Ingrid the Tarnished |
Okay, after working out a backstory, I've changed my character's name. She was born Ingrid Goldfire, became Ingrid Tharnhammer through marriage, and now calls herself Ingrid the Tarnished, since her accident. That said, here's some fluff.
Though barely seventy years old, Ingrid the Tarnished is surprisingly wise for her age.
Born to the Goldfire clan under the western mountains, Ingrid was but one of eight brothers and sisters, all with the same brilliant red-gold hair the family was named for. As one of the older siblings, she eschewed the ways of her younger kin – while many of them did as they pleased, she and her older brother, Thalgrin, respected the ways of their people. He became a mighty warrior, a defender of clan and hearth, and she, a wise priest in Torag’s service. Displaying a decidedly more martial bent than many of the other acolytes, she trained as both a priestess and a soldier, effortlessly blending axe-blows with the spells of protection Torag blessed her with. She crafted her own suit of armour at the temple’s great forge, a gleaming suit of scale that shone in the fire-light. She was able to infuse her weapon with holy might, her armour with his divine strength, and her very soul with the knowledge of the old ways and the lost knowledge of the dwarves. She was fire and gold – stoic and beautiful, but with a righteous anger boiling below her surface.
As one of the few remaining holdouts of dwarfkind, the Goldfire clan and their home under the mountain remained solitary and strong, seeking out others only to mix families. And so it was that Ingrid was wed – to a dwarf she’d never met, one Edrukk Tharnhammer. Her parting gift from the temple where she’d spent most of her days was a finely-crafted dwarven hand-axe – a beautiful thing, with a solid haft, a head that shone like gold, and a strange socket in the grip, where a gemstone of some description had once sat – no doubt pried out by some enterprising thief long ago. She bade her brothers and sisters goodbye, and set out to Summermount for her own wedding.
It was a typical arranged marriage – as dwarves tend to do, both Ingrid and Edrukk settled into their newly married lives with relative ease. It was their duty to clan and home, after all, and Ingrid had no doubt her family had benefitted from the handsome dowry they were given for her. And as the years passed, the couple fell in love – as some dwarves tend to do. While Ingrid had accepted the fact that marriage was her duty, she found herself more and more surprised by good Edrukk made her feel. She’d never exactly longed for the ways of surface-folk who married for love, but it was a welcome feeling, and she grew happier as the years passed. With one small problem – she never bore Edrukk a child.
As the couple kept trying, Ingrid never gave up her devotion to Torag. The cathedral at Summermount taught her plenty, including the history of the dwarves, and of Dammerhall. Dammerhall, she learned, was where her axe had been forged, in a legendary smithy deep in the bowels of the earth. But Dammerhall was lost – and nobody knew why.
As she sat by the fire at night, watching the way the flames danced over her gilt axe, she thought of the knowledge lost, the armoury destroyed, the very ways of their people, gone forever.
With Edrukk’s support, Ingrid took to defending the subterranean reaches below Summermount. Along with hundreds of other dwarves, she delved into the caves and tunnels below, fighting back dark elves, deep dwarves, and all manner of hideous creatures with alien anatomy that haunted her dreams for years. On some of these delves, Edrukk himself accompanied her, a high-ranking member of the defense.
On one such delve, with Edrukk at her side, Ingrid’s life changed. A drow party attacked with acid and fire. In his heavy armour, Edrukk was cooked alive, his screams ringing in Ingrid’s ears to this day. She was sent flying by a spell from a drow arcanist; her helmet and shield flew from her limp body as she smashed into the ground.
Then, there were the flames.
Along with a few others, Ingrid made it back to the cathedral. She still gripped her holy symbol of Torag, and her axe was still clenched tightly in one fist. But the gilt head had been burned black by the fire, and – worse still – her hair as well. Once brilliant red-gold, now charred and blackened on one side of her head, burned away on the other. Ingrid hid beneath her helmet for months, ashamed to show her face to her people.
Though still a Tharnhammer, in name only, she felt distanced from the other inhabitants of Summermount. Her hair was gone, its golden braids and ornaments lost forever under the blackness. Her husband, her only link to this clan, was dead, slain by the deep elves. And when she went back to the forge, the flame and fire terrified her, serving as grim reminders to her husband’s fate – her own fate.
She took to other creative pursuits. Leather, she could work with. Wood, to an extent. She tried working with gems, but found their natural beauty too much to deal with, considering how her own was now gone.
To this day, Ingrid remains devout, thankful to Torag for sparing her life. Though she can’t serve him as well as she used to, being unable to work the forge, she never forgets her daily prayers, and never forgets the blessings.
There’s nothing left for her back home. There’s nothing left for her in Summermount. Perhaps, Ingrid thinks, she needs a new place to be.
Ingrid is a stern dwarf woman of some seventy years, of slightly below average height and weight. Indeed, for a dwarf, she could be considered downright skinny, having lost a fair amount of weight in the years following her accdident.
In profile, she is a strikingly handsome woman, with a strong nose and jaw, and brilliant amber eyes. However, the right side of her face bears strange tissue, a sign of old burn scars that have never quite healed. Running from crown to jaw, they are a shock when first sighted - and fortunately (unfortunately?), almost every resident of Summermount has seen Ingrid's scars at this stage.
Her hair, formerly a brilliant reddish-gold, is now black - it's grown back that way since the accident, much to her dismay. Occasionally, a small streak of its original brilliance finds its way in, but is almost always smothered by the charred remains of what it once was. No hair grows on the right side of her head, and she refuses to comb her hair to cover it - this is her scar, her shame to bear and wear.
She dresses in the charcoal and gold colours typical of her faith, though wears her armour less and less these days. She always wears her hammer-shaped holy symbol about her neck, never hiding it, and keeps her tarnished axe on her hip. In addition to these, she almost always wears a frown - pensive, regretful, wrathful, or simply beaten, it's as much a part of her as her scars these days.
GM Olmek |
Shadowborn |
Here's my character for consideration:
LN Medium humanoid(dwarf)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+ 5 armor, +1 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +3; +2 vs. poison, spells, spell-like abilities
Speed 15 ft.
Melee dwarven double waraxe +2 (1d10+2/x3) or dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20)
Ranged sling +1 (1d4+2/x2)
Oracle Spells Known
1st (4/day)--cure light wounds, sun metal
0--detect magic, guidance, resistance, spark
Mystery Metal
Curse Lame
Str 14, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 13 (17 vs. bull rush and trip)
Feats Arisen (Story), Extra Revelation
Skills Appraise +5, Craft (weapons) +5, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (history) +5, Profession (miner) +5, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +5
Languages Common, Dwarven, Undercommon
SQ dance of blades, iron weapon (5/day, 1 minute)
Combat Gear acid, dagger, sling and 20 bullets; Other Gear[/b] scale mail, heavy steel shield, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch (2), iron holy symbol, miner's pick, torches (4), trail rations (5 days), 8gp, 1sp, 1cp.
Special Abilities
Arisen Feat Benefit: You don't die until your negative hit point total is equal to or greater than 4 + your Constitution score. Once per day as a standard action, you can force yourself to carry on by strength of will alone, gaining 1 temporary hit point per hit die. These temporary hit points last for 10 minutes.
Dance of the Blades (Ex): Your base speed increases by 10 feet. At 7th level, you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with a metal weapon in any round in which you move at least 10 feet. This bonus increases by +1 at 11th level, and every four levels thereafter. At 11th level, as a move action, you can maneuver your weapon to create a shield of whirling steel around yourself until the start of your next turn; non-incorporeal melee and ranged attacks against you have a 20% miss chance while the shield is active. You must be wielding a metal weapon to use this ability.
Iron Weapon (Su): You can create a melee simple or martial weapon that lasts for 1 minute for every oracle level you possess. This weapon is appropriate for your size and entirely made of metal (even if it would normally include non-metal parts, such as a spear's shaft) but functions as if it were a normal weapon of its type. You are considered proficient with this weapon. The weapon disappears after 1 round if it leaves your grasp. At 3rd level, the blade is made of cold iron. At 7th level, 15th level, and 19th level, the blade gains a +1 enhancement bonus. At 11th level, the blade is made of adamantine. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.
Background: Once known as Korval Ironmonger, he was is cousin by marriage to the Tharnhammer family. While displaying the thrift, craftsmanship, and greed of a dwarf, Korval turned his back on tradition and family, pursuing vast profits as foreman of a mining operation. Then one day there was an accident. A hidden gas pocket in the mine exploded and caused a massive cave-in. For days the community attempted to dig for any survivors, but in vain. The dead were mourned--though none mourned Korval--and life went on. Then four days after the rescue mission was aborted, Korval dragged himself back into town, bloodied, emaciated, and half dead. He declared himself Korval Ironwise, and that he needed to be taken to the Tharnhammers. His life before dragging himself out of the mine appears gone, and now there is a new dwarf in his place, one fervently devoted to the restoration of the Tharnhammer birthright. The injuries to his right leg resist alll attempts at healing. His price, he says, for a chance to hear the voices of the gods. Now Korval Ironwise seeks to restore himself in the eyes of the gods, and raise his family back to greatness.
Appearance and Personality: Korval is a nearly a century old, with a thick red beard decorated in rings of iron. His hair is thinning, with a pronounced widows peak resting above a pronounced brow under which his blue eyes burn with a fervent intensity.
Korval is a new man. Whether he remembers his past before the accident is uncertain. He no longer answers questions concerning that time, nor does he answer to his old name. All that matters now is his duty to the Tharnhammer clan, for the glory of the gods.
Ogrim Orecrusher |
"Blade with whom I have lived, blade with whom I now die.
Serve right and justice one last time.
Seek one last heart of evil, still one last life of pain.
Cut well old friend, and then... farewell."
— Sir Orrin Neville-Smythe, The Flight of Dragons
My good blade carves the casques of men,
My tough lance thrusteth sure,
My strength is as the strength of ten,
Because my heart is pure.
— Lord Alfred Tennyson, "Sir Galahad"
The crunch is still a little rough around the edges but I humbly submit, Ogrim Orehammer, Paladin of Torag, and claimant to the throne of Dammerhall by blood, his mother having been the niece of the last king to sit on that ancient throne.
Background and Personality:
Almost a year to the day of the attack, Ogrim was found by another Dwarven caravan, sitting by the side of the side of the path. The child spoke of the stonebeards and the earth men and other such nonsense (Feat: Fey Foundling and Trait: Unintentional Linguist (Terran). The boy was placed in the care of the Church of Torag and by the time that the child’s true identity and lineage were determined, it seemed best for him to stay on the path that he had begun.
For all his fierceness in battle, Ogrim is polite and even-tempered. He has strived for perfection in all things and extols what he sees as the ideals of his God. He drinks, as befits a dwarf, but never to excess. He doesn’t boast and is more embarrassed than anything else, when someone presses him for tales of his exploits. To his deep, and secret shame, Ogrim is completely useless at the forge and no matter how he excels in other tasks, he sees this as a deep flaw in his dwarfness.
He knows of his heritage and is aware of some of his relations, but has never sought to make any claim to that ancient throne. He does recognize the power symbol that Dammerhall represent to the dwarven nation and he would see some sit on the throne again. If pressed, he would take it, but sees himself as a warrior, not a statesmen.
Nurin Jarnthane |
Here's Nurin, a dwarf magus cursed by his father's cowardice and failure to defend the king's line.
The Axe will be our redemption as it was our failure. As he had done every night since he found it, Nurin gazed into the pitted head of the waraxe, knowing redemption was impossible.
Nurin Jarnthane is the eldest son of five children of Runil and Glorna Jarnthane of Shieldwall, a waning dwarven settlement on the edge of Northern Reaches. His father ran an inn in the city. Nurin grew up with sad tales of the great dwarven holds and the fall of Dammerhall. The Jarnthanes had been sworn to house Tharnhammer, battle-squires and weapon-bearers to the King and his family. When Dammerhall fell, most of the Jarnthanes perished too. Now they were a disgraced name.
During the chaos surrounding the fall of the seat of Tharnhammer, Runil had been attached to a cousin of the Tharnhammers, Grunwald Tharnhammer. They were leading a force against a series of drow raids. The dwarves were divided and confused at that time, leaving the force much smaller than it should have been. The drow ambushed Grunwald, and in the slaughter of battle, Runil’s nerve broke and he fled. He had been carrying Grunwald’s axe and shield his departure left the Tharnhammer nearly defenseless against the drow. As Runil fled the caverns, he could hear Grunwald’s fury at his cowardice. With his last dying breath, Grunwald cursed Runil and his whole line. The few survivors of the battle told of Runil’s treachery, and honor was stripped of what remained of the Jarnthane house. The Axe of Grunwald was lost.
It was this legacy into which Nurin was born. After the battle, Runil had little choice but to retire and he became a simple innkeeper, never allowed to know the glory of battle again, never to hold a weapon again. His wife, Glorna had been a captain herself, and she joined her husband in his exile. Nurin grew up as a innkeeper’s son, but he dreamed of restoring his family’s name and taking his place beside the king’s family again. Without his father’s tutelage, the task fell to Glorna to train her son. Between time serving tables, preparing beds, and cooking meals, she drilled her son in combat and weapons. Still, Grunwald’s death curse was tangible. Magic washed off the Jarnthanes at times, meaning a simple cut or injury might take days to heal rather than a simple trip to the temple. The great songs of battle and dwarven might seemed not to touch their hearts, and the blessings of Torag had no effect on them.
Eager to understand the curse, Nunil sought out the secrets of arcane lore. He studied every book he could get his hands on, noting anything about magical curses. When he was old enough, he left Shieldwall seeking human mages who might give him insight where dwarves had no experience. He learned much about magic and learned to blend spell and blade into one. He learned of death curses and the power they contained. Over the years, Nunil believed he understood the nature of the curse. It was linked to the axe Runil had stolen and the only way to break it was to return to Dammerhall and wield the Axe of Grunwald in defense of the Tharnhammer line once again. But the Axe was lost and with Dammerhall closed, it was all impossible.
Several years later, Runil fell ill and without magical help, he could not recover. Nunil returned home too late. He father had died three days before. Among his things, Nunil found an old ironbound chest. Inside lay old blankets, but at the bottom was a old waraxe. The Axe of Grunwald, thought long lost had been sitting in his father’s study this whole time! Whatever magic the axe had held seemed to be gone, and Dammerhall still remained closed, but this was first time in his whole life Nunil believed that the curse could actually be ended.
His father had been the coward, and he was dead now. With the axe in hand, Nunil decided to seek out those who might help redeem his family.
Nurin is an average sized dwarf, but his strength is clear. Many looking at him would believe he is a strong warrior. They would be both right and wrong. While Nurin can wield a blade as well as many, his real power comes from his years of magical study. Stemming from his years of arcane study, Nurin has a patience other dwarves may not with magical and the unknown. Still he bears a hated disposition toward elves, seeing little distinction between the drow and their cousins. His family’s disgrace has put a chip on his shoulder as well, making him defensive to other dwarves and quick to try to prove himself.
He now travels with the Axe of Grunwald, a fine dwarven waraxe, his armor, and his spellbook. His body is fit and his mind is quick. He has a ruddy complexion and light sandy brown hair and beard. His arms are burned and scarred in many places, not from battle but from his magical experiments. Fire, lightning, acid and frost have all touched his skin and marred it in some way.
Igmar Thornstone |
Here's a quick list of the characters submitted so far (in some fashion or another)
Ingrid Steelborn Warpriest of Torag
Pravic Stoneblood Paladin (Stonelord)
Dolgrin Hammerfist Paladin (Stonelord)
Grimdahl Tharnhammer Druid (Earth/Caves)
Ingrid the Tarnished Warpriest of Torag
Garnak Tharnhammer Oracle of Lore (Seer)
Ogrim Orecrusher Paladin
Reginald T'jener Wizard
Thorin Tharnhammer Alchemist (Mindchemist)
Nurin Jarnthane Magus (bladebound)
Lothar Graelson Monk (Monk of the Sacred Mountain)
Igmar Thornstone Ranger (Deep Walker)
Bali Tharnhammer Fighter
Korval Ironwise Oracle of Metal
Davros Spiritforged Rogue
Kalderin Tharnhammer Bard
Kalderin Tharnhammer |
It actually looks like there's far more competition for the melee fighter role than for Divine Caster. Warpriests are more like Paladins than clerics, are they not? (Or at least fill that role in the party, while doing some clerical duties) And Paladins are melee (with the occasional ranged) that technically also cast divine spells. I haven't looked at everyone's character sheet *that* closely, but it appears we have a ton of fighters (and I'd include the Magus in that as well). That isn't bad really. In a larg-ish party of dwarves, I'd expect that many would be fighters of one sort or another.
I'm surprised we have no ranged fighter yet. (Or at least my cursory overview of other people's sheets haven't revealed one.) That's a role that I would think would be very useful. Though I understand why it's not too popular in a group of Dwarves.
Cuàn |
I'm surprised we have no ranged fighter yet. (Or at least my cursory overview of other people's sheets haven't revealed one.) That's a role that I would think would be very useful. Though I understand why it's not too popular in a group of Dwarves.
I'm actually looking at making a ranged character but it's a bit iffy with Dwarves. Bows don't really fit them, guns aren't allowed and both crossbows and thrown are just bad, both for their own reasons.
That said, I'm still working on it. I've benched my Investigator as I'll save her for the type of game I originally invented her for (something like MM or SS)
Dark Netwerk |
After some deliberation, I think I may change Dogrin's class from Stonelord Paladin into Forgemaster Cleric. It seems to fit my crafting-related concept better. Since I'm not online much weekends, I'll try to update things tomorrow (and include the background) so that I'll finally be able to post in the gameplay thread.
That being said, seeing as how there are already 46 posts there, I'm not sure I'd be able to do anything. I find it difficult to follow RP threads with a lot going on, particularly if people aren't all together interacting with each other.
Movin |
I have a Dwarf Zen archer monk in mind, taking that racial dwarf stubbornness and applying it to making a rivals weapon his own.
I'll have a back story soon enough but I'm just going to toss my hat into this ring before the mentioned gap in the group is filled.
Dwarf ZAM is something I've attempted before but none of the games I did it in held together long enough for it to hit its stride. this one could be fun for that. Rather convenient that a ranged warrior might be desired as well.
With the proper investment of traits such a character could also make a passable trap springer and scout.
Steel soul, and glory of the old as a monk would also mean he laughs at spells.
Papasteve08 |
After some deliberation, I think I may change Dogrin's class from Stonelord Paladin into Forgemaster Cleric. It seems to fit my crafting-related concept better. Since I'm not online much weekends, I'll try to update things tomorrow (and include the background) so that I'll finally be able to post in the gameplay thread.
That being said, seeing as how there are already 46 posts there, I'm not sure I'd be able to do anything. I find it difficult to follow RP threads with a lot going on, particularly if people aren't all together interacting with each other.
If it makes it easier for you, just use Pravic as a launch point to get into the conversation. Maybe we trained and prayed in the same temple, or fought in the same border skirmishes... I just posted a battle song that maybe we've sung together while hacking an unfortunate goblin party that wandered too close to the hall's borders...
Alexander Kilcoyne |
GM, as I mentioned in IC I won't really be able to post much over the next few days.
In truth, pre-recruitment RP is not really my cup of tea but I gave it a go so you'd get some picture of Lothar and i'd be really excited to play him. I have some 50 aliases if you'd like to vet my posting/playstyle etc.
CyberMephit |
Posting the crunch for my Foehammer submission, Rakdal Forgeblunt.
Rough gist of a background - scion of a family of expert smiths, who were supplying ceremonial and magical equipment for the dwarven nobility. When his parents were killed by the drow assassins, he picked up the last weapon his father was working on - an unfinished magical longhammer - and ventured to find employment. He hired himself out as a mercenary or bodyguard, and his latest mission was to escort estranged scions of a Tharnhammer line from a faraway community to the funeral of Magnar Tharnhammer.
Rakdal Forgeblunt
Dwarf Fighter (Foehammer) 1
LG Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +2
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +5 Armor)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1; +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities
Defensive Abilities deep warrior
Speed 20 ft.
Melee masterwork longhammer +7 (2d4+6/×3)
Ranged heavy crossbow +3 (1d10/19-20)
Special Attacks ancient enmity, relentless
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 17 (17 vs. bull rush, 17 vs. grapple)
Feats Power Attack, Weapon Focus (longspear), Foeslayer (drow)
Traits tunnel fighter, relic of a dwarven smithy, warrior of legend
Skills Craft (armor) +4 (+6 on checks related to metal or stone), Craft (weapons) +4 (+6 on checks related to metal or stone), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (engineering) +6, Perception +2 (+4 to notice unusual stonework), Survival +5; Racial Modifiers craftsman
Languages Common, Dwarven, Terran, Undercommon
Other Gear scale mail, crossbow bolts (20), heavy crossbow, masterwork longhammer, 73 gp
Special Abilities
Ancient Enmity +1 Gain a racial bonus to attacks vs Elves.
Craftsman +2 on Craft/Profession checks related to metal/stone.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Deep Warrior +2 Gain a bonus to AC and grapple vs. Aberrations.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Relentless +2 Gain CMB bonus to bull rush/overrun while both self and foe stand on ground.
Tunnel Fighter +2 Initiative and +1 critical damage while underground.
Dolgrin Hammerfist |
Finished the character although I could probably expand on things. I think my discomfort with the use of the gameplay thread may be interfering.
I'm still a little leery of posting there. I don't want to start something I won't be able to follow with the speed things are going considering they are already fourteen voices strong (and 77 posts since Friday!) and growing. I know I can't keep up to that rate of posting (averaging what... about 5 posts a day!?).
Shadowborn |
Whoops. Completely spaced on Korval's traits. Here's the line-up:
Anvil Heart
You were born in a forge and for you, such places will always be home. You are the heir of a long tradition of dwarven craftsmanship.
Benefit: You receive a +2 trait bonus to one craft skill involving metal-working (for example, blacksmithing, weaponmaking or armorsmithing). That skill is always a class skill for you.
Blessed: Some divine agent watches over you and heeds your call. Once per day as a swift action, you gain a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws for 1 round.
Goldsniffer: Your keen senses lead you to hidden treasures. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Perception checks related to metals, jewels, and gemstones.
Also, GM Olmek, if you're willing, I'd like to tweak the Dance of Blades mystery a bit. I'd like the extra 10 feet of movement to only apply during combat situations, so as not to eliminate the hindrance of the curse entirely.
Finally, can someone post a link to the RP thread? I'm just not seeing it... =/
GM Olmek |
Finished the character although I could probably expand on things. I think my discomfort with the use of the gameplay thread may be interfering.
I'm still a little leery of posting there. I don't want to start something I won't be able to follow with the speed things are going considering they are already fourteen voices strong (and 77 posts since Friday!) and growing. I know I can't keep up to that rate of posting (averaging what... about 5 posts a day!?).
I wouldn't worry about having to keep up in there. The main thing I'm looking for in the role-play thread is a sense of your character's voice. Posting frequency is something I consider, but I can look at your history to get a sense of that. Just one post in there is enough for consideration. :)
Pravic Stoneblood |
Not 5 each at least. I've been doing 1-2 a day (except today). It got a little heated today. :)
Yea, sorry if I am unintentionally setting an unattainable standard... I got caught up in the discussion and it was too much fun to stop. I'm glad that GM Olmek cleared it up so someone doesn't think they don't have a chance just because they cant post 5+ times a day. I'm sure no one could maintain that kind of pace...
EDIT - with that said... allow me to repeat myself. Holy crap that was fun...
GM Olmek |
Also, GM Olmek, if you're willing, I'd like to tweak the Dance of Blades mystery a bit. I'd like the extra 10 feet of movement to only apply during combat situations, so as not to eliminate the hindrance of the curse entirely.
Finally, can someone post a link to the RP thread? I'm just not seeing it... =/
1. That's fine.
2. It's the gameplay tab for the campaign. You should see it at the top of this thread.
Cuàn |
Wow, the RP thread is very active. I'll see if I can jump in later today.
I'm building a Tattooed Sorcerer with the Deep Earth bloodline. Basic idea is for him being the great-grandson of the last king, though being the youngest son of the youngest son of the king's youngest he's quite far from the throne. That and he doesn't really care for it, though he'd take it if needed.
For this character the tattoos are more about racial lore than anything else as they are rune patterns and important symbols from the past of the Dwarven race.
The character will be a transmuter and a builder who is used to dealing with other races as he grew up one of the biggest human cities where his father, some of his siblings and he himself work in architecture and civil engineering. The other siblings work as gold and silver smiths with his mother's side of the family. They are all very proud of being Dwarves, though in their cases it focuses wholly on their skill and craftsmanship.
I do have a question: Would the Monument Builder story feat be of any use? In addition, would you allow his work as architect to help him qualify for it, despite not having paid for it himself?
Background is a work in progress, though the blurb above gives the basic idea.
His clothing generally conforms to the style worn by most humans though it's clearly a Dwarven interpretation of it with runic patterns and earthy colors.
He loves his work as an architect and enjoys going to the construction sites to see the builders working and give direct instructions. Due to his genial nature and clear love of his work this is generally appreciated by those he comes across, though some think him too pushy.
Bjaern loves his family but, like some of his siblings and friends, is not content with their lot in life. They have all heard the stories about the past grandeur of their people and most would love nothing than to experience it again.
Relation to the Tharnhammers: Bjaern is a Tharnhammer, born and raised. He knows he is a descendant of the royal line from father's side and another noble line from mother's side but this all means little to him. If he however could use these traits to help unite and rebuild a proper Dwarven nation he will not hesitate to do so.
EDIT: As you can see, the Dwarven Xenophobia isn't really a fit for him personally. It's an aspect of the Dwarven nature that has always baffled him, which in turn might make him a good counterpart for more xenophobic Dwarves.
Ingrid the Tarnished |
Okay, so... I've made my gameplay posts, and, uh, I'm now lost. So, hopefully that was enough to give Ingrid a 'voice', eh? And GM, you know what my style's like already... well, you know Horatio, so that might work against me!
I don't think I'll be partaking in any more pre-selection roleplaying, but I'll sit here and lurk. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Reginald T'jener |
It's basically just a bunch of blustering with the seeds for the campaign being planted. I think I'll have Reginald retire to a more secluded place so that we can get different conversations going. The benefit of being Venerable is that you can play the Old Man card as often as you want and people probably won't question you. :)
Davros Spiritforged |
Honestly, when the recruitment RP itself started to push for the actual plot without GM input it made me a little uneasy and reluctant to follow suit. Might just be me but I thought certain liberties were being taken.
Have to admit that I feel the same way. I have participated in the conversation related to Dammerhall but tried to keep it purely as a debate. I have avoided saying anything that sounds like I consider myself an automatic member of the potential expedition.
But you're right, even with this in mind, I was close to pushing the limit..
I'll not partake in anymore Dammerhall talks, and if I post in this pre-game RP it will be on something totally unrelated.
Dolgrin Hammerfist |
I haven't been following the thread closely, but I would think Dammerhall talks would be a likely thing to arise amongst certain dwarves, particularly the Tharnhammers and those in close alliance to them (which would be nearly everyone at this funeral). I expect such chatter happens often and then they merely shrug and drift off, not really expecting their dreams of Dammerhall to come to fruition.
EDIT: I mean the whole point of a mug of beer is so that you can cry into it and mourn lost glories. After a few pints you begin to think you'll be able to recreate them. After a few more, you forget everything. The next day you swear off pints and lost glories (maybe less of this last with dwarves).
Igmar Thornstone |
I agree with everyone's thoughts pertaining to the gameplay thread. I'm also not sure exactly how paranoid I want to play Igmar just yet. I want that to develop naturally over the course of the game, if I am selected, of course.
Igmar's background is complete. Let me know if you want something more extensive and I can work on fleshing him out a bit more.
aptinuviel |
Honestly, when the recruitment RP itself started to push for the actual plot without GM input it made me a little uneasy and reluctant to follow suit. Might just be me but I thought certain liberties were being taken.
In full agreement (and happy someone mentioned it before I did). :)
I'm happy to have added what I did to the thread. My attempt to steer it back towards funeral-ish stuff was short lived and fruitless, but I *fully* understand everyone's excitement to start playing. I certainly can't blame anyone for edging over into actual game territory. It seems like it'll be a fun time and the long wait could wear on anyone. (I'll shamelessly add myself to that list).
Papasteve08 |
I (Pravic) am probably mostly responsible for veering the conversation towards dammerhall and actual quest stuff. I too wanted to be very careful not to make any assumptions of gameplay after the selection is made at the end of this week, but still jump on the debate of the bigger picture and what it means. Hopefully I didn't push to far, though I am guessing GM Olmek would have put the Kai-Bosh on it if it did go to far.
Mostly I got carried away a little because it was so fun to have the debate/argument. In fact:
I'm loving what I see in the role-play thread, by the way.
We can't be screwing anything up to bad. He did also say earlier that this Funeral is about 1 year before the actual expedition takes place, and hinted in his very first post in the RP thread that there is a figure, looking for the right people to begin the quest. I think what we have done so far from a RP standpoint is bolster this NPC's hope that he will indeed be able to find willing and able dwarves to begin this quest.
So keep it up, because even if I don't get chosen I plan to fully enjoy RPing for this week, and don't be intimidated if you are new to the thread and still want to join. The worst that could happen is you get the same thing, to enjoy a few days of RP in PbP format.