The Year of Our Lord 1437 Pathfinder RAW PBP (Inactive)

Game Master Michael Johnson 66

Fantasy swords and sorcery in the early Renaissance!

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Hear ye! Hear ye! Brave adventurers are sought to explore the fantasy swords and sorcery sandbox that is DM MJ’s Renaissance Earth campaign! Heroes needed!

Those interested should submit a 1st level character (see CAMPAIGN INFO for creation rules) with a backstory here.

I will review submissions over the next couple weeks and select 6 players to participate. Please do not submit a character unless you are reasonably comfortable with posting at least once per week.

Scarab Sages

Campaign Info wrote:
Any playable race published on PRD that is CR 1/3

Is there an easy way to verify which races are CR 1/3? Or does it just require visiting the bestiary entry for each one?

Keante wrote:
Campaign Info wrote:
Any playable race published on PRD that is CR 1/3
Is there an easy way to verify which races are CR 1/3? Or does it just require visiting the bestiary entry for each one?

If you’re not sure, please double check in the SRD.

Grand Lodge

this seems familiar....

Keante wrote:
Campaign Info wrote:
Any playable race published on PRD that is CR 1/3
Is there an easy way to verify which races are CR 1/3? Or does it just require visiting the bestiary entry for each one?

If you want to play a race that’s CR 1/2, just run it by me for the yay or nay, honestly. I’m pretty lenient on letting players play whatever, because it’s always fun to see how they fit it into the fantasy Earth setting.

grimdog73 wrote:
this seems familiar....

Lol yes... you might’ve quested in my world before

Grand Lodge

ah...can't resist...i won't rehash Paddy(although he was fun to play)...will get something together next day or two. are all archetypes open? thinkjng the Rondelero swashbuckler from Weappn masters handbook...they use the falcata...

Scarab Sages

I think I'm interested in this, Michael. Can you recommend anything as a reading sample or the like to get a feel for the setting? While I remember singing some Renaissance pieces in college choir, I don't remember much detail from my history classes.

Im in yes yes have to play an odd ball race.
would love to play a Sprite [CR 1/3] Investigator, be a fun PC.\

Lord Perpireen McGibel

grimdog73 wrote:
ah...can't resist...i won't rehash Paddy(although he was fun to play)...will get something together next day or two. are all archetypes open? thinkjng the Rondelero swashbuckler from Weappn masters handbook...they use the falcata...

Is Weapon Masters Handbook up on the PDR? The archetype sounds fitting for the setting, just want to be able to check it out myself...

Keante wrote:
I think I'm interested in this, Michael. Can you recommend anything as a reading sample or the like to get a feel for the setting? While I remember singing some Renaissance pieces in college choir, I don't remember much detail from my history classes.

I can’t resist this opportunity for a shameless plug lol...

In fact, I have written and published on for the kindle, a fantasy novella set in this setting, based on the first PBP campaign I ran for a few years. The novella is called Apocalypse Anon: The Lucky Fools, and it can be purchased for kindle for the diabolical price of $6.66. Here is a link if you’re interested.

Otherwise, Google Wikipedia articles on the Age of Exploration, Prince Henry the Navigator, King Henry VI of England, Emperor Sigismund of the Holy Roman Empire, Dauphin Charles VII of France, Philip the Good Duke of Burgundy, Nicolas Flamel, Humphrey Duke of Bedford, John Lancaster Duke of Cloucester, Marjory Jourdamayne “The Witch of Eye Next Westminster”... These are all historical NPCs alive during the time this campaign is set. Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake as a witch by the English six years ago. Earth history is more or less unmodified, or explained in fantastic terms (the royal courts employ wizards and clerics, divinations have hinted at the existence of a New World west of the Atlantic, which Vikings, Celts, and others have already discovered but left Little written record of the “Newfoundland”, etc).

Incorporated with real history are the many myths, legends, and folk lore of Europe, the British Isles, Scandinavia, Africa, Arabia, and Asia, plus some classic elements from D&D/Pathfinder. The Antichrist, who is the Ancient Roman Emperor Nero and also a lich, has used disguise spells to masquerade as various other villains throughout history, such as Atilla the Hun; various corrupt Popes who condoned atrocities committed by crusaders in the Holy Land against innocents and even other Christians; chieftains and barbarian kings of the Goths or the Vandals as they sacked Rome and other cities throughout the Roman Empire; and most recently, as various nobles of the Italian City-States—Medici, Borgia, Sforza, and others—instigating wars for hegemony; or posing as cardinals and priests in various German towns and instigating peasant revolts and oppression of Jews. He was behind the peasant revolt in Worms several years ago, in which German Christian peasants formed a violent mob and vented their rage and frustration on their Jewish neighbors, having been whipped into a frenzy of corrupted religious fervor by the Antichrist, posing as the Bishop of Worms.

Antichrist Nero’s most diabolical deed to date was calling down from the fiery planet Mercury with a dire spell of summoning the ancient red dragon Wormwood, who now lairs in the volcano Mount Vesuvius, which destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum many centuries ago. Wormwood demands annual tribute in gold, gems, and virgin maidens from every kingdom and free city of Europe, and destroys with fire the crops, livestock, and cities of any who refuse. In response to the bold heroics of a band of international adventurers known as the Lucky Fools, who defied the Church of Lucifer (an international secret cult of Devil-worshippers with members in high positions with which the dragon is allied), Wormwood destroyed the coastal city of Naples by fire in 1433 AD, an event now known as the Halloween Holocaust of Naples. The city has since begun to rebuild.

GM_Panic wrote:

Im in yes yes have to play an odd ball race.

would love to play a Sprite [CR 1/3] Investigator, be a fun PC.\

Lord Perpireen McGibel

That does sound fun! See CAMPAIGN INFO for character creation rules specific to this PBP campaign, and submit a fully detailed 1st level character sheet, along with a backstory that includes where the PC is from, and why he/she/it has recently become an adventurer. If you are one of the 6 players chosen to play, I’ll work with you to modify or expand your backstory to place you at the starting point of the campaign and get you involved in the starting adventure.

This will largely be a sandbox, so I’ll be open to discussion with the 6 players chosen about where they’d like to start out, and what kind of adventures appeal to them. Some possible starting points and beginning objectives include:

Aboard a Portuguese caravel sailing to Morocco to strike against the Arab Slave Trade, or to explore the coast of Africa on behalf of Prince Henry;

In London Town hunting giant rats (and their wererat masters!) infesting the abandoned warehouses and mills along the River Thames;

In Paris hunting undead in the catacombs below the city streets on behalf of the clergy of Notre Dame Cathedral;

In the Black Forest of Germany within the Holy Roman Empire, which is an enchanted forest inhabited by all manner of fey and fairytale creatures, plus werewolves, vampires, wicked witches in giant candy-covered gingerbread houses, titanic beanstalks ascending to cloud castles inhabited by cloud giants, and talking animals;

In Nidaros (Trondheim), Norway, helping defend the city against raiding orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, trolls, frost giants, and winter wolves—the evil minions of the ancient white dragon Frostfløyen, who lairs in a glacial cavern within the mountains north of the city;

Something even cooler than any of the above that one of the chosen 6 players comes up with! ;)

Grand Lodge

it's not on the d20, but its on ar hives if should be on the paizo prd...

grimdog73 wrote:
it's not on the d20, but its on ar hives if should be on the paizo prd...

If you can please link the rules for at least the archetype, I’ll check it out. Can’t seem to find a Weapon Masters Handbook on the Paizo PRD.

Keante wrote:
I think I'm interested in this, Michael. Can you recommend anything as a reading sample or the like to get a feel for the setting? While I remember singing some Renaissance pieces in college choir, I don't remember much detail from my history classes.

I’ve also posted several introductory posts in GAMEPLAY thread that help establish the setting a little, detailing some recent events and adventure hooks.

Interesting. Are there any alignment restrictions? What is the status of the church, in general?

Hmmmm, sounds like the kind of world that a Dhampir wanting to kill some undead may feel right at home.

I'm thinking a 'kinslayer' inquisitor would be appropriate. I'm not sure what country yet. I'm more familiar with France and England during this era, but 'eastern Europe' or 'Italy' may be more appropriate.

I'm curious does the 'no gunslingers' rule also applies to the 'Black Powder Inquisition'? Firearms, did exist, though it would be a stretch for it to be much more than an Arquebus.

I've always like the imagery of 'Solomon Kane' but it seems a little early for wheel-locks and rapiers :-)

Hey, Panic!

I'm thinking on creating a halfling sorcerer, or a dour German mercenary fighter. Either seems good.

Only have time to dot my interest right now...but I am interested. Will be coming back for a closer look this weekend.

Scarab Sages

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:
grimdog73 wrote:
it's not on the d20, but its on ar hives if should be on the paizo prd...
If you can please link the rules for at least the archetype, I’ll check it out. Can’t seem to find a Weapon Masters Handbook on the Paizo PRD.

Here it is on Archives of Nethys, the Rondelero Swashbuckler.

On the d20pfsrd it's under falcata swashbuckler.

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:
Keante wrote:
I think I'm interested in this, Michael. Can you recommend anything as a reading sample or the like to get a feel for the setting? While I remember singing some Renaissance pieces in college choir, I don't remember much detail from my history classes.
I’ve also posted several introductory posts in GAMEPLAY thread that help establish the setting a little, detailing some recent events and adventure hooks.

I'm sold. I don't know yet what character I want to make but I'm sold on the game.

So! Much! Dot! I am always a total sucker for historical fantasy. My lord, there are so many possibilities. Perhaps a dour dhampir from the dark reaches of Transylvania? Or an alchemist in the most traditional sense? Maybe a living grimoire inquisitor, a literal Bible thumper if you will? In any case, I'll have something up, that is certain.

Silver Crusade

@GM_panic - That is absolutely brilliant.

@GM - you say posting once a week is acceptable? That seems very slow to me. Any chance you'd change that expectation to the fairly normal once a day?

Grand Lodge

ah...i missed it on archives....ty!

chillblame wrote:
Interesting. Are there any alignment restrictions? What is the status of the church, in general?

No Evil characters seems a wise restriction, now that you mention it... lol... The Church wages war against the forces of darkness at its best, and bullies pagan faiths at its worst. It is led by Pope Eugene, a high-level cleric of Christianity, and a number of bishops and cardinals. It is a powerful political entity, with influence over most kingdoms of Europe.

Sariel Patrick Cornelius wrote:

Hmmmm, sounds like the kind of world that a Dhampir wanting to kill some undead may feel right at home.

I'm thinking a 'kinslayer' inquisitor would be appropriate. I'm not sure what country yet. I'm more familiar with France and England during this era, but 'eastern Europe' or 'Italy' may be more appropriate.

I'm curious does the 'no gunslingers' rule also applies to the 'Black Powder Inquisition'? Firearms, did exist, though it would be a stretch for it to be much more than an Arquebus.

I've always like the imagery of 'Solomon Kane' but it seems a little early for wheel-locks and rapiers :-)

Hey, Panic!

I just feel like the firearm rules are a bit unbalanced, so I like to play without them for the most part. Solomon Kane is dope, though lol!

chillblame wrote:
I'm thinking on creating a halfling sorcerer, or a dour German mercenary fighter. Either seems good.

Four German merc! Love it! Of course, halfling sorcerer is pretty cool too... reminds me of ‘80s flick Willow

Simeon wrote:
So! Much! Dot! I am always a total sucker for historical fantasy. My lord, there are so many possibilities. Perhaps a dour dhampir from the dark reaches of Transylvania? Or an alchemist in the most traditional sense? Maybe a living grimoire inquisitor, a literal Bible thumper if you will? In any case, I'll have something up, that is certain.


Keante wrote:
Michael Johnson 66 wrote:
grimdog73 wrote:
it's not on the d20, but its on ar hives if should be on the paizo prd...
If you can please link the rules for at least the archetype, I’ll check it out. Can’t seem to find a Weapon Masters Handbook on the Paizo PRD.

Here it is on Archives of Nethys, the Rondelero Swashbuckler.

On the d20pfsrd it's under falcata swashbuckler.

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:
Keante wrote:
I think I'm interested in this, Michael. Can you recommend anything as a reading sample or the like to get a feel for the setting? While I remember singing some Renaissance pieces in college choir, I don't remember much detail from my history classes.
I’ve also posted several introductory posts in GAMEPLAY thread that help establish the setting a little, detailing some recent events and adventure hooks.
I'm sold. I don't know yet what character I want to make but I'm sold on the game.

Glad you like my idea! It’s going to be a blast!

pauljathome wrote:

@GM_panic - That is absolutely brilliant.

@GM - you say posting once a week is acceptable? That seems very slow to me. Any chance you'd change that expectation to the fairly normal once a day?

Honestly, I’d love if I could expect everyone to post at least once per day... but I know from experience that the reality is often different from the expectation lol

Thinking of going a sacred fist warpriest route, travelling monk trying to spread the good word and trained to vanquish evil where ever it raises it's ugly head.

Are there rules around for worshiping the christian God in Pathfinder? What is his alignment? What domains?

I am assuming Lawful Good, or maybe Lawful Neutral seeing how they treated pagans in the dark ages.

Thinking a vanilla Human, although an Aasimar with the Celestial Crusader alternate racial trait would be interesting...maybe someone that ultimately is on the way to sainthood. Aasimar is a 1/2 CR though, so that is something you would need to weigh in on.

BC4Realz wrote:

Thinking of going a sacred fist warpriest route, travelling monk trying to spread the good word and trained to vanquish evil where ever it raises it's ugly head.

Are there rules around for worshiping the christian God in Pathfinder? What is his alignment? What domains?

I am assuming Lawful Good, or maybe Lawful Neutral seeing how they treated pagans in the dark ages.

Thinking a vanilla Human, although an Aasimar with the Celestial Crusader alternate racial trait would be interesting...maybe someone that ultimately is on the way to sainthood. Aasimar is a 1/2 CR though, so that is something you would need to weigh in on.

In my campaign, the Christian God is Lawful Good, but many priests in the Catholic Church are Lawful Neutral, or even Lawful Evil. The LE ones have either lost their clerical powers, or secretly worship an archdevil and gain their spellcasting ability from their diabolical patron.

Aasimar is fine.

Domains to select from? Since it defines so much of the warpriest build.

BC4Realz wrote:
Domains to select from? Since it defines so much of the warpriest build.

Christian God (I Am, Yahweh, Tetragrammaton)

Lawful Good Greater God
Domains: Glory, Good, Healing, Law

So my inquisitor will go long bow if he is English, or crossbow for practically everyone else.

Since this Inquisitor will be catholic, lets discuss the 'Christian Gods' favorite weapon. There is a lot of references to 'double edged swords' in christian literature. Would you consider making his 'favored weapon' a double edged sword? If so could it be ANY double edge sword or a specific type? Shooting for a weapon I can use for 'weapons finesse'

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:
GM_Panic wrote:

Im in yes yes have to play an odd ball race.

would love to play a Sprite [CR 1/3] Investigator, be a fun PC.\

Lord Perpireen McGibel

That does sound fun! See CAMPAIGN INFO for character creation rules specific to this PBP campaign, and submit a fully detailed 1st level character sheet, along with a backstory that includes where the PC is from, and why he/she/it has recently become an adventurer. If you are one of the 6 players chosen to play, I’ll work with you to modify or expand your backstory to place you at the starting point of the campaign and get you involved in the starting adventure.

Gool GM, doing this now, Also I want him to come from Ireland, and from the court of the "King Under the Hill"

One of the leaders [kings] of the Tuatha Dé Danann Peoples. That should fit right into the setting.

Grand Lodge

i could see a short sword being the favoured weapon....Romans used short swords....and there are Roman Catholics....just spitballing...oh and traits...2 right?

Grand Lodge

ah...i cant buy the book....cuz Canada

Sariel Patrick Cornelius wrote:

So my inquisitor will go long bow if he is English, or crossbow for practically everyone else.

Since this Inquisitor will be catholic, lets discuss the 'Christian Gods' favorite weapon. There is a lot of references to 'double edged swords' in christian literature. Would you consider making his 'favored weapon' a double edged sword? If so could it be ANY double edge sword or a specific type? Shooting for a weapon I can use for 'weapons finesse'

I’m pretty flexible when it comes to allowing players to customize their PCs in my campaign. Collaboration is half the fun! I’d say any kind of double-edged sword would be an appropriate favored weapon. Longsword is probably most appropriate, but if you want to go finesse route, I’d allow rapier or another finesse sword to be chosen as your particular order’s favorite weapon.

GM_Panic wrote:
Michael Johnson 66 wrote:
GM_Panic wrote:

Im in yes yes have to play an odd ball race.

would love to play a Sprite [CR 1/3] Investigator, be a fun PC.\

Lord Perpireen McGibel

That does sound fun! See CAMPAIGN INFO for character creation rules specific to this PBP campaign, and submit a fully detailed 1st level character sheet, along with a backstory that includes where the PC is from, and why he/she/it has recently become an adventurer. If you are one of the 6 players chosen to play, I’ll work with you to modify or expand your backstory to place you at the starting point of the campaign and get you involved in the starting adventure.

Gool GM, doing this now, Also I want him to come from Ireland, and from the court of the "King Under the Hill"

One of the leaders [kings] of the Tuatha Dé Danann Peoples. That should fit right into the setting.

Cool idea! Sounds like a fun character. And will be able to fit in small spaces if necessary. Lol

grimdog73 wrote:
i could see a short sword being the favoured weapon....Romans used short swords....and there are Roman Catholics....just spitballing...oh and traits...2 right?

Yes, two traits.

grimdog73 wrote:
ah...i cant buy the book....cuz Canada

As long as we can check out the pertinent info on your chosen archetype online, I’m cool with it. No need to own the book. If it’s a Paizo publication and not third party, I trust that it’s pretty balanced and legit. Also, I trust your judgment, having played with you for a few years now! ;)

Grand Lodge

no i meant the one you wrote....i own the weapon masters book

grimdog73 wrote:
no i meant the one you wrote....i own the weapon masters book

Oh, damn, that sucks :/

Especially since your character Paddy is one of the heroes! :)

Maybe I can post the chapters in another thread for you, maybe in Campaign Journals?

grimdog73 wrote:
no i meant the one you wrote....i own the weapon masters book

I’ll send it to you in digestible chunks to your private mail lol

I sent you the first four uber-paragraphs (lol, sorry, that’s my archaic writing style) in two private messages, grimdog.

If anyone else would like to read my novella to get some campaign setting canon, but you can’t buy it on Amazon for whatever reason, let me know. I’m happy to PM you chunks of it at a time.

It’s about an English knight (Alphonse Veritas, aasimar paladin), an Irish thief (Paddy, tiefling rogue), a renegade Koga clan ninja (Hisao, human ninja), a Norse skald (Tyr Magnusson, human skald), and others who quest for powerful weapons and artifacts to use in the fight against a continental secret society called the Church of Lucifer—a satanic cult of devil-worshipping nobles and churchmen—bent on bringing about Doomsday.

Quick question, I really want to make a Living Grimoire inqusitor that wield a copy of the Malleus Maleficarum, Hammer of Witches in English, but it was published in 1486. Can we edit the world slightly to have it published during the time of the game?

Simeon wrote:
Quick question, I really want to make a Living Grimoire inqusitor that wield a copy of the Malleus Maleficarum, Hammer of Witches in English, but it was published in 1486. Can we edit the world slightly to have it published during the time of the game?

We could, or you could choose one of the many other real-life grimoires that we’re published by 1437, such as The Key of Solomon, or The Necronomicon of Abdul Alhazred, it the Emerald Tablets of Thoth... etc.... if you’re really sold on the Hammer, though, we can bend history a bit.

There was also Kabbala and Book of Enoch

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