Barel Dlode |

His teammates see Barel dive to...no make that INTO the ground, only to pop up 50 feet away, surprising the mage. As he emerges from the dirt, his body glints with ice immediately prior to a mighty swing with his hammer at the dark figure in front of him. He finally swings his hammer another time, with controlled fury at the mage in front of him.
MOVE ACTION: Tread the Earth: (Encounter) Burrow to M5: You burrow twice your speed. Each enemy adjacent to you at the end of your move grants combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn.
FREE ACTION: Mark the Mage
MINOR ACTION: Form of Winter's Herald: You assume the guardian form of winter’s herald until the end of the encounter. While you are in this form, you gain a +1 (+2 total with Mark of Warding) bonus to AC and resist 5 cold. In addition, each square within 2 squares of you, wherever you move, is difficult terrain for your enemies.
STANDARD ACTION: Rough Strike (encounter): (13)+20+5(Tavar)+2(CA)=40vs AC
on hit: (9,5)+19+6+3=42 damage and is slowed UEMNT
ACTION POINT: Weight of the earth (10)+20+5=35vs AC
on hit: (9)+13+6+3+14=45 damage and is slowed UEMNT.
So, damage should be total of 87 and slowed TEMNT. Marked: -3 attack rolls that don't target me.
Barel stats: used AP. 130/130HP. 17/17HS. AC=32 (Winter's Herald), Fort 29, Ref 23, Will 26(while in Winter's Herald form, from Guardian's Call Hammer)

Rev DM |

Barel erupts beneath B1's feet and attempts to turn him into dogfood. Startled and enraged, the man moves out of the zone and fires a ray of sapping black energy at the dwarf. His companion makes a similar attempt to slow Lanthair down.
Death Bolt (Ref). On hit target is dazed to end next turn
1d20+19=31 v Barel. Hits. 3d8+10=22 force and necro
1d20+19=36 v Lanthair. Hits. 3d8+10=26 force and necro
22 force and necro damage to Barel and he is dazed to the end of his next turn.
26 force and necro to Lanthair and he is dazed to the end of his next turn.
Barel gets an OA on B1.
Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.
To end Tavar's next turn, you all get a +5 bonus to all d20 rolls but you cannot score a critical hit.
Tavar - used AP;
Lynore - used AP
Lanthair - dazed to end his next turn
Spirit Wraith 1
Spirit Wraith 2
Spirit Wraith 3
Spirit Wraith 4
Barel - used AP; +1AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; dazed to end next turn
Black Mage 1 - BLOODIED; vulnerable 5 all Tavar's attacks (se); cover; marked by Barel
Black Mage 2 - BLOODIED; can't see Lynore to start her next turn

Arishat |

Arishat picks her way round the rubble, before levelling her spear and charging the mage.
Move to Q21
Standard, Charge to O24, Basic Melee Attack against BM2; 1d20 + 20 + 2 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 20 + 2 + 5 = 37 vs AC, 1d10 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 10 + 2 = 16 damage
If that doesn't drop him;
Action Point, Deceiver's Ploy, 1d20 + 20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 20 + 5 = 29 vs Will, 2d10 + 10 ⇒ (6, 7) + 10 = 23 damage and the target takes -2 to attack rolls teomnt

Rev DM |

Sorry, Barel - missed that he was slowed. Amended the map.
I think I'm going to have to tweak these encounters. These bods are supposed to be at least a little tough, not drop in one round.
Arishat pounds across the courtyard and wipes out Black Mage 2, while Barel nearly finishes off the other one with his rapid axe swing. Meanwhile Lanthair simply shrugs aside most of the damage done to him.
Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.
To end Tavar's next turn, you all get a +5 bonus to all d20 rolls but you cannot score a critical hit.
Tavar - used AP;
Lynore - used AP
Lanthair - dazed to end his next turn
Spirit Wraith 1
Spirit Wraith 2
Spirit Wraith 3
Spirit Wraith 4
Barel - used AP; +1AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; dazed to end next turn
Black Mage 1 - BLOODIED; vulnerable 5 all Tavar's attacks (se); cover; marked by Barel
Arishat - used AP

Barel Dlode |

No problem, RevDM. I am amazed at how you keep all these powers straight in your DM'ing...having DM'ed some, but not alot, it is fun, but sometimes tedious! Thanks for making it fun!
Barel twiddles his thumbs slowly, trying not to attract the attention of the "wraithessess with wings!"

Tavar oracle of the Raven Queen |

Tavar follows up by casting Zealous Sanction on blood-mage 1.
Attack vs will, 1d20 + 17 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 17 + 5 = 38, damage = 2d8 + 10 ⇒ (1, 6) + 10 = 17 22 with it's vulnerability and the next ally to hit it can spend a HS.
If this kills the mage S2 takes 4 cold damage and is immobilized SE.

Rev DM |

Thank you all. She was a stray who adopted us about 12 years ago and a very bouncy, boppity cat right up to two days ago when she just stopped pretty much as though everything broke - which as it turned out was true. We'll miss her.
The last mage is still standing after Tavar's attack, but only barely.
Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.
Next ally to hit B1 can spend a healing surge.
Lynore - used AP
Lanthair - dazed to end his next turn
Spirit Wraith 1
Spirit Wraith 2
Spirit Wraith 3
Spirit Wraith 4
Barel - used AP; +1AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; dazed to end next turn
Black Mage 1 - BLOODIED; vulnerable 5 all Tavar's attacks (se); cover; marked by Barel
Arishat - used AP
Tavar - used AP

Thom Verikal |

Move to V15
Free action, use Foe Stone against the Spirit Wraiths.
Standard Action Radiant Pillar centered on square W22
KEYWORDS Arcane, Implement, Radiant, Zone
You conjure a cylinder of light that illuminates the battlefield, searing the eyes of your foes.
Standard Action, Area Burst 1 within 10 squares.
Effect: The burst creates a zone of bright light until the end of your next turn. Creatures are blinded while within the zone. If a creature vulnerable to radiant damage starts its turn within the zone, it takes damage equal to double its vulnerability.
Thom moves closer to another wraith and decides to brighten its day.

Rev DM |

immune disease and poison
resist: insubstantial
No vulnerabilities
Fort lowest defense
Lynore sidesteps quickly alongside Arishat, but fails to make any impact on S1. Nonetheless, her shroud wraps remorselessly around its neck.
Thom lightens things up considerably for S4 to the point that the creature can't see at all. These undead appear not to fear radiance, however and it remains intact.
Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.
Next ally to hit B1 can spend a healing surge.
Lanthair - dazed to end his next turn
Spirit Wraith 1 - one shroud
Spirit Wraith 2
Spirit Wraith 3
Spirit Wraith 4 - blinded in zone
Barel - used AP; +1AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; dazed to end next turn
Black Mage 1 - BLOODIED; vulnerable 5 all Tavar's attacks (se); cover; marked by Barel
Arishat - used AP
Tavar - used AP
Lynore - used AP

Rev DM |

The pebble passes straight through the wraith and all four now gather substance from the air and transform it into flaming skulls. They hurl them towards the companions.
Exploding Skull (Fort) - burst 2 within 10. On hit target is marked and immobilised (se both). Miss, half damage and marked (se)
S1 and S4 target Lanthair, Lynore and Arishat
S2 targets Thom and Tavar
S3 targets Barel
1d20+20=34 - S1 v Lanthair. Hits.
1d20+20=35 - S1 v Lynore. Hits.
1d20+20=31 - S1 v Arishat. Hits.
3d10+7=18 necro
18 damage to Lanthair, Lynore and Arishat and they are all marked and immobilised (se both)
1d20+20=25 - S4 v Lanthair. Miss
1d20+20=37 - S4 v Lynore. Hits.
1d20+20=33 - S4 v Arishat. Hits.
30 necro to Lynore and Arishat
15 necro to Lanthair
1d20+20=40 - S2 v Thom. Hits. Crit (37 necro)
1d20+20=26 - S2 v Tavar. Miss.
37 necro to Thom
14 necro to Tavar
1d20+20=37 - S3 v Barel. Hits.
31 necro to Barel
Damage totals this round:
48 to Lynore and Arishat
37 to Thom
33 to Lanthair
31 to Barel
14 to Tavar
Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.
Next ally to hit B1 can spend a healing surge.
Barel - used AP; +1AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; dazed to end next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Black Mage 1 - BLOODIED; vulnerable 5 all Tavar's attacks (se); cover; marked by Barel
Arishat - used AP; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Tavar - used AP; marked by S2 (se)
Lynore - used AP; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Thom - immobilised and marked by S2 (se both)
Lanthair - immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Spirit Wraith 1 - one shroud
Spirit Wraith 2
Spirit Wraith 3
Spirit Wraith 4

Barel Dlode |

Barel shakes off the effects of the Wraith (Font of Life Save = (18)), but can still only manage a single attack, so he aims for the ground at this own feet.
Shake the earth: Standard, Encounter: Close burst 4 STR VS FORT
Thunder Damage. (Neither are burrowing, so no sliding.)
Mage: (8)+21=29 Vs Fort
Wraith: (20)Crit!+21=41 Vs Fort
Damage: Mage--(3,9)+11+3=26 thunder damage
Wraith--34+(3,6,3)=46 thunder damage
if that hit the Mage, I will use a healing surge...otherwise, I have to be done.
@RevDM: Barel's AC Bonus should be +2, due to his Mark of Warding feat.

Rev DM |

Barel blasts into both mage and wraith and strengthens himself in the process. Battered and horribly wounded, the mage hurls another bolt of necrotic power at the dwarf and retreats behind the wall.
Barel wins the surge.
Black Bolt (Ref). On hit target is dazed to end next turn
1d20+19=37 - BM1 v Barel. Hits.
21 force and necro to Barel and he is dazed to end his next turn.
Mage save v Tavar: 1d20=12. At last.
Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.
Arishat - used AP; BLOODIED; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Tavar - used AP; marked by S2 (se)
Lynore - used AP; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Thom - immobilised and marked by S2 (se both)
Lanthair - immobilised and marked by S4 (se both); +2 AC and Ref to end next turn
Spirit Wraith 1 - one shroud
Spirit Wraith 2
Spirit Wraith 3
Spirit Wraith 4
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; dazed to end next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Black Mage 1 - BLOODIED; marked by Barel

Arishat |

"Come on, come on, shake it off. It's just pain." Arishat tries to get her legs moving again, and the same for Lynore.
Inspiring Word, Arishat can spend a healing surge and recover an additonal 3d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 1) = 10 hit points, and makes a saving throw with a +2 bonus. Save 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Inspiring Word, Lynore can spend a healing surge and recover an additonal 3d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 1) = 6 hit points, and makes a saving throw with a +2 bonus. 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Saving Throw at end of turn, 1d20 ⇒ 4
75/91 hit points

Rev DM |

Arishat gives herself and Lynore some restorative advice. Unfortunately, her feet are still in shock.
Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.
Tavar - used AP; marked by S2 (se)
Lynore - used AP;
Thom - immobilised and marked by S2 (se both)
Lanthair - immobilised and marked by S4 (se both); +2 AC and Ref to end next turn
Spirit Wraith 1 - one shroud
Spirit Wraith 2
Spirit Wraith 3
Spirit Wraith 4
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; dazed to end next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Black Mage 1 - BLOODIED; marked by Barel
Arishat - used AP; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)

Rev DM |

Tavar - still need a save v S2's mark from you.
The mage proves stronger willed than Tavar had anticipated. Not even the recall of his long years helps his attack.
Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.
Lynore - used AP;
Thom - immobilised and marked by S2 (se both)
Lanthair - immobilised and marked by S4 (se both); +2 AC and Ref to end next turn
Spirit Wraith 1 - one shroud
Spirit Wraith 2
Spirit Wraith 3
Spirit Wraith 4
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; dazed to end next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Black Mage 1 - BLOODIED; marked by Barel
Arishat - used AP; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Tavar - used AP; marked by S2 (se)

Rev DM |

Blimey - you lot are rolling fantastically.
Lynore ignores all other distractions and drives a potent blow through S1. Insubstantial though it is, the creature cannot help flinching.
Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.
Thom - immobilised and marked by S2 (se both)
Lanthair - immobilised and marked by S4 (se both); +2 AC and Ref to end next turn
Spirit Wraith 1
Spirit Wraith 2
Spirit Wraith 3
Spirit Wraith 4
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; dazed to end next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Black Mage 1 - BLOODIED; marked by Barel
Arishat - used AP; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Tavar - used AP; marked by S2 (se)
Lynore - used AP

Thom Verikal |

Thom activates his boots, then he uses his new spell from his book to fry some wraiths.
Minor action: Boots of Free Movement:
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Minor Action: Summon Hell Hound:
KEYWORDS Arcane, Fire, Implement, Summoning
You summon a burning, houndlike creature that bays with the voice of a raging inferno.
Minor, Ranged 10
Effect: You summon a Medium hell hound in an unoccupied space within range. The hell hound has speed 7 and resist 10 fire. Any creature that enters a square adjacent to it or starts its turn there takes 5 fire damage. You can give the hell hound the following special command.
Standard action: Close blast 3; targets each creature in blast;
Intelligence 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 5) + 6 = 12 fire damage.
Intrinsic Nature: If you haven't given the hell hound any commands by the end of your turn, it makes its attack against at least one enemy, targeting as many creatures as possible. If it can't target any enemies, it moves its speed toward the nearest enemy. In addition, you take 5 fire damage.
Symbiosis: While the summoned hell hound is present, you deal 1d6 extra
fire damage with close and area attacks, and each creature that hits you with melee attacks takes 1d6 fire damage.
AP: Standard action Use heal surge.
Save to end conditions 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
I cannot get the map to load for some reason, please place the hell hound next to one of the closest wraiths.

Rev DM |

Unable to do anything other than hold his ground, Thom summons some extradimensional help. A slavering hellbound appears and bursts into flame adjacent to S2. Some of the insubstantial matter forming the undead melts away in the doggy presence.
Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.
Lanthair - immobilised and marked by S4 (se both); +2 AC and Ref to end next turn
Spirit Wraith 1
Spirit Wraith 2 - 5 (2) fire at start of turn (Hellhound)
Spirit Wraith 3
Spirit Wraith 4
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; dazed to end next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Black Mage 1 - BLOODIED; marked by Barel
Arishat - used AP; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Tavar - used AP; marked by S2 (se)
Lynore - used AP
Thom - +2 all defenses to start next turn (used second wind); immobilised and marked by S2 (se both)

Rev DM |

Lanthair takes a few deep breaths and breaks out of the mental and physical bonds hindering him.
Recharge rolls for Spirit Wraiths:
S1 - 1d6=2. No.
S2 - 1d6=5. Yes.
S3 - 1d6=5. Yes.
S4 - 1d6=1. No.
More heads form in the hands of S2 and S3, but S1 and S4 resort to simpler measures.
S1 attacks Lynore.
S4 attacks Lanthair.
S2 shifts and hurls a head at Fluffy and Tavar
S3 moves and hurls a head at Barel.
Keening Sword (AC). On hit target is marked to end Spirit Wraith's next turn.
1d20+22=25 - S1 v Lynore. Miss.
1d20+22=33 - S4 v Lanthair. Hits.
5d8+11= 26 psychic
26 psychic damage to Lanthair and he is marked by S4 to end S4's next turn.
Exploding Head (Fort). Burst 2 within 10. On hit target is immobilised and marked to the end of the Spirit Wraith's next turn. Miss half damage and marked.
1d20+20=33 - S2 v Fluffy. Hits.
1d20+20=31 - S2 v Tavar. Hits.
26 damage to Fluffy and Tavar and both are immobilised and marked by S2 (se both).
Exploding Head (Fort). Burst 2 within 10. On hit target is immobilised and marked to the end of the Spirit Wraith's next turn. Miss half damage and marked.
1d20+20=35 - S3 v Barel. Hits.
25 damage to Barel and he is immobilised and marked by S3 (se both).
Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; dazed to end next turn; immobilised and marked by S3 (se both)
Black Mage 1 - BLOODIED; marked by Barel
Arishat - used AP; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Tavar - used AP; immobilised and marked by S2 (se both)
Lynore - used AP
Thom - +2 all defenses to start next turn (used second wind); immobilised and marked by S2 (se both)
(Fluffy) - immobilised and marked by S2 (se both)
Lanthair - +2 all defenses to start next turn (used second wind); marked by S4 to end S4's next turn
Spirit Wraith 1
Spirit Wraith 2
Spirit Wraith 3
Spirit Wraith 4

Rev DM |

Barel carries his portable terrain with him and slams into S3, sending wisps of shadow whirling into the air.
The Blackfire Mage eases around the corner and fires yet another bolt of disabling energy at the dwarf before dropping prone among the rubble.
Death Bolt (Ref). On hit target is dazed to end next turn
1d20+19=38 - BM1 v Barel. Hits. 3d6+9=18
18 damage to Barel and he is dazed to end his next turn.
Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.
Arishat - used AP; immobilised and marked by S4 (se both)
Tavar - used AP; immobilised and marked by S2 (se both)
Lynore - used AP
Thom - +2 all defenses to start next turn (used second wind); immobilised and marked by S2 (se both)
(Fluffy) - immobilised and marked by S2 (se both)
Lanthair - +2 all defenses to start next turn (used second wind); marked by S4 to end S4's next turn
Spirit Wraith 1
Spirit Wraith 2
Spirit Wraith 3 - in difficult terrain (Barel's zone)
Spirit Wraith 4
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; dazed to end next turn
Black Mage 1 - BLOODIED; prone; cover

Arishat |

Arishat experimentally tries to tap her feet together. She slams her standard down next to her.
Standard, plant Battle Standard of Healing in O23. If any allies spend a healing surge within a zone 5, all allies within the zone regain one hit point.
Saving Throw 1d20 ⇒ 12.

Rev DM |

@Thom - apologies. Got sidetracked by Fluffy's arrival.
Arishat sets out her standard and hopes sees her allies able to take the benefit of it. Inspired herself, she demands that her feet move and they obey her.
Spirit wraiths are flying and have phasing.
Tavar - used AP; immobilised and marked by S2 (se both)
Lynore - used AP
Thom - +2 all defenses to start next turn (used second wind)
(Fluffy) - immobilised and marked by S2 (se both)
Lanthair - +2 all defenses to start next turn (used second wind); marked by S4 to end S4's next turn
Spirit Wraith 1
Spirit Wraith 2
Spirit Wraith 3 - in difficult terrain (Barel's zone)
Spirit Wraith 4
Barel - used AP; +2AC and resist 5 cold to end enc.; zone 2 centered on Barel is difficult terrain for enemies; dazed to end next turn
Black Mage 1 - BLOODIED; prone; cover
Arishat - used AP