Tomb of Horrors (4e) - Group 2, Part 2

Game Master Rev Rosey

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Silver Crusade

Female Human 18 Paladin/Heartwarder

figured Lenore got to shift them, alright, let me see...Arishat uses a polearm, and has reach, now if I knew her capabilities I might move M3 away from her so she can avoid any OA in case she gives out two heals...but I'm not fully knowledgable, so let's put M3 in K14 so Lanthair and Arishat have a flank. Lanthair can always shift that sucker again if needed.

Okies. Looks like a typo got in there, but I've shifted M2 between Arishat and Lanthair so they can flank. Arishat doesn't incur an OA for using Inspiring Words, so she's fine.

Map updated below :)


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

All - To end Arishat's next turn, all at +6 to hit M2.

Barel - -2 to hit M2, M4, M5,; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4, M5
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4, M5
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Mummy 2 - BLOODIED; two shrouds; no OAs to end Lynore's next turn and can be slid 1 each time it takes damage to end Lynore's next turn; -2 attacks to end Raya's next turn
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; no OAs to end Lynore's next turn and can be slid 1 each time it takes damage to end Lynore's next turn
Mummy 4
Mummy 5 - marked by Barel
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3, M4, M5
Raya - -2 to hit M4, M5; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn

Mummification mid battle.
3 successes/0 failures on Mummy 5 (4 before 3)
Primary skills:
Athletics - to wrestle the things to the ground or otherwise hold them still.
History and Arcana to recognise which articles are required
Religion to know the best way to use them.
Secondary Skills:
Nature and Perception: Neither gives a success or failure, but does provide a +2 bonus to the next primary check.

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

Infernal Pincer gives a damage bonus to people flanking with Arishat, so there's an extra 5 damage to M2 assuming Raya attacked it while still flanking with Arishat.

Arishat wrote:
Infernal Pincer gives a damage bonus to people flanking with Arishat, so there's an extra 5 damage to M2 assuming Raya attacked it while still flanking with Arishat.

She did, and I've added the damage. M2 isn't happy at all.

Male Dwarf Warden/16

Barel reels with the attack he just absorbed. He decides to spend his second wind, and then tries another athletics check on the one Thom is working on.

"Great mother of stone, that hurt! I will need a strong drink soon."

Standard: athletics check = (13)+12 = 25
Minor: second wind (2 surges with cloak of walking wounded).
Free: mark both mummies next to me.

Barel was bloodied but is now back at 124/130HP.

Barel hangs on to M5, holding it still as Thom's sigils have their effect. With a blissful sigh, the body subsides and troubles you no more.

M4 continues to loom over the pair.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

All - To end Arishat's next turn, all at +6 to hit M2.

Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4, M5
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4, M5
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Mummy 2 - BLOODIED; two shrouds; no OAs to end Lynore's next turn and can be slid 1 each time it takes damage to end Lynore's next turn; -2 attacks to end Raya's next turn
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; no OAs to end Lynore's next turn and can be slid 1 each time it takes damage to end Lynore's next turn
Mummy 4 - marked by Barel
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3, M4, M5
Raya - -2 to hit M4, M5; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn
Barel - used second wind; +2 all defenses to start his next turn; -2 to hit M2, M4, M5,; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

Move to J13
Shroud 3 on M2 invoking them 3d6 + 9 ⇒ (4, 1, 5) + 9 = 19 2d6+6 on miss, 11 damage on miss
Shadow Storm 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (2) + 21 = 23 vs ac, 1d8 + 12 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 12 + 5 = 21

Lynore slids into place and attacks the mummy.

Lynore picks away at the wrappings, struggling with M2's resinous covering.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

All - To end Arishat's next turn, all at +6 to hit M2.

Lanthair - -2 to hit M4
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Mummy 2 - BLOODIED; -2 attacks to end Raya's next turn
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 4 - marked by Barel
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3, M4
Raya - -2 to hit M4; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn
Barel - used second wind; +2 all defenses to start his next turn; -2 to hit M2, M4; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

Lanthair strikes at the mummy, harnessing the spirits of his ancestors.

Tormented Spirit vs. M2. 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (9) + 19 = 28 vs Fort. 3d6 + 17 ⇒ (4, 5, 4) + 17 = 30 damage on a hit.

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

Are those last two attacks including the +6 to hit? Lanthair should have +5 to damage as well (Infernal Pincer)

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

I was thinking i did not get the CA bonus since i wasnt directly flanking i thought it was just straight across the cube, i could be and hope that i am wrong :)

Lynore, even with +6, you would miss. Lanthair hits with that +6 and has done another 5 damage.

Lanthair's fists find a weak spot and leave M2 looking very fragile.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

All - To end Arishat's next turn, all at +6 to hit M2.

Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Mummy 2 - BLOODIED; -2 attacks to end Raya's next turn
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 4 - marked by Barel
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3, M4
Raya - -2 to hit M4; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn
Barel - used second wind; +2 all defenses to start his next turn; -2 to hit M2, M4; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

Thank you; I had not included those bonuses.

Also, M2 is weakened to EOMNT. (Assuming it lives [unlives?] that long.)

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

Arishat addresses Raya in a conversational tone, "Excuse me, but while we haven't been formally introduced yet," she feints with her spear towards the mummy, "I probably should mention that if you want to hang around with us you have to ask permission if you want to die. And since I haven't given it, you might want to pull yourself together and get on with some proper undead smashing." She looks around for a moment. "Lynore, could you finish this one off for me, please."

Inspiring Word, Raya can spend a healing surge and recover an additional 3d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 3) = 12 hit points
Commander's Strike, Lynore vs M2, 1d20 + 21 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 21 + 6 + 3 = 46 vs AC, 1d8 + 9 + 5 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 9 + 5 + 7 = 22 damage
If M2 drops, move to L12, otherwise shift to L13

Silver Crusade

Female Human 18 Paladin/Heartwarder

Raya grunts, "Lucky I was informed of your charter then." As she raises her shield, bracing for the next assault.

She shakes off her wounds as best she can, a residue of her healing floods the immediate area, but finding no purchase.

When Raya spends a healing surge in any manner, an adjacent ally can be healed for 15 HP

"Guardian Iatos, by the way, don't usually make a habit of meeting people in pitched battles, but here we are."

61 HP 28 THP, Resist All 3 USOMNT, marked by M3

Arishat and Raya exchange pleasantries while Lynore comes close to finishing off M2 for good.

Hostilities resume almost immediately as the mummys turn their bone-crushing attentions back to the heroes.

M2 attacks Lynore with a +2 since she did the last damage and an additional 1d6 damage if it hits.
M3 attacks Raya. Additional 1d6 on hit due to mark.
M4 attacks Thom. Attacks at -2 because marked by Barel
1d20+23=31 - M2 v Lynore. Hits. 4d8+10=19 plus 1d6=3 (halved due to weakened)
11 damage to Lynore and she is marked by M2 to end M2's next turn
1d20+23=40 - M3 v Raya. Hits. 4d8=10=28 plus 1d6=4
32 damage to Raya and she is marked by M3 to end M3's next turn
1d20+21=40 - M4 v Thom. Hits. 4d8+10=30
30 damage to Thom and he is marked by M4 to end M4's next turn


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

All - To end Arishat's next turn, all at +6 to hit M2.

Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3, M4; marked by M4 to end M4's next turn
Raya - -2 to hit M4; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn
Barel - used second wind; +2 all defenses to start his next turn; -2 to hit M2, M4; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4; marked by M2 to end M2's next turn
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Mummy 2 - BLOODIED; -2 attacks to end Raya's next turn; weakened to end Lanthair's next turn
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 4 - marked by Barel

Male Dwarf Warden/16

When M4 hits Thom, Barel reacts unfavorably by hammering on the mummy's forehead.

Warden's Fury: (13)+21 = 34 VS Fort
On Hit: (2)+16 = 18 damage and he grants CA to me and my allies UEMNT

Thom raises his hands warding off some of the damage taken from the blow, and raises his hands outward, ”That is close enough!”

Immediate Interrupt. Use Bracers of Defense: Power (Daily): You can use this power when you are hit by a melee attack. Reduce the damage dealt to you by the attack by 10.

Standard Action, use Repelling Sphere:
KEYWORDS Arcane, Force, Implement
Close burst 3
You repulse your enemies with an expending sphere of force.
Attack: Intelligence 1d20 + 18 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 18 - 2 = 30 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (3, 1) + 6 = 10 force damage, and you push the target to a space outside the burst. Push to square K8.

Status: HP: 54/80; Bloodied 40; Surges: 8/8; Surge Value: 20

Thom and Barel instictively join forces to shovel M4 unceremoniously out of the way. A length of bandage loosens as a result of the attacks.

Thom, that hits with Barel's CA.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

All - To end Arishat's next turn, all at +6 to hit M2.

Raya - -2 to hit M4; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn
Barel - used second wind; +2 all defenses to start his next turn; -2 to hit M2; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4; marked by M2 to end M2's next turn
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Mummy 2 - BLOODIED; -2 attacks to end Raya's next turn
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 4 - marked by Barel; grants CA to all to end Barel's next turn
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3; marked by M4 to end M4's next turn

Silver Crusade

Female Human 18 Paladin/Heartwarder

M3's turn ended, did I get remarked? I need to know before my turn. Also M2 was weakened by Lanthair, so that should save Lynore some damage, right?

Guardian Iatos wrote:

M3's turn ended, did I get remarked? I need to know before my turn. Also M2 was weakened by Lanthair, so that should save Lynore some damage, right?

Hopefully just hit the edit window to change that. Lynore takes 11 damage from weakened M2. Raya is re-marked as M3 hit her again, but takes 3 less damage due to her resist 3.

Silver Crusade

Female Human 18 Paladin/Heartwarder

Gotcha. Hmm. I've got a cheeky thing to try out here, but it'll have to wait till next turn. Now, I rolled an attack last post, but edited it out since the situation changed, I'll keep the result if that works.

Raya glares over at M2, 'Certainly that one is bound to fall in a moment, I just need to wait two more moments...'

Enfeebling Strike on M3 vs AC
6+21= 27 Miss.

She frowns as her preoccupation with what's to come leads to an ill timed swing.

The paladin wrinkles her nose as a waft of dried mummy dust floats past her. Anxious to avoid infestation, she ducks and mistimes her blow.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Barel - used second wind; +2 all defenses to start his next turn; -2 to hit M2; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4; marked by M2 to end M2's next turn
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Mummy 2 - BLOODIED; weakened to end Lanthair's next turn
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 4 - marked by Barel; grants CA to all to end Barel's next turn
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3; marked by M4 to end M4's next turn
Raya - -2 to hit M4; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn

Male Dwarf Warden/16

Barel moves to follow his mummy buddy and attempts to make it difficult for it to hit his friends next time. To do so, he calls on the deep powers of the earth to inhibit the mummy's next attack, and forces that effect into the mummy using the blunt end of his craghammer.

Move: J9
Standard: Mountain Hammer--(17)+ 21= 38 vs Fort
On hit: (10, 3) +19= 32 damage and takes a -7 penalty to melee attack rolls UEMNT.
Free: Mark M4 again.

Just remembered. You have Stage 1 Mummy Rot. Can you half the number of HP you've gained from any healing please.

Barel trudges after M4 and smacks it hard around the head to get its attention.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4; marked by M2 to end M2's next turn
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Mummy 2 - BLOODIED; weakened to end Lanthair's next turn
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 4 - marked by Barel; grants CA to all to end Barel's next turn
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3; marked by M4 to end M4's next turn ; -7 to melee attacks to end Barel's next turn
Raya - -2 to hit M4; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn
Barel - used second wind; +2 all defenses to start his next turn; -2 to hit M2; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

Shadow Storm on M2, 1d20 + 21 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 21 + 2 = 41 vs ac, 1d8 + 12 + 3 + 5 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 12 + 3 + 5 + 5 = 28
If that kills the target shadow step to K11 and shroud 1 on M3

Lynore slams into the mummy hacking away trying to put it to rest.

Lynore - M2 isn't down, but do you want to put a shroud on M3 anyway?

Lynore's attack leaves M2 reeling, barely held together by a piece of string-like sinew. One more cut will surely finish the unhappy creature.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Lanthair - -2 to hit M4
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Mummy 2 - BLOODIED; weakened to end Lanthair's next turn
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya
Mummy 4 - marked by Barel; grants CA to all to end Barel's next turn
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3; marked by M4 to end M4's next turn ; -7 to melee attacks to end Barel's next turn
Raya - -2 to hit M4; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn
Barel - used second wind; +2 all defenses to start his next turn; -2 to hit M2; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4; marked by M2 to end M2's next turn

Male Dwarf Warden/16

Thanks, Did it and Barel is at 88/130 instead of 126.

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

Yep in anticipation of M2 going down before my next turn, i figure i will go ahead and switch over to thinking about killing m3


Fabes has had to pull out of Lost City, so the space is yours if you would like it.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Lanthair - -2 to hit M4
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Mummy 2 - BLOODIED; weakened to end Lanthair's next turn
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; one shroud
Mummy 4 - marked by Barel; grants CA to all to end Barel's next turn
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3; marked by M4 to end M4's next turn ; -7 to melee attacks to end Barel's next turn
Raya - -2 to hit M4; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn
Barel - used second wind; +2 all defenses to start his next turn; -2 to hit M2; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4; marked by M2 to end M2's next turn

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

Lanthair continues his assault on M2.

Five storms. Shift 2 squares to J12. Five storms attack on M2 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (1) + 19 = 20 vs Reflex. 1d8 + 17 ⇒ (1) + 17 = 18 damage on a hit.

I have +1 to AC to EOMNT. (That's because of the movement, so I get it even though I missed terribly.)

Lanthair slips on a pile of decrepit bandages as he moves to attack M2.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Mummy 2 - BLOODIED; weakened to end Lanthair's next turn
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; one shroud
Mummy 4 - marked by Barel; grants CA to all to end Barel's next turn
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3; marked by M4 to end M4's next turn ; -7 to melee attacks to end Barel's next turn
Raya - -2 to hit M4; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn
Barel - used second wind; +2 all defenses to start his next turn; -2 to hit M2; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4; marked by M2 to end M2's next turn
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4; +1AC to end next turn

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

"If you want something done..." Arishat mutters under her breath, striking at the nearest mummy. She slips closer to the other mummy.

Viper's Strike, 1d20 + 20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 20 + 2 = 34 vs AC, 1d10 + 10 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 10 + 5 = 24 damage and if the target shifts bsomnt it provokes an OA from Lanthair
Move to L13 - and I do mean move, as I will respond to an OA with Infernal Wrath

Arishat - that takes out M2. Would you like to revise your move to take you closer to M3?

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

At two squares I can still hit with a reach weapon, and if I move up adjacent I'll be in the way for Lynore or Lanthair. So I'll stick to the planned move to L13.

Arishat briskly returns M2 to the grave and turns her attention to M3. The mummy only has eyes for the paladin threatening it and slams into her, showering her with dust from its decaying body.

M3 Rotting Slam (AC) v Raya at +2 to hit and 1d6 extra for mark.
1d20+23=43. Crit.
Raya takes 48 damage and contracts Stage 1 Mummy Rot. Healing effects are halved. Marked by M3 to end M3's next turn

M4 loops a piece of loose bandaging around Thom and pulls the wizard closer to it before thumping Barel again. Under the impact of the dwarf's gaze, the punch lacks any kind of power.

Winding Wrap (Ref) v Thom. On hit target is pulled up to 8 squares adjacent to M4 and immobilised to end M4's next turn
1d20+21=36 v Thom. Hits.
Rotting Slam (AC) v Barel. On hit target is marked by M4 to end M4's next turn.
1d20+16=20. Miss.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3;
Raya - -2 to hit M4; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn; Stage 1 Mummy Rot (healing is halved)
Barel - used second wind; +2 all defenses to start his next turn; -2 to hit M2; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot (healing is halved)
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4; marked by M2 to end M2's next turn
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4; +1AC to end next turn
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; one shroud
Mummy 4 - marked by Barel; grants CA to all to end Barel's next turn; -7 to melee attacks to end Barel's next turn

Silver Crusade

Female Human 18 Paladin/Heartwarder

Yowch, welcome to the game, here's some Mummy Rot!

Immediate Interrupt: Specter's Shield

Ruefully, Raya raises her shield as the mummy attacks her, light streaming out of it in a high pitched squeal, reminding the mummy of its previous life, causing it to waver.

M3 has -6 to all defenses UEOMNT

Raya will delay also until before the mummies turn

39 HP 3 THP

I'm very surprised myself. I haven't rolled monster crits for ages, never mind crits with conditions attached. Consider yourself honoured - my dice fear you :D


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3;
Barel - used second wind; +2 all defenses to start his next turn; -2 to hit M2; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot (healing is halved)
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4; marked by M2 to end M2's next turn
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4; +1AC to end next turn
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Raya - BLOODIED; -2 to hit M4; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn; Stage 1 Mummy Rot (healing is halved)
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; one shroud; -6 all defenses to end Raya's next turn
Mummy 4 - marked by Barel; grants CA to all to end Barel's next turn; -7 to melee attacks to end Barel's next turn

I assume Thom is immobilized?

Thom grunts in surprise as the mummy pull him closer. Man these just don’t take a hint! He hold his wand out and channels his arcane energy…

Boots of Free Movement: Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Make a saving throw against a slow, immobilize, or restrain effect that a save can end. 1d20 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 2 + 3 = 19
Thunderwave: Standard Action, Close Blast 3
Attack: Intelligence 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (10) + 18 = 28 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 6, 2) + 6 = 18 thunder damage, and you push the target a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier (+1). push to L9
Learned Boost: Effect: Use one of your arcane at-will attack powers on the target. If you hit, you deal +2[W] damage, or +2 dice of damage if it is a non-weapon attack.

Thom jabs his wand into the mummy and attempt to blow it away from him, but the corpse is simply to resilient.



Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Barel - used second wind; +2 all defenses to start his next turn; -2 to hit M2; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot (healing is halved)
Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4; marked by M2 to end M2's next turn
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4; +1AC to end next turn
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Raya - BLOODIED; -2 to hit M4; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn; Stage 1 Mummy Rot (healing is halved)
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; one shroud; -6 all defenses to end Raya's next turn
Mummy 4 - marked by Barel; grants CA to all to end Barel's next turn; -7 to melee attacks to end Barel's next turn
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3;

Paging Barel.

Male Dwarf Warden/16

Oops, sorry!

Barel pounds the mummy again, slowing him in the process.

weight of the earth: 1d20 (13) + 21 = 34
Damage: (8)+13+9 = 30 and he is slowed UEMNT.

Barel clouts M4, breaking an arm and sending more bandages to the floor.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Lynore - -2 to hit M3, M4; marked by M2 to end M2's next turn
Lanthair - -2 to hit M4; +1AC to end next turn
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Raya - BLOODIED; -2 to hit M4; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn; Stage 1 Mummy Rot (healing is halved)
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; one shroud; -6 all defenses to end Raya's next turn
Mummy 4 - marked by Barel; slowed to end Barel's next turn
Thom - -2 to hit M2, M3;
Barel - used second wind; +2 all defenses to start his next turn; -2 to hit M2; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot (healing is halved)

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

Shroud 2 on M3
Shadow Step to K10
Shadow Storm 1d20 + 22 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 22 + 2 = 36 vs ac, 1d8 + 12 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 12 + 5 + 2 = 27

Teleporting lightly onto the table, Lynore moves to aid Raya and deals a savage blow to M3.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Lanthair - -2 to hit M4; +1AC to end next turn
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Raya - BLOODIED; -2 to hit M4; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn; Stage 1 Mummy Rot (healing is halved)
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; two shrouds; -6 all defenses to end Raya's next turn
Mummy 4 - marked by Barel; slowed to end Barel's next turn
Thom - -2 to hit M3;
Barel - used second wind; +2 all defenses to start his next turn; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot (healing is halved)
Lynore - -2 to hit M4

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

Lanthair continues his assault on the mummies.

Move to K12. Crane's Wings on M3. 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31 vs Fort. 1d10 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25 damage. Additional 6 flurry of blows damage on M4.

Lanthair darts in once more and applies feet and fists to the bandaged dead.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Lanthair - -2 to hit M4; +1AC to end next turn
Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Raya - BLOODIED; -2 to hit M4; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn; Stage 1 Mummy Rot (healing is halved)
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; two shrouds; -6 all defenses to end Raya's next turn
Mummy 4 - marked by Barel; slowed to end Barel's next turn
Thom - -2 to hit M3;
Barel - used second wind; +2 all defenses to start his next turn; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot (healing is halved)
Lynore - -2 to hit M4

Male Halfling Monk 18 / Ghostwalker

I'm no longer up; Arishat is. I also don't have -2 to hit M4 anymore (since I just damaged it) and no longer have an AC bonus.

Cut and paste fail. Amended.


Mummy aura 5
Enemies within the aura take a -2 penalty to attacks until they damage that mummy.

Arishat - used AP; -2 to hit M3
Raya - BLOODIED; -2 to hit M4; +2 saves to start her next turn; marked by M3 to end M3's next turn; Stage 1 Mummy Rot (healing is halved)
Mummy 3 - divinely challenged by Raya; two shrouds; -6 all defenses to end Raya's next turn
Mummy 4 - marked by Barel; slowed to end Barel's next turn
Thom - -2 to hit M3;
Barel - used second wind; +2 all defenses to start his next turn; reach 2 and anyone hitting him with a melee attack takes 6 damage; +2 to Will in guardian form; Stage 1 Mummy Rot (healing is halved)
Lynore - -2 to hit M4

Female Tiefling Warlord/Infernal Strategist 18

"You know, you really should work on avoiding being hit a bit. It's good for you." Arishat's words to Raya drip with something that might not be entirely concern. "And that one, see where it's bandages are fraying, move round, take a deep breath, and try doing something holy to it right there."

Inspiring Word to Raya, who can spend a healing surge and recover an additional 3d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 3) = 6 hit points - all halved
Adaptive Stratagem, Raya gets +5 to damage rolls and +3 to saving throws teomnt
Commander's Strike, Raya against M3 using Virtuous Strike, 1d20 + 21 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 21 + 3 = 37, 1d8 + 9 + 7 + 5 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 9 + 7 + 5 + 3 = 31 radiant damage

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