Wulfgar Ivarsson |
Hey, Wulfgar is very tolerant! I mean as long as you don't have slaves... Oh, and don't eat people, he doesn't like anyone who, ya know, eats people. If you find your way to Rhodes, Wulfgar would gamble with you. He's a "Christian" not dead... all things in moderation, right? Well usually, there is the occasional binges :-)

Michael Johnson 66 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Within the week, I will make difficult decisions about which 12 submissions I invite, and which 6 will be at table 1 (Rome), and which will be at table 2 (Portugal).
I want to thank everyone who has shown interest, complimented the campaign concept, and especially all who submitted a PC and backstory. Every last one was compelling to me, such that I wish I could include them all in an epic multitable supercampaign, but my modest intellect will be challenged enough trying to run two separate parties simultaneously, keeping track of separate timelines, events, character actions, etc.
I feel up to the challenge, as the reward will be well worth the effort. My world will have new adventure tales to tell, and the eventual combining of the two tables sounds like it will be fun and satisfying from both story and metagame perspectives.
I will make a solemn promise to be fair, but indifferent as a force of nature. Any victory you win will be truly won, often hard won, and therefore sweeter for the potential of failure. I never try to kill a PC, but the environment often does, aided by poor dice luck and/or player recklessness. I won't save your PCs from death, if Fate and chance decree it, nor will I leave paths to certain doom unmarked by warnings of one kind or another.
I also promise to keep as swift a pace as possible, including botting tardy posters to move combats along. As long as at least a few players remain engaged and active, I promise to keep GMing this PBP as far as 20th level, which my Post-Apocthulhu PBP took about three years to do! I hear such longevity is rare in a PBP, haven't actually researched it myself.

![]() |

Changeling Witch(tatterdemalion)1st Neutral
Hgt. Wgt. Hair: Black, with strands of White,Blue, Orange and Gray Eyes: One Blue, One Brown Skin Tone:Black
Diety: Languages:English,Kanuri, Arabic,Slyvan
Str:12 Dex:13 Con:10 Int:16 Wis:13 Ch:16
Init: +1 Speed:30ft.
CMD: +12[10+0(BAB)+1(Str)+1(Dex))
Armor/Defensive Items:
Claws:+1 1d4+1 S&P
Dagger:(2gp)+1 1d4+1 P 10ft.
Spear:(2gp)+2 1d8+2 P 20ft
Sling:+1 1d4 B 50ft. 10 sling bullets(1sp)
Cestus:(5gp)+1 1d4+1 B
Background Skills:2
Magic in the Blood: Gain one of the following spells:Dancing Lights as a spell like ability 3/day
Feral Speech: Gain a bonus language: Slyvan
Feats:Mothers’ Gift: Surprisingly Tough
Witchs’ Kit:
Price 21 gp; Weight 21 lbs.
This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, candles (10), chalk (10), a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.
Masterwork Artisans Tools:
55gp 5pds
These special tools include the items needed to pursue any single craft. Without them, you have to use improvised tools (–2 penalty on Craft checks), if you can do the job at all.
Masterwork Artisan’s Tools: These tools serve the same purpose as artisan’s tools, but masterwork artisan’s tools are the perfect tools for the job, so you get a +2 circumstance bonus on Craft checks made with them.
Silk Rope:
Price 10 gp; Weight 5 lbs
This 50-foot length of silk rope has 4 hit points and can be broken with a DC 24 Strength check.
Explorers Outfit:
This set of clothes is for someone who never knows what to expect. It includes sturdy boots, leather breeches or a skirt, a belt, a shirt (perhaps with a vest or jacket), gloves, and a cloak. Rather than a leather skirt, a leather overtunic may be worn over a cloth skirt. The clothes have plenty of pockets (especially the cloak). The outfit also includes any extra accessories you might need, such as a scarf or a wide-brimmed hat.
Courtesans’ Outfit:
8gp 4pds
This outfit includes fine silk or satin garments tailored to complement your figure. In addition, the outfit contains a loose shawl or robe with several discreet pockets for items such as perfume, massage oils, or even a small dagger.
Witch (Tatterdemalion):
Weapon and Armor Profiency:
Witches are proficient with all simple weapons. They are not proficient with any type of armor or shield. Armor interferes with a witch’s gestures, which can cause her spells with somatic components to fail.
Tatterdemalion allows for Whips, Bolas and Nets
Witches learn a number of magic tricks, called hexes, that grant them powers or weaken foes. At 1st level, a witch gains one hex of her choice. She gains an additional hex at 2nd level and for every 2 levels attained after 2nd level, as noted on Table: Witch. A witch cannot select an individual hex more than once.
Unless otherwise noted, using a hex is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The save to resist a hex is equal to 10 + 1/2 the witch’s level + the witch’s Intelligence modifier.
A witch casts arcane spells drawn from the witch spell list. A witch must choose and prepare her spells ahead of time.
To learn or cast a spell, a witch must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a witch’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the witch’s Intelligence modifier.
A witch can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table: Witch. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Intelligence score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells).
A witch may know any number of spells. She must choose and prepare her spells ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour communing with her familiar. While communing, the witch decides which spells to prepare.
Cantrips Witches can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Witch under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again. Cantrips prepared using other spell slots, due to metamagic feats for example, are expended normally.
Cantrips:A tatterdemalion must choose mage hand, open/close, and prestidigitation as her prepared cantrips at 1st level, and they require a piece of cloth, string, rope, or other woven material (including clothing) as a focus. Any action she takes with these cantrips must involve the focus. Starting at 2nd level, she can choose any cantrip for her remaining cantrip.
This alters the witch’s cantrips.
Patron Spells:At 1st level, when a witch gains her familiar, she must also select a patron. This patron is a vague and mysterious force, granting the witch power for reasons that she might not entirely understand. While these forces need not be named, they typically hold influence over one of the following forces.
At 2nd level, and every two levels thereafter, a witch’s patron adds new spells to a witch’s list of spells known. These spells are also automatically added to the list of spells stored by the familiar. The spells gained depend upon the patron chosen. Each patron is listed by its theme. Its actual name is up to the GM and the witch to decide.
Chosen Patron:Elements: 2nd—shocking grasp, 4th—flaming sphere, 6th—fireball, 8th—wall of ice, 10th—flame strike, 12th—freezing sphere, 14th—vortex, 16th—fire storm, 18th—meteor swarm.
Familiar:At 1st level, a witch forms a close bond with a familiar, a creature that teaches her magic and helps to guide her along her path. Familiars also aid a witch by granting her skill bonuses, additional spells, and help with some types of magic. This functions like the wizard’s arcane bond class feature, except as noted in the Witch’s Familiar section.
A witch must commune with her familiar each day to prepare her spells. Familiars store all of the spells that a witch knows, and a witch cannot prepare a spell that is not stored by her familiar. A witch’s familiar begins play storing all of the 0-level witch spells plus three 1st level spells of the witch’s choice. The witch also selects a number of additional 1st-level spells equal to her Intelligence modifier to store in her familiar. At each new witch level, she adds two new spells of any spell level or levels that she can cast (based on her new witch level) to her familiar. A witch can also add additional spells to her familiar through a special ritual.
Tatterdemalion Abilities:
Dancing Strings:A tatterdemalion adds animate rope to her class spell list and spells her familiar knows. She can control her clothing and cloth, rope, or woven fabric she wears in a manner otherwise identical to the prehensile hair hex.
This alters spells and replaces the hex gained at 1st level.
-Prehensile Clothing:Effect: The witch can instantly cause her hair (or even her eyebrows) to grow up to 10 feet long or to shrink to its normal length, and can manipulate her hair as if it were a limb with a Strength score equal to her Intelligence score. Her hair has reach 10 feet, and she can use it as a secondary natural attack that deals 1d3 points of damage (1d2 for a Small witch). Her hair can manipulate objects (but not weapons) as dexterously as a human hand.
The hair cannot be sundered or attacked as a separate creature. Pieces cut from the witch’s elongated hair shrink away to nothing. Using her hair does not harm the witch’s head or neck, even if she lifts something heavy with it. The witch can manipulate her hair a number of minutes each day equal to her level; these minutes do not need to be consecutive, but must be spent in 1-minute increments. A typical male witch with this hex can also manipulate his beard, moustache, or eyebrows.
Witch Weaver: Special Hexs
Moth Eaten:At 4th level, a tatterdemalion can make a touch attack that damages leather, rope, or cloth like rusting grasp damages metal, once per day per witch level.
Lace Weaver:At 8th level, a tatterdemalion can create cloth as per minor creation or create one 5-foot cube of tangled skeins of cloth per witch level, affecting the target areas as per web, once per day for every 4 witch levels she has.
Sinister Stitching:At 12th level, once per day for every 4 witch levels she has, a tatterdemalion can conjure enchanted threads to hinder a creature she can see (Fort negates).
The tatterdemalion can choose to either sew shut the target’s eyes (blinding it) or mouth (preventing speech, bite attacks, breath weapons, verbal components, command words, and the like). The target can end the effect with a successful Strength check (DC = 15 + 1/2 the tatterdemalion’s witch level) as a standard action, or by slashing the stitches with a magic slashing weapon as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Either way, the victim takes 1d4 points of bleed damage and either is dazzled (for stitched eyes) or takes a –2 penalty on bite attack and damage rolls and a 20% chance of spell failure with verbal components (for a stitched mouth). Either residual effect lasts 1 minute per witch level.
Any creature can safely remove the enchanted threads with a minute of work and a successful DC 25 Healcheck.
Unravel:At 16th level, once per day when a tatterdemalion is hit by a melee or ranged attack, she can unravel herself as an immediate action, causing her body and gear to appear to collapse into a bundle of tattered rags and strands while she teleports to any open square within 30 feet. She takes no damage from the triggering attack, but she must have line of effect to the target square. She can use this ability twice per day at 20th level.
These replace the hexes gained at 4th, 8th, 12th, and 16th levels.
Ability Score Racial Traits: Changelings are frail, but are clever and comely. They gain +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, –2 Constitution.
-(Alternate Trait)Witchborn: Most changelings are talented witches. They gain a +2 bonus to Intelligence and Charisma instead of a +2 bonus to Wisdom and Charisma. This racial trait alters the changeling’s racial ability score modifiers.
Size: Changelings are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Type: Changelings are humanoids with the changeling subtype.
Base Speed: Changelings have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Changelings begin play speaking Common and the primary language of their host society. Changelings with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aklo, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, and Orc.
Natural Armor: Changelings have a +1 natural armor bonus.
Claws: Changelings’ fingernails are hard and sharp, granting them two claw attacks (1d4 points of damage each).
Darkvision: Changelings see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Green Widow (Green Hag): The changeling gains a +2 racial bonus on Bluff checks against creatures that are sexually attracted to her.
Spell Book:
0-Mage Hand*, Prestidigitation*,Open/Close*,Arcane Mark,Bleed,Dancing Lights,Daze,Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance,Light,Mending,Message, Putrefy Food and Drink,Read Magic,Resistance. Spark,Stabilize, Touch of Fatigue
1-Animate Rope(free),Identify,Burning Hands, Mage Armor,,Cure Light Wounds*,Charm Person*, Sleep
Familiar: Kiku (Thrush) N, Diminutive Magic Beast HP:3 F:+0|R:+4|W+4|Init:+2 Perception:+5
Move:10ft,Fly40ft(Average) Melee:Bite:+2 (1d2-5)
Str:1 Dex:15 Con:6 Int:6 Wis:15 Cha:6
Skills:Fly:+12, Perception:+5 Feat:Weapon Finesse
Familiar Abilities: Alertness, Share Spells,Improved Evasion, Empathic Link
Language: Kanuri

Michael Johnson 66 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I am happy to have such a dedicated GM. I just had a PBP game collapse on itself- because the GM stopped posting after a mere 2 months. 2 months! We hadn't even made it out of the first area.
I'm looking forward to a real game, with active players and GM!
Thank you! I have run 3 PBP prior to this.
Post-Apocthulhu ran from 1st to 20th over about 3 years, with some players dropping and new ones replacing, but a core group faithfully played throughout the whole thing. We tried out Mythic Adventures rules with that campaign, and things were pretty over the top by the time they were 20th level, mythic rank 10 lol... But they needed that king of ridiculous power to have a chance against the Great Old Ones they fought and defeated, including Hastur, Yig, Shub-Niggurath, and finally Cthulhu and 9 star-spawn lol... Billybrainpan played Koran "the Hammer" in that one, a tiefling berserker (after ACG came out, I allowed him to rework Koran as a bloodrager, if memory serves, and he also took a level or two of cleric of Thor, maybe? Can't recall for sure, but he was a beast to begin with, and even more so once he acquired Mjolnir, the Hammer of Thor himself!) I have written a drawn 200+ pages of a graphic novel about this epic campaign, which I will someday publish. It will be called The Fierce Ones (the name given the party by their monstrous foes lol)...
Medieval Europe PBP ran about 2 years, with dedicated players that included Grimdog/aka Paddy the Loon, playing as Irish tiefling rogue Paddy. Now the adventures of that party, called the Lucky Fools (originally the Lusty Fools), are novelized in my self-published novella Apocalypse Anon: The Lucky Fools, for the kindle on Amazon.com... That group went from 1st to 10th level (no mythic this time lol), and the posting rate eventually died out til only me and 1 or 2 players were still posting, so it was never concluded as a PBP, but I felt the story needed a proper ending, so I wrote the novella.
The third PBP was a departure from my fantasy Earth homebrew, as Swords & Superscience PBP was set in Golarion's Numeria, and used source materials from Paizo's Iron Gods AP. It was fun while it lasted, about 6 months I think? It was the shortest lived of my three PBP, and I take some of the blame as GM for not keeping up as regularly with posting as I did the previous games. Had some RL stuff distracting me, and the players also seemed to have RL stuff come up to delay posting, so it kind of petered out lol... GM Panic was one of the better players from that one, and faithfully posted frequently, RPing expertly, so I'm happy that he submitted Fay Lord Perpireen McGibel for this one!
I feel like I learnt a lot about running a fun PBP from those first 3, and I have high hopes that this campaign is as successful as the modern era Post-Apocthulhu PBP was. I like GMing parties from 1st to 20th before ending a campaign, so I use fast track XP. This seems fast to some of my table top players (the ones who like being the same level for several sessions, or are lazy about leveling up lol... I'm talking about you, Ray!), but I think it is a good pace for PBP.

Valjoen_KC |

I apologize for being a late-comer to this recruitment thread. I've been following it since you first posted it and couldn't make up my mind what type of character to offer up.
My character concept is a ratfolk unchained rogue. His name is Wuldric von Hamelin. He is one of the 130 children that disappeared from the town of Hamelin in Lower Saxony on St. John and Paul's day, June 26, 1284. The children were led from the town by the Pied Piper never to be seen again. Depending of your interpretation of the story as it applies to your campaign, the Pied Piper was could have been the personification of Death, a pagan cleric who led them to an accidental death in the forests near Coppenbrügge, or sold/bartered to a "landlord" trying to recolonize Transylvania following the mongol invasions.
Wuldric's background presupposes the first... namely that Death, one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse was the culprit. Wuldric and the other children remained in the afterlife for the next 60 years before being shepherded back to earth, as the Black Plague, by another horseman, Pestilence... the Antichrist. It was during this voyage across the otherworld to return to earth that Wuldric hid himself and was spared being part of the rat hoard that introduced the plague. He spent the next 90 years years alone in hell although his memory of the experience has been severely repressed. In 1340, three years ago he managed to finally escape and returned to earth as a 13 year old ratfolk. For three years, he has survived on the streets of [insert city] his only possession a grimoire he stole from the depths of hell.
So, I'm thinking he could be in either starting city. He will either take 4 levels of rogue with the eldritch scoundrel archetype, then go Arcane Trickster... or he will go 1 level of rogue then 3 levels of wizard before going Arcane Trickster. The first route makes him more melee focused with some good flexibility. He'll be the equivalent of a magus as a caster with 3/4 BAB. The second route makes him a full caster with only 1 level lost to rogue. So, more finger wiggling and less melee. If selected, which route he takes will depend upon the party make up. I've started his crunch assuming he takes the eldritch scoundrel archetype. Here it is currently, but I will be finishing it up in the next day or so.
Male ratfolk unchained rogue 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Arcane Anthology 23, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 231, Pathfinder Unchained 20)
CG Small humanoid (ratfolk)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 11 (+4 Dex, +1 size)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +1
Speed 20 ft.
Melee 2 claws +5 (1d4-1)
Special Attacks swarming
Rogue (Unchained, Eldritch Scoundrel) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st—silent image (DC 14), snowball[UW]
. . 0 (at will)—ghost sound (DC 13), mage hand, prestidigitation
Str 8, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 12
Feats Sharpclaw[ARG], Weapon Finesse
Traits life of toil, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +8 (+4 to jump), Appraise +7, Disable Device +11, Escape Artist +8, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (local) +7, Perception +5, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +14; Racial Modifiers +2 Stealth, rodent empathy
Languages Common, Draconic
SQ skulk[ARG], spells, trapfinding +1
Other Gear backpack, blanket[APG], book lariat[ACG], eldritch scoundrel starting spellbook, masterwork thieves' tools, mug/tankard, twine (50')[APG], waterproof bag[UE], waterskin, 90 gp, 6 sp, 7 cp
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Rodent Empathy Ratfolk gain a +4 racial bonus on Handle Animal checks made to influence rodents.
Skulk -5 on Stealth to hide from creatures you have distracted with Bluff (instead of -10)
Spells Can cast wizard spells with the number of slots of a magus.
Swarming (Ex) Can share a square with another with swarming, if both att the same foe, he is flanked.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.

Michael Johnson 66 |

I apologize for being a late-comer to this recruitment thread. I've been following it since you first posted it and couldn't make up my mind what type of character to offer up.
My character concept is a ratfolk unchained rogue. His name is Wuldric von Hamelin. He is one of the 130 children that disappeared from the town of Hamelin in Lower Saxony on St. John and Paul's day, June 26, 1284. The children were led from the town by the Pied Piper never to be seen again. Depending of your interpretation of the story as it applies to your campaign, the Pied Piper was could have been the personification of Death, a pagan cleric who led them to an accidental death in the forests near Coppenbrügge, or sold/bartered to a "landlord" trying to recolonize Transylvania following the mongol invasions.
Wuldric's background presupposes the first... namely that Death, one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse was the culprit. Wuldric and the other children remained in the afterlife for the next 60 years before being shepherded back to earth, as the Black Plague, by another horseman, Pestilence... the Antichrist. It was during this voyage across the otherworld to return to earth that Wuldric hid himself and was spared being part of the rat hoard that introduced the plague. He spent the next 90 years years alone in hell although his memory of the experience has been severely repressed. In 1340, three years ago he managed to finally escape and returned to earth as a 13 year old ratfolk. For three years, he has survived on the streets of [insert city] his only possession a grimoire he stole from the depths of hell.
So, I'm thinking he could be in either starting city. He will either take 4 levels of rogue with the eldritch scoundrel archetype, then go Arcane Trickster... or he will go 1 level of rogue then 3 levels of wizard before going Arcane Trickster. The first route makes him more melee focused with some good flexibility. He'll be the equivalent of a magus as a caster with 3/4 BAB. The second route makes him a full...
Cool backstory,and I like your idea about the Pied Piper. I originally conceived of him as a mortal bard of Chaotic Neutral alignment, maybe a wererat, but having him be the Horseman Pestilence is way cooler!

havoc xiii |

Alright here is my submission. We'll have the histories ready for you tomorrow sorry for the wait.
Tiefling spiritualist (phantom blade) 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Psychic Anthology 4, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264, Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 72)
CG Medium outsider (native)
Hero Points 1
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee kunai +3 (1d4+3) or
kunai +3 (1d4+3) or
phantom blade +4 (2d6+4/19-20)
Ranged shortbow +2 (1d6/×3)
Special Attacks spell combat
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +0)
At will—deathwatch
Spiritualist (Phantom Blade) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +3)
1st (2/day)—cure light wounds, shield
0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, light, read magic
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Combat Stamina, Spell Focus (conjuration)
Traits devil's mark, lastwall defender
Skills Bluff +1 (+3 vs. [evil] outsiders), Diplomacy -1 (+1 vs. [evil] outsiders), Heal +6, Intimidate -1 (+1 vs. [evil] outsiders), Knowledge (history) +4, Knowledge (planes) +4, Knowledge (religion) +4, Perception +5, Sense Motive +4 (+6 vs. [evil] outsiders), Sleight of Hand +2, Stealth +3; Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2 Stealth
Languages Abyssal, Spanish
SQ hero points, phantom blade: alertness, phantom blade: phantom touch, phantom blade: telepathy, phantom blade: weapon of the mind
Combat Gear caltrops; Other Gear studded leather, arrows (20), kunai, kunai, shortbow, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, chalk (10), flint and steel, grappling hook, hemp rope (50 ft.), mess kit[UE], mirror, piton (10), pot, soap, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 40 gp
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Hero Points Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Phantom Blade: Alertness (Ex) Gain Alertness when wielding or harboring phantom weapon.
Phantom Blade: Phantom Touch (Ex) Constant ghost touch. Instead of breaking, weapon harbored in consciousness for 1 day.
Phantom Blade: Telepathy (Su) The spiritualist can telepathically communicate with his phantom blade if it is worn or held.
Phantom Blade: Weapon of the Mind (Ex) 1 min store weapon in mind and gain unarmed strike enhance, full-rd to re-manifest blade.
Spell Combat (Ex) Use a weapon with one hand at -2 and cast a spell with the other.
Spell Focus (Conjuration) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Just poking my head up regarding my submission, Altin Karela, in case you've forgotten him! Haven't had much to add this week, but I've been keeping an eye on the threads. Really excited about the prospect of playing in this game!
Thanks for reminding me! I do like Altin, and I admit that he got a little bit lost in all the posts on this recruitment thread, so I'm glad you reminded me.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Sorry if this has been asked before - are aasimar/tieflings allowed to roll on the variant abilities table or do we stick with the spell-like abilities as given?
Also - was there ever a final verdict on God's favoured weapon?
I would require aasimar and tiefling to stick with standard spell like abilities. No oversized limbs Hellboys swinging Large earthbreakers, please lol... (Remember how beast Koran was, Billybrainpan? Lol)
Christian God favors the longsword. Hebrew Yahweh (another aspect of the same greater god) favors the spear.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Table 1
Quinlan Ifrean: N tiefling wizard exploiter
Toshio Okumura (The Ogon Fox): LN (NG) kitsune vigilante warlock
Johann Kaltgeboren: LG skinwalker shifter
Cardinal Lucius D'Borja: LG human cleric cardinal of Roman Catholic Church
Zagathoth aka Francis Liberto: NG orc brawler VMC barbarian
Arc Perdu le Rouge: NG human magus
Go ahead and begin posting in Gameplay. Introduce yourselves, have fun! You six meet in line outside the gates of Rome...

GM_Panic |

Table 2
Giovanna di Domenico (Please post alias with full stats by Sunday, grimdog/Party... Thanks!): CG (?) aasimar swashbuckler inspired blade
Volreg Sundek: LN human aerokineticist
Lord Perpireen McGibel: CN sprite investigator psychic detective
Sulayman Hain: CN human fighter cad
Wulfgar Ivarsson: CG aasimar bloodrager
Altin Karela: CG human archaeologist
Mwikali: N changeling witch
I know, 7 PCs. Had to include all 7! I might accept a 7th for table 1, but don't hold me to it lol

Michael Johnson 66 |

Reopening recruitment for the combination of tables 1 and 2!
Interested players should submit a character concept along with full stats, backstory, and be willing to commit to daily posting as much as possible.
Character creation rules are found in Campaign Info, and I'll edit here:
RAW Paizo publications only, no third party material without my approval
Start at level 7 on fast track XP
20-point starting buy, plus 1 to one stat for 4th level
Maximum hit points per level
Maximum starting level 1 wealth plus standard wealth for 7th level (23,500 gold pieces worth of gear)
Any race of up to 16 RP from a Paizo publication
Any class from a Paizo publication, with GM approval

Alexei Orlovsky |

So... I'm not sure how you're planning on splitting up tables after the crossover event, or how you would feel about one player having 2 active characters in the same campaign world, but I do still have this character that I set aside to avoid stepping on Quinlan's toes... I (mostly) updated him to fit the new recruitment (just need to pick spells, finalize consumables purchases, and adjust the end of his backstory for where/however he would meet the others) in case you were interested...

Michael Johnson 66 |

So... I'm not sure how you're planning on splitting up tables after the crossover event, or how you would feel about one player having 2 active characters in the same campaign world, but I do still have this character that I set aside to avoid stepping on Quinlan's toes... I (mostly) updated him to fit the new recruitment (just need to pick spells, finalize consumables purchases, and adjust the end of his backstory for where/however he would meet the others) in case you were interested...
Very cool, I like this concept a lot. As you have proven a committed and excellent participant, I'm going to say yes to you running two characters, and yes to this concept. Especially since the crossover is happening right now, and there have so far been no other new applicants for the 3 to 4 slots I am opening for table 3.
There is already a Year of Our Lord 1437 combined table PBP thread set up, and feel free to start posting there in discussion thread, but for now, hold off on posting in gameplay on that thread until the mission in Marrakech on table 2 is completed. Then, we will all move to combined table as the new super-party continues the hunt for the Antichrist on the combined table.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Cool. Do you know where I’ll be meeting up with everyone? I can tweak the end of my background to be there (or en route).
If he's all ready to go stats and you can tweak his backstory to already be ready to join the others in Marrakech to topple the Emir, I will have Quinbot stay behind in Rome as a craftbot for the super-party and let Alexei step in immediately as arcane caster.

Michael Johnson 66 |

If any of the other established players would like to submit an idea for a second PC to run, or as a replacement for their original character, feel free to make a new PC and submit it.
I'm ready considering that Lucius will be playing Rodrigo D'Borja the paladin once he takes Leadership in a few levels, but that's a little different considering he will be a cohort rather than a PC of equal level.

Alexei Orlovsky |

Umm... it might actually be easier/more sensible to have him meet everyone in Marrakesh? His current background actually ends on the way to Africa for Prince Henry of Portugal- if I arrived a few days ago and have been trying to track down the Desert Jackals I could pretty believably show up to investigate the appearance of an archangel and finally find them?

Michael Johnson 66 |

Umm... it might actually be easier/more sensible to have him meet everyone in Marrakesh? His current background actually ends on the way to Africa for Prince Henry of Portugal- if I arrived a few days ago and have been trying to track down the Desert Jackals I could pretty believably show up to investigate the appearance of an archangel and finally find them?

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I have an idea for a Romani woman who has died twice and resurrected by fell powers,was freed by the church and seeks to work off her curse for the church while finding out why she was ressurected
Also have one for a roguish halfling that is seeking to become a renown chef, but is also secretly one of the most cunning Rogues to cross not only the arabs but the Vikings, even during the old man in the mountian!

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One is more of an old Spy for Wallachia and there allies against the Ottomans. She however has died twice and does not know why neither does the church. So they outfit her with skills nessecary to get information and take out influential Poe, political rivals, or rebels.
The halfling is a slave that's was born into it. Fought to try to free himself, He somehow got into the kitchen and his dishes and skills got him an audience with the Old Man in the Mountian. There he was trained to be stealthy and fight while cooking. He eventually fled the Master Assassin and his hideout. So he went to Europe and has learned to be a master chef learning various dishes from all of the Mediterranean sea as a ships cook.

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The Romani woman is straight Unchained Rogue.
The Halfling would be a fleeing assassin. thinking Alchemist1/Brawler1/Unchained Rogue 5.
Figured the Romani would have no knowledge of her first life save her name. Her second was as a Scion of the Church ending Ottoman leaders and Supporters in Wallachia. She is a spy inflitrator and assassin for the game of lords. Her second death was at the hands of some supposed priest. She killed him after her second ressurection. She does not know why but she comes back with more tattoos every time she is comes back form the dead(or near death)[Thinking it would be funny if it was in Aklo,Protean or Abyssal]

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The Halfing I was thinking he would be a Ship to Ship Cook, learning the various ways to cook across the Mediterranean Sea, trying to distance himself form the more lethal teachings of the Old Man in the Mountian and after being found out in the Vatican after hidden Assassins came to kill him and he in turn slew them, was recruited into the churches fold to aid in its many noble quests for protection
While the Romani woman seeks answers and absolution

Michael Johnson 66 |

I've skimmed a lot of these campaign pages, but I'm struggling to understand what is holding the party together? What is the common goal? Would greatly appreciate any clarification, because the setting and campaign pace appeals to me.
And what is the description of the current party?
I doubt I could explain better than the players above already have what binds the parties together.
Common goals: table 1 (Crusaders of the Catacombs) are united by common service to the Pope and the goal of stopping Antichrist Nero, a powerful evil half-fiend lich, from bringing on Armageddon and subverting the prophecy foretold by John in the Book of Revelation.
Table 2 (Desert Jackals) is united by common service to Prince Henry of Portugal, and the common goal of liberating Africa from the Arab Slave Trade and creating a free State within North Africa.
The combined group will seek to accomplish both goals by level 15 or so. After which, end game will likely see planar adventures as the champions of Fairytale Earth take on Archdevils, Demonlords, and Great Old Ones to save their world from alocalypse!