they die.
Angel of Supremacy 1 (S1)
Angel of Supremacy 2 (S2)
Angel of Authority (AA)

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

"A dead creature cannot be returned to life whilst the soul is captured."
So this could be an encounter breaking way of stopping the 'Angels of Light'. I am fine with not using it; roleplaying-wise I was going to follow Raya's instructions of not killing anyone. And equally it might not work because of the nature of the creatures.
Alternatively this could be very strange with a warlock & the curse. Do I have to re-curse a creature when it dies & comes back to life - because my Darkspiral Aura, no matter what, will be interesting this encounter.
Anyway what do you think?

Rev DM |

That said, let's try it as written for this encounter and decide if it's too much of a game breaker. If James kills an Angel of Light, it stays gone.
If we went with the first (i.e. the thing doesn't work on immortals), then yes, you'd have to recurse each time and your Darkspiral would reach epic proportions. As a player of two dark warlocks, I share you happiness with that one :D
Sound reasonable?

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

Fluff-wise, I was thinking of theming it as the diamonds purifying the souls. Or at least that's what James believes.

Rev DM |

Arishat is up (in case it gets lost in the thread).

Arishat |

"I don't think they're giving us much choice about fighting them, Raya. All we wanted was to talk to the old guy, and that was made very plain to them. If they won't be reasonable about it, then we don't have much choice but to defend ourselves." Arishat moves forward, and tries to pick a weak spot on the talkative angel.
Move to M19
Lead the Attack, targeting AA 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (1) + 21 = 22 vs AC, 3d10 + 10 ⇒ (6, 3, 6) + 10 = 25 damage ; effect: on a hit, teomnt allies gain a +5 bonus to hit the target; on a miss, teomnt allies get +1 to hit the target.

Rev DM |

Arishat moves to sort out the Angel of Authority, but the divine being is more than equal to her attack. Even so, her purposeful movement urges her companions on.
Angels of Light within 8 squares of Angel of Authority are restored to full health if they die.
To end Arishat's next turn, everyone gets +1 to hit AA.
Angel of Supremacy 1 (S1)
Angel of Supremacy 2 (S2)
Angel of Authority (AA)

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Seeing little recourse, Raya rushes forward, slips around Barel, then uses Arishat's distraction to get in close to the 3 angels. With her banner fluttering behind her, she plants it in her square of L19, "Fine then, if we must fight, I will not let you pass me."
With her other hand free, she shifts to wield her two handed blade properly now.
"Not the way I wanted to test your strength, Ruinblade..."
Move to L19, which I can do without an OA from A3.
Standard: Plant the Battle Standard of the Hungry Blade
Power (Encounter * Zone) Standard Action. When you plant this battle standard in your space or an adjacent square, it creates a zone in a close burst 3. Enemies within the zone when it is created or within the zone at the start of your turn are pulled 2 squares toward the battle standard and slowed until the start of your next turn.The zone lasts until the end of the encounter or until the battle standard is removed from the ground. Any character in or adjacent to the battle standard’s square can remove it from the ground as a standard action. If an enemy attempts to remove the standard, it provokes opportunity attacks from you and your allies.
Minor: Divine Challenge AA

Rev DM |

Raya's pennant flutters bravely as she gathers the attention of the Angel of Authority. As she draws Ruinblade, the angel registers what it is. Ruinblade itself is enchanted to be free once more.
"At last we are behaving appropriately. What are these beings?"
The question is partially answered as the angels of supremacy draw closer extending their spears. S1 advances on Thom and attacks.
Angels of Supremacy have threatening reach 3
1d20+19 (AC)=35 - S1 v Thom. Hits. 1d10+6=9 untyped plus 1d6=5 radiant
14 damage to Thom (5 radiant)
Angels of Light within 8 squares of Angel of Authority are restored to full health if they die.
Angels of Supremacy have threatening reach 3
To end Arishat's next turn, everyone gets +1 to hit AA.
Angel of Authority (AA) - DC by Raya
Angel of Supremacy 1 (S1)
Angel of Supremacy 2 (S2)

Lanthair |

Lanthair leaps over the battle to come down behind the Angel of Authority, striking at it with a swift kick.
Ring the Golden Bell. Jump to K17.
Vs AA: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (7) + 20 = 27 vs Reflex.
Vs A4 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (5) + 19 = 24 vs Reflex.
4d6 + 17 ⇒ (3, 4, 5, 5) + 17 = 34 damage.
(Only 4d6+9 on A4.)
On a hit, target is dazed (SE). On a miss, half damage and dazed to EOMNT.

Sir James Durham-Fairfax |

The flurry of movement and action going on all about him and James bows his head. Focussing his attention on the Angels before him, his eyes seem to mist over. He leaps forward grasping his cane as it shimmers with a dark light; driving forward paralell to the front his form wrapt in shadows.
He whispers to the Angels as he connects with their life-force his words resonanting; "Our lives are entwinned, to harm me is to hurt yourself."
As his curse weights down upon them, James raies his staff, dark light reflecting over his dark suit.
Move Action: to N18 - Concealment Gained
Minor Action: Curse AA & A4
Standard Action: Spiteful Glamour Vs A4 (Will) - 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (4) + 21 = 25; Damage 1d12 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22(Psychic) + Curse 2d6 ⇒ (2, 6) = 8(untyped) + Curse 1d6 ⇒ 5 (Necrotic)
Darkspiral Aura: 0

Rev DM |

Lanthair leaps and kicks like a mule, but can't quite get past either angel. A4 flickers and reappears once more, it's resurgence seeming to bolster the Angel of Authority.
James's attack is just enough to take out the dazed angel (unless you already added in the CA for the attack, in which case it isn't). The diamonds around his head flicker slightly as the angelic life-force is absorbed into the gems.
The Angel of Authority exerts itself, opening glassy wings and sending a barrage of divine power into the clustered group.
Majestic Rally (Will) - rechargeable. Close burst 6. On hit target is weakened (se). Miss half damage and no weaken.
Targets Lanthair, James, Arishat, Raya, Thom, Barel
1d20+19=23 v Lanthair. Miss.
1d20+17=36 v James. Hits.
1d20+19=26 v Arishat. Miss.
1d20+19=37 v Raya. Hits.
1d20+19=24 v Thom. Miss.
1d20+19=35 v Barel. Hits.
9 damage to Lanthair, Arishat and Thom
18 damage to James, Raya and Barel and all three are weakened (se)
Angels of Light within 8 squares of Angel of Authority are restored to full health if they die.
Angels of Supremacy have threatening reach 3
To end Arishat's next turn, everyone gets +1 to hit AA.
Barel - weakened (se)
Raya - weakened (se)
Angel of Supremacy 1 (S1)
Angel of Supremacy 2 (S2)
James - DSA1; concealment; weakened (se)
Angel of Authority (AA) - DC by Raya; cursed by James; dazed to end Lanthair's next turn

Barel Dlode |

Barel moves directly towards the Angel, becomes a stony-faced bastard, and attempts to swing (somewhat)mightily at it.
MOVE: completed on Map
MINOR--Form of the Crushing Mountain (+3 AC, adjacent enemies cannot shift and costs 1 extra square of movement to leave squares adjacent to me)
Standard--weight of the earth--1d20 + 21 ⇒ (16) + 21 = 37 vs AA's AC.
On hit: 1d10 + 13 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 13 + 9 = 30 (but half the damage due to weakened).