Nickold Starweather

Odoacer von Kriegsburg's page

16 posts. Alias of Lekkric18.














Common, Infernal

Strength 9
Dexterity 17
Constitution 14
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 20
Charisma 8

About Odoacer von Kriegsburg

Human Cleric (Asmodean Advocate) 1
LE Medium Humanoid (human)
+5, Perception +6 (+8 with familiar)
AC 14 (17 vs AoO), TAC 14 (17 vs AoO), FAC 10
(10 + 3 dex + 1(4 vs AoO) dodge)
Max HP 14 (1 HD)
Fort 4, Ref 3, Will 7
BAB +0; CMB +3; CMD 12
Str 9 Dex 17 Con 14 Int 13, Wis 20 Cha 8
Speed: 30 ft.
Common Attacks/Actions
Copycat: single Mirror Image as move action, 8/day
Channel Negative Energy: 1d6 negative energy, 30 ft radius, 2/day

Class and Race Abilities:

+2 wis
bonus feat
bonus skill rank per level
Favored Class (cleric): +1 hp

Lawful Evil aura
Channel Negative Energy 3+cha/day

Asmodean Advocate Archetype
Viper familiar, as per wizard
-- Speaks Infernal (Su)
-- At 8th level, becomes imp as per Improved Familiar
Devil in the Details: At 1st level, an Asmodean advocate learns to choose her words so carefully that even when she says something designed to deceive listeners, the words are phrased to be technically true. She can use her Profession (barrister) skill for Bluff and Diplomacy checks. This benefit also extends to her familiar. The Asmodean advocate gains an insight bonus equal to 1/2 her cleric level (minimum +1) on Linguistics checks related to forgeries and on all Profession (barrister) checks.

Trickery Domain:

bluff, disguise, and stealth are class skills

Copycat (Sp): You can create an illusory double of yourself as a move action. This double functions as a single mirror image, and lasts for a number of rounds equal to your cleric level, or until the illusory duplicate is dispelled or destroyed. You can have no more than one copycat at a time. This ability does not stack with the mirror image spell. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Master’s Illusion (Sp): At 8th level, you can create an illusion that hides the appearance of yourself and any number of allies within 30 feet for 1 round per cleric level. This ability otherwise functions like the spell veil. The save DC to disbelieve this effect is equal to 10 + 1/2 your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier. The rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Domain Spells: 1st—disguise self, 2nd—invisibility, 3rd—nondetection, 4th—confusion, 5th—false vision, 6th—mislead, 7th—screen, 8th—invisibility (mass), 9th—time stop.

Spells Prepared:

Traits and Feats:

Blasphemy (campaign): +2 Knowledge (religion)
Magical Knack (magic): +2 to caster level up to HD
Reactionary: +2 initiative

Meticulous: -2 on untrained skill checks

Dodge: +1 AC, becomes +4 AC against attacks of opportunity
Toughness: +3 hp, +1 hp per level past 3rd


Total skill ranks: 4

Bluff: See Profession (Barrister) +3 (familiar)
Diplomacy: See Profession (Barrister)
Knowledge (Religion): 7 (3 class + 1 int + 2 trait + 1 rank)
Perception: 6 (5 wis + 1 rank)
Sense motive: 9 (11 with familiar) (3 class + 5 wis + 1 rank)(+2 with familiar)
Spellcraft: 5 (3 class + 1 int + 1 rank)

Background Skills
Knowledge (Nobility): 5 (3 class + 1 int + 1 rank)
Profession (Barrister): 10 (3 class + 5 wis + 1 archetype + 1 rank)

ACP: 0


Bastards stole my s~#+!


Odoacer was born into House von Kriegsburg – a minor offshoot of the current ruling family, the Darians - and until recently was their rising star, set to inherit his father’s title when he passed on into Mitra’s grasping warm embrace. As a young man he was a pious worshipper of the Shining Lord, and had the blessing of the Church when he went into the law profession. He grew into one of the most effective barristers in Talingarde, but for someone of his ambition “one of” wasn’t acceptable. He became obsessive, scouring old law texts and religious manuscripts, in search of an advantage in his cases. After some time, he had gone through everything he could find in the royal libraries and went abroad to study other nations’ legal systems for arguments and possible loopholes he could use back home.

While abroad, he spent some time in the nation of Cheliax, and became fascinated by their worship of Asmodeus. As a man who could appreciate control over others and twisting the law to his own ends, he quickly began to worship the Archfiend himself. After about a year learning from Chelaxian priests, he returned home with a copy of the Asmodean Disciplines and resumed his law career. With his new faith – and it can be assumed that he had a little help from the Archduke of Hell himself – he quickly rose to the very top of his profession. If there was a loophole he would find it, and if there wasn’t he would simply talk judges and jurists into believing there was one.

Everything was going well when, as it does, everything fell apart. He was entertaining some of the powers-that-be in the Talingarde government, angling for a more lucrative and powerful position, when one of his guests went into a private room in his house and discovered a shrine to Asmodeus. His fall from grace was quick and quiet. To avoid the scandal that would arise with the most prominent legal professional in the country being discovered as a heretic, he was whisked away to Branderscar Prison under another name while word was put out that he had drunkenly fallen down the stairs and broken his neck after the party. That’s where he finds himself now, chained to a wall under an assumed name and about to be executed for blasphemy.

Appearance and Personality:

Tall and slim, Odoacer always manages to look regal. He has short black hair and piercing blue eyes, which glare out from above an aquiline nose and strong jaw. He is always neat and tidy, and never seems to have a hair out of place.

Seemingly stiff and reserved, he is a good ally and a worse enemy. He always keeps his word, but pay close attention, because his words may not mean what you think. He rarely loosens his manner, preferring to appear tightly in control at all times.



viper (+3 bluff)

N Tiny animal
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +9


AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +2 natural, +2 size)
hp 7 (1 HD)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +3


Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
Melee bite +5 (1d2–2 plus poison)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.


Str 4, Dex 17, Con 8, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 2
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 8 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Spell Sponge
Skills Climb +11, Perception +9, Stealth +15, Swim +11; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +4 Stealth
Languages (Su) Infernal


Poison (Ex): Bite—injury; save Fort DC 9; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Con damage; cure 1 save.

Alertness (Ex): While a familiar is within arm’s reach, the master gains the Alertness feat.

Improved Evasion (Ex): When subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, a familiar takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and half damage even if the saving throw fails.

Share Spells: The wizard may cast a spell with a target of “You” on his familiar (as a touch spell) instead of on himself. A wizard may cast spells on his familiar even if the spells do not normally affect creatures of the familiar’s type (magical beast).

Empathic Link (Su): The master has an empathic link with his familiar to a 1 mile distance. The master can communicate empathically with the familiar, but cannot see through its eyes. Because of the link’s limited nature, only general emotions can be shared. The master has the same connection to an item or place that his familiar does.