Tomb of Horrors (4e) - Group 2, Part 2

Game Master Rev Rosey

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Thom sighs, More of the same, it looks like.

He moves to the front of the group, and stretches his arcane senses for any unusual magical auras.

Arcane 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (9) + 22 = 31

Thom recognises the materials on the table as those needed for the proper mummification of a body. He also notes that the process on the slumped corpse is incomplete - an act of heretical disrespect in most faiths.


Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

"You've seen these before?" Lanthair asks warily.

"Yeah, this looks like an incomplete mummification ritual. Not a good sign if you ask me."

Just a quick heads up. Zerombr is planning to join you shortly. He may well post over on the discussion thread, which for convenience, is linked here.

The companions gaze over Thom's shoulder as the wizard makes his ominous announcement.


The silence in the room is broken only by the uneasy breath of the comrades. For now.

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

I cannot see the map, so i am going to creep forward to give a quick look at the first mummy i can get too
1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30+6 if trapped

Lynore catiously moves up to examine more closely.

Lynore creeps into the chamber and cannot help noticing that the slumped mummy seems to be moving. Those on the sarcophagi remain still for now.

Tavar seems particularly disturbed by them. "An affront to the Raven Queen," he says distantly.

Raya Iatos:
Your order sent you to Skull City to investigate rumours of a recent cataclysm and increasing numbers of undead. Falling in with the Skullbreakers, their fear of exploring further has been frustrating and you were on the verge of investigating on your own, foolish as that might seem. Now Ioun seems to have sent guidance. The recently arrived adventurers offer an umissable opportunity for you to follow them and that is exactly what you have done. Njall, the Skullbreaker leader would not join you, but has put no barrier in your way, but the other Skullbreakers muttered about betrayal as the adventurers left, so you have chosen to follow them covertly. The trail has been easy to follow so far and you can here the adventurers ahead of you, starting to explore a chamber. You also hear the cleric of the Raven Queen's voice sounding extremely disturbed. "An affront to the Raven Queen."


Mummy 1

Silver Crusade

Female Human 18 Paladin/Heartwarder

'Fortune lives on the edge of the blade, it is said.'

Guardian Iatos considers her floating lantern for a moment, 'Not worth it to dim the light. The fiends here don't need light, and I can't afford to be caught unaware.' She frowns as she approaches softly, but by no means stealthily. Stealth1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

With her two left feet blissfully working in unison for once, Raya checks her immediate surroundings before approaching the group, her lantern following suit.

'Ah. But now I wonder, for what purpose do these few tread this dark ground...'

'Stop over thinking things, they're slaying these creatures, for whatever purpose, it can't be all bad.'

She shakes her head, 'Right. Trust in instincts, not in conjecture.' Taking a deep breath, she grips her shield tighter, before speaking up softly, "Adventurers, hail..." She raises her hand in acknowledgement, "The Skullbreakers mentioned a group had passed through. I am lucky to see I have crossed paths."

Use passive insight of 27 to help get a feel for the party's motives.

The paladin generally wears a most mundane set of clothes, conflicting with her wargear. Her hair is dark brown, bordering on black, with small sparkling trinkets set into it, usually with chimes and such, though those are missing for the moment.

Thom notices the mummy start to move and says quietly, ”Guys, I think we got -–“

The melodic voice echoing around him stops his voice in midsentence. I didn’t think that mummy was a female… As he turns around and sees the female, a paladin if he did not miss his guess, he is struck by her beauty and grace.

Yeah, she could give Lureene a run for her money…

”It is nice to meet you, I am Thom Verikal. I would get into more formal instructions, but the natives are restless, he he.”

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

shift to F13
Assassin's shroud 1, 2 and 3(killer's insight, soul shard) on m1 and invoking both 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 2, 6) + 6 = 19 does 2d6+6 on miss
Shadow darts at M1 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (17) + 19 = 36 vs ref
1d20 + 19 ⇒ (11) + 19 = 30 vs ref
1d20 + 19 ⇒ (18) + 19 = 37 vs ref
If any of them hit, resolve them as a single hit, and all of them must miss for the attack to miss. 1d8+4 cold damage per attack roll that hits, +5 if not adjacent to an enemy, looks like 3 have a good chance of hitting
3d8 + 12 + 5 + 3 ⇒ (5, 5, 6) + 12 + 5 + 3 = 36

Lynore steps back to have the wall against her back and throws out a fan of shadowy darts at the mummy.

Silver Crusade

Female Human 18 Paladin/Heartwarder

are we rolling initiative? I mean I know Raya distracted Thom, and we'll say she barely got out part of her sentence before things get hairy.

if so, not counting Arishat's bonus to Init yet, since she doesn't know me from Eve.

Initiative: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Male Dwarf Warden/16
Guardian Iatos wrote:
are we rolling initiative?

we have taken to letting RevDM roll initiative for our a time saving device. It seems to help keep us moving along at a good pace (although it has slowed some recently, but I will do my part to fix that).

As the newcomer rounds the corner, hand raised in greeting, she sees a blur of movement from the chamber beyond. The actual cause is invisible, but a bandaged figure is rising and starting to move. Before it can get far, shadowy darts appear from nowhere, impaling it and exposing dessicated flesh.

Lynore, that looks like 55 damage to M1.

Raya looks over the heads of the adventurers and manages little more than a brief exchange of words before battle is joined. There is no doubt in her mind that the group are on the side of the angels. The sense of comradeship and expert readying of weapons tell her that this party know each others tactics and talents extremely well.

Speaking of which, I need an Arcana or Religion check from someone.


Mummy 1

Silver Crusade

Female Human 18 Paladin/Heartwarder

Right, that speeds things up.

Raya interrupts herself even as Lynore reacts with blinding speed, "Look out!"

Religion: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24

Thom turns his attention away from the enchanting beauty, and back towards the not-so-enchanting undead mummy. His arcane knowledge tells him much of the creature.

Arcane 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (9) + 20 = 29

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

The stoic halfling leaps into battle, a whirl of fists and feet.

Storm's Wake movement technique to I13, avoiding OAs.

Storm's Wake on M1. 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31 vs Reflex. 2d10 + 15 ⇒ (7, 2) + 15 = 24 damage to M1 and another 6 damage to M2. M1 is pushed to square M10 and M2 is pushed to G17.

I have +1 to AC to EOMNT.

There is another blur of movement in the chamber as Lanthair hurtles forward, fists and feet flying as he attempts to demolish the mummy before it can attack. So great is the force of his attack that the reprecussions are felt by M2 as well.

Both Raya and Thom have a moment of understanding. If they can complete the mummification process on any of the desecrated corpses, they can be prevented from rising.


Mummy 1
Lanthair - +1AC to end next turn

Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
4 before 3
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

Don't forget the forced movement from my attack.

In the aftermath of Lanthair's attack, M2 slides off the sarcophagus and onto the floor.

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

Arishat moves closer to the mummies, while trying to keep a central position. "Go on, then, Lanthair, give him another."

Move to H12
Commander's Strike, Lanthair against M1, 1d20 + 19 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 19 + 2 = 25 vs AC, 1d8 + 6 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 6 + 7 = 18 damage

Arishat pushes into the room, tail swishing as she urges Lanthair on once more. Hit by the aura of despair surrounding the desecrated creatures she can do nothing to help. To her horror, the second Mummy moans and starts to move.

Mummy 1 raises rotting arms and watches as some of the broken skin heals over before slamming into Lanthair and narrowly missing the halfling.

Rotting Slam (AC). On hit the target is marked to the end of the Mummy's next turn. On crit, target contracts Mummy Rot. Mummys have a +2 attack bonus and does 1d6 extra damage against the last enemy to damage it and against any marked enemy.
1d20+24=30 v Lanthair. Misses.

From the corridor, you all hear Tavar's despairing voice. "I cannot help you here. This is too close to one of my lives. I have remembered it all ..." The deva retreats to the disassemled shrine brushing apologetically past Raya. "I have been one of these sad creatures," he explains briefly. "I cannot fight them."


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Lynore - -2 to hit Mummy 2
Lanthair - +1AC to end next turn
Arishat - -2 to hit Mummy 1 and Mummy 2
Mummy 1
Mummy 2

Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
4 before 3
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Male Dwarf Warden/16

Barel, always blunt and to the point (with his hammer), moves into the tomb and wallops the wounded mummy again.

MOVE: to I11.
STANDARD: Rough Strike: (9)+20=29
On hit: (4,6)+19 =29 damage and he is slowed UEMNT.

Thom grimaces at battle erupts around him. He looks back to the beautiful paladin and waves her to him, "Hey...umm..." he then realizes she never did announce her name. OK, this is awkward..., "Uhh Beautiful, can you give me a hand here? We gotta put these mummies to rest!"

Move to G7
Skill checks:
Arcana 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (17) + 22 = 39
History 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (14) + 18 = 32
Religion 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (11) + 18 = 29

1. You are in so much trouble next time you summon Lureene ...
2. Each of those checks is a standard action. You can keep the rolls and use them on your turns, of course.

Barel thumps past Arishat and tries to smack M1 into the floor, but is overwhelmed by the aura of despair emanating from the deadly but somehow pathetic creature.

Thom darts towards the prone body of M6 pausing only to grab a handful of herbs and bandages before offering a unique introduction to the world of adventuring to Raya.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Lynore - -2 to hit Mummy 2
Lanthair - +1AC to end next turn
Arishat - -2 to hit Mummy 1 and Mummy 2
Mummy 1
Mummy 2
Barel - -2 to hits Mummy 1 and Mummy 2

Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
1 success/0 failures (4 before 3 per mummy)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Roger that on the skill checks, he will continue the ritual using the appropriate skills unless something comes up. BTW...what do you expect from a guy with an 8 CHA? Yeah and Thom also knows he is in DEEP DOODOO with Lureene....succubi don't like to share, he he.

Thom doesn't think of himself as "the guy with low charisma". His world view is very different - "I'm the guy with the cool succubus girlfriend and I'm a playah..."

Just noting that Raya is up, in case it gets lost. I know you're moving house, so this isn't a nag.

Silver Crusade

Female Human 18 Paladin/Heartwarder

I'm here, give me a few, net's not back up at the house yet

Okay completing the ritual will probably be a standard action, and since I can't get there in one move...

Raya charges forward to I12, her shield held tightly before her. "Get behind me!" She calls out as she attacks M1.

Ardent Strike
so 21 +1 for charge - 2 for aura 1d20 + 21 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 21 + 1 - 2 = 24
radiant damage 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

With a stern look, she warns M1 of retribution, then acknowledges Thom, "Right."

Looks like a miss, so no DS
Times 2 edit combo:

Raya narrows her eyes at the mummy, intent on keeping its focus, threatening the mummy with divine retribution.

Minor: Divine Challenge M1 - 15 Radiant Damage

Raya plunges out of the corridor to join battle with the mummy, but the overwhelming despair surrounding the creatures affects her overmuch.

All checks in a skill challenge tend to be standard actions.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Lynore - -2 to hit Mummy 2
Lanthair - +1AC to end next turn
Arishat - -2 to hit Mummy 1 and Mummy 2
Mummy 1 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 2
Barel - -2 to hits Mummy 1 and Mummy 2
Raya - -2 to hit Mummy 1 and Mummy 2

Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
1 success/0 failures (4 before 3 per mummy)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

Assassin's shroud 1 on M1
Eyebite M1 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33 vs will, 1d6 + 9 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 9 + 5 = 15 psychic damage and i am invisible to M1 until the start of my next turn
move to H11

Lynore sends a streak of shadowy energy at the eyes of the mummy and slips in closer to the group.

Lynore blinks quickly at M1 and as quickly vanishes from the shambling creature's sight, leaving only a telltale trail of shadow in her wake.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Lanthair - +1AC to end next turn
Arishat - -2 to hit Mummy 1 and Mummy 2
Mummy 1 - divinely challenged by Raya; one shroud
Mummy 2
Barel - -2 to hit Mummy 1 and Mummy 2
Thom - -2 to hit M1
Raya - -2 to hit Mummy 1 and Mummy 2
Lynore - -2 to hit Mummy 2; invisible to M1 to start next turn

Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
1 success/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Silver Crusade

Female Human 18 Paladin/Heartwarder

Do all Primary Skills need to be adjacent to the mummies?

Silver Crusade

Female Human 18 Paladin/Heartwarder

If M1 attacks me, I will use my Channel Divinity: Specter's Shield to lower its defenses by 6 UEOMNT, (assuming these things aren't immune to fear.

Raya braces for the attack, raising her shield against the mummy's assault. As she suffers the attack, she ripostes, channelling Ioun's knowledge and heart into the creature, giving it a brief glimpse of selfawareness, causing it to recoil at its own horror.

Raya calls out, "When this one attacks, I'll open up its defenses! Get ready!."

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

Quick query at Rev:
If I use Commander's Strike or something else that grants an attack, does my -2 to hit apply to someone who has 'cleared' the penalty themselves?

Raya - yes, all primary skill checks need to be made adjacent to the appropriate mummy.

Arishat - good question. My gut feeling (with which I will go pending anyone coming up with something conclusive) is that as your granted attacks are rolled using the target's stats rather than your own, if they've cleared the penalty, you don't roll at -2.

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

Lanthair skirts around the mummy and attacks it from behind.

Five Storms movement technique to shift to K12.

Five Storms on M1 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (9) + 19 = 28 vs Reflex. 1d8 + 17 ⇒ (6) + 17 = 23 damage. I have +1 to AC to EOMNT.

Impeded by the bandages falling from M1, the halfling just misses as he darts behind the corpse.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Arishat - -2 to hit Mummy 1 and Mummy 2
Mummy 1 - divinely challenged by Raya; one shroud
Mummy 2
Barel - -2 to hit Mummy 1 and Mummy 2
Thom - -2 to hit M1
Raya - -2 to hit Mummy 1 and Mummy 2
Lynore - -2 to hit Mummy 2; invisible to M1 to start next turn
Lanthair - +1AC to end next turn

Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
1 success/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

Arishat reaches round her new companion and strikes a mesmerising blow at the mummy, before moving away to help Thom.

Deceiver's Ploy, 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (13) + 20 = 33 vs Will against M1, 2d10 + 10 ⇒ (10, 4) + 10 = 24 damage and the target takes -2 to attack rolls teomnt
Move to G8

Arishat jabs elegantly at M1, bloodying it, before joining Thom at the sarcophagus of M6.

M1 regenerates and being unable to get to Arishat and the ghastly mouth opens, profane words spilling out and targeting many of the party. A winding trail of bandage spins out and wraps itself around the tiefling's feet, pulling her alongside M1 once more.

Mummy's Curse (Will). Close blast 5. On hit, target is weakened (se) and marked (se)
Targets Raya, Barel, Lynore and Arishat.
1d20+21=34 M1 v Raya. Hits.
1d20+21=22 M1 v Barel. Miss.
1d20+16=35 M1 v Lynore. Hits (even though it didn't know it was hitting her)
1d20+21=22 M1 v Arishat. Miss.
Raya and Lynore are both weakened (se) and marked by M1 (se)

Winding Wrap (Ref). Ranged 8 (minor). On hit target is pulled adjacent and immobilised to end M1's next turn
1d20+21=35. M1 v Arishat. Hits.
Arishat moved and immobilised to end M1's next turn.

M2 rises and charges Lanthair, while M3 struggles upright and moves to block in the halfling.

Rotting Slam (AC). On crit, target contracts mummy rot.
1d20+23=37 v Lanthair. Hits. 4d8+10=30
30 necro to Lanthair and he is marked to end M1's next turn


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Barel - -2 to hit Mummy 1 and Mummy 2
Thom - -2 to hit M1
Raya - -2 to hit Mummy 1 and Mummy 2; weakened (se); marked by M1 (se)
Lynore - -2 to hit Mummy 2; invisible to M1 to start next turn; weakened (se); marked by M1 (se)
Lanthair - +1AC to end next turn; marked to end M1's next turn
Arishat - -2 to hit Mummy 1 and Mummy 2; immobilised to end M1's next turn
Mummy 1 - BLOODIED; divinely challenged by Raya; one shroud
Mummy 2
Mummy 3

Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
1 success/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

"Lanthair, strike now!"

Immediate Reaction, Blade Burst Trap/ Immediate Reaction; close Burst 5; target, one ally adjacent to the triggering enemy; trigger, an enemy in the burst hits you or an ally with an attack; effect: the target makes a melee basic attack as a free action against each adjacent enemy with a +2 bonus to hit and damage- if the attack hits, the enemy is also dazed until the end of the target's next turn.
Lanthair can attack all adjacent mummies
vs M1 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (19) + 23 = 42 vs AC - with CA
vs M2 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (14) + 21 = 35 vs AC
vs M3 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (17) + 19 = 36 vs AC - because he hasn't yet hit this one
1d8 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 damage

Lanthair's fist lash out instinctively at Arishat's command, hitting all his foes.

Male Dwarf Warden/16

Barel sidesteps to center himself among all the mummies. He then calls on the power of the earth to become more tree-like, before pounding his hammer heavily into the stone at his feet.

MOVE: to I9.
MINOR: Form of Oak Sentinel (my melee reach increases by 1 square, and any enemy that hits me with a melee attack takes 6 damage, and +2 Will while in guardian form (from hammer)).
STANDARD: Shake the Earth (Close burst 4) vs FORT(on each enemy in burst) (solid obstacles do not block line of effect).
M1: (18)+21= 39 VS Fort
M2: (8) = 29
M3: (19)= 40
M4: (7) = 28
M5: (9) = 30
M6: (5) = 26

on Hit: 23 points of Thunder damage and slide 4 squares if burrowing, but I don't think these are burrowing ;)

They've got enough problems without trying to burrow :)

Barel takes his usual direct approach and tries to shake the mummys off their sarcophagi. M1 and M3 suffer somewhat, but the remainder are unaffected. Even partial embalmment has toughened them considerably.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Thom - -2 to hit M5 and M6
Raya - -2 to hit Mummy 1 and Mummy 2; weakened (se); marked by M1 (se)
Lynore - -2 to hit Mummy 2, M3; invisible to M1 to start next turn; weakened (se); marked by M1 (se)
Lanthair - +1AC to end next turn; marked to end M1's next turn
Arishat - -2 to hit Mummy 1, Mummy 2, M3 and M6; immobilised to end M1's next turn
Mummy 1 - BLOODIED; divinely challenged by Raya; one shroud
Mummy 2
Mummy 3
Barel - -2 to hit Mummy 2, Mummy 4, Mummy 5 and Mummy 6; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form

Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
1 1 success/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Thom will continue the ritual. Please use the roll from earlier, the History roll is a total of 32

Unwontedly serious, Thom delves into his capacious ragbag of knowledge and remembers enough about the ancient process to continue with the quieting of M6.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Raya - -2 to hit Mummy 1 and Mummy 2; weakened (se); marked by M1 (se)
Lynore - -2 to hit Mummy 2, M3; invisible to M1 to start next turn; weakened (se); marked by M1 (se)
Lanthair - +1AC to end next turn; marked to end M1's next turn
Arishat - -2 to hit Mummy 1, Mummy 2, M3 and M6; immobilised to end M1's next turn
Mummy 1 - BLOODIED; divinely challenged by Raya; one shroud
Mummy 2
Mummy 3
Barel - -2 to hit Mummy 2, Mummy 4, Mummy 5 and Mummy 6; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form
Thom - -2 to hit M5 and M6

Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
2 successes/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Silver Crusade

Female Human 18 Paladin/Heartwarder

I had an interrupt set for being attacked, but since it didn't do any damage, I'm good with it not going off. One of the joys of having limited access. Should be fully back up on Tuesday, by the way.

Surprised by the sudden gout of lightning, Raya takes a brief moment to look about, surveying the room for the first time

"Lot more of them than I one is hurt too badly yet...good...keep it up."

"Right so....Are you thinking, we kill these three..." She motions to the ones before her, "and try to finish the ritual on those other ones?"

"Have to keep their attention, the halfling's in a horrible place right now..."

Raya raises her luminous blade, firmly set to keep all the nearby mummies' attention on her.

Valorous Smite on M1 1d20 + 21 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 21 - 2 + 2 = 35 Damage 2d8 + 9 ⇒ (7, 7) + 9 = 23
Weakened so 11 radiant damage

If it hits M1,M2 and M3 are marked by Divine Sanction - penalty of 15 Radiant Damage

Save vs weakness 1d20 ⇒ 16
Save vs mark 1d20 ⇒ 20

Raya shrugs off her disabling effects, giving inspiration to the party.

All party members gain +6 to saves UBOMNT, the very next party member gets +10 to their next save

If Lanithar gets attacked in his current position, I will use my encounter power Guardian's Counter to switch place with him (since he's within 2 squares) then I get a MBA on the mummy who was attacking.

Virtuous Strike
1d20 + 19 ⇒ (11) + 19 = 30 damage 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15 radiant damage

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker
Rev DM wrote:

M2 rises and charges Lanthair, while M3 struggles upright and moves to block in the halfling.

Rotting Slam (AC). On crit, target contracts mummy rot.
1d20+23=37 v Lanthair. Hits. 4d8+10=30
30 necro to Lanthair and he is marked to end M1's next turn

Lanthair's disciplined resilience resists some of the attack.

Iron Dragon Defense. Damage reduced by 14.

Raya - apologies. I completely missed your readied action which is absolutely my fault. Glad to hear your access and life are getting back to normal. Moving is frankly horrible.

Even surrounded by rotting corpses, Lanthair manages to deflect some of the damage with his finely honed battle sense. No sooner has he done so, than Raya's blade explodes with divine light as she draws the attention of all three walking dead firmly to herself, almost casually brushing aside the effects of the curse.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Lynore - -2 to hit Mummy 2, M3; invisible to M1 to start next turn; weakened (se); marked by M1 (se)
Lanthair - +1AC to end next turn; marked to end M1's next turn
Arishat - -2 to hit Mummy 1, Mummy 2, M3 and M6; immobilised to end M1's next turn
Mummy 1 - BLOODIED; divinely challenged by Raya; one shroud
Mummy 2 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya
Barel - -2 to hit Mummy 2, Mummy 4, Mummy 5 and Mummy 6; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form
Thom - -2 to hit M5 and M6
Raya (Readied action in case Lanthair is attacked) - -2 to hit Mummy 2

Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
2 successes/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

Shroud 2 on M1 and invoke them both 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 5) + 6 = 15 does 1d6+3 on miss
Shadow step to J11
Shadow Storm 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (1) + 21 = 22 vs ac, 1d8 + 12 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 12 + 6 = 19
save 1d20 ⇒ 16 vs weakened
save 1d20 ⇒ 20 vs marked
so looks like does 4+3=7/2=3 :)

Lynore disappears and reappears on top of one of the table and strikes at the mummy.

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