Arishat |

Am I too late to have an Immediate Reaction to being hit? Infernal Wrath, Imm Re, triggered on hit, hitting creature takes 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (6, 4) + 5 = 15 fire damage.
57/91 hp, ongoing 10 psychic damage
Arishat shakes her head. "Takes more than that to take me out of a fight." She moves up, and attempts to draw the creatures attention so Lanthair can strike again at it.
Move to L16
Commander's Strike, Lanthair attacks C1, 1d20 + 19 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 19 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 26, damage 1d8 + 6 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 5 = 19
Saving Throw 1d20 ⇒ 9

Rev DM |

Feel free to use the immediate interrupt, Arishat.
Sod's law on the save, Barel. Of course it would be either a save or a skill check.
Arishat's heritage comes to her aid as she reacts explosively to the insulting presence of the undead singers. Lanthair also slips in a blow as Barel hauls the creature back into the light and then takes a further opportunity as Arishat tries to follow up by pointing out a possible weak spot. For all her skill, the halfling finds himself dazzled and misjudges the blow.
Caller in Darkness 1 - marked by Barel; slowed and can't shift to end Barel's next turn; -7 melee to end Barel's next turn; blinded while in zone (granting CA)
Barel (resist 5 cold, AC 32, F32, R24, W25
Arishat - 10 ongoing psychic (se)

Tavar oracle of the Raven Queen |

Move to L15 and use Sacred Shielding as I attempt to hit the monster with my mace.
Attack vs AC, 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29, damage = 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (5, 7) + 3 = 15 Radiant. Until the end of your next turn, each ally adjacent to you or to the target gains resistance to all damage equal to your Charisma modifier (+5).

Rev DM |

Tavar joins the companions clustering around the Caller and fails to hit it by the narrowest of margins.
Caller in Darkness 1 - marked by Barel; slowed and can't shift to end Barel's next turn; -7 melee to end Barel's next turn; blinded while in zone (granting CA)
Barel (resist 5 cold, AC 32, F32, R24, W25
Arishat - 10 ongoing psychic (se)

Tavar oracle of the Raven Queen |

Move to L15 and use Sacred Shielding as I attempt to hit the monster with my mace.
Attack vs AC, 1d20+14, damage = 2d8+3 Radiant. Until the end of your next turn, each ally adjacent to you or to the target gains resistance to all damage equal to your Charisma modifier (+5).
the Resistance all damage is only +4 not +5.

Rev DM |

Tavar - I really hate to rain on your parade, but usually if a thing happens regardless of a hit or miss it is listed as an effect and this isn't. I'm doubtful it would be as Encounter powers seldom have a "regardless" effect attached to them, but I am quite prepared to accept that I'm wrong.
The diminutive monk calls forth a spirit to combat the spirit in front of him and brutalises the Caller so that its attacks are significantly less potent.
Caller in Darkness 1 - marked by Barel; slowed and can't shift to end Barel's next turn; -7 melee to end Barel's next turn; blinded while in zone (granting CA); weakened to end Lanthair's next turn
Barel (resist 5 cold, AC 32, F32, R24, W25
Arishat - 10 ongoing psychic (se)

Thom Verikal |

Thom guages the distance and sees the perfect spot to drop his spell.
Entangling Force:
Standard Action
RANGE Area burst 1 within 10 squares O15
TARGET Each creature in burst
A burst of force erupts around your enemies, knocking them off balance and impeding their movement.
Attack: Intelligence 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (18) + 18 = 36 vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 4, 6) + 6 = 22 force damage.
Until the end of your next turn, the target is slowed and can't teleport, and it provokes opportunity attacks when it shifts.
Wand of Accuracy: On a miss, you deal force damage to the target equal to your Intelligence modifier (+6).

Rev DM |

Thom piles on the agony, adding yet more ways to stop the Caller from destroying his friends. The singers are starting to spit blood now. The party's satisfaction is slightly marred by the blurring of air that signals the arrival of another Caller.
Caller in Darkness 1 - BLOODIED; marked by Barel; slowed and can't shift to end Barel's next turn; -7 melee to end Barel's next turn; blinded while in zone (granting CA); weakened to end Lanthair's next turn; slowed, can't teleport and provokes OAs on shifting to end Thom's next turn
Caller 2 - won't materialise or be able to act until next round
Barel (resist 5 cold, AC 32, F32, R24, W25
Arishat - 10 ongoing psychic (se)

Lynore |

Shroud 3 on Caller, invoking shrouds 3d6 + 9 ⇒ (2, 5, 3) + 9 = 19 does 2d6+6 even on a miss
Shadow Darts 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (12) + 19 = 31 vs ref
1d20 + 19 ⇒ (15) + 19 = 34 vs ref
1d20 + 19 ⇒ (13) + 19 = 32 vs ref
1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 cold damage per hit
1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 cold damage per hit
1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11 cold damage per hit
If all three hit does 10+8+11+19+5 (for not being adjacent to an enemy)=53 damage
Move to K16
Lynore shoots a series of darts at the entity.

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Lynore conjures the very shadows to aid her and wreaks devastation on the Caller.
Bloodied and anguished, the voices rise high, singing some hymn to an unknown deity long gone.
My fault this. It had an immediate reaction to being bloodied, which I'll take now.
Soulstorm (Ref). Close burst 2, enemies only. On hit target granting CA takes 5 ongoing psychic and 5 ongoing necro (se both).
Targets Barel, Arishat, Tavar and Lanthair
1d20+20=27 v Barel. Hits.
1d20+20=23 v Arishat. Miss.
1d20+20=21 v Tavar. Miss.
1d20+20=22 v Lanthair. Miss.
What a pile of crud. Thanks, new d20, you are about to be retired prematurely.
Ahem. Anyway. 1d10+9=6 psychic plus 1d10+9=5 necro
11 damage to Barel.
In further agony, the Caller bites twice at Barel.
And much good may it do it rolling at -7 and weakened, but here goes.
Double Bite (AC). On hit target takes 10 ongoing psychic.
1d20+15=31 v Barel. Miss.
1d20+15=28 v Barel. Miss.
Barel (resist 5 cold, AC 32, F32, R24, W25
Arishat - 10 ongoing psychic (se)
Caller in Darkness 1 - BLOODIED; marked by Barel; slowed and can't shift to end Barel's next turn; -7 melee to end Barel's next turn; weakened to end Lanthair's next turn; slowed, can't teleport and provokes OAs on shifting to end Thom's next turn
Caller 2 - won't materialise or be able to act until next round

Barel Dlode |

Barel shifts to further box in the caller, call's out the creature again, and then swings his mighty hammer at it once more.
MOVE: Shift to N15.
FREE: Mark Caller
STSANDARD: Weight of the earth: (10)+20 = 30 vs AC
Damage: (8)+13+6+3=30 damage and target is slowed UEMNT.
No change in defensive stats. this turn.

Rev DM |

Barel shifts to surround the Caller and lands a mighty blow, driving the weight of his earthen heritage into the foul choir.
Arishat - 10 ongoing psychic (se)
Caller in Darkness 1 - BLOODIED; marked by Barel; slowed end Barel's next turn; weakened to end Lanthair's next turn; slowed, can't teleport and provokes OAs on shifting to end Thom's next turn
Caller 2 - won't materialise or be able to act until next round
Barel (resist 5 cold, AC 32, F32, R24, W25

Arishat |

47/91 hit points
"Let's finish this one before the next appears." And hope there aren't any more. Arishat moves across the Caller's line of vision, trying to force it to look in three directions at once. As it tries to follow her, she feints high and forces it to leave an opening for Lanthair to attack.
Shift to L17. Am I right that means Arishat is flanking with Lanthair and Barel, and both will benefit from Infernal Pincer and +5 to damage?
Commander's Strike, Lanthair against Caller 1, 1d20 + 19 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 19 + 3 + 2 = 32 vs AC, 1d8 + 6 + 7 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 7 + 5 = 20 damage
Saving throw, 1d20 ⇒ 14

Rev DM |

Quite right. Lanthair and Barel both benefit.
Arishat is not to be denied. Ever tactically aware, she shifts slightly to grant the benefit of her presence to both Barel and Lanthain and encourages the halfling to make another devastating attack.
Lanthair - +5 damage
Caller in Darkness 1 - BLOODIED; marked by Barel; slowed end Barel's next turn; weakened to end Lanthair's next turn; slowed, can't teleport and provokes OAs on shifting to end Thom's next turn
Caller 2 - won't materialise or be able to act until next round
Barel (resist 5 cold, AC 32, F32, R24, W25; +5 damage

Rev DM |

I've had to re-do all my maps, which is not a great way to spend a couple of hours. Can you all check that I haven't put you somewhere improbable or just plain wrong.
The companions regroup to face the next threat, wisely deciding that leaving it behind them will only cause more trouble.
Caller 2
Barel (resist 5 cold, AC 32, F32, R24, W25);

Rev DM |

Now fully materialised, the Caller looms towards Tavar. It marks him and then tries to suck away his life.
Advantage of Fear. Minor. On creature within 10 is marked by the Caller and grants CA to it.
Steal Essence (Fort). Only useable on marked creatures. On hit target takes 5 ongoing psychic (se).
First failed save - weakened and 5 ongoing psychic (se both)
Second failed save - stunned and 10 ongoing psychic (se both)
1d20+24=41 v Tavar. 1d10+9=12
12 psychic damage, 5 ongoing psychic (se, but see above)
Caller Steal Essence (Fort)
Only useable on marked creatures. On hit target takes 5 ongoing psychic (se).
First failed save - weakened and 5 ongoing psychic (se both)
Second failed save - stunned and 10 ongoing psychic (se both)
Barel (resist 5 cold, AC 32, F32, R24, W25);
Tavar - marked by Caller and granting CA to it; 5 ongoing psychic (se, but see above)
Caller 2

Arishat |

"Another one. Ah, well, better get on with it." Arishat follows Barel, moving round the benches and trying to give the creature a bit of her spear.
47/91 hit points
Inspiring Word, Arishat spends a healing surge and recovers an extra 3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 5) = 12 hit points
Move to L10
Charge to F8
Attack, 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (3) + 20 = 23 vs AC, 1d10 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 10 + 2 = 20 damage

Rev DM |

Arishat and Barel converge on the second hideous choir almost in unison. Barel's attack is decisive, but Arishat is put off at the last moment by a particularly grating chord emerging from the horror.
Caller Steal Essence (Fort)
Only useable on marked creatures. On hit target takes 5 ongoing psychic (se).
First failed save - weakened and 5 ongoing psychic (se both)
Second failed save - stunned and 10 ongoing psychic (se both)
Tavar - marked by Caller and granting CA to it; 5 ongoing psychic (se, but see above)
Caller 2
Barel (resist 5 cold, AC 32, F32, R24, W25)

Tavar oracle of the Raven Queen |

"I'm going to pen it in with some blades so can't do any fancy maneuvers."
Cast Blade Barrier, the wall occupies squares; C7-10 and D10.
The spaces occupied by the blade barrier are difficult terrain.
If a creature enters the barrier’s space or starts its turn there, it takes 3d6 + Wisdom modifier damage plus ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
Damage = 3d6 + 7 ⇒ (3, 5, 1) + 7 = 16
save = 1d20 ⇒ 9 Can anyone give me a =1 to my save

Arishat |

save = 1d20 Can anyone give me a =1 to my save
Not as a reaction, sorry. I can and will throw Adaptive Stratagem Tavar's way next turn, +3 to Saving Throws (and +5 to damage), and could add Inpsiring Word for an immediate save with another +2 (or, if Tavar gets within 2, Stirring Force gives all allies within 2 a save with +7).

Rev DM |

Attacks shower around the Caller as the companions join forces and go to work on it. Before Tavar succombs to the dreadful voices, he raises a hand and plants a barrier of glowing blades, chopping at anything coming near it and forcing the Caller to stay in reach of Arishat and Barel.
Ouch. You all hit.
Caller Steal Essence (Fort)
Only useable on marked creatures. On hit target takes 5 ongoing psychic (se).
First failed save - weakened and 5 ongoing psychic (se both)
Second failed save - stunned and 10 ongoing psychic (se both)
Caller 2
Barel (resist 5 cold, AC 32, F32, R24, W25)
Tavar - marked by Caller and granting CA to it; weakened and and taking 5 ongoing psychic (se, failed first save - but see above)

Lynore |

Move to B12, shroud 1 on Caller and invoking it 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Executioner's Noose 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (19) + 19 = 38 vs fort, 1d6 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 force damage and drag the target to D10, so that should put it in C9 c10 D9 and D10, so taking damage from the Wall I would think at least one square of it, not sure about more, looks like it will take it for going into the space and again at the start of its turn
Lynore stalks forward and with a deft toss loops shadowy energy around the Caller and draws it back into the Wall of Blades.

Rev DM |

Yes, it takes damage for entering the Blade Barrier. Nice move.
Lynore deftly yanks the singing monster into Tavar's thoughtfully placed blade barrier and watches with satisfaction as the heads start a new hymn of pain.
The Caller marks her and tries to steal her life force.
Marked as minor (Lynore is marked and grants CA (se both)
Steal Essence (Fort). On hit target takes 5 ongoing psychic and see effects below.
1d20+22=37 - Caller 2 v Lynore. Hits. 1d10+9=14
14 necro damage to Lynore and she takes 5 ongoing psychic (se - see below)
Caller Steal Essence (Fort)
Only useable on marked creatures. On hit target takes 5 ongoing psychic (se).
First failed save - weakened and 5 ongoing psychic (se both)
Second failed save - stunned and 10 ongoing psychic (se both)
Barel (resist 5 cold, AC 32, F32, R24, W25)
Tavar - marked by Caller and granting CA to it (se); weakened and and taking 5 ongoing psychic (se, failed first save - but see above)
Lynore - marked by Caller and granting CA to it (se); 5 ongoing psychic (se, but see above)
Caller 2

Barel Dlode |

Barel realizes that he can help hem the creature in within the blade barrier. He dives into the floor, reemerges on the other side of the creature, and then swings at the caller again, creating a square of muddy morass surrounding himself, while conveniently sucking at the ?feet? of the caller.
Move action: tread the earth--Burrow to B9 and he grants me CA.
Free action: Mark Caller
Standard: Drown in Mud--Close burst 1--(10)+20+2=30 vs AC
On Hit:(8,10)+ 11+9= 38 damage and caller is immobilized UEMNT.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the area of the burst counts as difficult terrain and any creature (other than you) in the area of the burst that takes damage falls prone.

Arishat |

Considering the damage Barel did, if that's a miss I'm responding. Free Action - Felling Strike, Arishat spends an action point to let Barel reroll his last attack roll.
Arishat can't follow Barel through the ground but she closes on the Caller in her own with, while adding a little advice for Tavar. "Concentrate, Tavar. It's your head, and that creature doesn't belong in it." With her spear, she attempts to confuse the Caller about the direction of the threats.
81/91 hit points
Shift to E9
Deceiever's Ploy, 1d20 + 20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 20 + 2 = 31 vs Will; 2d10 + 10 + 5 ⇒ (8, 9) + 10 + 5 = 32 damage and target takes a penalty of -2 to attack rolls teomnt
Adaptive Stratagem, teomnt Tavar recieves a +5 bonus to damage rolls and a +3 bonus to saving throws.

Rev DM |

Arishat's words of support for Barel are un-necessary. The dwarf pools mud around the base of the massed choir and their hymn starts to strike at note of panic as Arishat herself adds to the mayhem. Shoving it hard with her spear, it topples into the mud, black blood oozing from its many mouths.
Above the altar, a third horror is appearing.
Caller Steal Essence (Fort)
Only useable on marked creatures. On hit target takes 5 ongoing psychic (se).
First failed save - weakened and 5 ongoing psychic (se both)
Second failed save - stunned and 10 ongoing psychic (se both)
Tavar - marked by Caller and granting CA to it (se); weakened and and taking 5 ongoing psychic (se, failed first save - but see above); +5 to damage and +3 to saves to end Arishat's next turn
Lynore - marked by Caller and granting CA to it (se); 5 ongoing psychic (se, but see above)
Caller 2 - marked by Barel; immobilised to end Barel's next turn; prone; -2 to attacks to end Arishat's next turn
Caller 3
Barel (resist 5 cold, AC 32, F32, R24, W25)

Rev DM |

Lanthair does his best, but not even his trained heels can fists can bypass the fallen Caller's defenses.
Caller Steal Essence (Fort)
Only useable on marked creatures. On hit target takes 5 ongoing psychic (se).
First failed save - weakened and 5 ongoing psychic (se both)
Second failed save - stunned and 10 ongoing psychic (se both)
Tavar - marked by Caller and granting CA to it (se); weakened and and taking 5 ongoing psychic (se, failed first save - but see above); +5 to damage and +3 to saves to end Arishat's next turn
Lynore - marked by Caller and granting CA to it (se); 5 ongoing psychic (se, but see above)
Caller 2 - marked by Barel; immobilised to end Barel's next turn; prone; -2 to attacks to end Arishat's next turn
Caller 3
Barel (resist 5 cold, AC 32, F32, R24, W25)

Thom Verikal |

Thom sees the other Caller forming up, thinking How many of these things are there? He heads away from the newly forming monster, and send a magical bolt at the wounded Caller.
Move to G16.
Cast Magic Missile:
Standard Action, Ranged 20
Target: One creature C2
Effect: Level 11: 3 + Intelligence modifier (+6) + 3 (Implement) = 12 points force damage.

Rev DM |

Moving prudently away from the impending choir, Thom concentrate on removing the menace trapped in Tavar's blade barrier.
Caller Steal Essence (Fort)
Only useable on marked creatures. On hit target takes 5 ongoing psychic (se).
First failed save - weakened and 5 ongoing psychic (se both)
Second failed save - stunned and 10 ongoing psychic (se both)
Tavar - marked by Caller and granting CA to it (se); weakened and and taking 5 ongoing psychic (se, failed first save - but see above); +5 to damage and +3 to saves to end Arishat's next turn
Lynore - marked by Caller and granting CA to it (se); 5 ongoing psychic (se, but see above)
Caller 2 - marked by Barel; immobilised to end Barel's next turn; prone; -2 to attacks to end Arishat's next turn
Caller 3
Barel (resist 5 cold, AC 32, F32, R24, W25)