Faolan Baran |
Greetings everyone! Very pleased to have made the Strike Force! Looking forward to playing with you all.
DM Malleus, do you want me to track treasure, or are you doing that? Happy to break out the spreadsheet for the Force... though I'm not yet clear on how the two teams interact. :)
I also had a build question you didn't answer (or if you did I missed it). Not critical for a bit, but here it is again for reference.
I humbly submit that this breaks the build intent and I ask you to rule instead that I can re-shoulder the shield at the end of the round as a free action so I can use it to protect myself (Shield to AC) on the opponents turn. That certainly seems intended - the whole trick of the Shield Champion is to throw and retrieve while being all cool looking. ;) Further, the archetype is by no means overpowered, and requires a number of feats to do well and additional cash, which detracts from other options I may have as a brawler.
How do you want to rule? I’m fine with any ruling, and do not plan to change the build, I’ll just make do if you disagree. :)
- - -
DM Malleus |
Faolan, good question. Feel free to track treasure for your group. I like giving out treasure but I don't track it. If a player doesn't write on a character sheet or track it OOC I tend to rule that y'all left it on the ground.
Your build question ruling. The build is obviously supposed to be Captain America(whose themed shirt I am wearing right now) The Shield returns immediately and furthermore at a higher level, you'll be able to make iterative attacks with it as per normal full attack BAB progression.
Faolan Baran |
Sounds great. I'll draw up a sheet for our group.
Thanks for the ruling too. We'll see how much I throw it, not really sure just now how big a part that'll be.
EDIT: I've DMed a lot, but never saw two gameplay threads. I think you might need to do two campaigns.
Sir Korbinian von Burkhard |
*Gives crisp salute*
Reporting for duty, sir.
Before we kick things off, I asked if it would be possible to get a template on my Cavalier mount. I don't think you got around to answering that, sorry if I missed it earlier.
Augustina Grigorova |
Hi! Thanks for the picking, GM, and greetings to everyone.
Regarding the two campaign thing, what I saw is people using the Discussion thread for the second campaign, while using Recruitment for Discussion. I'm not too keen on that, but it's a possibility if you don't want to have two threads. I would rather have two threads with a link between both on top.
Sir Korbinian von Burkhard |
What template were you thinking about Korbinian.
My preferred pick would be the areal creature template (refuluffed as being celestial), CR 0-CR 1. I'd really like to get elemental damage on my horse's natural attacks, given how much I'm going to want to trample people when I have the opportunity.
Drazh Anviltamer |
Because of all of the bonus feats, I decided to make this unique. Changed Drazh from being a standard two handed face mashed into someone who fights with a pair of Dwarven warshields. Also dropped the bow for daggers...had to due to expenses.
Is it as good? No. It’s almost certainly going to mean losing DPS. But now I get to actually use all of these bonus feats. And really, when else can a build like this be used?
Amara of the Bones |
Greetings friends :)
Question, is another discussion thread going to be opened for the Strike team campaign?
Drazh Anviltamer |
Elsmon later in the campaign can you make the bashing enchantment for my shields?
Drazh Anviltamer |
Sounds perfect. Each shield costs 4K without feat/Class discounts, but will really make my build turn on (1d6->2d6). Around lvl5 is when such costs will become manageable for me.
Drazh Anviltamer |
As a dwarf, orcs are EVIL. Regardless of whether they are or not...
Sir Korbinian von Burkhard |
Korbinain's seen like maybe 10 orcs in his life (not counting half orcs, which I imagine have a relatively large presence in Molthune's military). He's got no reason to hate them personally, and this is all for the Glory of Molthune and what not.
With that said, I believe several paizo devs have said that while orcs can be good, they really weren't going for moral nuance when dipicting them. I'd imagine the party would be considerably less bloodthirsty about other creatures.
Drazh Anviltamer |
Swapped out shield focus for Dwarven Hatred Style, and favored enemy orcs for Favored enemy giants.
Drazh now has +2 Hit and +2 Damage against goblinoids, orcs and giants. Pretty happy with that as he is now a dwarf trained to hunt down all enemies of his people.
I was tempted to go Favored enemy orcs, but +4 Hit and damage seemed excessive, and I liked the idea of being good at fighting all ancestral enemies better.
Sir Korbinian von Burkhard |
One of my spheres of power abilities allows me to create a 30ft aura around me. In that aura, any positional modifiers to attack (basically flanking and height advantage, quite nice for a mounted character) are increased by +1. I took a feat that lets me set up a squaderon, and increase the benifits of this ability by another +1. I can give this bonus to three other people in the party.
1. Who's going to be riding on horseback extensively in combat?
2. Who will be doing a lot of flanking?
3. Who will typically be within 30ft of Korbinian during fights.
To clarify: anyone within 30ft would get the +1 bonus. I can just increase it to +2 for 3 people in the party.
Drazh Anviltamer |
1. Nope, not ever
2. As much as 20ft movement allows
3. Depends on how closeness you stay to the dwarves
Aglaron |
1. I will definitely not be mounted in combat--though in a few levels I might get the beastmastery sphere with the ride package and change my tune.
2. I do want to flank as much as possible for that lovely bonus to attack rolls. Also in the future I might get the fencing sphere for some precision damage that would add then.
3. We'll both be in melee so we'll probably be within 30ft.
My base speed of 30ft is increased by 10ft while I have martial focus (which is almost all the time; some abilities require expenditure of martial focus, and then I can get it back by taking the total defense action, the withdraw action, or resting for 1 minute). That bonus speed will increase with levels: +15ft at level 5, +20 at level 10, +25 at 15 and +30 at 20.
Augustina Grigorova |
I will probably be in the middle of combat, trying to attract as many enemies as possible. My positioning will be focused on profiting from Cleave more than flanking, I guess.
Odoacer von Kriegsburg |
1. I won't be mounted in combat. I have a reach weapon and was planning on using AoO's to trip and then hit them when they stood back up, which leaves my turn for spellcasting. Of course the tripping is still a few feats off so it'll take awhile lol.
2. With my polearm and cestus I threaten anyone within 10 ft so I'm up for flanking whenever possible.
3. I'll definitely be within 30 ft of the melee, but the extra bonus might be best used on a full-BAB class who will get more use out of it.
Another option: Total rebuild into a more casting-oriented cleric (assuming the GM allows it). Since we're so melee heavy already it's worth thinking about.
Sir Korbinian von Burkhard |
At least for now, I'm going to have my "squadron" members include Odoacer, Michael, and Aglaron. I can change members every day, so we can change this as needed.
Also, Malleus, I assume I'm not allowed to have a template on my horse. That's fine, just want to know for sure for the sake of mechanics.
Aglaron |
If we're not in a rush, Aglaron can "get along in the wild" with a survival check result of 20 when he takes 10. It requires moving at half overland speed, but we don't have to use any food or water supplies. The result of 20 means he can supply enough food/water for himself and 5 additional creatures.
Augustina Grigorova |
Yeah, the Strike Force got all the squishier, sneakier guys, while we got all the tanks xD
Though we're two shield bashers, I bet we use different strategies.
Michael Telroth |
Now I'm picturing you too playing tennis with an orc, just knocking him back and forth.
On the thing about tanks, I'm more of an interogator, to be honest. Kind of the utility that we may itherwise be missing with melee focused characters being the majority of the group.
Drazh Anviltamer |
Shield bashing is the best way to use a shield. :)
Another fun one is a large heavy shield with bashing enchantment. -2 Hit, 2d6 damage, +2 AC. Run around hitting people with a door. Works great with barbarian type characters.
Drazh Anviltamer |
Can I please be taken off of this to clear up my campaign list?