Tomb of Horrors (4e) - Group 2, Part 2

Game Master Rev Rosey

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Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

Second Wind
shroud #3 on Spirit 1
+2 to all defenses until the start of my next turn
1d20 ⇒ 14 save

Lynore, don't forget that you gain +4hp for being in Arishat's battle standard zone.

Lynore gathers herself for another assault and shakes off the effects of S1's attack.


Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.

Thom - used second wind
Lanthair - BLOODIED; used second wind
Spirit Wraith 1 - BLOODIED; three shrouds; to end encounter takes 5 damage whenever an enemy deals damage to Lynore (including itself)
Spirit Wraith 2 - BLOODIED; marked by Barel
Spirit Wraith 3
Spirit Wraith 4
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies
Arishat - used AP
Tavar - used AP
Lynore - used AP; +2 all defenses to start next turn (used second wind); +2 next attack against S2

Thom instructs Fluffy to go Sic'em.

Instruct Fluffy to move to M15
Standard action: Close blast 3; targets each creature in blast;
Target S3: Intelligence 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 2) + 6 = 12 fire damage.
Symbiosis: While the summoned hell hound is present, you deal 1d6 extra fire damage with close and area attacks, and each creature that hits you with melee attacks takes 1d6 fire damage.

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18
Rev DM wrote:
Lynore, don't forget that you gain +4hp for being in Arishat's battle standard zone.

If I'm understanding the rule correctly, Arishat and Lanthair also gain the same 4 hit points. I must remember to use this thing more often.

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

Lanthair moves against the more heavily wounded Wraith near Barel, hoping to eliminate one of these opponents before the situation becomes more dire.

Move to U24. Crane's Wings on S2 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (13) + 19 = 32 vs AC. 1d10 + 17 ⇒ (10) + 17 = 27 damage.

I think that's right Arishat. You and Lanthair also gain 4hp.

The tide of battle starts to turn as Fluffy bloodies S3 with a belch of flame and Lanthair finally manages to fell one of the wraiths. All is not over however, as S4 pulls another head from the air. Fluffy and Tavar both come under attack.

Recharge rolls for Exploding Head.
S1 - 1d6=2. No.
S3 - 1d6=2. No.
S4 - 1d6=6. Yes.

S1 v Tavar. Keening Sword (AC). On hit target is marked to end S1's next turn.
1d20+22=31. Hits. 5d8+11=35
35 psychic to Tavar and he is marked by S1 to end S1's next turn.
S3 v Fluffy. Keening Sword (AC). On hit target is marked to end S3's next turn
1d20+22=38. Hits. 5d8+11=36
36 psychic to Fluffy and he is marked to end S3's next turn.
S4 v Tavar. Exploding Head (Fort). On hit target is immobilised and marked (se both)
1d20+20=22 - Miss.


Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.

Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies
Arishat - used AP
Tavar - used AP; marked by S1 to end S1'd next turn
Lynore - used AP; +2 all defenses to start next turn (used second wind); +2 next attack against S2
Thom - used second wind
(Fluffy) - marked by S3 to end S3's next turn
Lanthair - BLOODIED; used second wind
Spirit Wraith 1 - BLOODIED; three shrouds; to end encounter takes 5 damage whenever an enemy deals damage to Lynore (including itself)
Spirit Wraith 3 - BLOODIED
Spirit Wraith 4

Fluffy HP 2/38.

Fluffy howls as the wraith nearly fells him.

Male Dwarf Warden/16

Barel is glad to see that one go, but he notices that now he has to run back over to the other side of the ruins to attack somebody else...damn ale. "I can stand and fight all day long, this running back and forth just gets old!" So he makes his way back towards S4 and then charges it.

Move action to V20.
Standard action: Charge S4 ending in square S16. (7)+20+1=28 VS AC
on hit: (6)+13+3= 22 damage.
Free action: Mark S4.

Barel thunders grumpily towards S4 and misses. The creature hisses as the portable weather system hampers its movements.


Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.

Arishat - used AP
Tavar - used AP; marked by S1 to end S1'd next turn
Lynore - used AP; +2 all defenses to start next turn (used second wind); +2 next attack against S2
Thom - used second wind
(Fluffy) - marked by S3 to end S3's next turn
Lanthair - BLOODIED; used second wind
Spirit Wraith 1 - BLOODIED; three shrouds; to end encounter takes 5 damage whenever an enemy deals damage to Lynore (including itself)
Spirit Wraith 3 - BLOODIED
Spirit Wraith 4 - marked by Barel and in difficult terrain
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

Arishat moves round the wall and catches one of the wraiths in a pincer with Tavar. "Hi. This is my spear. How does it feel sticking in you?"

34/91 hit points; Bloodied
Drink potion of regeneration, for Regeneration 5
Move to N17
Viper's Strike, 1d20 + 20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 20 + 2 = 32 vs AC, 1d10 + 10 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 10 + 5 = 25 damage; effect - if S1 shifts before the start of Arishat's next turn Tavar can make an Opportunity Attack against it.

S1 looks outstanding unhappy as Arishat appears behind it and drives her spear through its body. Like Tavar, she notices the slowly beating heart in the pond behind her. It does not respond to her presence however, and she concludes that Tavar's undead beguilement must be protecting her.


Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.

Tavar - used AP; marked by S1 to end S1's next turn
Lynore - used AP; +2 all defenses to start next turn (used second wind); +2 next attack against S2
Thom - used second wind
(Fluffy) - marked by S3 to end S3's next turn
Lanthair - BLOODIED; used second wind
Spirit Wraith 1 - BLOODIED; three shrouds; to end encounter takes 5 damage whenever an enemy deals damage to Lynore (including itself); Tavar gets OA if it shifts before end Arishat's next turn
Spirit Wraith 3 - BLOODIED
Spirit Wraith 4 - marked by Barel and in difficult terrain
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies
Arishat - BLOODIED; used AP; regen 5 until unbloodied

Bump for Tavar.

Male Deva Cleric lvl 14

Tavar risks being hit as he moves to Q18 and casts Mass cure light wounds.
"The Raven Queens grants health to all who fight for the natural order."

Burst 5, it should cover all in the party, targets regain HPs as if they had spent a healing surge + 4 bonus HP.

OA from S1 as Tavar moves away. On hit Tavar is marked by S1 to end S1's next turn
1d20+22=37. Hits.
5d8+11=22 psychic
22 psychic damage to Tavar and he's marked by S1

Tavar's mind reels as the undead strikes at him, but secure in his purpose, he concentrates on healing his friends.


Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.

Lynore - used AP; used second wind; +2 next attack against S2
Thom - used second wind
(Fluffy) - marked by S3 to end S3's next turn
Lanthair - BLOODIED; used second wind
Spirit Wraith 1 - BLOODIED; three shrouds; to end encounter takes 5 damage whenever an enemy deals damage to Lynore (including itself); Tavar gets OA if it shifts before end Arishat's next turn
Spirit Wraith 3 - BLOODIED
Spirit Wraith 4 - marked by Barel and in difficult terrain
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies
Arishat - BLOODIED; used AP; regen 5 until unbloodied
Tavar - used AP; marked by S1 to end S1's next turn

HP 72/76, Surges 6/8.
Fluffy HP 25/38

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

Thank you! No longer bloodied. HP 61/91.

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

60/91 hit points. Surges 7/9.

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

Move to O17
Assassin Shroud 4 on S1 invoke 4d6 + 12 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 1) + 12 = 21 does 3d6+9 on a miss
Shadow Storm 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (10) + 21 = 31 vs ac, 1d8 + 12 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 12 + 5 + 2 = 23, 44 damage on a hit, 17 damage on a miss

Lynore comes around the corner fully rejuvenated by the clerics mighty power and cuts into the haggard wraith.

Thom points to the wraith and yells, "Sic'em!"

Standard action, Issue command to Fluffy
Effect: Any creature that enters a square adjacent to it or starts its turn there takes 5 fire damage. You can give the hell hound the following special command.
Standard action: Close blast 3; targets each creature in blast;
S3 Intelligence 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2) + 6 = 9 fire damage.

The tide of the battle turns definitively as Lynore fells S1. Still recovering from his narrow escape from obliteration, Fluffy's fiery bark isn't good enough. Even so, the two remaining wraiths are outnumbered and probably outgunned.


Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.

Lanthair - used second wind
Spirit Wraith 3 - BLOODIED
Spirit Wraith 4 - marked by Barel and in difficult terrain
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies
Arishat - used AP; regen 5 until unbloodied
Tavar - used AP; marked by S1 to end S1's next turn
Lynore - used AP; used second wind
Thom - used second wind
(Fluffy) - marked by S3 to end S3's next turn

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

Lanthair rushes around the ruined wall and sends a sling stone after one of the wraiths.

Move to R21. Sling vs S4. 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (20) + 18 = 38 vs AC. 1d6 + 17 ⇒ (3) + 17 = 20 damage.

Crit 3d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 2) = 7 bonus damage plus max damage (23) for 30 total.

Map isn't updating properly, but I've Xed out my misplacement of S4. If it isn't working this evening, I'll re-do it.

Lanthair's innocuous pebble bloodies S4 and both wraiths scream silently. More skulls form in their hands and both back away slightly - S4 offering a tempting opening to Barel in the process.

Exploding Head recharges:
S3 - 1d6=5. Yes.
S4 - 1d6=5. Yes.

Barel gets an OA v S4.

Exploding Head (Fort). Burst 2 within 10. On hit target is immobilised and marked (se both). Miss, half damage and target is marked.
S3 attacks Fluffy, Arishat and Lynore
S4 attacks Barel, Tavar and Lynore
1d20+20=24 - S3 v Fluffy. Hits.
1d20+20=37 - S3 v Arishat. Hits.
1d20+20=35 - S3 v Lynore. Hits.
3d10+7=24 necro
24 necro to Fluffy, Arishat and Lynore. All immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
1d20+20=34 - S4 v Barel. Hits.
1d20+20=23 - S4 v Tavar. Miss (half damage)
1d2+20=35 - S4 v Lynore. Hits.
3d10+7=20 necro
20 necro to Barel and Lynore
10 necro to Tavar
Barel and Lynore immobilised and marked (se both)


Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.

Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Arishat - used AP; regen 5 until unbloodied; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Tavar - used AP; marked by S1 to end S1's next turn; marked by S4 (se)
Lynore - used AP; used second wind; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Thom - used second wind
(Fluffy) - marked by S3 to end S3's next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Lanthair - used second wind
Spirit Wraith 3 - BLOODIED
Spirit Wraith 4 - BLOODIED; marked by Barel and in difficult terrain

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

36/91 hit points; Bloodied again, ho hum. One of those wraiths is going to be very disappointed with my next trick.

Male Dwarf Warden/16

Barel swings his hammer with his distrubingly long arm trying to hit the closest wraith.
melee basic: (8)+20= 28 vs AC for (8)+13+3=24 damage if it hits

Font of Life save: (6)

Despite trying to move closer, Barel is glued in place for now. He reaches out and taps at the wraith's insubstanial noggin!

standard: Weight of Earth--(12)+20=32 vs AC
Hit: (7)+13+3+6=29 damage and it is slowed UEMNT

Barel cannot mark him, but taunts S4 with a childish nursery rhyme, to try to keep its attention on him alone: "You're a tiskar, a taskar, you're a dirty bastar"(d).

finally save versus marked and immobilized: (5), nope

Barel chants and bemuses the wraith long enough to land a solid blow, dispersing more of the unpleasant undead.


Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.

Arishat - used AP; regen 5 until unbloodied; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Tavar - used AP; marked by S1 to end S1's next turn; marked by S4 (se)
Lynore - used AP; used second wind; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Thom - used second wind
(Fluffy) - marked by S3 to end S3's next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Lanthair - used second wind
Spirit Wraith 3 - BLOODIED
Spirit Wraith 4 - BLOODIED; marked by Barel and in difficult terrain; slowed to end Barel's next turn
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

Arishat glares at the skull. "I bet you think I can't reach you. Stupid trick, this." She concentrates for a moment on her spear, and smirks as it extends. She feints at the skull, then tries to spin it with a proper strike.

41/91 hit points; Bloodied, Regeneration 5 while bloodied, marked and immobilised (se)
Minor, Encounter, General's Greatspear, until the end of your next turn your melee reach is extended by 1.
Standard, Deceiever's Ploy, 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (7) + 20 = 27 vs Will, 2d10 + 10 ⇒ (3, 9) + 10 = 22 damage and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls till the end of my next turn
Saving throw 1d20 ⇒ 11

Despite her unexpected extension, Arishat can't quite land a blow on the wraith. Annoyed with herself, she forces her feet free and her glare bodes no good for the now rather daunted undead.


Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.

Tavar - used AP; marked by S1 to end S1's next turn; marked by S4 (se)
Lynore - used AP; used second wind; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Thom - used second wind
(Fluffy) - marked by S3 to end S3's next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Lanthair - used second wind
Spirit Wraith 3 - BLOODIED
Spirit Wraith 4 - BLOODIED; marked by Barel and in difficult terrain; slowed to end Barel's next turn
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Arishat - BLOODIED; used AP; regen 5 until unbloodied; melee reach 3 to end her next turn.

Male Deva Cleric lvl 14

Tavar uses his second wind to keep himself alive.

42/88 HP
6/7 surges
Used AP
Used Second Wind

Tavar breathes deep and centres himself.

Need a save from you Tavar.


Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.

Lynore - used AP; used second wind; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Thom - used second wind
(Fluffy) - marked by S3 to end S3's next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Lanthair - used second wind
Spirit Wraith 3 - BLOODIED
Spirit Wraith 4 - BLOODIED; marked by Barel and in difficult terrain; slowed to end Barel's next turn
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Arishat - BLOODIED; used AP; regen 5 until unbloodied; melee reach 3 to end her next turn.
Tavar - BLOODIED; used AP; +2 all defenses to start next turn (used second wind); marked by S1 to end S1's next turn; marked by S4 (se)

Male Deva Cleric lvl 14

save = 1d20 ⇒ 8

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

Sorry been having comp troubles, i will post tonight as soon as i get home and can see the map

No worries.

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

Shroud on S4 and invoking it 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Eyebite S4 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (2) + 18 = 20 vs will 1d6 + 9 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 9 + 5 = 17 psychic and until the start of my next turn i am invisible to S4
save 1d20 ⇒ 5

Lynore nibbles away at S4, but remains sadly visible to the creature.


Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.

Thom - used second wind
(Fluffy) - marked by S3 to end S3's next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)

Lanthair - used second wind
Spirit Wraith 3 - BLOODIED
Spirit Wraith 4 - BLOODIED; marked by Barel and in difficult terrain; slowed to end Barel's next turn
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Arishat - BLOODIED; used AP; regen 5 until unbloodied; melee reach 3 to end her next turn.
Tavar - BLOODIED; used AP; +2 all defenses to start next turn (used second wind); marked by S1 to end S1's next turn; marked by S4 (se)Lynore - used AP; used second wind; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)

Thom, seeing Fluffy's impending demise,silently implores him to make a mark.

Standard action, Issue command to Fluffy
Effect: Any creature that enters a square adjacent to it or starts its turn there takes 5 fire damage. You can give the hell hound the following special command.
Standard action: Close blast 3; targets each creature in blast;
S3 Intelligence 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 3) + 6 = 10 fire damage.
Current HP 1/38
Save 1d20 ⇒ 14

Near death he may be, but Fluffy remains plucky to the last. A scorching flame shroud wraps itself around S3 and burns away some of the outer edges.


Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.

Lanthair - used second wind
Spirit Wraith 3 - BLOODIED
Spirit Wraith 4 - BLOODIED; marked by Barel and in difficult terrain; slowed to end Barel's next turn
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Arishat - BLOODIED; used AP; regen 5 until unbloodied; melee reach 3 to end her next turn.
Tavar - BLOODIED; used AP; +2 all defenses to start next turn (used second wind); marked by S1 to end S1's next turn; marked by S4 (se)Lynore - used AP; used second wind; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Thom - used second wind
(Fluffy) - BLOODIED

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

Lanthair moves to one of the wraiths and launches of flurry of punches and kicks.

Move to L18. Crane's Wings on S3. 1d10 + 17 ⇒ (4) + 17 = 21 vs Fort. 1d10 + 17 ⇒ (7) + 17 = 24 damage. I have +2 to AC and Reflex to SOMNT.

Lanthair engages S3 but his blows are useless against the creature.

Exploding Head recharge
S3 - 1d6=6. Yes.
S4 - 1d6=2. No.

S3 shifts away and launches another brutal attack on Fluffy, Arishat, Lynore and Lanthair, while S4 wraps spectral hands around Barel's throat. Unable to take any more, Fluffy disintegrates with a frustrated yelp.

Exploding Head (Fort). On hit target is immobilised and marked by S3 (se both). Miss, half damage and target is marked (se).
1d20+20=25 - S3 v Fluffy. Hits.
1d20+20=29 - S3 v Arishat. Hits.
1d20+20=30 - S3 v Lynore. Hits.
1d20+20=36 - S3 v Lanthair. Hits.
Fluffy is demolished.
30 necro to Arishat, Lynore and Lanthair. Immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)

S4 v Barel (AC). On hit target is marked by S4 to end S4's next turn
1d20+22=40. Hits. 5d8+11=35 psychic damage
35 psychic to Barel


Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.

Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Arishat - BLOODIED; used AP; regen 5 until unbloodied; melee reach 3 to end her next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Tavar - BLOODIED; used AP; +2 all defenses to start next turn (used second wind); marked by S1 to end S1's next turn; marked by S4 (se)
Lynore - used AP; used second wind; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Thom - used second wind
Lanthair - BLOODIED; used second wind; +2 AC and Ref to start next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Spirit Wraith 3 - BLOODIED
Spirit Wraith 4 - BLOODIED; marked by Barel and in difficult terrain; slowed to end Barel's next turn

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker


Male Dwarf Warden/16

Barel reels under the attack of the wraith, and then fruitlessly tries to shrug off its effects.
Font of Life Save = (2)--fail

Barel is happy to finally be close enough to one of these guys to try to bring the Mountain Hammer down on his unfocused head.

Standard action: Mountain Hammer-- (19)+21=40 vs fort.
On hit: (3,9)+13+3=25 damage AND he takes a -7 penalty to melee attack rolls UEMNT.
Free action: Mark S4.

save versus immobilized and marked: (4)...nope

Barel repays like for like and squashes S4 like a bug.

Still immobilised, but no longer marked as S4 no longer exists.


Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.

Arishat - BLOODIED; used AP; regen 5 until unbloodied; melee reach 3 to end her next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Tavar - BLOODIED; used AP; +2 all defenses to start next turn (used second wind); marked by S1 to end S1's next turn; marked by S4 (se)
Lynore - used AP; used second wind; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Thom - used second wind
Lanthair - BLOODIED; used second wind; +2 AC and Ref to start next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Spirit Wraith 3 - BLOODIED
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; immobilised (se)

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

16/91 hit points; 7/9 surges; regeneration 5 while bloodied; marked and immobilised; reach 3 to end of this turn.

"Well done Barel. Just one to go now, everyone." Arishat peeks quickly at the pool. What's in there, I wonder? Experimentally, she tries to move.

Anyone desperately need healing? Arishat has a spare Inspiring Word, and can't really do much at distance just now.
Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 to see what's in the pool. Edit: possibly some sort of liquid?
Saving Throw, 1d20 ⇒ 17

Regardless of her own wounds, Arishat takes the opportunity to glance into the pool and sees a throbbing heart sitting in the water. It fairly oozes malevolence.


Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.

Tavar - BLOODIED; used AP; +2 all defenses to start next turn (used second wind)
Lynore - used AP; used second wind; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Thom - used second wind
Lanthair - BLOODIED; used second wind; +2 AC and Ref to start next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Spirit Wraith 3 - BLOODIED
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; immobilised (se)
Arishat - BLOODIED; used AP; regen 5 until unbloodied

Male Deva Cleric lvl 14

"Arishat your wounds look severe allow me to mend them for you."

Move to O17 and cast cure serious wounds on Arishat, She regains hp as if she spent two HS+2HP.

Ever gentlemanly, Tavar ignores his own wounds in favour of restoring Arishat's health.


Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.

Lynore - used AP; used second wind; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Thom - used second wind
Lanthair - BLOODIED; used second wind; +2 AC and Ref to start next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Spirit Wraith 3 - BLOODIED
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; immobilised (se)
Arishat - BLOODIED; used AP; regen 5 until unbloodied
Tavar - BLOODIED; used AP; used second wind

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

62/91 hit points; no longer bloodied, marked, immobilised, regen 5 on hold till someone hits me again.

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

shroud on s3 and invoking it 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Eyebite S3 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (12) + 18 = 30 vs will 1d6 + 9 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 9 + 5 = 17 psychic and until the start of my next turn i am invisible to S3
save 1d20 ⇒ 10

Lynore reaches deep into the undead mind and wills herself invisible. The wraith is looking very frail indeed now, but no less dangerous.


Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.

Thom - used second wind
Lanthair - BLOODIED; used second wind; +2 AC and Ref to start next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Spirit Wraith 3 - BLOODIED
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; immobilised (se)
Arishat - BLOODIED; used AP; regen 5 until unbloodied
Tavar - BLOODIED; used AP; used second wind
Lynore - used AP; used second wind; invisible to S3 to start her next turn

Thom steps out to finish off the wraith.

Move to V18
Magic Missile: At Will; KEYWORDS Arcane, Force, Implement
You launch a silvery bolt of force at an enemy.
Standard Action, Ranged 20
Target: One creature S3
Effect: Level 11: 3 + Intelligence modifier (+6) + 3 (Implement) = 12 points force damage
Arcane Reserves, +2 to damage with at-will powers when encounter powers are expended
Total damage 14.

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