Throne of Night: Dark Frontiers (Inactive)

Game Master Olmek

"That is the exploration that awaits you! Not mapping stars and studying nebula, but charting the unknown possibilities of existence."

Leonard Nemoy

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Well this will be fun, Making a dwarf of any class that's CHA Based is always a challenge. :)

GM Olmek wrote:

Final Tally:

Dwarves win by a single vote! I'll have character building instructions up shortly.

I mean, in fairness you didn't count me on the Drow side. :P

But that's fine, you kids have fun!

Oh no! I missed you. =/

That leaves us tied.

Although, truth be told, I think I'd rather run a group of dwarves. So if we need a tie breaker, I'll be that guy.

Scarab Sages

Huzzah Dwarf! I already have a concept, but I may scrap it depending on build rules.


That concept would be:
an old (by crunch if you allow me to use age categories) dwarf wizard taking the Craft speed alternate trait and focusing my spells on making everyone else awesome and our foe's lives sucky.

He is the family Loremaster. He is very old, insisted on coming along as it has been his dream for (literally) centuries to undertake this quest. He is never seen without the Book, a singularly massive tome that contains all his research and notes on the family's history.

I'll go ahead and drop out then. As tough as dwarves are, I kinda wanted to go drow. Have fun, everyone.

Thinking up a dwarven priest of Grundinnar: a jovial sort, tasked with making sure our merry band finds ourselves a new home without killing each other.

Once you get rules up do you mind if we submit more than one character? I have two in mind and I'm having trouble deciding.


This is the last chance for your people. For two hundred years, the dwarves have been scattered and leaderless. The dwarf holds are all but gone – conquered by invaders or overrun with outsiders. For decades now, the dwarves have mingled with the kingdoms of men. The humans have treated you well enough. They respect dwarven craft and tenacity. But with every passing year, the dwarves dwindle. Your tongue goes unspoken. Your ways are forgotten. Will there come a time when to be dwarven is merely another way of saying a short, bearded man?

It was not always so. Once the greatest empire in the all the world was dwarven. Once the majestic kingdom of Dammerhall was where all roads converged. The whole world came to pay tribute to the dwarven high king and his mithral throne.

And then calamity. The great mountain-city burned with black flame for three days. All the bridges into Dammerhall collapsed. All the gates were sealed. The only survivors were those who by chance were outside the city. For two centuries dwarves have tried to retake Dammerhall and discovered what really happened that dark day. And for two hundred years, they have failed.

The remaining dwarven holds, once vassals to Dammerhall, fell to squabbling about who should rule the dwarves. Weakened by division, many dwarf holds were overrun by orc or dragon. Some signed treaties with the realms of men, all but forfeiting their autonomy. And most disgraceful, some holds fell because of civil war where dwarf turned upon dwarf.

But there is yet hope. It is said that there is another way into the sealed city – a dark road beneath that goes through the uncharted depths of the earth. This expedition will be the one who will find that hidden
road. This expedition will reclaim Dammerhall and restore dwarven glory, dispelling two hundred years of disgrace.

You have found an entrance into the darkness. Rumor speaks of a deep gnome village known as Fasturvalt where dwell the elusive svirfneblin, the deep gnomes. The first step is clear – Find Fasturvalt and secure a guide. Nothing will stop you in your quest. Nothing will stay your hand. This is your hour. This is the moment when the dwarven diaspora ends and where dwarven glory begins anew. In the realms below, you will make for yourselves and your people a Throne of Night.

Campaign Theme:

The Throne of Night campaign is an exploration/kingdom building campaign set in a massive section of the Underdark known as Azathyr.


Starting Level: PCs will start at 1st level.
Alignment: Any non-evil
Ability Scores: 25 point buy.
Story Feats: One free Story feat at 1st level
Base Starting Money: Average
Races: Dwarf only, however the variant dwarven racial traits from the Advanced Race Guide are available.

In addition to this, you may use one of your traits to select an optional Ability Score Trait. These are to make dwarves more versatile for character construction and replace the usual dwarven racial ability score modifiers: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.

Ability Score Traits:
Clever Hands

You are born artisan, cunning and quick with your hands. Whether you have chosen to use these gifts for noble pursuits or becoming a thief does not matter, you are mistrusted regardless by your fellow dwarves.

Benefit: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma

Respected Speaker

You are a rare dwarf who is both eloquent and a born leader. Your words are given extra consideration amongst your people. However, by dwarven standards you are physically inept.

Benefit: +2 Charisma, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength

Scholar of the Ancient Ways

You are a learned dwarf, well steeped in the ancient lore of your people. However, all this focus upon book learning has kept you away from more physical pursuits. You are thus small and sickly by dwarven standards.

Benefit: +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Constitution

Trickster and Singer

Dwarves have a reputation as being a stolid, humorless people. But there are few dwarves, usually fine singers and storytellers, who are given leeway for being charismatic and quick of hand and wit. Of course, these brash tricksters are still often in trouble.

Benefit: +2 Charisma, +2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom

Warrior of Legend

You were born for war. No one matches your prowess in battle, but alas also no one matches your recklessness.

Benefit: +2 Constitution, +2 Strength, -2 Wisdom


All classes except gunslingers, ninjas, and samurai are permitted and a few classes require some special considerations.

Clerics, Inquisitors and Oracles are permitted but the available gods are restricted to the dwarven pantheon.

Druids are permitted but face some unique challenges in an underground campaign. Normally common components such as mistletoe or berries will be hard to find. Animal companions who can operate in the dark (such as dire bats or giant beetles) will have an edge over more typical choices. Also the cave druid archetype is a good choice to make this class more viable.

Rangers will find that Humanoid (elf) and Aberration are solid choices for their favored enemy.

Sorcerers of any bloodline are permitted. Elemental (earth) sorcerers are a particularly good choice.

Traits: 3 traits, including one Dwarven Campaign Trait

Dwarven Campaign Traits:
These traits are specific to “Throne of Night” and any dwarf may take them if traits are being used.

Anvil Heart

You were born in a forge and for you, such places will always be home. You are the heir of a long tradition of dwarven craftsmanship.

Benefit: You receive a +2 trait bonus to one craft skill involving metal-working (for example, blacksmithing, weaponmaking or armorsmithing). That skill is always a class skill for you.

Cast Iron Stomach

There is little you cannot gain sustenance from.

Benefit: +2 trait bonus versus ingested poisons or drugs and “get along in the wild” survival skill rolls that are trying to find food for you receive a +2 bonus.

Dwarven Nobility

Within your veins flows the true blood of dwarven nobility.

Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against spells, spell-like abilities, and poison.

Heir of Dammerhall

You have a direct claim to the title of High King of Dammerhall and the royal Tarnhammer clan. Of course without possession of Dammerhall and the crown, scepter and sash of the High King this title is only symbolic.

Still it earns you great respect amongst other dwarves.

Benefit: +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy skill checks made when dealing with dwarves. Also if you take the Leadership feat, gain a +1 trait bonus to your Leadership score as long as all your followers are dwarves.

Impressive Beard

Your beard invokes nothing less than awe and respect amongst your fellow dwarves. As a cultural bias, they tend to trust your word perhaps more than they should.

Benefit: +1 bonus to both Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks made with dwarves.

Keeper of Songs

You know by heart an impressive repertoire of old dwarven songs. When you sing them, your fellow dwarves are inspired by your tales and may even sing along strengthening your bardic magic.

Benefit: +1 bonus to Perform (sing) skill checks when dealing with dwarves and a +1 trait bonus to Perform (sing) checks on any bardic performance when dwarves are present.

Legendary Drinker

Your ability to hold your liquor is almost without equal. In fact, you feel nowhere as at home as in a bar with your fellow dwarves enjoying fine dwarven ale.

Benefit: You are never sickened by drinking alcohol and a night spent in a bar restores you hit points equal to your level.

Old Money

Your family possesses great wealth.

Benefit: Your starting cash increases to 900 gp.

Relic of the Dwarven Smithy

You possess a weapon forged in the foundries of old Dammerhall.

Benefit: You begin the campaign with a free masterwork melee weapon of dwarven construction.

It is missing a gemstone from a socket. If that gem were restored, the weapon would likely become magical.

Scholar of Dwarven Lore

You know much of the rich history of your people and can recall it without a moment’s hesitation.

Benefit: You get a +1 trait bonus to all Knowledge checks that deal with dwarven matters.

Secrets of the Dwarven Brewers

You are privy to the secrets of the dwarven brewers of old. You can, with the right equipment, make beer of legendary quality.

Benefit: You receive a +2 trait bonus to Craft (Brewing) skill checks and Craft (brewing) is always a class skill for you.

Also, include the following information in your profile:

1) Appearance
2) Personality
3) Background
4) Relationship to the Tharnhammer Family (ie. direct member, married into, friend of a family member, devoted thane, etc.)


Typically, a party of adventurers in any fantasy adventure campaign is a band of diverse wanderers thrown together by fate who in time become close friends and together manage to accomplish great things. Playing in an all-dwarven campaign allows you an opportunity to change that fundamental dynamic and play a different sort of party. Here we’ll consider a few suggestions that can make for an interesting departure from a typical adventuring party.

We Are Royalty:
You are all that remains of the Tharnhammers, the once great house of the High Kings of Dammerhall. In the blood of their veins flows the royal claim to rule all dwarves throughout the realms. Once the characters have been selected, we will establish who is related to who and the order of succession. Who should be king first? If one of the you dies who is next in line for the throne? Are some of the dwarves here not full blooded members of the royal house, but instead more distant relations or household retainers? Rather than dictating what it means to be dwarven royalty, I will let the you discover that on your own.

As not just any family, but a royal family, the you will have all the intricacy of normal familial relations with the additional pressure of dynasty and destiny. Will you succeed in reclaiming their lost birthright or are they destined to be the last of their royal name?

We are Our Peoples’ Last Hope:
One very important theme in the “Throne of Night” Explorer’s campaign is that the dwarves are a scattered people in decline. The calamity of the destruction of Dammerhall has been a blow that has all but destroyed this proud race. The widespread, fast-breeding, energetic race of men now seems poised to become the world’s true masters. The grandeur of the dwarves fades with every passing year. Their great sagas are but tales to be told...

You are the last chance to change that fate. If you cannot find a way to restore dwarven glory, then no one will. Your quest ultimately is not about a place. Dammerhall is just a ruin. Instead the real heart of this quest is to build once more a powerful, independent dwarven realm. The world has not seen such a thing in a hundred years.

This mission cannot be accomplished in the surface realms. The myriad kingdoms of men are too entrenched. The dwarves have neither the will nor the numbers to fight against humanity. Instead, if there is to be
hope, it must come from below. Within the underworld, there is space enough for the dwarves to thrive and rebuild. The task will not be easy, but it is, with courage and resolve, at least possible. The dwarves have not yet sung their last song of glory.

Dwarven Xenophobia:
One thing that you must determine on your own is how willing you are to make allies. It seems natural that a party of good-aligned dwarves would naturally be friendly to allies. And in in the underworld, there are some potentially very bizarre allies to be made indeed.

But in fantasy literature, there is also a deep tradition of dwarves being a mysterious and xenophobic people who trust only their own kind. Adopting this position can make for some interesting role-playing situations and conundrums. Yes, the dwarves may need allies in their quest to reclaim Dammerhall. But can they overcome their own petty mistrust and bigotry to work together against a common foe?


When the campaign begins in earnest (not during the prelude/recruitment period) you will be expected to post at least once every 48 hours. I will endeavor to hold myself to the same standard. If you are going on a vacation, very busy, or otherwise unable to post just let me know and I will consider you on "standby" for the amount of time specified.

If anyone disappears for 7 straight days without posting or leaving notice you will be killed off without hope of resurrection. This is extremely generous in terms of time span, so please don't let it come to that.


I saw this done in Robert Brookes' Quest for Arcadia game and I thought it was a great idea.

Once you have created and submitted a character (and only one) for consideration, please head over to the gameplay thread and participate in the funeral of Magnar Tharnhammer. This scene takes place a year prior to the start of the campaign and is designed to showcase your roleplaying skills, ability to interact with others, posting frequency and any other merits you may wish to include.

Please refrain from rolling dice or otherwise making any sort of mechanical check during this prelude period, it is unnecessary.


I will be selecting 7 dwarves from the submitted characters who participate in the gameplay prologue at the funeral. Recruitment ends on July 18th 2014 at 11:00pm -5GMT. Late submissions will not be considered.

Thanks to all who apply!

Okay, I'm considering a dwarf (obviously) warpriest of Torag. She'd have the warrior of legend ability score trait, fight with a big hammer, and not take any guff... but she'd be a bit on the naive side, because low wisdom. Likes to think she knows what she's on about, but doesn't always pay the most attention to things. Either LG or NG, relic of the dwarven smithy campaign trait, and the good and protection blessings. Not yet sure of her link to the Thanehammer clan; I'll brainstorm it.

"I am the earth, the stone. If I am strong, nobody else need be, for I will protect them."

If she sounds good, I'll start drawing her up. (Actually, stuff it, I'll do that anyway...)

Question: Is it mandatory to create an Alias for this application?
Normally I would only create an alias if chosen. But not really a problem if it’s mandatory.

AK presenting Lothar Graelson; a Dwarf from an ancient and respected line claiming ancient royal blood and nobility; but with no remaining resources or wealth to back the claim up. Lore has it that the Graelson family married into the Tharnhammer line some five hundred years ago- and made their fortune selling precious ores. Unfortunately, all of their wealth was gathered in a single vault; inside Dammerhall.

Deeply impoverished and heavily in debt to Dwarf families of lesser status who coped with the fall of Dammerhall, the youngest scion of the Dammerhall line is Lothar, trained as an unarmed combatant and outfitted so humbly even a basic front line Dwarven soldier would be well-equipped by comparison.

Called on to pay some of its oldest debts, the Graelson family instead offered the powerfully built Lothar as a permanent bodyguard and warrior to one of the Dwarf's honored to be undertaking an expedition to retake Dammerhall.

My idea is that Lothar would be assigned to one of the other PC's by his family.

In addition, Lothar's background is flexible enough to fit into any of the modes listed in "Role-Playing Considerations".

Lothar is a heavy hitting monk with thick biceps and a haughty manner that does not truly befit his wealth and status, but fits the ancient glory that his house and family once held.

He will be moving towards a refluffed Brother of the Seal prestige class.

I'd love to play a Dwarven Investigator, most likely going for Clever Hands score set combined with the Relic of the Dwarven Smithy trait. Not so sure about the first as while the Int bonus is great losing Cha hurts and Dex isn't that interesting when you wielkd a battle axe. She'd more or less be a self taught historian who is collecting information about the Dwarven people.

She'd be the brains of a group though she can handle herself in combat just fine. She's a logical thinker as well as a tinkerer, though the latter is more of a hobby for her. If I'd grab a deity for her it would actually be Bharnarol, empyreal lord of invention and creativity.

As far as roleplaying hooks go, only the xenophobia doesn't really fit her, growing up surrounded by other races and all.

Short Background:
Dahlia grew up among humans and her family more or less behaved like humans, even given their children human names. It was her grandfather, a stodgy old man, who still clung closely to the family's roots but he was more or less seen as a senile old fool by the rest of the family.

Dahlia always was intrigued by the stories of old but always considered them to be just that, stories. That all changed when her grandfather passed and left her a set of old keys. One was for a chest he had stuffed under his bed and the other she didn't know, only that he held it close at all times. In the chest she found notes from her grandfather and stories about the fall of Dammerhall and how her great-grandfather had witnessed it as he saw his home go up in flames along with most of his clan. It also held a note saying that the last key supposedly fit in a door somewhere down in Dammerhall.

Amongst the contents of the chest she also found an axe and documents detailing the lineage of her family, denoting them as retainers of the royal Tharnhammer family and also connected to them through marriage on several occasions. The contents of were all that remained of her family's legacy, all her great-grandfather could hold on to.

When she showed this to the rest of her family they dismissed it as irrelevant and her as a dreamer. She refused to just ignore all this and instead set out to learn more about her people. The more she learned the more intrigued by it all she became. In the end she decided she'd need to find others who could tell her more, old people like her grandfather who got the information first or second hand but also younger people like herself who were intrigued by their people's past.

What the second key leads to would be completely up to you.

So far I've got a Dwarven Ranger (Deep Walker) taking racial variants Ancient Emnity and Deep Warrior.

18 Str
14 Dex
16 Con
10 Int
13 Wis
8 Cha

Traits are Warrior of Legend, Dwarven Nobility, and Tunnel Fighter.

Favored Enemy: Humanoid (Elf)

Feats are Power Attack and I haven't chosen a story feat yet, I'm just reading them now.

Blurgh, I botched my understanding of my chosen class entirely (good god, that's embarassing!) Not going to take an ability score trait, then.

Here's the crunch so far; missing regular adventuring gear, but posting so I don't lose it:

Ingrid Steelborn, warpriest of Torag:

Ingrid Steelborn
Female Dwarf Warpriest 1
LG Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +2 shield)
hp 12 (1d8+4)
Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +5; +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities
Defensive Abilities deep warrior
Speed 20 ft.
Melee masterwork dwarven waraxe+6 (1d10+3/×3)
Ranged longbow +0 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks ancient enmity
Warpriest Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4):
. . 1st—cure light wounds, shield of faith
. . 0 (at will)—create water, mending, stabilize
Str 17, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 13 (17 vs. bull rush, 17 vs. trip)
Feats Combat Casting, Weapon Focus (warhammer)
Traits guardian of the forge, sworn enemy
Skills Appraise +1 (+3 to determine the price of nonmagic items with precious metals or gemstones), Craft (armor) +5, Knowledge (history) +6, Knowledge (religion) +5, Perception +3 (+5 to notice unusual stonework)
Languages Celestial, Common, Dwarven
SQ aura, blessings, holy strike, increased defense +1, Sacred Weapon, blessings (good blessing, protection blessing)
Other Gear scale mail, heavy wooden shield, arrows (20), longbow, masterwork dwarven waraxe, 42 gp
Special Abilities
Ancient Enmity +1 Gain a racial bonus to attacks vs Elves.
Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Blessings (3/day) (Su) A warpriest’s deity influences his alignment, what magic he can perform, his values, and how others see him. Each warpriest can select two blessings from among those granted by his deity (each deity grants the blessings tied to its domains).
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Deep Warrior +2 Gain a bonus to AC and grapple vs. Aberrations.
Guardian of the Forge (Knowledge [history]) You receive a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (engineering) and Knowledge (history) checks. One of these skills (your choice) is a class skill for you.
Holy Strike (Su) Touched melee weapon deals +1d6 dam vs. evil foes for 1 min.
Increased Defense +1 (Su) Gain a +1 bonus to saves and AC for 1 min.
Sacred Weapon (1 rounds/day) (Su) As a swift action, grant weapon enhancement bonus or certain powers.
Sworn Enemy (Aberrations) +1 to attacks of opportunity against chosen foe.

Campaign trait is Relic of the Dwarven Smithy, for a masterwork dwarven waraxe.

Fluff is forthcoming.

I noticed you never actually specified whether you'll allow classes from the Advanced Class Guide. If you will, I'd be happy to rebuild Ingrid to the final class when the book is released; if you decide not to, I'll rebuild her as a fairly standard battle cleric.

This will be sixteenbiticon's alias. Still heavily under construction, obviously.

Is it safe to say our characters have prior knowledge of the Drow? All of these anti-elf feats/traits/abilties wouldn't make much sense otherwise, hah.

Reginald T'jener is mostly done. Still some work to do, but here's the alias.

Aku Warashi wrote:

Question: Is it mandatory to create an Alias for this application?

Normally I would only create an alias if chosen. But not really a problem if it’s mandatory.

No, it's not mandatory to make an alias.

El Ronza wrote:
I noticed you never actually specified whether you'll allow classes from the Advanced Class Guide. If you will, I'd be happy to rebuild Ingrid to the final class when the book is released; if you decide not to, I'll rebuild her as a fairly standard battle cleric.

The classes in from the Advanced Class Guide are permitted. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

Sixteenbiticon wrote:
Is it safe to say our characters have prior knowledge of the Drow? All of these anti-elf feats/traits/abilties wouldn't make much sense otherwise, hah.

Dwarves know about the drow. :)

GM, any issues with Lothar's eventual prc? Linked it in my first post. If that prestige class is unsuitable he'll need some rework at level 1.

I want to make sure I understand how you have traits.

Firstly, as far as I knew, racial traits can be selected limitlessly except that you can't have overlapping racial traits being replaced.

Races wrote:
In addition to this, you may use one of your traits to select an optional Ability Score Trait. These are to make dwarves more versatile for character construction and replace the usual dwarven racial ability score modifiers: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.

Is "one of your traits" referring to some limitation on racial traits I'm unaware of or background traits? Or am I just reading it wrong?

I think I may just be reading into it to much and you just want to give us elbow room, being all dwarves.

Lothar Graelson wrote:
GM, any issues with Lothar's eventual prc? Linked it in my first post. If that prestige class is unsuitable he'll need some rework at level 1.

I don't have a problem with it. In fact, I love it when something is refluffed for cool results. Is it going to be some sort of runic monk?

ReliantLion wrote:

Is "one of your traits" referring to some limitation on racial traits I'm unaware of or background traits? Or am I just reading it wrong?

I think I may just be reading into it to much and you just want to give us elbow room, being all dwarves.

The Ability Score Traits can be taken as one of the two non-campaign traits. So it will take the same slot as something like Reactionary.

In addition, you can use the various alternative racial traits presented in the Advanced Race Guide, like Ancient Enmity replacing the Dwarf racial trait Hatred. Those can be found here. I hope that clears it up.

dotting, will work something out and post it over the weekend

I wish I had seen this when the thread originally started, just for the sake of expressing my interest then. I will be submitting a character in the gameplay thread later today for consideration, this looks like great fun!

Noticed this tread today and the game setting looks great.
I made this dwarf rogue and hereby apply for the game :)

The description and character sheet are in the profile.

I still need to finish the biography and make some changes in my equipment.

Character concept is: rouge/fighter aka dwarven underground scout. Fourth son of a high dwarven noble who joined the "millitary" in order to protect the dwarven people. He is among the first lines of defense, a guardian in the dark.

Dotting. Thinking of a Stonelord Paladin. Will start work on it, but likely won't finish until after the weekend.

Wow, so far we have a Warpriest, Monk, Ranger, Wizard, Rogue, Investigator, and Paladin. Seems like the perfect party, lol.

GM, can you provide any information as to where on Golarion/Avistan this entrance to the Darklands is? Purely for background/fluff purposes, of course.

Scarab Sages

GM Olmek wrote:

ReliantLion wrote:

Is "one of your traits" referring to some limitation on racial traits I'm unaware of or background traits? Or am I just reading it wrong?

I think I may just be reading into it to much and you just want to give us elbow room, being all dwarves.

The Ability Score Traits can be taken as one of the two non-campaign traits. So it will take the same slot as something like Reactionary.

In addition, you can use the various alternative racial traits presented in the Advanced Race Guide, like Ancient Enmity replacing the Dwarf racial trait Hatred. Those can be found here. I hope that clears it up.

Does that mean that the trait ability modifiers are in addition to the standard dwarven ability mods?

No. You replace the standard +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha with whatever ability modifiers the trait gives you.

**Edit** I am submitting this Stonelord Paladin (Posting in the Gameplay Thread). I will be finishing up the details on Herolab later tonight.

Scarab Sages

I thought so. Just being clear. :)

GM Olmek wrote:
Lothar Graelson wrote:
GM, any issues with Lothar's eventual prc? Linked it in my first post. If that prestige class is unsuitable he'll need some rework at level 1.

I don't have a problem with it. In fact, I love it when something is refluffed for cool results. Is it going to be some sort of runic monk?

Some elements of being a rune specialist and no emphasis on guarding ancient sites (more guarding our established kingdom or the ruin of Dammerhall)- but frankly, just the idea of slamming frail Drow through the air and bowling them over like dominoes fills me with joy :P.

Igmar Thornstone wrote:
GM, can you provide any information as to where on Golarion/Avistan this entrance to the Darklands is? Purely for background/fluff purposes, of course.

This campaign doesn't actually take place in Golarion proper. The surface world is largely unimportant in this campaign, but the entrance to Azathyr is close to Summermount.

Choon wrote:
Does that mean that the trait ability modifiers are in addition to the standard dwarven ability mods?

Dark Netwerk is correct. The Ability Score Traits replace the standard dwarven ability scores.

This is DarkNetwerk's Stonelord Paladin app (crunch almiost done, just need the fluff). I notice someone else is now also going for the same thing. Grrr ;P

Question: If we can reasonably craft an item ourselves by taking 10 (and assuming we can afford it), may we do so prior to game start?
I seem to be heading doen a crafting path with this fellow so I wanted to see options. Also, will time for crafting be available later on in the adventure?

That question is very important to me as well as I'll be crafting magic consumables with my alternate racial and I get craft (scrolls) free.

Sorry DarkNetwerk! I just found the thread this morning, started working on my toon before I saw you post. Didn't mean to step on toes!!

Here's the fluff! I am almost done with the crunch, but want to run it over a few more times just to be sure I got everything. This will be my first time as a 100% dedicated caster so I need to be careful.


Reginald T'jener is in a world of children. Everyone looks as young as his granddaughters' grandchildren. Just a handful of people even come close to his 201 years, and most of them are elves! Bah! Someone needs to show them how old age is done!

Reginald was born just after the fall of Dammerhall to the Chief Butler and Mistress of the Looms, and has witnessed the slow decay of the Dwarven race. His family is as close to the noble Tharnhammer family as a house can get without marrying into the House proper. Every noble house needs a true Thane, close ally, and unwavering subordinate. House T'jener was that ally and friend. They have served House Tharnhammer for centuries untold as butlers, stable hands, chamber maids, cooks, and everything else. They were the invisible grease that kept the power of Tharnhammer in motion.

Then it all ended. There was hope after the fall. Several holds could have united the Clans, had they not fallen into infighting and blood feuds. Unfortunately, House T'jener's position as servants to the High House left them in no position to repair the decaying Dwarven culture. They were dismissed as quickly as House Tharnhammer was lost.

Reginald has seen it all. Done it all. He has forgotten more knowledge than most people accumulate in a lifetime, unfortunately. His memeory of the early days might be clouded with time, but he has discovered Purpose. Dammerhall needs it's caretakers back, and Reginald will lead the way. Besides, no High King on the Mithral Throne has ruled long without house T'jener. Someone's going to need him.

Personally, he is a kindly, patient old dwarf with a slight tendency to ramble. He is also constantly writing stuff down in an illegible short hand.
He is short, as Dwarves are, and stout. His head is as bald and he sports a great white beard that nearly touches the floor when not braided. He usually keeps it braided and in immaculate condition. When his beard walks into a room, people take notice and show respect, as is only proper.

His skin is slightly wrinkled and leathery with age. The scent of mint wafts around him constantly due to his habit of chewing on mint leaves. He can't remember why he does it or when he started. He is, however, fairly certain he's solely responsible for keeping the local herbalist in business.

No worries, lol. If I'd known you were going for that, I may have gone in a different direction myself. With the way Dolgrin seems to be going (with a seeming crafting focus), he might work out as a Forgemaster Cleric too. Different crunch, in some areas, but quite similar fluff (which is still just sitting around in my head). But I'll leave him as is for now as I ponder things over the weekend.

That actually looks pretty fun too... A long time ago in a game system far far away I tried more than once to make a wizard crafter type... Those games never seemed to make it very far though.

Here's hoping my luck is better than yours, Papa, as I'm a wizard crafty type. :)

This is my Dwarven Fighter submission, Bali Tharnhammer. Details are in Profile. Enjoy!

Dolgrin Hammerfist wrote:

Question: If we can reasonably craft an item ourselves by taking 10 (and assuming we can afford it), may we do so prior to game start?

I seem to be heading down a crafting path with this fellow so I wanted to see options. Also, will time for crafting be available later on in the adventure?

If you have the appropriate crafting skill/feat, then you can begin with appropriately re-priced items.

Also, something I failed to mention in the character construction guidelines:


I hope everybody sees that. :)

Updated with extra skill points.

Actually... I think I'll pass on this one.

Updated wih extra skills including Prof: Butler.

I'm happy to see that someone submitted an actual Tharnhammer. :)

Updated fluff with a stronger, more clear connection to House Tharnhammer.

Here is Thorin Tharnhammer. I left as few names in the background as possible until we decide at the beginning of the campaign our family lines.

When will I ever get a chance to play a dwarven bard! Here's my application. I'll start in the funeral thread either tonight or early tomorrow.

Kalderin wrote:
When will I ever get a chance to play a dwarven bard! Here's my application. I'll start in the funeral thread either tonight or early tomorrow.

Ha! An excellent point.

Bali was originally from another family actually, and adopted when orphaned. It's not explicitly stated in her profile, but it's there. I too left out certain details to be fleshed out later.

Definitely interested in this! Am finalising background etc and will then post in gameplay

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