Rev DM |

Lynore's form blurs as she leaps gracefully onto the table, her feet sliding slightly as she lands on something squishy. Unable to stop herself glancing down, her main attack misses, although the shadow nooses around M1 tighten and drop away in warning.
Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.
Lanthair - +1AC to end next turn; marked to end M1's next turn
Arishat - -2 to hit Mummy 1, Mummy 2, M3 and M6; immobilised to end M1's next turn
Mummy 1 - BLOODIED; divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 2 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya
Barel - -2 to hit Mummy 2, Mummy 4, Mummy 5 and Mummy 6; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form
Thom - -2 to hit M5 and M6
Raya (Readied action in case Lanthair is attacked) - -2 to hit Mummy 2
Lynore - -2 to hit Mummy 2, M3
Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
2 successes/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Lanthair |

Surrounded by mummies, Lanthair skirts around the fray, lashing out at all of them.
Crane Dance. Vs M1 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (20) + 19 = 39 vs Reflex. 2d8 + 9 ⇒ (1, 3) + 9 = 13 damage. Shift to M12. Attack M3 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (15) + 17 = 32 vs Reflex. 2d8 + 9 ⇒ (4, 7) + 9 = 20 damage. Shift to K14. Attack M2 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (19) + 17 = 36 vs Reflex. 2d8 + 9 ⇒ (4, 2) + 9 = 15 damage. Shift to J13. They are all knocked prone.
Crit on M1. Max damage is 25 plus 3d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 2) = 7 from my ki focus.
6 damage each on M1 and M3 from flurry of blows. Slide M3 to square M11.
Totals: M1 38 damage and prone. M3 26 damage, prone, slide to M11. M2 15 damage and prone. I am at J13.

Rev DM |

Unexpectedly in his element surrounded by towering undead, Lanthair kicks himself free, knocking over all his foes and emerging unscathed beside Arishat and Raya. His victims topple helplessly to the ground in a trail of bandages.
Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.
Arishat - -2 to hit Mummy 1, Mummy 2, M3 and M6; immobilised to end M1's next turn
Mummy 1 - BLOODIED; divinely challenged by Raya; prone
Mummy 2 - divinely challenged by Raya; prone
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; prone
Barel - -2 to hit Mummy 2, Mummy 4, Mummy 5 and Mummy 6; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form
Thom - -2 to hit M5 and M6
Raya (Readied action in case Lanthair is attacked) - -2 to hit Mummy 2
Lynore - -2 to hit Mummy 2, M3
Lanthair - marked to end M1's next turn
Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
2 successes/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Arishat |

Arishat looks down at her feet, mildly annoyed. "Hey, Lynore, could you finish this one off. I'll give Thom a hand when it lets go. Don't want too many getting up!"
Commander's Strike, Lynore vs M1, 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (7) + 24 = 31 vs AC, 1d8 + 21 ⇒ (8) + 21 = 29 damage

Rev DM |

Arishat disentangles herself by the simple expedient of letting Lynore slice her free. In the process, her enemy is completely demolished. Roused by the sounds of battle, M4 staggers to its feet and lumbers off the sarcophagus.
M2 rises and unleashes its curse on the assembled party, while M3 tries to wrap Raya in ancient bandages. Arishat alone remains alert enough to avoid the curse. Shocked by the attack, Raya is pulled entrapped by the winding sheets of M3 and pulled alongside it.
Mummy's Curse (Will). Close blast 5. On hit target is weakened (se) and marked (se)
Targets Lynore, Barel, Raya, Arishat and Lanthair
1d20+21=36 v Lynore. Hits.
1d20+21=41 v Barel. Hits.
1d20+21=39 v Raya. Hits.
1d20+21=22 v Arishat. Miss.
1d20+21=29 v Lanthair. Hits.
Lynore, Barel, Raya and Lanthair are all weakened (se). They are also marked by M2 (se - a different save to the one v weakened.)
Winding Wrap (Ref). On hit the mummy pulls the target adjacent and it is immobilised to the end of the mummy's next turn.
1d20+21=33 v Raya. Hits.
Pulled adjacent to M3 and immobilised to end M3's next turn.
Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.
Barel - -2 to hit Mummy 2, Mummy 4, Mummy 5 and Mummy 6; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; weakened (se); marked by M2 (se)
Thom - -2 to hit M5 and M6
Raya - -2 to hit M2; weakened (se); marked by M2 (se); immobilised to end M3's next turn
Lynore - -2 to hit M2, M3; weakened (se); marked by M2 (se)
Lanthair - marked to end M1's next turn
Arishat - -2 to hit M2, M3
Mummy 2 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 4
Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
2 successes/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Barel Dlode |

Having been less helpful than he would have liked, Barel moves toward Thom to see how he can aid that half of the room. He moves adjacent Thom's mummy to mark him, prior to positioning himself to strike at either nearby mummy.
MOVE: to H7 via G8 (provokes AoO from M6, if it wants it), marking M6 along the way.
STANDARD: Weight of the Earth on M5 : (17)+20= 37 VS AC
on Hit: (1)+13+6= 20 damage and he is slowed UEMNT.
I am not sure I can mark during a move action like that..if not, please leave me at G8 and switch the attack to an athletics check to help out Thom's mummification work (it would be (17)+12= 29 athletics check).

Rev DM |

I don't think you can, Barel, so I've taken the Athletics check option. I also need two saves from you; one v weakened and one v marked.
Barel puts a firm hand on M6's chest, preventing it from going anywhere at all while Thom does his work.
Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.
Thom - -2 to hit M5 and M6
Raya - -2 to hit M2; weakened (se); marked by M2 (se); immobilised to end M3's next turn
Lynore - -2 to hit M2, M3; weakened (se); marked by M2 (se)
Lanthair - marked to end M1's next turn
Arishat - -2 to hit M2, M3
Mummy 2 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 4
Barel - -2 to hit Mummy 2, Mummy 4, Mummy 5 and Mummy 6; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; weakened (se); marked by M2 (se)
Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
3 successes/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

![]() |

Raya frowns, struggling against the bandages with a grunt, hammered again with the cursing.
Religion check to determine more about these undead. 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
She strikes at M3, determined to keep his attention, and free herself from these bonds...again.
Valiant Strike 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (15) + 21 = 36 vs AC Damage1d8 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15Radiant
If it hits, I gain +2 to my saves USOMNT
Probably a hit, so my saves
Minor: Divine Challenge M3 - penalty 15 radiant damage
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15weakness
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16mark

Rev DM |

Thom keeps his head and remembers the final words of the ritual to complete the mummification process. With a sigh, M6's soul walks free, heading to the Shadowfell and the embrace of the Raven Queen.
Raya kicks irritably at the bandages around her feet and does her best to unwrap M3 permanently.
Recalling a long ago lecture, she realises that the mummys are immune to disease and poison and can resist necrotic energy. She knows too, that they can regenerate unless attacked with fire. They are not cunning combatants, but they are strong and being beyond life or hope, cannot be reasoned with.
Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.
All - allies within 5 squares of Raya add +6 to their saves, the next one to roll however gets +10 to his first save.
Lynore - -2 to hit M2, M3; weakened (se); marked by M2 (se)
Lanthair - marked to end M1's next turn
Arishat - -2 to hit M2, M3
Mummy 2
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 4
Barel - -2 to hit Mummy 2, Mummy 4,; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; weakened (se); marked by M2 (se)
Raya - -2 to hit M2; immobilised to end M3's next turn; +2 saves to start her next turn
Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
4 successes/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy) M6 put quietly to rest
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Lynore |

Move to J12
Shroud on M2
Soul Shadow on M2 1d20 + 21 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 21 - 2 = 26
3d8 + 12 + 5 ⇒ (1, 8, 6) + 12 + 5 = 32 so if that hits 16
save vs weakened 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
save vs marked 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Lynore jumps off the table and launches an attack at the mummy and seems to shake off the effects of the curse.

Rev DM |

Raya's devotion proves inspirational to her new-found comrades as Lynore and Barel shake off the effects of the curse.
Or will do if Barel makes his second save v the mark from M2 :) It's confusing, but they are separate conditions imposed by the same power.
Lynore lands lightly next to Lanthair, and sends a gentle shroud to rest on M2. The shadowy powers at her command miss, but there is no doubting her intentions.
Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.
All - allies within 5 squares of Raya add +6 to their saves, the next one to roll however gets +10 to his first save.
Lanthair - marked to end M1's next turn
Arishat - -2 to hit M2, M3
Mummy 2 - one shroud
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 4
Barel - -2 to hit Mummy 2, Mummy 4,; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; marked by M2 (se)?
Raya - -2 to hit M2; immobilised to end M3's next turn; +2 saves to start her next turn
Lynore - -2 to hit M2, M3
Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
4 successes/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy) M6 put quietly to rest
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Rev DM |

Lanthair's kick lacks its usual force and his feet bounce off the mummy.
Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.
All - allies within 5 squares of Raya add +6 to their saves, the next one to roll however gets +10 to his first save.
Arishat - -2 to hit M2, M3
Mummy 2 - one shroud
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 4
Barel - -2 to hit Mummy 2, Mummy 4,; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form
Raya - -2 to hit M2; immobilised to end M3's next turn; +2 saves to start her next turn
Lynore - -2 to hit M2, M3
Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
4 successes/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy) M6 put quietly to rest
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

![]() |

I may be offline till Monday, net is still not up here. Posting my action in spoiler in case it gets to be my turn.
Raya motions to L12. "I'll get between them...We can flank...Just a second."
Move: Shift to L12
Standard: Attack with Ardent Strike vs AC
1d20 + 21 ⇒ (15) + 21 = 36 damage 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15 radiant damage
I think that will hit, so M2 will get Divine Sanction, 12 radiant penalty, and M3 will still have Divine Challenge, 15 radiant penalty.
If M2 is dead:
shift to M11, use Enfeebling Strike instead, for -2 to M3's attacks using the same roll.

Arishat |

Arishat moves round past the mummy, before drawing it's attention away long enough to give Lynore another chance to strike at it.
Move to L14 via I14, J15, K15
Commnander's Strike, Lynore vs M2, 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (12) + 24 = 36 vs AC, 1d8 + 21 ⇒ (3) + 21 = 24 damage

Rev DM |

Ugh. Sympathies on the waiting to get connected. I'll try not to get Raya killed.
Arishat's gesture is eloquent enough to attract the attention of M2, allowing Lynore to cut away a chunk of bandage and brittle bone.
Regenerating, the mummys continue to attack, as M5 rises to join the party.
M2 attacks Lynore
Rotting Slam (AC) at +2 since she hit it last with an additional 1d6 damage on hit.
1d20+25=27. Sigh. Miss.
M3 attacks Raya
Rotting Slam (AC)
1d20+23=32. Hits.
27 damage to Raya and she is marked to end M3's next turn
M4 attacks Thom
Rotting Slam (AC)
1d20+23=25. Miss.
These dudes really do want to die, don't they.
Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.
All - allies within 5 squares of Raya add +6 to their saves, the next one to roll however gets +10 to his first save.
Barel - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5,; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3, M4, M5
Raya - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn (ALREADY POSTED)
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4, M5
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4, M5
Arishat - -2 to hit M2, M3
Mummy 2 - one shroud
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 4
Mummy 5
Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
4 successes/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy) M6 put quietly to rest
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Rev DM |

Barel stands his ground and does his (very good) best to hold M5 still for Thom to get to work on it.
Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.
All - allies within 5 squares of Raya add +6 to their saves, the next one to roll however gets +10 to his first save.
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3, M4, M5
Raya - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn (ALREADY POSTED)
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4, M5
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4, M5
Arishat - -2 to hit M2, M3
Mummy 2 - one shroud
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 4
Mummy 5 - marked by Barel
Barel - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5,; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form
Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
4 successes/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy) M6 put quietly to rest
1 success/0 failures on Mummy 5 (4 before 3 per mummy)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Rev DM |

Thom casts a languishing glace in Raya's direction as he busily marks the appropriate arcane symbols on M5's chest. The mummy shudders as the power of the grave starts to claim it properly.
Raya herself is otherwise occupied and slips between M2 and M3, reminding both that she is not to be trifled with.
Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.
All - allies within 5 squares of Raya add +6 to their saves, the next one to roll however gets +10 to his first save.
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4, M5
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4, M5
Arishat - -2 to hit M2, M3
Mummy 2 - one shroud; divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 4
Mummy 5 - marked by Barel
Barel - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5,; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3, M4, M5
Raya - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn
Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
4 successes/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy) M6 put quietly to rest
2 successes/0 failures on Mummy 5 (4 before 3 per mummy)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Lynore |

Shroud 2 on M2
Shadow step to l13 (teleport)
Spectral Assailants on M2 and M3
1d20 + 19 ⇒ (7) + 19 = 26 vs will M2
1d20 + 19 ⇒ (9) + 19 = 28 vs will M3
each enemy in close burst 2, 2d6 + 10 + 5 ⇒ (4, 3) + 10 + 5 = 22 necrotic damage, Until the end of your next turn, the target cannot take opportunity actions, and you can slide the target 1 square as a free action each time it takes damage. You can use shadow step as a minor action until the end of your next turn.
Lynore concentrates as her anger boils over to assault the mummies closest to her.

Rev DM |

Lynore teleports again. Neither attack hits, but she leaves her mark on both of them as she prepares to rearrange the battlefield.
Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.
All - allies within 5 squares of Raya add +6 to their saves, the next one to roll however gets +10 to his first save.
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4, M5
Arishat - -2 to hit M2, M3
Mummy 2 - two shrouds; divinely challenged by Raya; no OAs to end Lynore's next turn and can be slid 1 each time it takes damage to end Lynore's next turn
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; no OAs to end Lynore's next turn and can be slid 1 each time it takes damage to end Lynore's next turn
Mummy 4
Mummy 5 - marked by Barel
Barel - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5,; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3, M4, M5
Raya - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4, M5
Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
4 successes/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy) M6 put quietly to rest
2 successes/0 failures on Mummy 5 (4 before 3 per mummy)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Rev DM |

Lanthair's fists crunch satisfyingly through mouldy bandage and bone.
Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.
All - allies within 5 squares of Raya add +6 to their saves, the next one to roll however gets +10 to his first save.
Arishat - -2 to hit M2, M3
Mummy 2 - two shrouds; divinely challenged by Raya; no OAs to end Lynore's next turn and can be slid 1 each time it takes damage to end Lynore's next turn
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; no OAs to end Lynore's next turn and can be slid 1 each time it takes damage to end Lynore's next turn
Mummy 4
Mummy 5 - marked by Barel
Barel - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5,; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3, M4, M5
Raya - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4, M5
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4, M5
Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
4 successes/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy) M6 put quietly to rest
2 successes/0 failures on Mummy 5 (4 before 3 per mummy)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Arishat |

We're allowed to slide the mummy square every time it's hit after Lynore's attack, till the end of her next turn. Could M2 be slid to K14 after Lanthair's attack? I want to set up a flank for extra damage.
"Good hit, Lanthair, now do it again, into the ribs." Arishat takes advantage of the mummies confusion to slip in behind it, allowing Lanthair another attack. She then grins, and makes an attempt to stab the mummy herself.
Move to L14
Commander's Strike, Lanthair vs M2, 1d20 + 19 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 19 + 2 + 2 = 33 vs AC, 1d8 + 6 + 7 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 7 + 5 = 20 damage; if this hits, slide the target to L13
Action Point
Lead the Attack, vs M2, 1d20 + 20 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (10) + 20 + 2 - 2 = 30 vs AC, 3d10 + 10 + 5 ⇒ (5, 2, 10) + 10 + 5 = 32 damage and all allies get +6 to hit the target teomnt - on a miss, allies get +1 to hit the target teomnt
If Lead the Attack hits, slide the target to K13

Rev DM |

Can indeed.
Arishat shuffles the hapless mummy around the battlefield as she ensures that she and Lanthair can attack it properly. With something of the air of a housewife trying different niches for a cooking implement, she finally brings it to rest between herself and the newly arrived paladin. Battered now, the mummy looks as bewildered as only a shrouded dead creature can.
Death does not seem to have improved their mental stature and the creatures simply batter away at the nearest foes. In this, they are outstandingly successful. Despite hurting those who hurt him, Barel feels his lungs start to fill with a choking dust.
M2 and M3 v Raya.
M4 and M5 v Barel.
1d20+23=33 - M2 v Raya. Hits. 4d8+10=28
1d20+23=33 - M3 v Raya. Hits. 4d8+10=33
61 damage to Raya.
1d20+23=36 - M4 v Barel. Hits. 4d8+10=29
1d20+23=43 - M5 v Barel. Crit. Oops. 42 damage and Barel has Mummy Rot.
71 damage to Barel and he has Mummy Rot.
Mummy Rot
This disease, delivered by the attack of a mummy, fills the lungs of its victims with dust, making it progressively harder for them to breathe.
Stage 0: The target recovers from the disease.
Stage 1: Initial Effect: The target regains only half the normal number of hit points from healing effects.
Stage 2: The target regains only half the normal number of hit points from healing effects. In addition, the target takes 10 necrotic damage, which cannot be healed until the target is cured of the disease.
Stage 3: Final State: The target dies.
Check: At the end of each extended rest, the target makes an Endurance check if it is at stage 1 or 2.
18 or lower: The stage of the disease increases by one.
19-25: No Change
26 or higher: The stage of the disease decreases by one.
Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.
All - To end Arishat's next turn, all at +6 to hit M2.
Barel - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5,; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3, M4, M5
Raya - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4, M5
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4, M5
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Mummy 2 - BLOODIED; two shrouds; divinely challenged by Raya; no OAs to end Lynore's next turn and can be slid 1 each time it takes damage to end Lynore's next turn
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; no OAs to end Lynore's next turn and can be slid 1 each time it takes damage to end Lynore's next turn
Mummy 4
Mummy 5 - marked by Barel
Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
4 successes/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy) M6 put quietly to rest
2 successes/0 failures on Mummy 5 (4 before 3 per mummy)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Rev DM |

Can indeed.
Arishat shuffles the hapless mummy around the battlefield as she ensures that she and Lanthair can attack it properly. With something of the air of a housewife trying different niches for a cooking implement, she finally brings it to rest between herself and the newly arrived paladin. Battered now, the mummy looks as bewildered as only a shrouded dead creature can.
Death does not seem to have improved their mental stature and the creatures simply batter away at the nearest foes. In this, they are outstandingly successful. Despite hurting those who hurt him, Barel feels his lungs start to fill with a choking dust.
M2 and M3 v Raya.
M4 and M5 v Barel.
1d20+23=33 - M2 v Raya. Hits. 4d8+10=28
1d20+23=33 - M3 v Raya. Hits. 4d8+10=33
61 damage to Raya.
1d20+23=36 - M4 v Barel. Hits. 4d8+10=29
1d20+23=43 - M5 v Barel. Crit. Oops. 42 damage and Barel has Mummy Rot.
71 damage to Barel and he has Mummy Rot.
Mummy Rot
This disease, delivered by the attack of a mummy, fills the lungs of its victims with dust, making it progressively harder for them to breathe.
Stage 0: The target recovers from the disease.
Stage 1: Initial Effect: The target regains only half the normal number of hit points from healing effects.
Stage 2: The target regains only half the normal number of hit points from healing effects. In addition, the target takes 10 necrotic damage, which cannot be healed until the target is cured of the disease.
Stage 3: Final State: The target dies.
Check: At the end of each extended rest, the target makes an Endurance check if it is at stage 1 or 2.
18 or lower: The stage of the disease increases by one.
19-25: No Change
26 or higher: The stage of the disease decreases by one.
Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.
All - To end Arishat's next turn, all at +6 to hit M2.
Barel - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5,; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3, M4, M5
Raya - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4, M5
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4, M5
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Mummy 2 - BLOODIED; two shrouds; divinely challenged by Raya; no OAs to end Lynore's next turn and can be slid 1 each time it takes damage to end Lynore's next turn
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; no OAs to end Lynore's next turn and can be slid 1 each time it takes damage to end Lynore's next turn
Mummy 4
Mummy 5 - marked by Barel
Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
4 successes/0 failures on Mummy 6 (4 before 3 per mummy# M6 put quietly to rest
2 successes/0 failures on Mummy 5 #4 before 3 per mummy)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

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net is up at the house now, hoorah.
Raya is bloodied, no surprise there, at 33 HP 3THP
Stuck in a flank, Raya does her best to fend off the two mummies staring down at her, as she doubles over in pain.
'Get it together, stupid girl. Be stronger.'
Not knowing her newfound companion's abilities, she takes a gamble, calling out. "Good priest...I heard your words a moment ago..." She grits her teeth as she holds her focus on the mummy before her, as she addresses Tavar. "Living a thousand lives may not be easy, but trust me when I say that the moment in which you live, is the most important part of life itself." She takes a halfhearted slash at one, warding it off for a few more crucial seconds. "And a moment of regret or fear can send you into stagnation, right now...right now, I may fall, and I..." She grunts as she's knocked about. "and I..." The other mummy flanking her lashes out. Fuming, she sputters, "Just dig deep, else someone here will join their ranks!"
Just flavor text, I get that Tavar isn't being played, but this is Raya's thing, helping instill courage and eliminate such confusion and despair. In case it matters though...
Insight to help Tavar. 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (3) + 17 = 20

Rev DM |

No problem. Delaying Barel until after Raya.
Mummy Rot
This disease, delivered by the attack of a mummy, fills the lungs of its victims with dust, making it progressively harder for them to breathe.
Stage 0: The target recovers from the disease.
Stage 1: Initial Effect: The target regains only half the normal number of hit points from healing effects.
Stage 2: The target regains only half the normal number of hit points from healing effects. In addition, the target takes 10 necrotic damage, which cannot be healed until the target is cured of the disease.
Stage 3: Final State: The target dies.
Check: At the end of each extended rest, the target makes an Endurance check if it is at stage 1 or 2.
18 or lower: The stage of the disease increases by one.
19-25: No Change
26 or higher: The stage of the disease decreases by one.
Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.
All - To end Arishat's next turn, all at +6 to hit M2.
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3, M4, M5
Raya - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn
Barel - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5,; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4, M5
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4, M5
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Mummy 2 - BLOODIED; two shrouds; divinely challenged by Raya; no OAs to end Lynore's next turn and can be slid 1 each time it takes damage to end Lynore's next turn
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; no OAs to end Lynore's next turn and can be slid 1 each time it takes damage to end Lynore's next turn
Mummy 4
Mummy 5 - marked by Barel
Mummification mid battle.
There are enough materials on the table to complete the necessary rituals for two of the corpses.
2 successes/0 failures on Mummy 5 (4 before 3)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Rev DM |

Aware that his time may be short, Thom continues with his work and scrawls another set of sigils on the creature beating Barel into a pulp.
Mummy Rot** spoiler omitted **
[ooc]Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.
All - To end Arishat's next turn, all at +6 to hit M2.
Raya - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn
Barel - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5,; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4, M5
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4, M5
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Mummy 2 - BLOODIED; two shrouds; divinely challenged by Raya; no OAs to end Lynore's next turn and can be slid 1 each time it takes damage to end Lynore's next turn
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; no OAs to end Lynore's next turn and can be slid 1 each time it takes damage to end Lynore's next turn
Mummy 4
Mummy 5 - marked by Barel
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3, M4, M5
Mummification mid battle.
3 successes/0 failures on Mummy 5 (4 before 3)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

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actually, is anyone else injured at all besides me and him?
Noticing M3's watchful gaze on her, Raya steels herself for another battering assault, stepping out of her flank as she attempts to hinder her own quarry's attacks.
'Come on, girl, Keep at it, one of these is bound to fall soon...'
Minor: Virtue - Gain 28 THP
Move: Shift to M12
Standard: Enfeebling Strike vs AC 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (10) + 19 = 29 damage 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Status: 33 HP 28 THP
Raya has Resist All 3 USOMNT,
Divine Sanction is off M2, and I've hit M2 so its aura is gone
Divine Challenge still is on M3
Save bonus is off as well.
If my attack hits, M3 has -2 to attack USOMNT

Rev DM |

I don't think anyone bar Raya and Barel have taken much (if any) damage so far.
Raya - were you aiming at M2 or M3. If it's M2, you didn't add in Arishat's +6 bonus and you will have hit it.
Raya gasps slightly and urges herself on. With Arishat's example before her, she slices deftly past the out bandaging, somehow managing to capture the mummy's arms in the coverings and inhibiting its attacks for a moment.
Then she shifts back against the wall and awaits developments.
Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.
All - To end Arishat's next turn, all at +6 to hit M2.
Barel - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5,; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4, M5
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4, M5
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Mummy 2 - BLOODIED; two shrouds; no OAs to end Lynore's next turn and can be slid 1 each time it takes damage to end Lynore's next turn; -2 attacks to end Raya's next turn
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; no OAs to end Lynore's next turn and can be slid 1 each time it takes damage to end Lynore's next turn
Mummy 4
Mummy 5 - marked by Barel
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3, M4, M5
Raya - -2 to hit M4, M5; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn
Mummification mid battle.
3 successes/0 failures on Mummy 5 (4 before 3)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Rev DM |

oh silly me, not denoting my quarry. Well actually with Lenore's no-OA ability slapped on M2 and M3, I won't take an OA from M3's mark if I try to polish off M2, right? If I read that correctly, it's at M2, otherwise M3, since I can't suffer any OAs right now.
Not only that, but you can slide M2 one square as well :) I'll edit the original post to take account of you hitting M2 and giving it a lovely -2 to attacks to the end of your next turn, but leave the map alone until you tell me if you want it sliding anywhere.