Michael Johnson 66 |

alright... I have some questions...
1) how do you feel about the sacred geometry feat? Its from the Occult Mysteries book (an official Paizo campaign setting book) but it seems like some people/GMs find it really intriguing/cool and others hate it... to me it seems like one potential way to work in like the 10 sephirot and the use of names of God in kabbalistic magic?
** spoiler omitted **...
I've looked over the sacred geometry feat and I'm cool with it. I'm also going to say yes to the discovery you linked.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
So one post a week? That is reallllly slow. No 1/day expectation?here
RE: Post rate.
I've reconsidered, and I'd like participants to commit to at least one post per day barring the emergency RL stuff that inevitably disrupts that ideal LOL
Hey Lucius! welcome back to the renaissance! You wouldn't happen to want to win a bet with a Fey would you :-)

Michael Johnson 66 |

And you're ok with me using the discovery the way I outlined (as a viable Mystic Theurge build)? If so, I think I might actually take my first level in inquisitor (since it's a pretty religious concept) and go arcane caster from there.
Yes, I don't see any reason not to let you build that way. Appears to be in line with RAW.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Would his Grace Cardinal Borja be permitted? (Mostly asking if I can a. take the Cardinal archetype and b. be a Cardinal of the RCC without screwing everything up?)
Yes, cardinal archetype is fine, and being a cardinal of Roman Catholic Church is no problem. The Church has been secretly infiltrated by a Satanic cult called the Church of Lucifer, and inquisitors faithful to the Church are trying to discover which churchmen are actually devil worshippers...
Your Cardinal Borja would be one of the good churchmen, of course, as the Church of Lucifer (led by Antichrist Emperor Nero, a lich) is intended to be the enemy in this campaign. Not that you have to be Lawful Good, necessarily, but at least faithful to the RCC.

Michael Johnson 66 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Incidentally, I am currently on vacation in Europe, doing 2 days in Amsterdam, 10 in Malaga Spain, and 2 in Rome! :-) Will be touring the Vatican, the catacombs (a dangerous dungeon in my campaign, haunted by all kinds of undead and other monsters), Coliseum, etc...
Great opportunity for your GM to do first hand research for this campaign! Lol

Michael Johnson 66 |

So, we must be getting close to 6 submissions, going to scan back through and start a list, and am hoping to start playing as soon as possible. If you can finish your submission with full crunch and at least a basic idea of backstory by April 1st, that would be great! Then I can choose 6 and we can start posting in Gameplay. Thanks!

Michael Johnson 66 |

I have 6 more or less complete character sheets submitted, plus two or three cool ideas that haven't been fully statted up yet. Going to give it til Easter then make a final decision, but the 6 more or less complete are:
Lord Perpireen McGibel, GM Panic's sprite investigator psychic detective
Sulayman Hain, Simeon's human fighter cad Jannisarry
Wulfgar Ivarsson, Sariel's aasimar angel kin bloodrager
Giovanna di Domenico, Paddy's aasimar swashbuckler inspired blade
(Still need crunch and fluff)
Toshio Okumura/The Ogon Fox, Keante's kitsune warlock (having trouble with pdf link, could you post crunch andfluff as regular post please?)
Altin Karela, Littlehewy's human archaeologist

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Toshio Okumura/The Ogon Fox, Keante's kitsune warlock (having trouble with pdf link, could you post crunch andfluff as regular post please?)
Yeah I'll work on that in the next couple days. Also, so I don't forget, I'm definitely taking Deep Cover as one of my traits.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:Toshio Okumura/The Ogon Fox, Keante's kitsune warlock (having trouble with pdf link, could you post crunch andfluff as regular post please?)Yeah I'll work on that in the next couple days. Also, so I don't forget, I'm definitely taking Deep Cover as one of my traits.
Cool, thanks! Sounds good.

Michael Johnson 66 |

This is Nate's Jewish Mystic, in progress... I haven't posted any fluff yet but the skeleton of his crunch is up.
I think you said that we're using English as common/a trade language, right? If not, I'll have to change the language I took with linguistics...
yes English will be a fairly widely spoken trade tongue. I look forward to seeing the finished character sheet!

littlehewy |

Altin Karela backstory (crunch is here):
Altin experienced the typical racism meted out to Romani folk in Constantinople; while he loved the city, he hated the way its people treated him and his. He left with an uncle and some cousins to travel when he was ten. However, they were caught up in conflict only months after leaving the city, and Altin and two of his cousins were captured by Ottoman forces and "recruited" into the Janissary.
Altin was a clever, skilled lad, and a quick student, but he was a terrible soldier. He was put to use most often as a scout, and, thanks to his charm, began training as a diplomat and mediator. However, due to his propensity to get into trouble, he faced constantly the wrath of his superiors. When a series of outbreaks of conflict began in Albania, eventually becoming widespread revolt, a seventeen-year-old Altin found himself back in his homeland, about to wage war on Albanians.
Uncomfortable with the situation, Altin did what he'd been wanting to do for years - desert the Janissaries and go his own way, searching for wealth, women, wine, and song. He has seen quite a bit of Europe in the intervening five years, and while wealth comes and goes (goes more than comes), he is enjoying his life immensely, travelling the lands, living by his wits, and finding excitement and what fortune he can.

Michael Johnson 66 |

I think all my crunch is done. Tomorrow is a busy day but I'll try to get some of the fluff up. Did we set a starting point yet? It would be extremely helpful in working up my background to know where it is I had to get to...
I suggested some options for starts earlier, and wanted to give the players a say on where you'd like to start. I have a lot of Europe, Africa (especially Morocco), and British Isles well developed for this setting and full of adventures for all levels.
My most developed content includes these starts:
Hired by Prince Henry of Portugal (The Navigator) to disrupt the Arab Slave Trade, which is a major source of wealth for the Moslem rulers of Morocco, the Maranid sultan and emirs. Portugal conquered Moroccan city Ceuta several years ago as part of a campaign of conquest of Morocco, but have made no further progress so far. Henry seeks to convince his father King John and brothers to persevere in the conquest, but they are losing interest in the venture due to costs in wealth and lives. Henry hopes that crippling the Arab Slave Trade will cripple their enemies and be a victory for Portugal and Christianity and freedom... Spiritual PCs may be sent on this quest by a vision from St Moses the Black, patron saint of Africa...
Hired by Prince Henry the Navigator to explore and map the mysterious Underworld, accessed via the Cave of Hercules near Tangier in Morocco... This would be a classic D&D-style dungeon crawl of epic proportions, with much Lovecraft influence...
Hired by Prince Henry to explore and map the west coast of Africa, an extended naval and wilderness adventure... The Dark Continent is definitely a place where "here there be monsters"...
In England, young (17) King Henry VI is in dire need of champions, for his uncles, Dukes of Bedford Humphrey and John Lancaster of Gloucester, are secretly high ranking members of the devil worshipping Church of Lucifer, a secret society and cult led by the Antichrist himself, with members throughout Europe and the Isles. They were already foiled by the heroic Lucky Fools (aka the Lusty Fools) in an attempt to kill the king when he was but a 10-yr old boy using the treasonous witchcraft of a coven that included the Witch of Eye Margery Jourdamayne, the astrologer sorcerer Roger Bolingbroke, and Duchess Eleanor Cobham (some of whom will burn at the stake in 4 years from the present--1441). Being too powerful to be condemned, the Dukes of Gloucester and Bedford escaped justice, and renew their plots to usurp the throne of England. In this start, you play mercenaries or loyal subjects serving King Henry VI, and will be facing the diabolical minions of his evil uncles...
In Rome, the Antichrist, Emperor Nero, who became a lich after his supposed suicide many centuries ago, poses using magic disguises as various Italian nobles he has secretly murdered and replaced, works to bring about the will of his true father, Archdevil Lucifer, who seeks to subvert the prophecy of John foretold in the Book of Revelation and bring about an infernal kingdom on Earth instead of the promised Kingdom of Heaven. The Church of Lucifer has its main base of operations in the catacombs below Rome. In this start, you are hired by (or are loyal Catholics already in service to) Pope Eugene to make forays into the catacombs in search of this secret lair, and exterminate the undead haunting the subterranean maze...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Altin Karela backstory (crunch is here):
** spoiler omitted **
Thanks! Looks great! Going to have a real hard time only choosing 6... I might expand it to as many as 8, though that's a pretty unwieldy group to manage, at least if this were tabletop... Could work PBP. What do you all think?

Michael Johnson 66 |

I'll plan on submitting something. If you are going to wait til Easter which is still two weeks ago, my guess is you will have a LOT of submissions to go through (probably triple your current number).
Yeah, kind of thinking of expanding party to maybe 8. I'd never GM for 8 tabletop, but PBP might be okay, as there is no side conversations to shout over and all the time in the world to sort through posts lol...

Michael Johnson 66 |

My first ever PBP was called Post-Apocthulhu Pathfinder RAW PBP, and at one point I had 10 PCs at once. Attrition seems inevitable in every PBP, in my experience, as RL causes some to have to drop out, and new players join to refill the ranks. So I'm going to pick 8 to start and am guessing the number will eventually dwindle to between 4 and 6.

Michael Johnson 66 |

That Post-Apocthulhu PBP went mythic and all the way to 20th level over about two years of play, culminating in the party killing Cthulhu himself! Was rad. I am 200 pages into a graphic novel I am writing and illustrating myself based on it. Was set in modern era (2013, a year after N Korean dictator Kim Jong-un performed a ritual on midnight of December 21st, 2012 (Mayan Doomsday that in RL was a bust lol) that raised the sunken city of R'lyeh and awakened Dread Cthulhu, ushering in an Apocalypse of monstrous, biblical proportions lol...

Licitus |

Hmm, immortality...
But first things first.
I have been looking at a character who is a follower of Jan Hus (an Ecclesitheurge using his unburnt hand as holy symbol). Given the starts/environment you list above, would a member (leader?) of the Bohemian Reformation be workable?
Also, what domains would the Catholic god have? Don't know that we need to work it all out right now, but an Ecclesitheurge has access to the spells of all the domains that the god provides.
Lastly, are there any issues with Dwarves being followers of Catholicism?

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
Mustachioed wrote:I'll plan on submitting something. If you are going to wait til Easter which is still two weeks ago, my guess is you will have a LOT of submissions to go through (probably triple your current number).Yeah, kind of thinking of expanding party to maybe 8. I'd never GM for 8 tabletop, but PBP might be okay, as there is no side conversations to shout over and all the time in the world to sort through posts lol...
I've played in games with eight on PBP. It was rather unwieldy but more so because of how the game was ran. The GM had each person roll initiative then did combat rolls for the NPC and opponent. Then went in the order of the rolls waiting for each person to go. Also the GM waited for a large group consensus for any decisions.
If were doing that large of a group, I would recommend a few things. First, block initiative, including the GM rolling initiative, so were not waiting for everyone to roll just to see when we go. I would also recommend a 'standard combat action' on the character page, so if they don't post within 24 hrs. they 'take' the standard action or delay if it doesn't make sense.
I would also recommend that 'group decisions' are made based on one person making a recommendation and two more people agreeing without anyone dissenting. That way we aren't waiting on everyone to 'agree' to turn left or right... Having predetermined marching orders and 'watch orders' would speed things up as well.
Just some thoughts.
If we have eight or ten people would you consider 'two tables'?

Michael Johnson 66 |

Hmm, immortality...
But first things first.
I have been looking at a character who is a follower of Jan Hus (an Ecclesitheurge using his unburnt hand as holy symbol). Given the starts/environment you list above, would a member (leader?) of the Bohemian Reformation be workable?
Also, what domains would the Catholic god have? Don't know that we need to work it all out right now, but an Ecclesitheurge has access to the spells of all the domains that the god provides.
Lastly, are there any issues with Dwarves being followers of Catholicism?
I love this idea. We could figure out a reason for a Bohemian Reformationist to have come to be in western Europe or wherever we start. And though most dwarves worship older pagan deities, the number of dwarves, elves and other demihumans converting to Christianity is growing since it was made the official faith of the Roman Empire by Constantine.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Hey MJ! its Koran from the ol' apocthulhu. I'll get a submission up in the next few days.
Also I would love to see any amount of the Fierce Ones Graphic novel that you are willing to share. I got to see a few of the earliest pages and they were great.
Hey man! Yes, please submit something! Are we FB friends? I've been able to post pics of it there, but not sure how to post any of it here... Mike Johnson (Monk) in Bradenton, FL on Facebook...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:Mustachioed wrote:I'll plan on submitting something. If you are going to wait til Easter which is still two weeks ago, my guess is you will have a LOT of submissions to go through (probably triple your current number).Yeah, kind of thinking of expanding party to maybe 8. I'd never GM for 8 tabletop, but PBP might be okay, as there is no side conversations to shout over and all the time in the world to sort through posts lol...I've played in games with eight on PBP. It was rather unwieldy but more so because of how the game was ran. The GM had each person roll initiative then did combat rolls for the NPC and opponent. Then went in the order of the rolls waiting for each person to go. Also the GM waited for a large group consensus for any decisions.
If were doing that large of a group, I would recommend a few things. First, block initiative, including the GM rolling initiative, so were not waiting for everyone to roll just to see when we go. I would also recommend a 'standard combat action' on the character page, so if they don't post within 24 hrs. they 'take' the standard action or delay if it doesn't make sense.
I would also recommend that 'group decisions' are made based on one person making a recommendation and two more people agreeing without anyone dissenting. That way we aren't waiting on everyone to 'agree' to turn left or right... Having predetermined marching orders and 'watch orders' would speed things up as well.
Just some thoughts.
If we have eight or ten people would you consider 'two tables'?
I'm open to any ideas that make gameplay flow more smoothly. Dropping initiative rolls might impact the rules (especially feats like Improved Initiative and traits that give a bonus to initiative) in ways that I'm not sure I like at first consideration, but you are right about big party in PBP slowing combat to frustrating snail's pace... I will think on it... I'm definitely down with your other suggestions re standard character actions and marching order, etc, and one suggestion given the okay by 2 or more others setting courses of action.

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I'm open to any ideas that make gameplay flow more smoothly. Dropping initiative rolls might impact the rules (especially feats like Improved Initiative and traits that give a bonus to initiative) in ways that I'm not sure I like at first consideration, but you are right about big party in PBP slowing combat to frustrating snail's pace... I will think on it...
Even without using an alternative group initiative system, you as GM could just do the actual initiative rolls for everyone (with their modifiers) in the beginning combat post rather than waiting for each player to post and roll their initiative.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
I'm open to any ideas that make gameplay flow more smoothly. Dropping initiative rolls might impact the rules (especially feats like Improved Initiative and traits that give a bonus to initiative) in ways that I'm not sure I like at first consideration,
Not drop entirely, first the GM rolls so were not waiting for everyone, just to roll. Second having the monsters Init all together, so there are players before, then the monsters, then the players after. If you want to keep init order entirely, but still want to speed up, have the group that is attacking roll their attacks as they can, then you narrate in order of initiative. Shifting the players point of the attack if needed.
Anyway, there are ways to keep it moving, even in combat.

Michael Johnson 66 |

the gm rolling initiative works from what I have seen...i would be open to GM rolling saves and perc rolls as needed to speed things up
Yes, that could work. I like that idea. It preserves the RAW initiative rules while keeping combat flowing. If everyone puts basic combat info like initiative modifier, saving throw bonuses, Perception modifier, and attack modifier and damage dice and modifier for favored weapons and attack spells next to their alias, that would make it really easy for me to make some rolls for PCs when it will help speed things along.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:I'm open to any ideas that make gameplay flow more smoothly. Dropping initiative rolls might impact the rules (especially feats like Improved Initiative and traits that give a bonus to initiative) in ways that I'm not sure I like at first consideration, but you are right about big party in PBP slowing combat to frustrating snail's pace... I will think on it...Even without using an alternative group initiative system, you as GM could just do the actual initiative rolls for everyone (with their modifiers) in the beginning combat post rather than waiting for each player to post and roll their initiative.
Yes, I like this plan, and am sold on it! :)

Michael Johnson 66 |

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:I'm open to any ideas that make gameplay flow more smoothly. Dropping initiative rolls might impact the rules (especially feats like Improved Initiative and traits that give a bonus to initiative) in ways that I'm not sure I like at first consideration,Not drop entirely, first the GM rolls so were not waiting for everyone, just to roll. Second having the monsters Init all together, so there are players before, then the monsters, then the players after. If you want to keep init order entirely, but still want to speed up, have the group that is attacking roll their attacks as they can, then you narrate in order of initiative. Shifting the players point of the attack if needed.
Anyway, there are ways to keep it moving, even in combat.
Good call, I like it. I don't mind doing separate initiative for monsters or NPCs of different kinds, but I usually have a group of monsters or NPCs with identical stats (a group of goblins, or ghouls, etc) go on the same roll.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Yep I've played in bigger groups where GM-rolled initiative worked well. Botting the PCs in combat when necessary helps a lot too, if the guidelines are set up ahead of time.
Sounds like a plan! Once the 8 PCs have been invited, we will work out asa much standard procedure for each as possible to keep action fast-paced, the way action ought to be!

littlehewy |

If everyone puts basic combat info like initiative modifier, saving throw bonuses, Perception modifier, and attack modifier and damage dice and modifier for favored weapons and attack spells next to their alias, that would make it really easy for me to make some rolls for PCs when it will help speed things along.
Yes, I've seen this in action too, saves you searching through alias profiles for info. Maybe after you've selected your PCs you could put up a brief guide with the exact info/format you'd require.
Also, that monkey freaks me out a little...