Tomb of Horrors (4e) - Group 2, Part 2

Game Master Rev Rosey

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Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

I have low-light, so someone behind might be better to have the light and me be ahead

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

Arishat pulls out her Everburning Torch, and follows carefully some way behind Lynore.

The passage is rough hewn but serviceable and offers no sign of danger beyond a growing sense of menace and a bone-aching chill. Ahead of you, Lynore suppresses a slight noise.


As you work your way down the corridor, you feel a sudden shudder, as though your soul briefly attempted to leave your body. As you approach the end of the passage, the walls seem to change to well-worked marble. Ahead you hear the sound of a ferocious wind and a chorus of funereal voices.

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

Lynore whispers, "Something just happened, I am not sure what. I feel weird, and there is something up ahead. I hear voices and wind."

Thom hurriedly scans the area for magical effects in the corridor.

Arcane 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (9) + 20 = 29

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

Can I see anything ahead? Perception 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (16) + 16 = 32

Both Thom and Lanthair go on the alert. Lanthair peers ahead and sees that where Lynore is standing, the fabric of the building has changed. No longer rough hewn, the walls are finest marble. Now that Lynore has called his attention to it, he hears a faint, horrible chorus accompanied by the sound of fierce wind up ahead.

All Thom's arcane senses twang with the reek of wrongness.

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

"I think we ought to proceed carefully," Lanthair says, stating what is rather obvious.

"Yeah, something just happened here, and I am certain it was not for our benefit."

Male Dwarf Warden/16

Barel attempts to proceed with caution.

Lynore's footsteps lead her onwards and upwards as the corridor slopes to the upper level once more. All the party can now see the fine stonework and hear the horrible chorused voices and Lynore can see the the chamber ahead is a chapel. To what appalling deity it is dedicated, she cannot tell.


You are approaching from the north (the small corridor). Brown things are pews and they provide cover. Altar to the south. Exit to the east.

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

Arishat moves into the chapel, staying close to the back wall. B12.

Thom resists the urge to move next to Arishat for protection , and takes a position on the other side of the doorway. B16

The singing grows louder and more persistent. It seems to be some kind of hymn. As Thom and Arishat enter the chamber, they become aware that the walls they are leaning against are made of stone-flecked ice and their chill fills the room.


You are approaching from the north (the small corridor). Brown things are pews and they provide cover. Altar to the south. Exit to the east.


Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

Lynore creeps forward to look down the aisle.

Move to D16

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

Lanthair heads to the middle of the room. C13

The companions assemble and look about the place. Nothing stirs and only the unholy music disturbs the peace. The rising and falling cadences make prickles rise on the backs of your necks, so unpleasing is the sound.


You are approaching from the north (the small corridor). Brown things are pews and they provide cover. Altar to the south. Exit to the east.


Stay in init order and tell me where you are going/what you are doing. I'll stitch it all together.

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

Creeping up to I16
Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26

Lynore advances cautiously, her senses twanging with unease, but seeing no movement. Holy symbol held high, Tavar follows, preparing to blast whatever horror awaits the party.


You are approaching from the north (the small corridor). Brown things are pews and they provide cover. Altar to the south. Exit to the east.


Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

Lanthair proceeds cautiously up the center aisle to G10.

Thom stays put, and again reaches his arcane sense out to determine where the wrongness is emanating from. He will first concentrate on the altar.

Arcane 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (12) + 20 = 32

Something large and so far, formless, seems to be flickering on the edge of Thom's vision as he gazes at the altar.



"I don't like the looks of this..."

Male Dwarf Warden/16

Barel moves confidently but slowly to the center of the room, with a weather eye out for anything out of place.

double move action to I10.

Male Deva Cleric lvl 14

Tavar will keep close to the center of everyone and move to E11.

The companions ease their way cautiously across the chapel.


Tavar - posted

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

Arishat will move forward as well, down the left hand side of the room. E16

And remember a jolly hymn as she does it.
"There is a dark hill far away,
Without an iron wall.
Where our Lord Bel tortures his foes
Entry is free to all."

Snort :)

Arishat's pleasing mezzo mingles disconcertingly with the echoing voices coming from the walls.


Tavar - posted

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

Move to K16 and just watch to see what happens

Male Deva Cleric lvl 14

Tavar holds his action.

Lynore continues her cautious advance and spies a corridor leading from the chapel. Everyone is grimly aware of a slowly forming monstrosity on the altar. Composed of singing heads marked by evil, they will soon take full form.




Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

"If we dash through, it might not notice us."

"What, and leave it behind us cutting off our escape?"

Thom hold his action for now.

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

Move to K12

Lanthair too creeps forward and watches as the form solidifies and floats towards the door. The singing heads turn to Lynore and she shudders as their gaze sends unwilling dread rushing over her.

Advantage of Fear. One creature within 10 squares is marked by the Caller and grants CA to it (se both).


Lynore - marked by Caller and granting CA to it (se both)
Caller in Darkness

Male Dwarf Warden/16

When the dread creature appears, Barel heads over to it immediately and swings his hammer at it at once!

Move action: to L14
Free Action: Mark C1
Standard Action: Rough Strike--(9)+ 20 = 29 VS AC
On hit:(9,7)+19 +6 +6 = 47 Damage and the creature is slowed UEMNT.

Barel marches sturdily into action, but his blow swings uselessly past the deadly choir.


Lynore - marked by Caller and granting CA to it (se both)
Caller in Darkness 1

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

"Well, I suppose we'd better kill it." Arishat moves towards the monsters and weaves a pattern with her spear, attempting both to injure it and stop it moving away.

Move to K17
Viper's Strike, 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (14) + 20 = 34 vs AC, 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16 damage and if the target shifts before the end of my next turn Barel may make an Opportunity Attack against it.

Arishat ranges alongside Lynore and jabs expertly at the undead, showing Barel a possible weak point.


Lynore - marked by Caller and granting CA to it (se both)
Caller in Darkness 1 - marked by Barel

Male Deva Cleric lvl 14

Move to K11 and throw a Lance of Faith at the mocking ghost.

attack vs reflex, 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (9) + 17 = 26, damage = 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 radiant
Lanthair gets a +2 on her next attack.

Apologies for the inadvertant hiatus. I was trapped at UK Games Expo (a good thing) with a dead laptop (a bad thing).

Tavar does his best to irradiate the singers, but they duck away from his attack.


Lynore - marked by Caller and granting CA to it (se both)
Caller in Darkness 1 - marked by Barel

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

Lanthair moves around behind the beast before launching his attack.

Move to O17 using Storm's Wake movement technique. My effective speed would be 8, so I can do that move without ever being adjacent to it. If it still gets an AOO because of reach, my effective AC is 35.

Storm's Wake 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (7) + 19 = 26 vs Ref. 2d10 + 17 ⇒ (3, 1) + 17 = 21 damage. I have +1 to AC to EOMNT.

Did we skip Lynore?

I delayed Lynore because she wasn't around when her 24 hours came up.

Lanthair darts around the Caller, hoping to cut it off from the archway, but narrowly fails to hit it.


Lynore - marked by Caller and granting CA to it (se both)
Caller in Darkness 1 - marked by Barel

Thom clutches his Foe Stone and focuses on the Caller. He then calls on the power of the Celestial planes to light up the Caller's day.

Minor Action: Foe Stone
Choose one creature you can see. You learn all the target’s vulnerabilities, as well as which of its defenses is lowest.
Standard Action: Radiant Pillar, Area Burst 1 within 10 squares. N15
Effect: The burst creates a zone of bright light until the end of your next turn. Creatures are blinded while within the zone. If a creature vulnerable to radiant damage starts its turn within the zone, it takes damage equal to double its vulnerability.

No vulnerabilities, Ref is lowest.

Thom hurls a flicker of light towards the Caller and watches in satisfaction as the light blooms around it, blinding the creature.


Lynore - marked by Caller and granting CA to it (se both)
Caller in Darkness 1 - marked by Barel; blinded while in zone

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

Sorry about that my comp died, i am spotty posting for at least a week
2 shrouds on Caller in Darkness
Shadow Step to L13 (teleport)
Shadow Storm 1d20 + 21 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 21 + 2 = 30 vs ac, 1d8 + 12 + 3 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 12 + 3 + 5 = 28
save 1d20 ⇒ 19

Sorry to hear that Lynore - let me know when you're back in the land of the computerised.

Lynore throws two graceful loops of shadow over the dreadful faces as she teleports clear and drags her blade deep into the thing's body.

The Caller flies into the doorway and out of the blinding light, blocking the exit. It turns its attention to Barel, marking him and then bites at Arishat with one of its spectral heads.

Barel and Lanthair get OAs
Barel is marked and granting CA to Caller (se both)

Double Bite (AC) v Arishat. On hit, target takes 10 ongoing psychic (se)
1d20+20=34 - Attack 1 v Arishat. Hits. 1d10+7=16 necro plus 10 ongoing psychic (se)
1d20+20=35 - Attack 2 v Arishat. Hits. 1d10+7=8 necro plus 10 ongoing pyschic (which doesn't count as she's already taking it).
24 necro to Arishat plus 10 ongoing psychic (se)

Barel can doubtless do something about this as he's got the beastie marked, but that's how things stand for now.


Barel - marked by C1 and granting CA to it (se both)
Arishat - 10 ongoing psychic (se)
Caller in Darkness 1 - marked by Barel;

Male Dwarf Warden/16

Barel is powerless to prevent the first attack against Arishat, but after the first bite, Barel pulls the creature towards himself and away from Arishat 5 feet with a visible effort of sheer bullheadedness.

immediate reaction: Warden's Grasp--Close burst 5
Trigger: An enemy marked by you that is within 5 squares of you makes an attack that does not include you as a target
Target: The triggering enemy in the burst
Effect: You slide the target 1 square. The target is slowed and cannot shift until the end of its turn.
Slide from M17 to N16.

that should at least prevent the second bite, and those 8 associated HP, and put him back in the bright light.

Barel first forms the familiar ice over his shoulders, siddles up to the creature and then swings his hammer again.

MINOR: form of winter's herald:
+1AC AC=31 (while in form)
+2 fort (Guardian's call hammer) = 31 (while in form)
resist 5 cold
MOVE: shift to L15.
STANDARD: Mountain Hammer: (13)+21 = 34 vs Fort
Damage: (4,3)+13+3=23 damage and he takes -7 to melee attack rolls UEMNT).
FREE: Mark him again.

If that hit him, then all my defenses go up by one USMNT (Hammer Shield), so AC=32, Fort=32, Ref=24, Will=25.

It doesn't prevent the second attack as the Bite is melee 2, and even at -5, 30 will still hit Arishat's AC. The Caller is back in the light however, and blind again.

Frost forms over Barel as he attempts to keep the Caller off Arishat. He is only partially successful, but manages to drag the hellish choir away from both the tiefling and the doorway before landing a major blow on the creature.

You also need to make a save against the Caller's mark.


Arishat - 10 ongoing psychic (se)
Caller in Darkness 1 - marked by Barel; slowed and can't shift to end Barel's next turn; -7 melee to end Barel's next turn; blinded while in zone (granting CA)
Barel (resist 5 cold, AC 32, F32, R24, W25- marked by C1 and granting CA to it (se both);

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