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![]() I wish I could instill the entire combat section of the CRB into peoples' brains, however, it's way to much information for someone to actually be able to read it. House Rules was an idea I already had, but most them just involve not being a dick. Maybe I should just plaster that all over the place. I like the cartoons, but they would be way to distracting. AoO is a great suggestion, thanks! ![]()
![]() Hello all. I've created pages that go into inserts for a custom GM scree, but only for the GM's side. What I would like to know, is what should be put on the player side? Now, I realize that it's kinda up to my group on what we want, and what rules we look up often. But I'm looking for what other people would want, as players, to see on their side of the GM screen. Regarding art, I will probably put art on the left and right most panels, just because they are usually obscured or at an angle. I look forward to creative and helpful suggestions! ![]()
![]() Kalderin wrote: When will I ever get a chance to play a dwarven bard! Here's my application. I'll start in the funeral thread either tonight or early tomorrow. Ha! An excellent point. Bali was originally from another family actually, and adopted when orphaned. It's not explicitly stated in her profile, but it's there. I too left out certain details to be fleshed out later. ![]()
![]() I want to make sure I understand how you have traits. Firstly, as far as I knew, racial traits can be selected limitlessly except that you can't have overlapping racial traits being replaced. Races wrote: In addition to this, you may use one of your traits to select an optional Ability Score Trait. These are to make dwarves more versatile for character construction and replace the usual dwarven racial ability score modifiers: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Is "one of your traits" referring to some limitation on racial traits I'm unaware of or background traits? Or am I just reading it wrong? I think I may just be reading into it to much and you just want to give us elbow room, being all dwarves. ![]()
![]() Here is my submission: Mugwa Tafaye, Human (Kellid) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager, Urban Barbarian). I am in Illinois (GMT -5:00)
Character Sheet:
Mugwa Tafaye Male Human (Kellid) Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager, Urban Barbarian) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 0; Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 0) NG Medium humanoid (human) Hero Points 1 Init +2; Senses Perception +4 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex) hp 16 (1d12+4) Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +0 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee club +4 (1d6+3) and . . greatsword +4 (2d6+4/19-20) Ranged longbow +3 (1d8/×3) Special Attacks rage (7 rounds/day) -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10 Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16 Feats Furious Focus[APG], Power Attack Traits stolen fury, unintentional linguist Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +6, Knowledge (local) +4, Linguistics +5, Perception +4 Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Hallit SQ controlled rage, crowd control, hero points Other Gear studded leather, arrows (20), club, greatsword, longbow, backpack, bedroll, canteen, hemp rope (50 ft.), tattoo, trail rations (5), 1 gp, 4 sp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Controlled Rage (Ex) May gain lesser bonus split as desired, but without normal drawbacks. Crowd Control (Ex) If 2+ foes adjacent, +1 to hit & AC. Unslowed by crowds & bonus to intimidate. Hero Points (1) Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses. Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage. Rage (7 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged. Stolen Fury +2 trait bonus to CMB vs. Demons Description:
Mugwa is a tall Kellid, with jet black hair, light blue eyes, and light brown skin. He recently got a tattoo on his back of a demon's skull being cloven in two by a greatsword. Personality:
Mugwa respects the personal space of others and their beliefs, so long as their beliefs involve destruction of evil, particularly demons. Mugwa takes longer than most people to answer a question, not because he lacks intelligence, but to carefully consider how the other person may react, and more importantly, how he will react if he needs to kill them. Once his initial insight into a situation fails, he will become aggressive. History:
Mugwa's parents were barbarians, but did not take part in the crusades. They were more concerned with Mugwa's well being. When Mugwa was very young, he contracted a strange disease which the clan's shaman could not cure. Learning of this, cultists of Baphomet duped Mugwa's father into giving him into their care. Reluctantly, his mother agreed, but went to a temple of Iomedae immediately afterwards telling them that she believed they were tricked. A small band was dispatched to recover Mugwa, just in time to stop a ritual that the cultists were performing. Mugwa's parents revered Iomedae thereafter, hoping that Mugwa would one day bring destruction to the demons and their worshippers. Mugwa has a strong hatred for demons, mostly from the secret shame he feels towards his parents for being weak in their resolve and the horrendous nightmares he has had ever since. Response to Eagle Watch Member: I wish to hunt those who have ruined me. Demons and the Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth alike. Mugwa spits on the ground and curses in Abyssal. They will hear my cry and know they have met their doom. I speak many languages that the foul of the abyss understand. Abyssal, Celestial, and... Mugwa pulls out his greatsword this! ![]()
![]() What do people think of this: For random encounters and non-bossy type encounters, play out the combat until it is decisively in the PC's favor, then end the combat with a description of the battle's final moments. Don't do it every time, and always give the PC's a chance (don't cut it short saying that they all die if it's not going well for them). PROS:
I'm sure there are others and many things that people could go either way on. For example, some people might like that they have to do fewer dice rolls and math, whereas others want to do the maths. Keep in mind I haven't played much PbP, but so far I'm having a great time with it. So I might be completely in left field here. ![]()
![]() I love the idea of teamwork feats. I played a Monk with a friend Inquisitor with whom we shared the flanking feat. We TPK'd a few sessions later, so we never truly panned out the whole thing, but when we worked together we fought much more naturally. Like how in fantasy novels, people having adventured together just know what the other is going to do instinctively. Mechanics aside, it's pure awesome. ![]()
![]() Here is my character submission, Mitran Disol, Druid.
Diety: Pirsma Neutral:
Pirsma (N) (Animal, History, Nature, Strength)
Domains (Animal, Earth, Knowledge, Plant, Travel) Favored Weapon (Scythe) Character Background:
Mitran Disol was born to rather regular folk of the village of Oakhurst. His father, Kirgas, was murdered when Mitran was only 10 years old, presumably by goblins while Kirgas was hunting. Nuam, Mitran's mother, has never been the same since, barely involved in Mitran's upbringing thereafter. Mitran spent much of his time with his childhood friend, (another PC or a male human from Oakhurst), adventuring into The Tangled Woods. Together, they discovered a mud hut where a hermit lived. A kindly old gentleman and a druid, Ja'Loc took Mitran under his wing. Before Ja'Loc passed when Mitran was 16, he taught the young man much of his practice, about the hated goblins, and the many wonders of nature. Recently, Mitran has been apprenticed to a sage studying Tuath, and has been sent to Cymer to find any further information available in the archives there. Mitran is most at ease when in the woods, preferring idle chit chat with others while roaming. Total silence bores him, unless absolutely necessary. He has little difficulty accepting other people as long as the acceptance is mutual. However, people who in his eyes do no work and are thankless to nature's bounty do not sit well with him. Mitran would rather pretend to be a mindless commoner in front of a Lord, than make himself noticed in any way. Modest and often unsure of himself, Mitran never hunts alone, afraid that goblins will take him in a similar fashion as his father. In memorial to Kirgas, Mitran always hunts on the anniversary of his death. Peculiarly, he is always very successful, and often brings enough to have a small feast.
Character Stat Block: Mitran Disol
Male Human Druid 1 N Medium humanoid (human) Hero Points 0 Init +2; Senses Perception +6 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex) hp 14 (1d8+6) Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4 -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 20 ft. Melee quarterstaff +3 (1d6+4) and . . scimitar +3 (1d6+3/18-20) Druid Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3): 1st—cure light wounds, shillelagh (DC 13) 0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, light -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 17, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 9 Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 15 Feats Flanking Foil, Toughness Traits dangerously curious, Student of the Tuath Skills Handle Animal +3, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge (nature) +7, Perception +6, Survival +8, Use Magic Device +4 Languages Common, Druidic, Goblin SQ hero points, nature bonds (animal companion), wild empathy +0 Other Gear hide armor, quarterstaff, scimitar, backpack, belt pouch, blanket, feed (per day) (5), flint and steel, holly and mistletoe, mess kit, pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 26 gp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Animal Companion Link (Ex) You have a link with your Animal Companion. Flanking Foil Foes you strike lose their flanking bonus against you Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Can cast spells with a target of "you" on animal companion, as touch spells. Wild Empathy +0 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy. ![]()
![]() I have a druid I'd like to play and the setting seems like a good match. I've never played PbP, but feel comfortable that I can handle it. Posting once a day would be easy for me, and could even post more often if it seemed useful. I made an alias for my character (it's currently 20 pt buy, and would have to update) named Mitran Disol. ![]()
![]() I guess I should have been more clear about the levels I intend to use. He is starting at level 4 and will have 2 rogue levels and 2 sorcerer levels. At level 5, I will take rogue again, before doing sorcerer until I can do AT. He has the magical knack trait, so only loses 1 level of caster for most purposes. I want it optimized so as not to just totally not work. We have a large party, so we have more room for custom characters. Thanks for the advice about taking AT asap, which is what I was really wondering. Besides the mechanics, the backstory for my character implies rogue/sorcerer, growing into AT. Assassin wouldn't work thematically, unfortunately. ![]()
![]() I am making an Arcane Trickster for my friend's campaign.
At level 9 I meet the requirements to do Arcane Trickster. So my question is this, do I take Sorcerer to level 10, then do AT 11-20? Or should I do 9-18 as AT, and finish off 19-20 as sorcerer? Is there a general "Prestige classes should be done this way...to optimize"? ![]()
![]() Yes, you must install Scribus first. It is an open source page layout/script program. It's like Microsoft Word, but with more focus on making templates. Then download the templates and open them with Scribus. You may receive an error that "Ghost Scripting" is missing. It is not needed for 90% of things you'd use, so just hit OK. You will see a page with a bunch of little rectangles, two butted against each other. These are the cards you must add the pictures to. It should look like this Photo when you're done. You provide (i.e. search the Internet) for the pictures. The two on the ends I made myself in GIMP. ![]()
![]() For those of you who do not use eletronics at the table, I have made an Initiative Card Template for your use. It is as basic as can be. It uses a program called Scribus, which is really easy to use (especially with the provided templates). For if you've never used Scribus:
The templates are setup such that each card has two components, 1st is 'upside-down', and the 2nd is 'right-side-up'. Simply Right-Click on a card, then click 'Get Image'. Select an image to use (portrait pictures will work best). Repeat for the other element. Now finish the sheet with all the goblins, skeletons, or w/e you want. When I print mine, I use photo paper with high quality settings. You can use plain printer paper, grey-scale, and high speed if you really want to save yourself some money. Once they're printed, cut them out, and fold over the cards. Drape them over your GM screen, or just stand them in a row. You may need to "Right-Click -> Save As", these are on Dropbox.
Medium Template: Useful for most creatures, for large encounters, consider using it for larger threats, leaving the small ones for the grunts. Small Template: Small fries. If your supply of paper/ink is low, just use the medium ones and small ones. I hope folks enjoy these, feedback is welcome. Also, if there are similar resources out there, feel free to let me know of them. |